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MODULE 3 Variables

1. What will be the output of the following (can/cannot):

a. Age1=5
b. 5age=55

2. What will be the output of following (can/cannot):

a. Age_1=100
b. age@1=100

3. How can you delete variables in Python ?

################ Assingments MODULE 3 Variables ################

#1. What will be the output of the following (can/cannot):a.Age1=5

Age1=5 # it can run or execute


#1. What will be the output of the following (can/cannot):b.5age=55

5age=55 # it cannot run or execute due to as per rules of variables it will start from alphabetes

#2. What will be the output of following (can/cannot):a.Age_1=100

Age_1=100 # it can run or execute

#2. What will be the output of following (can/cannot): b.age@1=100

age@1=100 # it cannot run or execute due to aper the rules of variables it will start from
either alphabets or underscore symbol only.

#3. How can you delete variables in Python ?

#Ans. by using the del function we delete the variables


del a


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