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A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify drugs according to its use and effect

2. Create a slogan on how to avoid the effects of stimulants, depressants and
hallucinogens; and
3. Express understanding why there is a need to avoid such drugs.


Topic: Classification of drugs according to use and effect

Reference: MAPEH textbook, pp. 370-372
Materials: strips, video clips, photocopied materials, pictures
Values: cooperation and participation


A. Preparatory Activities:
a. Prayer
b. Greetings
c. Checking of attendance
d. Setting of classroom standards.

B. Review:
The teacher will ask, "What we discussed last meeting?"
It's all about the meaning and forms of drugs.
C. Lesson Proper:
a. Activity:
The teacher will show or present a short video presentation about the lesson.
Students must observe the video. Afterwards, the teacher will ask the students
about the video presented to them.

b. Analysis
What have you observed about the video?
What do you think are the reasons why these particular situations happen?
What are the effects of these?

c. Abstraction:
The teacher will group the students into three. The teacher will give or provide
some strips/photocopied materials containing the "three classifications of drugs
according to use and effect."
Group 1: stimulants
Group 2: depressants
Group 3: hallucinogens.

Students will discuss the topic in their group and write the important details in the
manila paper. (5 minutes will be given.) After that, they will select a
representative to report it in the class.

The teacher will give or provide some additional information and some details.
Also, the teacher makes some clarifications as regards to the topic presented.

In a 1/2 crosswise of paper, explain briefly:
1. What are the effects of abusing stimulants, depressants and hallucinogens to:
a. Oneself
b. Family
c. Community

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