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Critique of the paper titled “Implementation of strategic human resource management

practices: a review of the national scientific production and new research paths”

Authored by Castro, et al (2020)


The paper reviewed existing literature related to how practices of strategic human resource
management are implemented based on new paths in research and national scientific production.
The research was focused on researches carried out on business institutions within the country of
Brazil. The research covered a duration of 20 years ranging from 1997 to 2017. It was revealed
that among the 32 journals researched on, only 19 of the focused on implementation of SHRM.
Most of the articles applied qualitative methods whose methodological approaches were found to
be case studies. Majority of the articles collected data by use of interview guides which was later
analyzed through use of content analysis technique.


Research title – the title is too long and not informative on the relationship between the variables
under investigation.

Recommendation - The title should have consisted of at least 10 and maximum of 15 words long
clearly indicating the purpose of the study.

Abstract – the abstract is too detailed concise, but did not address all the key section in the research
paper. For instance, the abstract did not indicate the theoretical foundation which guided the study.
The methodological sections seem to lack key procedural guide followed by the authors. It can
also be observed that authors included citations in the abstract.

Recommendation - The abstract should be precise to the point containing the purpose of the study,
properly highlighting the concepts methods and materials used, sample size and selection, key
findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study.

The purpose/statement problem – the purpose of study highlighted in the introduction has
succinctly indicated the intentions of the research and has not properly brought out the focus of
the research. Nevertheless, the statement problem seems to be lacking supporting literature

Recommendations – the purpose/problem statement should have precisely indicated what was
studied focusing more on aspects under investigation. The problem would have gained strength
when guided and/or backed up by evidence/statistics from existing literature. In a nutshell, the
author were supposed to answer questions like “What is the problem? Why is it an problem? Who
has attempted to study it and what did they study? What did they want to do about the problem
different from others?”

Literature review – the research literature review is scanty elaborated on aspects related to the
research. The other notable shortfalls in literature section include lack of theoretical foundation
and is also full of old literature which might not form a strong basis of argument.
Recommendation – the section of literature review would have a beginning which should define
or give a development of the research question. The author should be able to identify the methods
applied by the respective scholars to create research gaps (methodological, conceptual and
contextual gaps). The study should have looked outstanding and if possible with inclusion of a
conceptual model to guide the reader on the relationship between variables. Furthermore,
theoretical foundation would been used to support themes from the literature that are conceptually
mapped and used to set boundaries for the research concepts being studied and show how they are
applicable on the linkage between them. Ultimately, formulation of hypothesis showing the
correlational designs/the relationships that exist between two or more variables would have been
more informative on the assumptions of the study.

Methodology – the methods used in the research paper under scrutiny are well outlined. However,
the author did not indicate properly the methods used in data analysis and ethical considerations
observed during the research.

Recommendations – the author ought to have observed all the approaches followed in the
methodological section of such kind of study

Findings/discussion – the study’s key findings are not well highlighted in relation to the purpose
of the study instead they focused on journal publishers, their categories, and methods applied.
Therefore making the reader get hard time in establishing the main results. Another notable issue
is that the language used in presenting the results is confusing given that the research paper was
written in English language

Recommendations – Interpretations or inferences drawn from the findings would have been
clearly identified in consistent with the results. For instance, what are some of practices found to
applied in implementing strategic human resource management? The discussion of the findings
should also be narrated logically based on the concepts being studied but with backup of literature

Conclusion and recommendations - The conclusion section is a little bit too long and the study
lacks sufficient recommendations suggesting for future research.
Recommendation - The author would have precisely concluded the study based on the findings
and indicate how the findings can be applied in practice. The researcher would have also made
relevant and meaningful suggestions for future research

References – the list of references is well stated based on the rules and guidelines of APA 6 th


Castro, M. V. M., Araujo, M. L., Ribeiro, A. M., Demo, G. & Meneses, P. P. M. (2020).
Implementation of strategic human resource management practices: a review of the
national scientific production and new research paths. Revista de Gest~ao, 27(3), 229
– 246

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