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Analysis on Cory Aquino’s Speech before the US Congress

In the first part of Cory Aquino's speech to the US Congress, she discusses her husband's death, Ninoy
Aquino, and Philippine freedom. I've noticed that she's always talking about her late husband and
how proud she is of what Ninoy Aquino did for the country. She claimed that Ninoy Aquino's death
was her country's resurrection and that they could only be free if he died. She stated how the task of
liberating Filipinos and fighting for democracy had fallen on her shoulders. The speech contains
elements of anti-Marcos propaganda, appeals for sympathy from the audience, a request for US
assistance in repairing the alleged damage done by her predecessor and pandering to the American
audience. She spoke about Marcos being a dictator in relation to the anti-Marcos sentiment. that
thousands of Filipinos were imprisoned and Marcos violated their democracy.

When she returned to the Philippines to bury her late husband, Ninoy Aquino., who was shot dead at
the Manila International Airport, she did so in an effort to win the sympathy of her listeners. She was
attempting to portray herself as an outraged widow in order to win over her American listeners. The
next point she made was that the US had spent a lot of money trying to protect democracy, but that
the Philippines was a democracy that was emerging after a nightmare of dictatorship. She was
implying that the Philippines, which was reestablishing itself as a democracy, should receive support
from the US. In her speech, she called the Americans to support the Philippines and that a new era has

My overall view of Cory Aquino's speech is that it was superbly done, but she kept talking about her
late husband and how terrible she felt when he died. Furthermore, she mentioned Marcos'
dictatorship, which I believe is inappropriate because I have heard contradictory information about
Marcos' stealing, which caused the country to experience a debt crisis, extreme poverty, and severe
underemployment. However, her speech was significant in the grand narrative of Philippine history
because it demonstrated how Filipinos would go to any length to gain freedom.

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