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2-16. Do you agree that it is inequitable to offer the corporate workers better benefits
then the store partners? Why? Is that what the law would seem to say?

I do feel that it is unfair for corporate workers to have better benefitsthan retail workers.
It gives off a status that corporate is better than retail workers due to their positions.
Within a corporation only giving benefits to upper level employees, that itself is
discriminatory. A retail worker could have a disability preventing them the ability to work
a certain type of position. The ADA specifically covers this type of scenario from
happening. (Dessler, p. 38)

2-17. What arguments would you make as Starbucks’ CEO concerning why the current
policy is fair?

If I were to make a statement to solidify the reasonings of why policies were unfair, I
would use detailed scenarios that can happen to anyone("Equal Pay/Compensation
Discrimination"). An example could be if a CEO and a retail worker were to both a have
an emergency regarding their children, who would get priority to be taken care of while
on a leave of absence? A scenario like this sheds light on regardless of status, we are all
equal and things can happen. A retail store needs their workers, and corporate needs
their workers. It is important that all sides of a business are treated fairly.

2-18. How would you handle this situation if you were running a company that was
confronted by a shareholder making these demands?

If I was put into a situation where I needed to handle a shareholder making such
decisions, I would address the laws put in effect to prevent this. Its not just an opinion-
based issues, it is a legal issue and going against that policy is breaking the law and
could end with fines or more serious consequences. I would address these concerns of
needing to stay within what is legal and if not, I would report the shareholder for their

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