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Since it seems that practically everything has been automated, from processes

to production and from manufacturing to selling, automation alters the future of

innovation. From water and coffee to daily expenses like train cards, power chargers,

computer rentals, and even money transactions, from paying bills to leisure and

entertainment, has also become automatic - rendering convenience - technology has

changed the mode of transaction for common to leisure products. Mechanisms like the

"Automated Tubig Machine," "Coffee Vending Machine," "Charging Station,"

"Pisonet," and similar others demonstrate the value of automation and how it has

improved a Filipino's quality of life. The future will likely shift due to automation.

Both vendors and customers benefit from the convenience and dependability of

automated vending and product sales. Compared to manual selling, which could be

unpleasant and even untimely, it results in a hassle-free and superior transaction of


The technology industry is constantly working to provide the newest

innovations that will change how people live. One of these inventions is the vending

machine technology, which allows for continuous product distribution to customers

without the need for personnel or other human help. The user of the products and the

machine owner are the two people who often participate in vending machine

procedures. Since then, a wide range of clients have been served by these machines

using a variety of products. Now that all types of drinks may be dispensed using this

technology, the globe is a more convenient place to live in terms of making purchases.

When a transaction is completed correctly in accordance with how the computer is

programmed, it is possible to use the entire process because it is automated. Some

exclusively accept cash in its physical form, while others accept credit cards for

online purchases. There are many benefits to using this service, many of them are

based on convenience for the customer using the machine. Customers that use

vending machines have the freedom to buy things whenever they want throughout the

day. Anytime of the year, a person can shop for the thing they want.

Another benefit that technology has given to business is diversity in the

products that a vending machine can handle. Because they are typically placed in

convenient locations, vending machines are time- and space-saving because you can

always acquire what you want. For the owner, who doesn't have many ongoing

operating costs, it is a one-time investment. The owner's profit margin is only

increased by reducing overhead costs by not adding workers, making the business a

sure bet for success. If necessary, the equipment can always be moved to another

location and keep providing the services.

The majority of people are kept from being thirsty and hungry, or even from

having an empty pocket and dead phone battery, by an automated vending machine. A

vending machine exchanges goods for cash with anyone and can be a reliable source

of income for those who are interested in running a successful business.

Rationale of the Study

By replacing the conventional method of selling rice with an innovative

technology, the researchers were able to increase the distribution channel for edible

rice, increase the selling efficiency of rice to consumers, and find some partial

solutions. In order to remedy the issue, the researchers use technology to build a

vending machine for rice. With the use of technology, a more effective and affordable
solution will be created to enhance daily living. The labor intensity will also be

reduced because the vending machine for rice is an automatic selling mechanism. As

a result, consumers will have the chance to buy rice at a lower price, and rice dealers

will have an advantage over their rivals.

In response to the current trend in the field of information technology, the

researchers also apply the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT). As the sales and

monitoring of networks of rice vending machines can be accessed easily on

smartphones or other devices connected to the internet, business owners will have

easier access to the information that will be altered by the machine digitally. The

owner will be informed of his business in real-time, making management of the retail

rice business easier.

Review of Related Literature

 Theoretical Framework

By incorporating it into the study, the researchers take use of the new Internet

of Things trend. The most will be made of modern technology, including the usage of

wireless internet and cellphones. Since the material is accessible across the network,

accessing it will be easier.

They refer to vending machines as a silent salesman with an integrated cash

register that sells items and services worth billions of dollars to consumers all over the

world. (Vending machines: Introduction and Innovation, Norton E. Marks, Nov. 6,

2010). The globe currently relies on vending machines to sell hundreds of different

items and services. Nowadays, the majority of individuals use vending machines

rather than traveling to a convenience store. Since the first vending machine, which

sold gum, was developed and put to the test in France, a wide range of products,
including the subsequent craze of vending gum, chocolates, peanuts, cigarettes, water,

coffee, and many more sophisticated machines, have started to emerge. (Colmer, 30-

31). Because VAT is added to the entire package rather than being sold one item at a

time, selling retail is significantly more profitable than selling wholesale.

Additionally, since rice is a staple food in the Philippines, selling it through a vending

machine is the best option. The distinction is that we will be able to offer rice for less

than retail stores since we have fewer resources, such as staff, a site to rent, and

maintenance, compared to other countries that sell rice curries in vending machines,

such as Japan.

 Conceptual Framework

Because the product has a low minimum purchase requirement, more rural

poor people will be able to purchase rice with their available funds. Additionally,

because there are fewer costs associated with staffing, rent, and maintenance, rice

may be sold using the device at a lower cost by purchasing it directly from rice

milling companies as opposed to levels of dealers who raise the price.

If the product is successfully adopted, it will primarily have the impact of

reducing the population that cannot access their daily needs of rice and the population

that suffers from stomach illnesses as a result of famine. The rice seller community

should be impacted by the secondary effect because the product will face new


The graphic provides a conceptual representation of the Rice Retailer

Machine's data processing cycle. From one peso to one hundred pesos, the user can

input cash in the form of coins and bills. When enough money has been inserted, the

machine will display the amount on the LCD screen. The user can then select the
button for the type of rice he wants to buy by pressing it. The system will convert the

inserted money's value into kilograms. It will also be shown on the screen. The

machine will begin dispensing the amount of rice equal to the money inserted once

the user has confirmed his purchase. Additionally, the device will disburse a plastic

bag for the rice.

Statement of the Problem

Consumers' access to rice depends on its affordability and physical

accessibility. Due to a shortage of options for shops, consumers do not physically

have access to rice. Furthermore, these stores charge a price for rice that not many

customers can afford, rendering rice economically out of reach for them. Despite their

being a sufficient supply of rice, these anxieties continue to exist.

Main problem

o Why does rice cost more at the retail level?

o Where may rice be purchased with the greatest ease, both practically and



o What techniques can be used to shorten the supply chain?

o How can the business owner keep an eye on it?

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