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On Life
POH GUAN JIE (PBS20201179)
● Gilbert LaCrosse’s passion for windows has inspired him to learn crafting residential windows. His
mentor was an elderly man who taught him a lot on the windows business
● Once his mentor retired, LaCrosse took over the business and hired his own apprentice to assist him
● His small business operation later expanded as the quality of window built by LaCrosse Industries
become well known
● LaCrosse constantly emphasizes to his employees that LaCrosse products had to be of the highest
quality because they gave families “a window of life”
● Due to its immense success, the company has been expanded and more employees are hired. A
profit-sharing program was also introduced as a financial reward to the employees for their
● Although the HQ has moved to another area, LaCrosse never lost touch with the workforce as he would
still visit them several times a week
● He also never fails to remind his employees to prioritize the quality of their workmanship
● After the company reached quarter-century, LaCrosse realized the company needs to expand to
other part of United States to succeed and sustain
● He made the decision to sell majority of shares to Build-All Products Inc.
● Build-All Products Inc brought in a VP to oversee the production operations
● The new production VP rarely visit the plant and only send production orders to supervisors by
● Introduced stricter inventory guidelines and outline procedure on using supplies
● Announced new procedure for purchasing production supplies brought in from Build-All Products
which remove all production leaders from the decision process resulting in trade offs and high
employees turnover
● The new leadership is too focused on reducing the inventory cost so they decided to use
low-quality materials to make the windows
● As a result, there is an increase in defective windows returned by developers and wholesalers
● Gilbert was disappointed with Build-All Products Inc as they failed to stick to the vision of
LaCrosse Industries and the company’s ROE also failed to meet BAP’s expectations
01 Identify the symptoms indicating that problems exist at
LaCrosse Industries, Inc.

● Decrease in product quality

○ Product quality has been declining and more windows are being returned by developers and
wholesalers because the new leadership focuses more on reducing the inventory cost so
low quality materials are used to make the windows
● Employees turnover
○ Some employees left the company when Vlodovski started to announce new procedure for
purchasing production supplies and removing the production leaders because they feel
uncomfortable producing low quality products which are totally opposite to the foundational
vision of LaCrosse Industries all this while
02 Use one or more leadership theories to analyze the underlying causes of
the current problem at LaCrosse Industries. What other organizational
behavior theories might also help explain some of the problems?

Path-Goal Leadership Contingencies Theory

● LaCrosse’s employees are skilled and experienced craftsman, not suitable for directive
leadership because too much supervisory control
● LaCrosse’s have strong performance oriented team dynamic, substitute for directive
Implicit Leadership Theory
● LaCrosse has been under Gilbert management for many years and company has
established very high reputation in the market
● Gilbert style has influence the employee into have a preconceived belief of a good and
effective leader
● When Vldoski style differ, they are less willing to follow and perceived him as ineffective
02 Use one or more leadership theories to analyze the underlying causes of
the current problem at LaCrosse Industries. What other organizational
behavior theories might also help explain some of the problems?

Employee Involvement in Decision Making

● Vlodoski make set goals and implement changes by himself without involving employee
● Lack of knowledge on the actual process and fail to tackle the problem effectively
● Employee are less committed because not involve in decision making

Value Congruence
● LaCrosse employee value quality workmanship, but Vlodoski new purchasing procedure
has resulted in trade-off in quality
● Contradiction in values decreases employee’s job satisfaction, loyalty, and organizational
● This also cause cognitive dissonance, increasing stress in workplace
03 What should Gilbert LaCrosse do in this situation?

● Gilbert should buy or obtain back majority share of the company.

○ This to ensure Gilbert will have the authority to make decisions on the
production method and procedure.
○ By obtaining authority, Gilbert may also appoint someone who is familiar and
understand the vision of the LaCrosse Industry as the vice president to oversee
the production.
● Reinforce the existing vision.
○ Existing or the previous vision led the company to provide a top quality
○ Gilbert has to explain and ensure that Vlodoski works toward the company’s
vision instead of prioritizing to cut down the expenses.
03 What should Gilbert LaCrosse do in this situation?

● Revamp the vision which works for both LaCrosse Industries and Build-All Products
○ Revamp the vision such a way that benefit both parties
○ The vision must lead the LaCrosse Industries, Inc back to produce highest
quality windows at the same time to reduce inventory expenses.
● Review the new procedure for purchasing production supply to prevent purchasing low
quality materials
○ Gilbert has to review the new procedure for purchasing production supply which
actually led them to purchase low quality materials in order to reduce inventory

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