Questions For Engineering Management

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1.) Hiring eligible candidates in the organization or company for specific positions.

a) Leading function
b) Directing function
c) Staffing
d) Planning

2.) A specialized form of management required to successfully lead engineering or technical personnel.

a) Engineering management
b) Leading
c) Controlling
d) Decision roles

3.) Which of the following is the best option for a top manager.

a) Director
b) Chief
c) Supervisor
d) Executive director

4.) Controlling –

a) the process of influencing and motivating people to work effectively and

willingly toward company goals.
b) Establish goals and objectives for the organization.
c) means monitoring a firm's progress toward meeting its organizational goals and objectives.
d) establishing interrelationships between people.

5.) Which of the following does not belong in the group?

a) Planning
b) Controlling
c) Leading
d) Deciding

6.) Provide leadership to employees; build a network of relationships with bosses, peers, and employees.

a) Information roles
b) Decision roles
c) Interpersonal roles
d) All of the above

7.) Negotiate with many individuals and groups, including suppliers, employees, and unions.

a) Information roles
b) Decision roles
c) Interpersonal roles
d) All of the above
8.) This refers to the 3rd step of control cycle.

a) managers assess performance, using both quantitative (specific, numerical) and qualitative
(subjective) performance measures.
b) managers compare performance with the established standards
c) If performance meets or exceeds standards, no corrective action is taken.
d) top managers set standards.

9.) It is a basic function of management that refers to developing strategies for success, establishing goals and
objectives for the organization, and translate their strategies and goals into action plans.

a) Organizing
b) Decision roles
c) Planning
d) Deciding

10.) Responsible for performing these four functions (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) in addition to a
number of other duties to coordinate the organization's work.

a) Director
b) Managers
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

11.) Managers use the information they gather to encourage innovation, to resolve unexpected problems that
threaten organizational goals.

a) Interpersonal Roles
b) Decision Roles
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above

12.) The process of influencing and motivating people to work effectively and willingly toward company goals.

a) Directing
b) Both A and C
c) Leading
d) None of the above

13.) The characteristics of a high EQ include:

a) Empathy
b) Social Skill
c) Both A and B
d) Either A or B

14.) Considering that there is no short in the performance or no performance falls, this refers as the last step.

a) First step
b) Third step
c) Fourth step
d) Second step
15.) Step of the control cycle, managers assess performance, using both quantitative (specific, numerical) and
qualitative (subjective) performance measures.

a) First step
b) Third step
c) Fourth step
d) Second step

16.) correcting deviations if goals or objectives are not being attained.

a) Leading
b) Planning
c) Controlling
d) None of the above.

17.) Act as liaison to groups and individuals both inside and outside the company

a) Leading
b) Planning
c) Controlling
d) None of the above.

18.) An example of first line managers.

a) Supervisor
b) Team leader
c) Either A or B
d) Both A and B

19.) Refers to the establishing interrelationships between people and things in such a way that human and
materials resources are effectively focused toward achieving the goal of the company.

a) Organizing
b) Decision roles
c) Planning
d) Deciding

20.) A principle of engineering management that refers to Process improvement: This involves implementing
processes and tools to increase efficiency and productivity, and continually improving the quality and performance
of products and systems.

a) Project management
b) People management
c) Process management
d) Planning and organization

21.) Which statement is correct.

a) Henry Fayol is a French industrialist

b) Henry Fayol offered the fourteen principles on 1919
c) Both A and B
d) None of the above
22.) This involves managing and leading teams of engineers and other technical staff, building a positive work
environment, and developing their skills and abilities.

a) Project management
b) People management
c) Process management
d) Planning and organization

23.) Project Management -

a) This involves managing and leading teams of engineers and other technical staff
b) This involves overseeing the design, development, and production of products and systems, and
ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and to the required quality and
performance standards
c) This involves implementing processes and tools to increase efficiency and productivity, and
continually improving the quality and performance of products and systems
d) All of the above.

24.) Which does not belong in the group.

a) Division of Work
b) Authority and Responsibility
c) Discipline
d) All of the above.

25.) The level of corporate hierarchy that sets the standards for the company.

a) Middle managers
b) Top managers
c) Supervisors
d) All of the above.

26.) Chief Human Resources Officer is an example of what level in the corporate hierarchy?

a) Middle managers
b) Top managers
c) Supervisors
d) All of the above.

27.) Process by which managers select, train, promotes, and retires subordinates.

a) Deciding
b) Controlling
c) Staffing
d) All of the above.

28.) Which of the following does not belong in the group.

a) Information roles
b) Interpersonal roles
c) Decision roles
d) None of the above
29.) This refers to the employees responsible for performing the four functions of management.

a) Middle managers
b) Top managers
c) Supervisors
d) All of the above.

30.) Atty. Augusto W. Go is an example of what level in the hierarchy?

a) Middle managers
b) Top managers
c) Supervisors
d) All of the above.


1. Division of work is the principle of specialization which applies to all kinds of work.

2. Management is the method used by an organization to organize, lead, motivate, and govern
its information, financial, physical, and human resources in order to efficiently and effectively
achieve its goals.

3. Engineering is a career that involves using knowledge of mathematics and the natural
sciences that has been acquired through study, practice, and work to design and manufacture
materials, structures, machines, devices, systems, and processes that satisfy a certain aim.

4. The original set of fourteen management principles were presented in 1916 by French
industrialist Henry Fayol.

5. Fayol created fifteen general management principles. He believes that these concepts can be
used in all shapes, sizes, and functions of organizations.
False, Fourteen
6. According to Henry Fayol's principle Authority and Responsibility is the universally
applicable principle of specialization where people can perform their jobs more effectively the
more specializations there are.
False, Division work

7. The four basic functions of management are Division of work, Authority and Responsibility,
Discipline and Unity of Command.
False, Planning, Organizing, Direct ( Leading ) and Controlling

8. Middle Managers are the one who possess the most authority and who assume overall
charge of the organization.
False, Top Managers

9. The process of influencing and motivating people to work effectively and willingly toward
company goals is called Controlling.

10. The graded chain of authority from top to bottom through which all communication flow is
formed the “Scholar Chain”.
False, Scalar Chain

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