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Describe and explain the ways in which the world has changed in the field

of business internationally.


In my understanding, these are the ways which our world has changed in the

field of business internationally;

 The devices or technologies where it has a big effect on overall business

operation such as the new inventions and the innovation of their respective

products or goods and services. With the technologies there are changes that

used in the products and services in the field of international businesses and

concomitantly used to produce and distribute the respective outputs. Through

technologies and devices who look out for advances or improvements in

technology to have a fastest access and actions.

 Transportations which able to have a fastest transport of goods and services in

different countries that used planes, trains and many ships and high-tech devices

or technologies and internets to have a quick and efficient transactions.

 The economic factors where the set of fundamental information that affects

business include the labor costs, interest rates, taxes, wages, government policy,

management, unemployment levels, inflation, etc.

 Social and cultural factors which it influences or affects the business

internationally where it has their own language, respective values, behaviors,

beliefs, different relationship and organizations, religions, etc. in every countries

2. Describe and explain some of the challenges presented by a growing



 Competitors where a lot of businesses internationally compete their products or

goods and services to other businesses to adapt and to acquire more customers

by the needs and demands of the consumers.

 Poverty in one of the challenges that are present in growing population because

of too much people are growing in ones’ organization and community, and also

reducing or decreasing the income growth and wellbeing which it has a tendency

to increase the poverty.

 Growth industry in which It expands the sector of an economy or it grows faster

that the overall economy.

 Corruption. Some of the international businesses and companies there are

circumstances that happened which corruption has a big impact in everything

from licenses to deals or contracts and to lawsuits. It is one of the challenges that

business deals in many instances containing hidden prices, rivalry, alliances,

scam, partnership, betrayal and others.

 Multicultural Diversity which two or more cultures and beliefs or ethnic groups

lives within in the society and to other countries.

 The customer needs and wants, therefore, the businesses are in needs and

demand to grow more with the workforce to satisfy the consumers.

3. Describe and explain some of the challenges presented by a declining



 One of the challenges that presented by a declining population are caused by

decreasing of manufacturing capability where fewer workers are involved, the

skilled, labor and not stable of handling the business or in a right way of actions.

 Crisis. This challenge is a big impact that can cause a decline or decreasing

population because a crisis can end the career, life, loss the chances or the

opportunities to happen. The production and services will affect and the

population can turn into inappropriate or disaster situation.

 Foreign exchange risk that has a probability of loss occurring from an adverse

movement and financial transaction or operations in foreign exchange rates.

 Environmental Factors that will affect the business because of the climate

change, natural and human disasters, exposure to hazardous events, and other

occurrence or incidents. Through the events or incidents involved there are

hindrances and barrier in getting the sources of its income for their respective

products and goods.

4. Describe and explain how resource development and management theories

and practices can differ among ethnocentric, polycentric, and geocentric


 The resource development and management theories and practices of

ethnocentric organization which refers to international business where the

organization think traditionally when making a decision and these large

businesses whose develops and implements policies while;

 The polycentric this is the organization where it is from the same area or

localization. It adopts method from the locality which it develops upon and its

management, and lastly;

 The geocentric is focused on the global standardization and transnational

oriented that across in different cultures and countries. There are a lot of ways of

connection and strategies in management to look at the opportunities and career

on a global scale.

5. Explain the distinctions in political organization, social objectives, and

economic enterprise among capitalism, socialism, and the mixed economy.


 The capitalism in the political organization it is the organization that involves

government, political parties and other members or groups who are in power

within a country that has a characteristic of private ownership that implies the

goods or production such as the capital, land and labor that employed in

generation of profits then the social objectives make conditions in the capitalism
and property that will serve the goods and services in the society and the

economic enterprise where it is organized to make a purpose of interest.

 Socialism is an economic structure in which the goods and services are provided

in the organization of ownership rather than through competition and a free

market organization and locate by social ownership that the goods and services

decisions are develop to the government. Socialism includes the political, social

and economic in different aspect systems.

 Mixed economy is a mixed structure where the state of production is shared

between the private and public sectors. The economic system in which both

private enterprise and a state of monopoly that are usually in public services,

infrastructure, basic industries and others are coexist.

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