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Compare yourself when you had your first year of GP last year and now that you are in your
second year learning this relatively new subject. If you are a new-comer, how do you assess
as a first time GP learner? (40 marks)

2. How was the team work between you and your partner in this research project? (30 marks)

3. Mention any new thing you learned in this GP process (your own research project, class
activities, working with your new partner, etc) since the beginning of this school year. (30

Write the name of your mid-test partner here: __Kinardius__


1. This year, I feel a lot more comfortable with the GP subject compared to last year. This is
probably because GP was a very new and unusual lesson to have back then compared to all
the other lessons in my curriculum. I remembered always asking people, whether it be Ms.
Shengka or my friends, because I was uncertain about everything. That’s just how I am, I
suppose. I fear the unknown 😊. Now, GP has become a normal subject to me, not in a bad
way. It’s by no means similar to any of the other mediocre subjects the school bestowed upon
me, but I feel that GP is no longer this mythical dragon I knew nothing about, rather a
relatively scary lizard that I’ve grown to love.

2. Great. I filmed myself and Kin filmed himself. He gave me his takes and scenes on time,
which made editing a lot more convenient for me. Midterms week was quite the stressful week
(mostly because nearly all of them required me to make a video… so pls subscribe to my
channel Piano Boy, like and comment on my videos 😊 THANKSSS), which required me to
pull a couple all-nighters. I was worried that Kin would be confused about the script or film
himself using the wrong format, but all those were just unnecessary worries, because he did
everything very well. If there’s anything wrong with the video, be it boring or mistaken in terms
of content or format, it is entirely my fault, since I played the part of editing and script-making.

3. I learned how to edit videos, and do anything really, efficiently. To be more specific, the
entire Midterm exam forced me to manage my schedule and finish everything within due time.
GP also taught me a lot about thinking even further beyond. During GP, I unconsciously make
myself think more about a certain topic, rather than just seeing it as it is, although seeing
things as it is can sometimes be the right way out.

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