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a. Analyze the health, social and economic impact of alcohol drugs and substance abuse
consumption in Kenya (12marks)

Alcohol abuse is described as use of alcoholic beverages that has detrimental health and social
consequences to the user and the society (WHO, 2014). Alcohol intoxication has been described
as the condition of being insensible or stupefied through the action of alcohol in the affected
person. Intoxication may be acute or chronic

Alcohol and drugs can cause health problems like heart disease, stroke, cancer, or mental health
conditions. It is now well-known that tobacco smoke can cause many cancers, methamphetamine
can cause severe dental problems, known as meth mouth, and that opioids can lead to overdose
and death. In addition, some drugs, such as inhalants, may damage or destroy nerve cells, either
in the brain or the peripheral nervous system.

The following are the health impacts of alcohol drugs and substance abuse consumption in
i. Increased risk of motor vehicle accidents- Use of illicit drugs or misuse of prescription
drugs can make driving a car unsafe, just like driving after drinking alcohol. Drugged
driving puts the driver, passengers, and others who share the road at risk
ii. Increased spread of infectious diseases- Injection of drugs accounts for 1 in 10 of cases
of HIV. Injection drug use is also a major factor in the spread of hepatitis C. Injection
drug use is not the only way that drug use contributes to the spread of infectious diseases.
Drugs that are misused can cause intoxication, which hinders judgment and increases the
chance of risky sexual behaviors, such as condom-less sex.
iii. Death - Drug-related deaths have more than doubled to youths and male since 2000
according to WHO report. There are more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities from
substance use than from any other preventable health condition. Today, one in four
deaths is attributable to alcohol, tobacco and illicit or prescription drug use. Also
prolonged cigarette smoking is already the greatest single cause of premature death.
iv. Challenges in families/Relationships- Relationships always suffer when drugs and
alcohol addiction is involved. It causes tension and stress within the family unit and
friends of substance abusers may struggle to enjoy their time spent with those individuals.
In most cases, addicted individuals end up isolating themselves and spend very little time
with other people. Most of their social interaction involves other substance users. The
worst case in this case is when children’s are involved.

The following are the social impacts of alcohol drugs and substance abuse consumption in
i. Expelled from school causing lack of education- Drugs and alcohol are not permitted on
school grounds and could even result in legal action. Some college and even high school
students have been known to self-medicate to help them better prepare for tests or
other academia. Students suffering from addiction may also bring paraphernalia to class.
This can result in expulsion from the school system and you may even be arrested.
ii. Decreased productivity in workplace- Drug abuse can impact negatively the performance
of an individual at work or even stop them from going to work entirely. Drug abuse can
also lead to increased lateness or absence at work, Risky and inappropriate behaviors at
work, such as taking drugs or selling to co-workers, which can lead to disciplinary
actions and dismissal. Further drug abuse can lead to impaired judgment, alertness, and
motor coordination, creating unsafe workplace conditions especially in an environment
with heavy machinery. 
iii. Increased financial hardship and domestic violence - Drug abuse by a parent can lead to
financial hardships; this is because money is being diverted to fuel the habit, reckless
behavior that puts the family at risk. Almost 80% of domestic violence is related to
substance abuse. Drug abuse can happen on both sides of the conflict, not only by the
abuser but also by the victim who uses drugs to cope.
iv. Crime- One of the social effects of drug abuse on the community is its direct link to
crime. Unfortunately, most arrestees are found to be under the influence of drugs or
alcohol at the time of their arrest. Drug-related crimes are also common, such as: Stealing
to afford drugs, Violent crimes committed while under the influence of drugs and
Violence between clashing drug gangs or violence between a dealer and user
The following are the economic impacts of alcohol drugs and substance abuse consumption in

i. Unemployment- chronic drug use disrupts focus, ambition, and critical thinking skills. A
person who is not at the top of their game may miss the employment opportunity. An
addiction can also affect a person’s educational goals; as the drug use progresses they
may either fail or drop out of school.
ii. Healthcare And Medical Expenses- As drug use progresses, the chance of developing
health issues increases, as does the severity of the circumstances. A person is also more at
risk for endangering themselves, including a heightened risk of automobile accidents and
fatalities. The subsequent trips to the doctor, hospitalization, and prescriptions add up.
Studies show that people who struggle with an addiction have higher rates of physical
and mental health problems and increased risk of contracting an infectious disease.
iii. Disrupts Future Stability- Most people, if finances permit, strive to put some amount of
money away. This money may be for a future purchase—such as a down payment for a
house—or for their retirement. For someone facing an addiction, this is often an
impossible task, not only do they often spend it on the drugs before it can get that far, but
the drug use itself may disrupt their mental acuity and judgment, making it harder for
them to make financially sound choices or investments.
iv. Legal Ramifications- Being addicted to drugs or alcohol is a dangerous game, one that
oftentimes embroils the user in legal troubles that carry hefty fees and financial
obligations. A person may be arrested, lose their driver’s license or school financial aid,
or incur tickets and fines; many times these situations may require the assistance of a
lawyer. If faced with legal proceedings, some individuals may even encounter having a
professional license revoked, especially those within certain fields including, but not
limited to those in public safety, medical, or transportation oriented careers. Your
criminal record may follow you, impeding your ability to obtain a job.

b. Evaluate some of the options that could help the abusers to gain control of their lives
and health. (8marks)

i. Awareness and Education- It may seem obvious, but the starting point of preventing drug
abuse in the community is educating people on the dangers of drug abuse and the impact it has
on the user and the community. For example at home parents should teach their children about
the dangers of drug abuse from an early age. To start, they should talk to them about the
reasons people shouldn’t take drugs. They should also cover the depictions and glamorization of
drugs in the media and how to avoid peer pressure.

a. Demonstrate the goal of the National Reproductive Health Programme as outlined by
the National Population Policy for Sustainable Development and Kenyan Policy Frame
of 1994. (NPPSDP,1994). (2marks)

b. Assess the meaning of Hormonal Contraceptives and their side effects. (8marks)
c. In the recent past pregnancy has the highest prevalence rate among the youth
aged 15-24 years. Justify the leading factors. (10 marks)

d. HIV and AIDS has remained one of the major threats among the youth aged 15-24
years with a prevalence rate of 30 percent as per recent KENPHIA 2018 report.

Evaluate the strategies that you would put in place to avert this tread. (10marks)

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