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Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563

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Issues associated with modelling of proton exchange membrane fuel

cell by computational fluid dynamics
Tomasz Bednarek*, Georgios Tsotridis
European Commission, Joint Research Centre (JRC), Directorate for Energy, Transport and Climate, Westerduinweg 3, NL-1755 LE, Petten, The Netherlands

h i g h l i g h t s

 Limitations of CFD modelling on PEM single channel fuel cell are discussed.
 The voltage losses due to operating conditions and fuel cell components are investigated.
 The effects of uncertain model parameters on results accuracy are examined.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The objective of the current study is to highlight possible limitations and difficulties associated with
Received 20 April 2016 Computational Fluid Dynamics in PEM single fuel cell modelling. It is shown that an appropriate
Received in revised form convergence methodology should be applied for steady-state solutions, due to inherent numerical in-
11 January 2017
stabilities. A single channel fuel cell model has been taken as numerical example. Results are evaluated
Accepted 13 January 2017
for quantitative as well qualitative points of view. The contribution to the polarization curve of the
Available online 29 January 2017
different fuel cell components such as bi-polar plates, gas diffusion layers, catalyst layers and membrane
was investigated via their effects on the overpotentials. Furthermore, the potential losses corresponding
Proton exchange membrane
to reaction kinetics, due to ohmic and mas transport limitations and the effect of the exchange current
Fuel cell density and open circuit voltage, were also investigated. It is highlighted that the lack of reliable and
Modelling robust input data is one of the issues for obtaining accurate results.
Computational fluid dynamics © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction investigated the effects of water flooding, by using a mixture

approach to solve the problems arising from discontinuities be-
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is commonly used for tween gaseous and liquid phases. Rowe and Li [7] have developed a
Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell modelling by per- non-isothermal PEM fuel cell model to investigate the water
forming numerical simulations instead of usually expensive and management. It was found that temperature distribution is affected
time consuming experiments. Among the first research publica- by water phase change. Falca ~o et al. [8] has compared results of
tions with respect to CFD modelling were by Springer et al. [1] and one-dimensional model with three-dimensional simulations and
Bernardi and Verbrugge [2] who developed one-dimensional, experiments.
steady-state and isothermal PEM fuel cell models. Later other re- In addition, a number of two dimensional CFD models for PEM
searchers have modified existing approaches or have developed fuel cells were developed, among others by Kulikovsky [9,10] and
their own models such as Eikerling et al. [3] who investigated the Nguyen and White [11] who investigated the heat balance in
partial dehydration of the membrane, by considering electro- catalyst and proposed boundary conditions for the heat transport,
osmotic drag and counterflow due to hydraulic pressure. Maggio Kulikovsky et al. [12,13] investigated the cathode compartment of
et al. [4] studied the water transport in the membrane and evalu- the PEM fuel cell by including active and dead reaction zones while
ated the effective electro-chemical properties, Baschuk and Li [5,6] the convective transport of water through the membrane was
introduced by Yi and Nguyen [14]. Gurau et al. [15] presented a full
two-dimensional model of PEM fuel cell components, hence the
need to prescribe arbitrary or approximate boundary conditions at
* Corresponding author. the interfaces between the different fuel cell components was
E-mail address: (T. Bednarek).
0378-7753/© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563 551

eliminated. Furthermore, a two-dimensional two-phase mixture handbooks, i.e. by Newman and Thomas-Alyea [58], Vetter [75] and
model was developed by Wang et al. [16] to classify current density others. The relation between reference potential and exchange
thresholds corresponding to the presence of liquid water, while He current densities of the catalyst was evaluated by Bird et al. [51],
et al. [17] used the two-phase approach to investigate the effects of Mazumder and Cole [76]. Hydrogen Oxidation Reaction (HOR) is a
flow fields on the fuel cell performance. Two-phase PEM fuel cell subject of a number of papers, by Vogel et al. [77], Neyerlin et al.
model was also investigated by Hsing and Futerko [18], Futerko and [78] and the dual path-way HOR is presented by Wang et al. [79].
Hsing [19], Bao and Bessler [20e22]. Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) is investigated by Parthasarathy
In addition, three-dimensional models were and are currently et al. [80], Uribe et al. [81], while ORR parameters are given by
being developed. One of the first three dimensional PEM fuel cell Neyerlin et al. [82,83]. The double-trap ORR kinetics were intro-
model was presented by Um et al. [23] and Dutta et al. [24,25]. Um duced by Wang et al. [84] and were used in a number of publica-
and Wang [26] elucidating the interactions of mass transport and tions, such as by Weber and Newman [85,86], Subramanian et al.
electro-chemical kinetics. Jen at al [27]. developed an isothermal [87], Moore et al. [88,89].
PEM numerical model, while Ju et al. [28] developed a single-phase The heat transfer is accounted as a self-consistent phenomenon
non-isothermal model by taking into account, the entropic heat, without special boundary conditions. Its effect on water balance
the Joule heating arising from the electrolyte ionic resistance and and thermal conductivity of PEM fuel cell components is investi-
the irreversible heat due to electrochemical reactions. Furthermore, gated by Mazumder and Cole [90], Burheim et al. [91,92].
Berning et al. [29], Berning and Djilali [30,31] introduced a two- One of the most challenging issues in PEM fuel cell modelling is
phase and multicomponent PEM fuel cell model by including the multiphase mass transport, accounting of the evaporation/
cooling channels. The numerical model was further extended in condensation of water. The principles of two-phase mass transport
Berning et al. [32] to account the effects of vapour and liquid water on porous media was investigated by the multiphase mixture
management in the anode side. Nguyen at al. [33], using the model models presented by Wang and Cheng [93,94]. Shah et al. [95]
of [30,31], implemented a voltage-to-current (VTC) algorithm that studied the effects of liquid water presence on the fuel cell opera-
solves for the potential fields and allows for the computation of the tion using one-dimensional fuel cell model. Mazumder and Cole
local activation overpotential. Furthermore, Sivertsen and Djilali [90] introduced a two-phase homogenous mixture approach for
[34] have developed a non-isothermal code using parallel compu- PEM fuel cells. The mixture approach was used by Dawes et al. [96]
tations, applicable to investigate large models. Three-dimensional who investigated the effects of water flooding on the performance
investigation of the gas flow fields on fuel cell performance was of PEM fuel cell. Macroscopic modelling of liquid water transport
also performed, by Sreenivasulu et al. [35] and Li et al. [36]. An was presented by Jiao and Li [46], Nam and Kaviany [97]. Ding et al.
analytical approach in fuel cell performance modelling is pre- [98] and Le and Zhou [99] used the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF)
sented, by Haji [37] and Das et al. [38], while Mauritz and Moore approach to investigate the liquid water movement in a various
[39] were focused on the issues associated with Nafion membranes. flow patterns.
A comparison and overview of various numerical models of PEM Ziogou et al. [100], Schmittinger and Vahidi [101], Ju et al. [102],
fuel cell are provided by Wang [40] and Promislow and Wetton [41]. Iranzo et al. [103,104], Kim and Lee [105], Santarelli and Torchio
Recent advances of PEM fuel cell modelling using CFD are sum- [106] presented validation of fuel cell modelling results by
marised in state-of-the-art reviews such as Siegel [42], Djilali [43], comparing them with experiments performed while Barelli et al.
Weber et al. [44], Weber and Newman [45] Jiao and Li [46], Wang [107], Jang et al. [108], Latha et al. [109], Yuan et al. [110] investi-
[40], Wang et al. [47], Meng and Ruan [48], Secanell et al. [49], Perez gated fuel cell performance at various operating conditions. The
et al. [50]. effect of humidification of the reactant gases is investigated, among
In most of PEM fuel cell models the mass transport in gas other, by Zhang et al. [111], Jeon et al. [112], Shikha Bhatt et al. [113],
channels, and GDL (Gas Diffusion Layer) is based on the Navier- Jang et al. [108,114].
Stokes equations [51]. The mass transport in porous media GDL, Improved PEM fuel cells modelling require accurate input data
MPL (Micro-Porous Layer) and CL (Catalyst Layer) is modelled ac- of the effective transport properties of GDL, MPL and CL. Experi-
cording to the homogenous Darcy approximation [43,44,52,53]. mental measurements of the effective diffusivity of GDL were
Conservation of species is studied by using the Maxwell-Stefan performed by Unsworth et al. [115], Hwang and Weber [116],
equations and is presented in the handbook [51] and in papers by Martinez et al. [117]. Numerical calculation of effective transport
Weber and Newman [54,55], Kerkhof [56], Pant et al. [57]. The parameters were performed on GDL samples taken from compu-
electric charge transport theory is given in the handbook by tational tomography experiments, by. Bosomoiu et al. [118], Rosen
Newman and Thomas-Alyea [58]. et al. [119] as well as by artificially generated GDL-like fibre struc-
The electric charge and mass transport of the membrane are one tures, by Zamel and Li [120], Zamel et al. [121e124], Becker et al.
of the most important phenomena, responsible for the fuel cell [125,126], Schulz et al. [127]. The effects of diffusion on the voltage
reactions. The physical phenomena of the membrane are presented losses were studied by Greszler et al. [128].
by Mauritz and Moore [39] while the numerical simulations at The effects of liquid water on diffusion were investigated, by
molecular scale are presented by Ghelichi et al. [59]. The numerical Martinez et al. [117], Bosomoiu et al. [118], Owejan et al. [129],
model of the membrane is a subject of many publications. Water whereas the dependence of gas permeability of porous media as a
sorption and desorption are investigated by Ge et al. [60], Majsztrik function of liquid water saturation was investigated by Bosomoiu
et al. [61], Morris and Sun [62], Kusoglu and Weber [63], Kusoglu et al. [118], Rosen et al. [119], Ramos-Alvarado et al. [130].
et al. [64]. The water transport through the membrane and the The current paper highlights possible bottlenecks for predicting
transport coefficients were calculated, by Hallinan et al. [65,66], the performance of single PEM fuel cell models by using CFD due to
Morris and Sun [62], Rivin et al. [67], Ye and LiVan [68], Zawod- the limitations of the various physical models used in the simula-
zinski et al. [69], Zhao et al. [70]. The water balance through the tions. All operational and initial conditions with the required
membrane and appropriate numerical models were a topic of boundary conditions and the appropriate physical input values are
several papers, such as by. Eikerling et al. [71,72], Berning and Djilali presented, thereby providing to the reader the necessary infor-
[30], Berning et al. [29,32], Dutta et al. [24,25], Wu et al. [73] and mation for reproducing the presented results. The paper also ex-
Berg et al. [74]. amines the convergence of the numerical model and presents a
The electrochemical kinetics theory is provided in many methodology of obtaining converged results. The results are
552 T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563

examined from quantitative as well qualitative points of view. It is  The open circuit voltage VOCV is assumed as an input parameter
evident from the analysis that lack of reliable and robust input data because the potential loss between the theoretical reversible
of the various material properties is one of the bottlenecks for potential of the cell Erev and the open circuit voltage VOCV cannot
obtaining accurate results. It is also shown that two physical pa- be evaluated with the current numerical model. This admitably
rameters, namely the open circuit voltage and the reference ex- is a limitation of most CFD modelling efforts currently
change current density, play an important role in the evaluation of employed.
the polarization curve. The version of the fluid dynamic model  The electrical boundary conditions at the anode and cathode bi-
employed in the current study, requires that the values of both polar plate terminals are expressed as current density as a
open circuit voltage and reference exchange current density are function of the MEA active area.
provided as input parameters. In common practice, the open circuit
voltage is normally evaluated from experiments however the ex-
change current density cannot be directly measured. Once the open 2.2. Physical properties and operating conditions
circuit voltage and the reference exchange current density are
established for a particular type of Membrane Electrode Assemblies The physical constants used in the computations are listed in
(MEA), the software could provide a suggestion of the performance Table 1, whereas the operation conditions are taken from the JRC
of the MEA at different operating conditions. Science to Policy Report, EU Harmonised Test Protocols for PEMFC
MEA Testing in Single Cell Configuration for Automotive Applica-
2. Numerical PEM fuel cell model tions [142] and are presented in Table 2.
The simulation of fuel cell operation, at current density of 0.2
The governing equations of the PEM fuel cell model applied in Acm2 and higher, follows the stoichiometry regime, i.e. the
the current study are presented in Supplementary Information amount of supplied oxidant (air) and fuel (hydrogen) is directly
document available together with on-line version of the paper. proportional to the applied current density. The inlet mass flow
In an effort of simplifying the numerical calculations the “single rates of the supplied gasses are calculated according to the formula
serpentine cell” is approximated by a “single straight channel” of
equivalent channel length as that of the “single serpentine cell” Mx JAlx
Qx ¼ (1)
shown in Fig. 1. zx Ffx
The cross-section area of the anode and cathode flow channels is
1.5 mm2 e channel width 1 mm and the height of the channel where subscript x corresponds to hydrogen or air. Mx is the molar
is1.5 mm. The width of the bi-polar plate ribs is also 1 mm. Due to mass, J is the applied current density, A is the active area of the
symmetry the two ribs on both gas channel sides are 0.5 mm wide. catalyst layer (in the current study 25 cm2), zx is the coefficient
The length of the gas channels is 1250 mm, which corresponds to corresponding to the number of atoms taking part in fuel cell re-
the total length of the gas channels in a serpentine configuration, action, F is the Faraday constant, lx is the volumetric content of
hence representing 25 cm2 active area. hydrogen or oxygen in the supplied gases and fx is a mole fraction x
The gas diffusion layers on cathode and anode sides are the specie. The corresponding values of the parameters in formula (1)
same, of 300 mm thickness e according to SGL®GDL34BC data are given in Table 3.
sheets [141]. The catalyst layers and the micro-porous layers are For low current densities, of up to 0.2 Acm2, the flow rates of
20 mm thickness on both sides. The membrane is assumed to be the supplied gasses do not follow the stoichiometry regime and are
20 mm in thickness. assumed to be equal to the minimum flow rates corresponding to
The goal of the simulation is to get the polarization curve of the the current density of 0.2 Acm2.
single fuel cell at steady-state conditions. The composition of inlet gases (mole fractions of gas species) is
defined for nominal operating fuel cell temperature. The 30% RH air,
2.1. Model assumptions the oxidant gas, is composed as follows [mole fractions]:
C[O2] ¼ 0.197, C [H2O] ¼ 0.061 and C [N2] ¼ 0.742, while the fuel
The following working assumptions have been incorporated: (RH 50%) is composed of C [H2] ¼ 0.906 and C [H2O] ¼ 0.094 [mole
fractions]. To avoid H2O condensation in the region close to gas
 The flow of reactant gases (air and hydrogen) within the fuel cell inlets, it is assumed that inlet gases temperature is 5 K higher than
is counter-flow. Such a configuration is often used in practice nominal cell operating temperature.
because it encompasses a more uniform temperature and spe-
cies concentration distribution than the co-flow configuration. 3. Results
 Due to relatively low pressures of both supplied gasses, oxidant
(air) and fuel (hydrogen), the non-linear equation of state was All simulations presented in this study are performed by using
not considered, hence the assumption of an ideal gas is valid, the Fluent Fuel Cell and Electrolysis Module [143].
implying that the diffusion of gas species follows the Maxwell-
Stefan equations for ideal gas mixtures [131]. 3.1. Calculation scheme and numerical convergence
 Gas Diffusion Layer and Catalyst Layers are modelled as isotropic
and homogeneous media, hence mass transport within GDL and As presented in Supplementary Information, the numerical fuel
CL follows the Darcy approximation with isotropic effective cell model is constituted by a set of sub-domains connected by
transport coefficients [52,53]. appropriate internal boundary conditions and it should be ensured
 The homogeneous two-phase mixture model is taken into that all relevant equations have been converged to the correct
consideration. The liquid water saturation is accounted by a results.
scalar parameter and affects the viscosity and density of gas- The current study uses the Butler-Volmer (BeV) reaction ki-
liquid mixture as well the effective transport properties. It was netics model [12,23], details are provided in Supplementary
further considered that the water phase change evaporation/ Information. The applied BeV model, assumes that the flow of
condensation) occurs only in the porous layers GDL and CL electrons is the main driving force of the electro-chemical reaction
respectively. (equations (25) and (26) in Supplementary Information), hence
T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563 553

Table 2
Operating Conditions.

Parameter Operating conditions

Symbol Unit Setting

Nominal cell operating temperature Tcell K 353

ANODE Fuel gas inlet temperature Tfuel,in K 358

Fuel gas inlet humidity RH RH fuel,in % 50
Fuel gas pressure (absolute) Pfuel,in kPa 250
Fuel inlet stoichiometry lH2 e 1.3

CATHODE Oxidant gas inlet temperature Tair,in 358

Oxidant gas inlet humidity RH Ox,in % 30
Oxidant pressure (absolute) POx,in kPa 230
Oxidant inlet stoichiometry lOx e 1.5

Minimum current density for stoichiometry Jmin A cm2 0.2


Table 3
Properties of reactant gases for calculation of the inlet mass flow rates.

Air Hydrogen

Mx [kg mol1] 28.2e-3 3.5e-3

z 4 2
f [%] 19.7 90.6

Fig. 1. Domain of computations.

value. Furthermore all residual values corresponding to the
physical quantities must to be less than the assumed accuracy of
there is no possibility to accurately simulate the open circuit con- 1.0e-4.
ditions. For this reason a very small current density is required to  Initially, the flow field is calculated by switching off the elec-
perform the simulation at those “close to open circuit” conditions. trochemical part of the software, hence providing the flow
In the current study the open circuit conditions are simulated by distribution of hydrogen and air within the anode and cathode
the minimum current density of 1.0e-3Acm2, which is subse- compartments respectively. Subsequently, when stable condi-
quently increased in consecutive current density steps (namely: tions are reached, the complete set of momentum, energy and
0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 …., 1.6 Acm-2) to obtain the polarization curve. The electrochemistry equations are solved.
simulation on each current density step is continued until the  Since the time scales of the electrochemical reactions are
steady state solution is reached. To obtain a steady state solution on considerably shorter than those of the flow field within the
each current density step the following methodology was applied. channels of the fuel cell, initial time step of 1.0e-9 [s] is applied
to ensuring appropriate convergence. As soon as the steady state
 Convergence criteria are defined as follows: all physical vari- of the electro-chemical reactions is obtained, the time step is
ables need to be stable and tend asymptotically to a constant

Table 1
The PEM model parameters.

Parameter BPP GDL CL Membrane Unit

Material parameters
Specific heat 708 708 708 2000 J kg1K1
Thermal conductivity 10.0 0.83 1.7 0.2 W m1K1
Electrical conductivity 1.0e5 184 5.0e3 e Ohm1m1
Equivalent weight e e e 1100
Density (dry and non-porous) 2100 2100 2100 e kg m3
Structural parameters
Thickness e 300 20 20 mm
Porosity e 70 38 e %
Catalyst loading (ECSA) Anode e e 0.2 (1.7e7) e mg cm2 (m2 m3)
Cathode 0.4 (3.0e7)
Viscous resistance e 1.484e13 5.0e14 e m2
Contact angle 112 112 112 e degrees
Electrochemical parameters
Open circuit voltage VOCV 0.96 V
Exchange current density Anode 1.0e9 Am3
Cathode 1.0e4
Reference specie concentration O2 15.5 mole m3
H2 77.5
Concentration exponent Anode 0.5
Cathode 1
Exchange coefficient Anode 1
Cathode 1
554 T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563

Fig. 2. Methodology to obtaining a steady-state solution, a) scaled residuals of electric charge; b) plot of current density convergence starting form initial “zero” variable field; c)
convergence plot of current density with a different initial field corresponding to steady-state solution at 1.0 A cm2.

gradually increased to the value of 1.0e-5 [s], which is sufficient properties to start the calculations by using small values of under-
for simulating the mass transport within the fuel cell. relaxation parameters, and once stability has been achieved to
gradually increase them until 1.0. However, it should be mentioned
The stability of the simulations is ensured by using the under- that small values of under-relaxation parameters could possibly
relaxation scheme, for the momentum, temperature, conservation lead to wrong conclusions of convergence.
of species and electric potential. It should be however pointed out, As an example of a typical convergence strategy Fig. 2 is pre-
that small values of under-relaxation parameters (smaller than 1.0) sented. For demonstrating the convergence of the results the cur-
could significantly increase the number of iterations required to rent density was chosen as one of the most important and
obtain converged results. It is therefore suggested for obtaining influential parameter, since the performance of the fuel cell is
both stability of residuals and actual values of the physical evaluated based on the current density, although the convergence
T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563 555

Fig. 3. Velocity profiles along the gas channels at current density 0.8 A cm2, a) reference stoichiometry, namely lanode ¼ 1.3, lcathode ¼ 1.5 and b) high stoichiometry, namely
lanode ¼ lcathode ¼ 2.0.

of the rest of the parameters should be ensured as well. From Fig. 2a within the fuel cell, the velocity distribution at the cathode channel
it is shown that by using a relaxation factor u ¼ 0.8 the initial re- is relatively constant along the z-axis. Such a suggestion is valid for
sidual and the corresponding value of the current density (Fig. 2b) both cases, namely reference and high stoichiometry (Fig. 3a and b).
are fluctuating, see Region 1, clearly demonstrating that a lower At the anode channel, since the consumed hydrogen is not
relaxation factor is probably needed. To this effect, the relaxation replaced by other species, the hydrogen velocity decreases along
factor was changed from u ¼ 0.8 to u ¼ 0.77 resulting in a decrease the channel axis (Fig. 3). At the reference stoichiometry (l ¼ 1.3),
of residual values from 1.0e-03 (point A1) to 1.0e-07 (point A2) after most of the supplied hydrogen is consumed by the fuel cell re-
approximately 7000 iterations, Region 2. It is also observed that actions, hence at the anode channel the outlet velocity is consid-
although the residuals were decreased, implying that a converged erably smaller than the inlet velocity. At higher stoichiometry
solution was probably achieved, a closer look however, on the l ¼ 2.0 (Fig. 3b) more hydrogen is supplied while the same amount
actual current density value shows that there is a small increase to of hydrogen is consumed (since the current density, namely
the value of the current density, from 0.845 Acm2 (point B1) to 0.8 A cm2, is the same in both cases). For the case of high stoi-
0.852 Acm2 (B2) after approximately 8000 iterations. For this chiometry the anode outlet velocity is considerably higher than in
reason, and to accelerate convergence, a higher value of relaxation the case of the lower stoichiometry l ¼ 1.3. The difference between
factor namely u ¼ 0.85 was used (see Region 3), which resulted in a the inlet and outlet hydrogen velocities is similar in both cases,
slightly improved convergence rate, namely the current density namely at reference and high stoichiometry (Fig. 3) leading to the
increases form 0.852 Acm2 (point B2) to 0.871 Acm2 (point B3) conclusion that the anode gas velocity directly depends on the
after nearly 10000 iterations. From these values, one could easily applied current density and hydrogen stoichiometry factor.
draw the wrong conclusion that the solution has been converged. The velocity profile in anode and cathode gas channels is very
However an even closer look on the results demonstrates that the close to the fully developed parabolic distribution, see Fig. 3. Due to
value of current density is monotonously rising. In an effort to the coupling with the porous gas diffusion layer, the boundary
further accelerate convergence to the correct values, the relaxation condition between the gas diffusion layer and gas channel does not
parameter u was increased to u ¼ 1.0 (see Region 4). This signifi- correspond to the no-slip condition, however the difference be-
cant increase in the value of u introduced a perturbation to the tween theoretical (parabolic) velocity profile and that obtained
current density, see point B4, which however resulted in an numerically is relatively low e about 3%.
asymptotic convergence to the final value of 1.02 Acm2 see point It should to be noticed that, due to the homogenous mixture
B5. Furthermore, and in an effort to further consolidate the results, two-phase assumption, the axial gas velocity profiles remains al-
the whole calculation was repeated with a different initial field of ways parabolic, despite the presence of liquid water, see Fig. 5.
all variables and the results converged to the same values of the Therefore, the liquid water within the gas channel has a minor
current density, see Fig. 2c, hence confirming that the value of the effect on the flow rate of the gas species, clearly demonstrating the
current density was the correct result. limitations of the homogenous two-phase approach.
Similar conclusions were drawn by Ding et al. [98], Le and Zhou
[99], Iranzo et al. [103] based on neutron imaging investigations of
3.2. Velocity, pressure and temperature fields liquid water accumulated in PEM fuel cell. It was concluded that the
liquid water distribution obtained by numerical simulation using
The axial velocity distribution corresponding to a current den- the mixture approach was not confirmed by experimental results.
sity of 0.8Acm2 at reference (lanode ¼ 1.3, lcathode ¼ 1.5) and high The current study assumes that the liquid water has the same ve-
stoichiometry (lanode ¼ lcathode ¼ 2.0) conditions is presented in locity as that of air in the cathode and hydrogen in the anode
Fig. 3 at different cross-section positions along the z-axis of the fuel therefore all effects of liquid water in the gas channels are
cell channel (air velocity distribution in the cathode and hydrogen neglected.
velocity distribution in the anode compartment). Percentage values To ensure that the flow in the gas channels is laminar and the
correspond to the fractions of the total length of the channel. It is applied flow model is correct, the Reynolds number (inertia force
observed at the cathode channel, that since the main element of the divided by viscous force) defined as
air is nitrogen (74% of the total air volume) which does not react
556 T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563

increases with increasing current density and takes values of (for

rvl cathode gas channel): 0.45, 1.5 and 2.32 kPa for current densities
Re ¼ (2)
m 0.2, 0.8 and 1.2 Acm-2 respectively.
The maximum temperature of anode and cathode GDL depends
is examined, where: r and m are gas density and dynamic viscosity on the current density and takes values of 353.6 K, 254.7 and
respectively, l is hydraulic diameter of the channel and v is an axial 355.4 K at current density 0.2, 0.8 and 1.2 A cm-2 respectively. The
velocity. At 80OC and 230 kPa operating temperature and pressure temperature of the GDL is influenced by the temperature of the
respectively the density and the corresponding density and vis- inlet gasses and then increases due to the exothermic electro-
cosity are r ¼ 2.2287 [kg m3] and m ¼ 2.302e-5 [Pa s]. The Reynolds chemical reaction (HOR on anode and ORR on cathode sides
number takes the maximum value in cathode gas channel equal to respectively). The cathode GDL is slightly warmer since ORR reac-
452.5. Since the Reynolds number is lower than 1000 the flow in tion produces more heat than HOR [38,138,139,144]. However,
gas channels is laminar. except at the inlet, the temperature distribution along the single
Since the simulations are performed in the stoichiometry channel is uniform and does not change more than 0.4 K in case of
regime, higher current density implies higher inlet mass flow ratio current density 1.2 A cm2
(and inlet velocity) for the supplied gasses. Therefore the pressure
drop increases with increasing current density. In all cases, namely
for current densities form 0.2 up to 1.6 A cm2, the pressure decay is 3.3. Distribution of species and liquid water
nearly linear along the anode as well cathode channels. Since the
simulations are performed in the stoichiometry regime, higher The mole fractions and flow rates of O2, H2 and H2O vapour
current density implies higher inlet mass flow ratio (hence inlet along the fuel cell channels are presented, at the cathode and anode
velocity) for the supplied gasses. Therefore the pressure drop sides in Fig. 4a and b respectively. It is noticed, that in the cathode

Fig. 4. Mole rates and fractions of the species (hydrogen, oxygen and water vapour) along the cathode (a) and anode (b) channels. Fields of oxygen and hydrogen mole fractions
correspond to consecutive cross-sections along the cell, namely: 25%, 50% and 75% of the total cell length.
T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563 557

compartment the O2 molar fraction, as well as the O2 mole flow GDL surface than at the middle of the channel. This implies that the
rate, decreases from the inlet to the outlet. Therefore due to diffusion limitations correspond mainly to the cathode side of the
decreasing O2 concentration, the O2 consumption rate decreases fuel cell and to the slower diffusion of oxygen molecules. It is also
also. Such a non-linear O2 mole fraction behaviour is confirmed by shown that the oxygen concentration in the GDL under the rib is
the water vapour concentration at the gas diffusion layer surface, significantly lower than under the channel. As it is shown in
see Fig. 4a. The highest H2O vapour production rate is located close Ref. [118], the GDL under the rib is less porous and less diffusive
to the air inlet (see molar fraction of H2O on the gas diffusion layer than the GDL under the channel, since the ribs affect considerably
surface in Fig. 4a) which corresponds to the highest O2 utilization. the distribution of oxygen molecules inside the GDL.
The H2O vapour mole fraction on the cathode gas diffusion layer The investigation of liquid water distribution is limited to the
surface increases along the channel. This increase is directly pro- cathode side of the fuel cell only. The numerical model used in the
portional to O2 consumption (see mole fraction of O2, Fig. 4a). In the current study does not allow considering liquid water on anode
region close to the air outlet (~1.2 m) the mole fraction of H2O side.
vapour on GDL layer decreases while the vapour fraction in the The comparison of liquid water distributions along the cathode
channel centre still rises. Such behaviour could be explained by GDL and CL for various current densities is presented in Fig. 5. As
decrease of O2 concentration, hence less water is produced. expected more liquid water is accumulated under the rib area as
The mole fraction of hydrogen on the GDL surface is very close to compared with under the channel, however this difference reduces
its value in the centre line of the anode gas channel (Fig. 4b). Small with increasing saturation. It is noticed that the highest volume
hydrogen molecules diffuse easily hence the H2 distribution is fraction of liquid water occurs at current density range from 0.6 to
uniform [131]. 0.8 A cm2, Fig. 5. At low current densities (up to 0.6 A cm2) the
The H2 concentration in the anode channel shows that the mole hydrophobicity (contact angle 112O, Table 1) is sufficient to drain
fraction of H2 decreases slightly close to the inlet (at position the produced liquid water. In the range between 0.6 and 0.8 A cm2
1.25 m) from 0.9 to ~0.8. Such decrease of H2 mole fraction corre- liquid water saturation takes its maximum. At values above the
sponds to H2 utilization, whereas simultaneously the H2O vapour current density of 0.8 A cm2 the gas flow in cathode channel is
mole fraction increases and reaches the value of ~0.19 which cor- sufficient strong to enhance the liquid water removal form the GDL,
responds to full humidification of anode gas e maximum mole hence the average liquid water saturation decreases, Fig. 5.
fraction of water vapour in hydrogen at operating conditions Regardless the liquid water saturation, the membrane is well
(Table 2) is equal 0.189 [145]. Therefore a rather constant H2 mole humidified even at low current densities. The distribution of
fraction is maintained until the end of the channel. Constant mole membrane water content (at current density 0.2, 0.8 and 1.2
fraction of H2 does not imply that the H2 is not consumed. On the Acm2) and dependence of average membrane water content on
contrary as it is shown on the left hand side of Fig. 4b, due to the the current density are presented in Fig. 5. At low current densities
continuously decreasing axial velocity of hydrogen gas (Fig. 3a), the the distribution of water content is more uniform compared to high
mole flow rate of H2 in the channel decreases monotonically. current densities (i.e. 1.2 A cm2). In case of current density
Fig. 4 presents the mole fractions fields of oxygen and hydrogen 0.8 A cm2 and higher, membrane under the rib is more humidified
in consecutive channel cross-sections, namely 25%, 50% and 75% of that under the land area. However, the plot in Fig. 5 shows that
the total length. It is shown that the distribution of hydrogen is average water content in the membrane does not change signifi-
more uniform than the distribution of oxygen. Hydrogen diffuses cantly with current density.
faster while the concentration of oxygen is significantly lower at the

Fig. 5. Average values of cathode GDL liquid water saturation (blue) and water content (red) in the membrane at various current densities. The distribution of water saturation and
water content in the membrane correspond to different current densities, namely: 0.2, 0.8 and 1.2 A cm2. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
558 T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563

Fig. 6. Average current density and average potential profiles along the fuel cell length. The distribution of potential (at current density 0.8 Acm2) corresponds to consecutive
cross-sections along the cell, namely: 10%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 90% of the total cell length while the current distribution corresponds to middle cross-section of the cell. Black arrows
denote flow of electrons.

3.4. Current and voltage distribution The distribution of the current density at cross-section of the
cell is presented in Fig. 6. The electric current flows from the CL,
The average current density and voltage distributions along the through the BPP ribs to the electric terminals on both anode and
fuel cell are presented in Fig. 6 for current densities of 0.2, 0.8 and cathode sides. It is shown that the highest potential is located under
1.2 Acm-2. For all cases the highest current density and potential the channel area. However, the current produced under the chan-
are observed at the air inlet and hydrogen outlet, while the lowest nel area flows to the BPP ribs mainly via the less porous but higher
values are observed at the air outlet and hydrogen inlet. For low conductive CL (see Table 1). Due to the relatively low CL thickness
current density, namely 0.2 Acm-2, the distribution of current (as compared to the GDL) the highest electric current is located at
density and potential is more uniform than in case of high current the catalyst layer, hence producing more heat which could affect
density 1.2Acm-2. the membrane performance.
The current density and potential distributions directly corre-
spond to the oxygen concentration distribution in the cathode gas
channel (see Fig. 4, where the O2 mole fraction distribution is 3.5. Overpotential
presented at current density of 1.2Acm2). The highest O2 con-
centration the cathode gas reaches its maximum at the air inlet The polarization curve is calculated based on the analysis pre-
(mole fraction 0.178 corresponds to the air inlet boundary condi- sented in Supplementary Information and the overpotentials are
tion), whereas, due to consumption of O2 at the cathode CL the presented in Fig. 7. The obtained activation overpotential is equal to
concentration of oxygen decreases, as demonstrated in Fig. 4. The hreact ¼ e0.017 and corresponds to the theoretical value
decreasing O2 concentration decreases the diffusion rate of O2 hTafel ¼ e0.01521 (equation (37) in Supplementary Information).
through the gas diffusion layer, therefore less current due to the The Tafel slope predicts the theoretical performance of the
electro-chemical reaction is produced. catalyst for a set of operating conditions, hence considers the
The effect of hydrogen consumption on the potential distribu- catalyst activation losses. All other potential losses corresponding
tion along the fuel cell (Fig. 6) is negligible. As it is shown in Fig. 4b to electrical resistance and insufficient delivery of species are
despite of hydrogen consumption, the hydrogen concentration is neglected. Since the HOR losses are at least one order of magnitude
relatively high and almost constant along the anode gas channel, smaller than the ORR losses [38,138,139,144], the current study
therefore there is no local lack of reactant fuel in the anode CL. does not distinguish the individual anode and cathode contribu-
Comparison between Figs. 4 and 6 leads to the conclusion that tions to the activation losses hreact.
the electrochemical reaction rate directly depends on the O2 mole In the catalyst, the temperature has an adverse effect on the
fraction. Therefore the delivery of O2 to the cathode CL has a direct reaction kinetics overpotential hreact. According to equation (37)
effect on the PEM fuel cell performance. given in Supplementary Information, increasing temperature in-
creases the reaction kinetic losses [140]. However, the adverse
T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563 559

Fig. 7. The contribution of overpotentials to the polarization curve. Equations are provided in Supplementary Information.

temperature effect on the hreact overpotential is partially compen- membrane is relatively constant. Therefore the ohmic losses due to
sated by favourable temperature effects on the diffusivity of reac- protonic conductivity can be considered as the effect of the mem-
tant species [131], hence improving the total fuel cell performance. brane thickness.
Fig. 7 shows the ohmic losses with respect to the current den- The current fuel cell model considers the same transport
sity. The first inflection point of the polarization curve determines properties of the anode and cathode gas diffusion layers, hence the
the current density above which the hreact overpotential does not contribution of cathode diffusion layers (GDL and CL) equal to ~36%
significantly increase, hence the ohmic losses hU are starting to of the total ohmic overpotential.
dominate. In the current study, the first inflection point appears at The overpotential due to the species transport limitation hflow
0.2 Acm2, Fig. 7. The total ohmic overpotential hU, which is the sum plays a noticeable role only on the high current density regime. The
of the losses due to electrical resistivity of the fuel cell components: hflow overpotential demonstrates an insufficient delivery of re-
i.e bi-polar plate, gas diffusion and catalyst layers as well as actants to the catalyst layer, mainly O2 (as shown in section 3.4, the
membrane (in case of the membrane the protonic resistivity is hydrogen diffuses relatively fast to the anode CL). The GDL as a
considered). However, the resistivity of BPP is negligible as porous structure shows a resistance to convection and diffusion of
compared to GDL, CL and membrane. The slope of the ohmic losses reactant species. At high current density, the product liquid water
shows the optimum theoretical performance of the MEA arrange- partially occupies the GDL pores, hence additionally hinders the
ment, assuming that there are no effects of the produced water and diffusion of species from the gas channel to the catalyst layer. In
delivery of reactants. extreme conditions, the produced liquid water might drastically
The ohmic overpotential is expressed as reduce the gas diffusivity and permeability of GDL due to blocking
of the diffusion pathways [118]. The overpotential due to species
transfer limitation hflow could be extracted from the IeV curve,
hU ¼ hanode
U þ hcathode
U þ hmem
U (3) Fig. 7, as the difference between the ohmic losses hU and the cor-
responding fuel cell potential, Fig. 7.
The first two terms correspond to the electrical resistivity of the
One of the reasons of insufficient delivery of reactant species is
anode and cathode GDLs and CLs (hanode
U and hcathode
U ), whereas the
due to the fuel cell operating conditions, namely temperature and
last term refers to the protonic resistivity of the membrane
oxidant gas composition. The operating temperature has a direct
U (the effect on the thickness of the membrane). The value of effect on the species diffusion coefficients [131]. Oxygen as well as
U is taken from the simulation results as the potential differ-
hydrogen species diffuse faster at high temperature, hence
ence between the anode CL and the anode BPP terminal (hcathodeU is
reducing hflow overpotential.
obtained accordingly). The potential loss due to the ionic mem-
brane conductivity is expressed as the protonic potential difference
between the anode and cathode sides of the membrane. Fig. 7 3.6. Effect of uncertainty of the input parameters
shows the total ohmic overpotential (slope equal to 0.198) and
the contribution of the protonic resistivity of the membrane (slope In the current study the sensitivity analysis of two electro-
equal to 0.055). The contribution of the membrane protonic chemical coefficients which are linked with the employed
resistance ranges from 27 to 29% of the total ohmic overpotential. Buttler-Volmer model, equations (25) and (26) in Supplementary
The ionic conductivity of the membrane depends on the Information, is studied, namely:
membrane thickness and humidification. The assumption of
steady-state simulation implies that the membrane is well hu-  open circuit voltage VOCV and
midified even at relatively low current densities. In the current  cathode reference exchange current density jref
cat .
study the average water content l (equation (29) in Supplementary
Information) does not change more than 2.5% as a function of the It should be stated that in the current study and in other similar
applied current density (Fig. 5), hence the ionic conductivity of the studies [34,43,101], due to the employed electro-chemical Butler-
560 T. Bednarek, G. Tsotridis / Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 550e563

Volmer model, the value of the open circuit voltage VOCV is required value of jref should be taken from experiments, otherwise the user
for establishing the polarization curve. Therefore VOCV is considered has the possibility of using any value from a wide range of jref. For
as an input parameter to the numerical model. This consideration example Stolten et al. [146] provides a range values of cathode
implies that an experiment has to be performed prior of the CFD exchange current density from 1.0e3 to 1.0e4 Am3.
simulation, for providing the value of the VOCV. Such an approach It is shown that reaction kinetics constants, both open circuit
somehow limits the so called “predictive nature” of PEM fuel cells voltage as well as reference exchange current density, have a sig-
models when using the Butler-Volmer approach. nificant impact on the results, Fig. 8, therefore uncertainties of
The effect of the open circuit voltage VOCV is shown in Fig. 8, those parameters impair the predictive nature of computer
where two values of VOCV are considered, namely 0.96 V and 1.0 V. simulations.
The dotted lines correspond to Tafel slopes for two VOCV values of
0.96 V and 1.0 V respectively. It is shown in Fig. 8 that the different 4. Conclusions
values of VOCV affect the polarization curves by shifting them
accordingly to the chosen value of VOCV. In particular, the polari- The current paper studies the PEM fuel cell single channel by
zation curve for the VOCV ¼ 1.0V is shifted up by 0.04V as compared using the CFD approach. The governing equations are presented
to the VOCV ¼ 0.96V. However, the Tafel and the ohmic losses slopes and discussed per fuel cell component in Supplementary data
for both cases are equal. associated with the paper, namely, bi-polar plates, gas channels,
The second uncertain parameter considered in this study is the gas diffusion and catalyst layers and polymer membrane. Results of
cathode reference exchange current density jref, which appears in simulations are presented in terms of velocity, pressure and tem-
the Butler-Volmer equations (25) and (26) in Supplementary perature distributions, concentration of reactant species and
Information. Since the HOR is much faster than ORR [38,139], the accumulation of liquid water within the GDL and the membrane.
electrochemical kinetics of fuel cell are mainly controlled by the Due to the complexity of PEM fuel cell model the solutions might
cathode oxygen reduction reaction, therefore the effect of the not converge to the correct results. To this effect, the study presents
anode exchange current density is not considered here. a detailed mitigation strategy in ensuring that the results have
The values of cathode exchange current densities are considered converged to the correct physical values.
in the range from 1.0e3 up to 1.0e4 [146]. Since the wide range of The water vapour balance and distribution of species calculated
the cathode exchange current density is provided in the literature, from CFD were compared against analytical calculations at the inlet
there is no clear indication which value should be used, thereby and outlet positions based on gas inlet composition and applied
leaving a gap in the choice of this value. Therefore such parameter stoichiometry, and it was found to be in close agreement to each
quite often is used retrospectively for ensuring that the calculated other. It was also concluded, that due to the homogenous mixture
results are as close as possible to the experimental values. assumption of the two-phase model, the axial velocity profile in the
In this study, the polarization curves are simulated for two gas channels remains always parabolic as in the case of single-
extreme values of cathode exchange current density jref, namely: phase flow, despite the presence of liquid water. Therefore, the
1.0e3 and 1.0e4 Acm3 in order to show its effects on fuel cell liquid water within the gas channel has no effect on the flow rate of
performance. It is presented in Fig. 8, that jref influences only re- the gas species, clearly demonstrating the limitation of the above
action kinetics overpotential and does not affect the ohmic over- assumption.
potential slope hU and overpotential due to species transport The reaction kinetics, ohmic and mass transport overpotentials
limitations hflow. The highest value of cathode jref decreases the Tafel are calculated and the contributions from the different fuel cell
slope hence improves the fuel cell performance e less reaction components on the potential losses are analysed. The current study
kinetic losses. At current densities greater than 0.15e0.20 Acm2, also presents the influence on the results due to the uncertainty in
where reaction kinetics overpotential does not play significant role, the values of the electrochemical constants. It is shown, that the
the potential difference between the two investigated cases are fuel cell performance based on the polarization curve, which is
constant and equal about ~0.036 V. commonly calculated via the Butler-Volmer reaction kinetics, re-
The value of reference exchange current density jref depends on quires as input a number of parameters out of which there are two
the type of applied catalyst and the electro-chemical surface area important ones namely: the open circuit voltage and exchange
(ECSA) [146]. Since there is no direct method to measure ECSA, the current density. Both parameters can only be obtained from an
experimental campaign of a single fuel cell testing or from empir-
ical (or statistical) expressions. Uncertainties in the values of the
open circuit voltage and exchange current density provide the
possibility of using them as “tuning” parameters for the CFD cal-
culations to ensuring agreement between polarization curves ob-
tained by CFD simulations and those obtained by experimental

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://


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