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Government of West Bengal

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Record of discussion of the review meeting taken by the Secretarv on 28.04.2021 at the l't
floor conference room of Jalasampad Bhavan with C.E.s/ S.E.s of I&W Dte.

The meeting started at 12.00 noon in the conference room at l't floor of Jalasampad

Bhavan under the chairmanship of the Secretary, I&WD. The Joint Secretary (Works), Joint

Secretary (Technical), Deputy Secretaries of Works Branch, the C.E (D&R), C.E.(S),

C.E.(IJorth), along with their S.E.s attended the meeting physically at Jalasampad Bhavan. Other

C.E.s and the Concerned S.E.s (E.E.s in some cases) attended online.

The issues relating to compliance of the decisions taken in the previous review meeting on

02.03.2021, progress of preparation and submission of new plan schemes emerging from Safety

Audits carried out recently by WAPCOS (I) Ltd, RITES Ltd and Departmental Bridge Inspection

Units, Pre-monsoon maintenance works, auction through MSTC, etc. were discussed. After

threadbare discussion the following decisions were taken:-

a) Henceforth, Secretary, I&WD will conduct review meeting on 15th day of each month.

The Chief Engineers will take monthly review meeting will their subordinates, prior to

the review meeting of the Secretary and send RoDs of the said meetings to the

department by 10th day of each month at the e-mail of the Secretary, (secretar),- Issues seeking action/decision from the Department should be

highlighted and mentioned separately in these RoDs of the Directorate Level Review


b) The Chief Engineer (North) will send a concept note on Bituminous Canal Lining, as

proposed by him for using in improvement of Imigation Canals of Mayurakshi

Reservoir Project, to the Chief Engineer (D&R), stating the technical specifications,

comparison of financial involvement and its advantage over the conventional canal

linings (concrete or brick) by 15.05.2021. The Chief Engineer (D&R), after

examination of the same at his end, will send a Report to the Department by


c) No further fund requisition under RIDF- 23 wlll be accepted at the Department, since

the Chief Engineers reported that nothing is pending in this regard'

d) It was reported by the Chief Engineer (North) that a scheme, received from PWD
Electrical Division relating to electrical installation at the under construction new

inspection bungalow at Malda, amounting to Rs. l6 Lakhs , had been submitted to the

I&W Department seeking Administrative Approval. It was decided that the process of

accordance of Administrative Approval will be taken up at the Department immediate

after the withdrawal of MCC.

e) The C.E/ TBP informed that renovation of MMC in the left out portion will be

completed by 21.05.2021 and canal water would be released for power generation

from 26.05 .2021. Secretary instructed to ensure completion of all the left out

renovations of MMC positively by 20.05.2021 and release of canal water through

MMC, in consultation with WBSEDCL from 26.05.2021 without fail.

The C.E(S) will inform the Department about the latest position of landscape &
beautification work along the banks of lower Bagjola Khal, adjacent to Convention

Centre, under HIDCO funding by 07.05.2021. A letter from the Department will be

issued thereafter to HIDCO informing the status of completed portion of the scheme

and asking their decision on taking up the balance work.

s) Secretary expressed his concern on non submission of any scheme of rehabilitation


important structures to the department by the Directorate, as per the timeline fixed in

the last Review Meeting on02.03.2021.

It was decided that schemes of rehabilitation of dams, barrages/ weirs are to be

submitted to the Department within 31.05.2021, if not covered under DRIP-II. All

such schemes should include the modernisation/ improvement of electro-mechanical

parts, instrumentation and automation wherever applicable. The electro-mechanical

rehabilitation portions, including gate replacement are to be planned, designed and

estimated by mechanical wings and the same would be forwarded to the respective

civil wing. The concemed civil wing will in turn send the comprehensive scheme to

the Department for obtaining administrative approval.

The schemes of construction of replacement bridges, as suggested in the Safety Audit

Report by WAPCOS (D Ltd, RITES (I) Ltd and in the recommendations of the Bridge

Inspection Unit of the Department are also to the submitted to the Department by

31.05.2021, even those are considered under Special Infrastructure Project Funding.

h) per the decision taken in the last Review Meeting of the Secretary on 02.03.2021,

list of 46 damaged canal regulator gates from C.E./TBP,32 damaged canal regulator

gates from C.E.(S-W) and 102 damaged canal regulator gates from C.E.(W) have been

reported to be submitted to the C.E.(Mechanical & Electrical) with request to take up

appropriate rehabilitationlrepairlreplacement. All the above stated gates are either

cross regulators on main canals or head regulators of canals off-taking from main

canals. It was decided that C.E.(Mechanical & Electrical) will examine these gates

involving concerned sub-ordinate offices and will submit D.P.Rs for tepairl

rehabilitation/replacement to the Department by 31.05.2021. The other Chief

Engineers will also submit the lists of such damaged canal regulator gates within their

respective jurisdictions to the Chief Engineer (Mechanical & Electrical) by

' 15.05.2021.

i) No scheme on rehabilitation of damaged sluices on flood embankments, drainage

channels has been received at the Department though the Chief Engineers were asked
in the Review Meeting on 02.03.2021, to identify and submit such rehabilitation

schemes to the Department by 30.04.2021. It was decided that Circle-wise schemes of

rehabilitation of damaged sluices, after their identification and clubbing into one

scheme for each circle, is to be sent to the Department by 31 .05.2021 .

j) With regard to Identification of unserviceable materials/ equipment, buildings etc and

their Auction through MSTCL, it was reported that C.E.(N-E) and C.E(North) have

already submitted their lists to the C.E./TBP (the chairman of the Technical
Committee of I&WD for Condemnation in North Bengal). Similarly such lists from

C.E.(West) has been repofted to be submitted to the C.E.(D&R) ( the chairman of the

Technical Committee of I&WD for Condemnation in South Bengal ). It was decided

that base rates of the concerned items will be finalised by the respective Technical

Committees of Condemnation by 15.05.2021. Other C.E.s will send their lists to the

respective Technical Condemnation Committee at the earliest.

k) Secretary instructed the Chief Engineer (N-E) to ensure commissioning of the

Gajoldoba Pump House before the ensuing monsoon.

D The C.E/TBP was instructed to take up bare minimum palliative restoration of

critically damaged downstream portion of Mahananda Barrage, identified during the

visit of the Deputy Director/CDO in the last week of March-2021, immediate after the

withdrawal of MCC, observing due tender process.

m) The status of pre-monsoon maintenance works out of the allocations made vide memo

No.-O8/SIWl202l dated 02.02.2021 were placed by all the C.Es in prescribed format.

It was observed from these submitted Reports that tenders have yet not been invited in

many cases. Secretary instructed to initiate the balance tender process immediate after

the withdrawal of MCC so as to complete all the pre-monsoon maintenance works

positively by 1Oth June-2021. Work orders for such works, proposed under SDS can
also be issued and the clubbed schemes should be sent to the Department positively by

07.05.2021 for obtaining Administrative Approval, if not sent already.

n) The Chief Engineer (S-W) and the Chief Engineer (W) informed that requisition for

additional maintenance fund allocation for taking up emergent repair works of Chetua

Circuit embankment and Mohanpur Circuit Embankment in Ghatal, Durbachati right

and left embankments, damaged Rupnarayan Embankment at Gadiara and Bauria,

have been submitted by them to the department. Secretary instructed the said two

Chief Engineers to conduct site visits and send fresh proposal for additional allocation

for only those works which are extremely urgent by 07 .05.2021 .

o) A revision in the Departmental order on standardised e-NIT and also in the

Departmental order of constitution of Departmental Technical Committee of Chief

Engineers consequent to the promulgation of the Finance Department's Memorandum

No.-30-F(Y) dated 05.0l.202helating to revision in power delegation towards

"Tender acceptance" and 'oTechnical Sanction", will be issued by the Department

shortly. Till issuance of such revisions, the Finance Department's above stated

Memorandum is to be followed.

Secretary to the

Government of West Bengal

Irrigation & Waterways Department
Memo No. l0 - IB Dated: 30.04.2021
IW- 1 40 1 I (99) I I /2021 -SECTION(IW)-Dept. of rW

Copy forwarded for necessary action to:

1. Senior P.A to the Additional Chief Secretary, Irrigation & Waterways Department I't
floor, Jalasampad Bhavan, Salt Lake, Kolkata- 91.

[Amit Roy]
Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Irrigation & Waterways Department

Memo No. I O /l(9) - IB Dated: 30.04.2021

IW- 1 40 11 (99) I t I 2021 - SECTION(IW)-DepI. of rW

Copy forwardedfor necessary uction to:

1. Chief Engineer (South),

Irrigation & Waterways Directorate,
1't floor, Jalasampad Bhavan,
Salt Lake, Kolkata-91

2. Chief Engineer (Mechanical & Electrical),

Irrigation & Waterways Directorate,
2'd floor, Jalasampad Bhavan,
Salt Lake, Kolkata-91

3. Chief Engineer (Teesta Barrage Project),

Irrigation & Waterways Directorate,
2nd Mile Sevoke Road, Siliguri.

4. Chief Engineer (South West),

Inigation & Waterways Directorate,
Khusjungle, P.O. Abas,
District- Paschim Medinipur, Pin 721 102

5. Chief Engineer (Norrh),

Irrigation & Waterways Directorate,
Green Park, P.O. - Mokdumpur,
District- Malda, Pin -732103.
6. Chief Engineer (North East),
Irrigation &Waterways Directorate,
Club Road, P.O &District Jalpaiguri,
Pin -735 101.

7. Chief Engineer (Design &Research),

Inigation &Waterways Directorate,
1't floor, Jalasampad Bhavan,
Salt Lake, Kolkata-91.

8. Chief Engineer (WBMIFMP),

Irrigation &Waterways Directorate,
9thfl oor, Jalasampad Bhavan,
Salt Lake, Kolkata-91.

9. Chief Engineer (West),

Inigation &Waterways Directorate,
Kanainatsal, Dist: Purba Bardhaman,
Pin -713103.

Deputy Secretary to the
Government of West Bengal
Irrigation & Waterways Department

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