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Human Rights Approach on Trans-National Hazardous Environmental Programs

by Ross Pittman, Sylvain Henry, Eri Hariono

Prepared for the 4th International Conference on Human Rights & Human Development Critical Connections: Human Rights, Human Development and Human Security

The 4th International Conference on Human Rights & Human Development Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand 18-19 August 2011

About the Mass Action Demand (MAD) Mass Action Demand is the informal group that initiated the idea of a paper that would discuss a human rights perspective of trans-national hazardous environmental spray programs. The logo for Mass Action Demand describes the group spirit well, "Mass, not alone; Action, not complaints, Demand, not requests." This action-oriented group of about 3,000 members is primarily focused on global social actions that protect human rights for untainted air, untainted water and untainted food. Its primary truth-action tools are focused email campaigns to national leaders, talk show radio interviews and online questionnaires. These tools have been very effective so far. The attached annexes describe some of the responses they have received so far from leaders and from citizens.

MAD location & contact information Mass Action Demand, an informal organization based in Gatineau, QC, CANADA. Contact person: Mr. Sylvain Henry ( Tel.: +1-613-600-5323. Web:

The abstract and paper is being prepared and written by members of the Mass Action Demand (MAD) hypernetwork and, in particular, Eri Hariono, Sylvain Henry, and Ross Pittman.



2.1 Geoengineering Schemes Have Been Operational for Over 20 Years 2.2 New Research and Studies 2.3 Jet Fuel Emissions 2.4 Weather Modification and Mitigation Experiments 2.5 Global Geoengineering Governance


4.1 Dead and Dying Trees 4.2 Agriculture Issues 4.3 Honey Bees and Other Pollinators 4.4 Water Vapor is a Greenhouse Gas 4.5 Global Dimming 4.6 Solar Power Production 4.7 Increasing UV and Infrared Radiation Readings around the World 4.8 Aluminum Coated Fiberglass (Chaff) 4.9 Additional Risks and Dangers of Geoengineering


5.1 The Right to a Healthy Environment 5.2 The Right to Participate in Decisions that Affect the Environment 5.3 The Right of Access to Justice 5.4 The Obligation of Government to Protect the Environment

Annex 1 - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Photos Worldwide Annex 2 - Questionnaire Public Opinion on Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Program Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries Annex 3 - Mass Action Demand Letter Campaign Government Responses

the protection of the environment is . . . a vital part of contemporary human rights doctrine, for it is a sine qua non for numerous human rights such as the right to health and the right to life itself. It is scarcely necessary to elaborate on this, as damage to the environment can impair and undermine all the human rights spoken of in the Universal Declaration and other human rights instruments.

Judge Weeramantry International Court of Justice, 1997

The authors would like to express gratitude and appreciation to: The Conference Committee, 4th International Conference on Human Rights and Human Development Master of Arts in International Development Studies (MAIDS) programme, Asian Research Center for Migration, and Center for Social Development Studies, Faculty of Political Science, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Institute for Human Rights and Peace Studies Mahidol University, Thailand International Cooperation and Human Security (HS1069A), Chula Unisearch, Chulalongkorn University Kannika Janchidfa (Cherry), Education officer for Center for Human Rights Studies and Social Development, Mahidol University, Thailand Heru Susetyo, Indonesian Human Rights Activist & Scholar Dr. Aviandy Sukarto, alternative medicine doctor specialized in chronosonic ultrasound therapy Michael J. Murphy, producer of geoengineering film What in the World Are They Spraying? The author gratefully acknowledges the research contribution provided for this paper by Mass Action Demand members, all hypernetworking groups and every concerned worldwide citizen, particularly (in alphabetical order): Donna Cale Elizabeth A. Donasso Es-tee A. Miller Evan Harper Heather Martin Jenni Balis Jesse Hicks Lisa Wandler Tia Misrahi Tone Western Trisha James "We send a warm thank you to the members of the Mass Action Demand group who were the motivational force behind this paper."

(alphabetical order)

Eri Hariono has a legal background in international law. She initiates the campaign and feline patron, Indonesia Cares for Cats which has over 4,000 supporters. She manages the feline patrons programs and events. In her spare time she is a voluntary researcher for Mass Action Demand, an informal group based in Canada.

Ross Pittman is co-founder, creator, and editor of Conscious Life News,, and the creator/editor of He is an advocate for human rights, truth, and justice.

Sylvain Henry holds a BSc. in Biochemistry, but has worked in sales, marketing and business development for most of his ongoing career. In his spare time he organizes live events centered on protecting the quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Sylvain uses social media networks and radio talk show interviews to help create social progress. His most recent and active informal group, Mass Action Demand, has over 3,000 members worldwide.

CDC CRRES EPA IPCC NASA NCAR NOAA SRM UCAR VOC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite OR Environmental Protection Agency Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Center for Atmospheric Research National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Solar Radiation Management University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Volatile Organic Compounds

This paper focuses on the issues of human rights violations across nations due to hazardous environmental program, the aerosol spraying geoengineering as part of weather modification. Using existing documents and available independent research, the methods of weather modification and their potential impact on human security are explored. In this study, 241 concerned citizens from 25 countries around the world completed a questionnaire on aerosol spraying geoengineering program, reporting what they think regarding this program and its motive, in connection with their perspective about the national leaders awareness and the reason of relevant actors silence that have critical role in this program. The environmental justice framework is used to analyze the stratospheric aerosol injection schemes in nations who undergo this program. The necessity to strengthen international norms protecting human rights to a safe and sound environment is a requisite for human development.

Human Rights Approach on Trans-National Hazardous Environmental Programs

Ross Pittman, Sylvain Henry, Eri Hariono


Human security and human development are facing the greatest threat ever from ongoing and proposed large-scale atmospheric experiments. These large-scale experiments are now being conducted and plans are being generated to conduct massive atmospheric and ocean experiments in the near future. Substances are intentionally released into our atmosphere at various times to the detriment of the Earths environment and many life forms, all for the benefit of very few. The United States is conducting many of those atmospheric experiments today.123

A growing concern is that many chemicals, particles, and gases that are released, on an ongoing basis in the United States of America, France, Serbia, Israel, Thailand, and in many countries around the world, are having a negative impact on the Earths environment. More schemes are planned under new proposed geoengineering governance cooperation between the U.S. House of Representatives Science & Technology Committee and the UK Parliament (Global Geoengineering Governance), which began in 2009.4

Our human right to a healthy environment has been and continues to be violated by the current, ongoing, and proposed geoengineering schemes, which present a significant and long-term health threat to human populations, agriculture crop production, tree health, and the worlds oceans. The chemicals, particles, and gases now released in atmospheric and ocean

experiments change the weather, local climate conditions, and pollute our air, water, and soils.

U.S. Navy CARE Experiment-Press Release September 19, 2009 Aluminum Oxide 2 U.S. Air Force & NASA Press Kit Excellent Description & Note Toxics Used in Program 3 NASA Night Clouds Description: 4 Joint Statement of the U.K. and U.S. Committees on Collaboration and Coordination on Geoengineering (Prepared March 18, 2010).

New proposed geoengineering schemes will have an even greater impact as they are proposed to be undertaken on a worldwide basis. Furthermore, proposed global geoengineering governance rules and regulations will leave the majority of the worlds populations without full knowledge of the scope of these experiments, with no ability to protest their usage or to be warned in advance of these experiments. Past, current, and future experiments are a serious threat to the existence of life on Earth.

Many private individuals and corporations, including the U.S. government, are heavily engaged in conducting atmospheric experiments at this time. New geoengineering schemes are quickly being promoted by international organizations, the United States, Britain, private corporations and individuals along with NASA and the U.S. military. With the United States engaged in atmospheric testing other countries will also be pressured to conduct similar experiments.

In 2009, and 2010, hearings were held by the UK Parliament and the U.S. House Science & Technology Committee. The majority of the testimony both in the UK Parliament and U.S. House of Representatives was from those promoting massive geoengineering schemes and experiments. Little consideration of the negative impacts of their proposed schemes was allowed. Testimony was restricted almost exclusively to those promoting geoengineering schemes or those who would financially benefit from implementing them.

Unilateral planetary-scale geoengineering using chemicals, particles, and gases is being actively promoted as one of the main temporary stop-gap solutions to limit the impact of global warming. Global-scale actions are being suggested with no consideration to violations of human rights or even environmental rights. What is known is that such trans-national climate control operations and experiments designed to reduce the amount of direct sunlight reaching the Earth (solar radiation management schemes), are beneficial to trans-national corporations and transnational military alliances.

Aviation impacts that already warm the Earth by producing man-made clouds are responsible for a huge increase in warming over Alaska and the Arctic according to both NASA and Stanford University studies (IPCC Studies). This is benefiting large corporations in their quest to exploit the natural resources (oil, natural gas, and minerals), in those areas today. Many countries are rushing into these areas like the U.S., Russia, China, and Canada, to make sure that they

benefit financially from this exploitation and exploit the military advantages from controlling those areas.5 2. HISTORY OF LARGE SCALE GEOENGINEERING SCHEMES

2.1 Geoengineering Schemes Have Been Operational for Over 20 Years Jet engine produced contrails have been turning into man-made clouds and white haze for over twenty years. This change began to be noticed across the United States, in the late 1980s, when reports began to be published regarding the unusual persistence of contrails, captured in photographs and videos that began to reflect their presence. Increasingly, over the years, more and more reports and questions regarding the number and type of jets leaving persistent jet contrails surfaced throughout the U.S. and in many countries around the world. Our once deep blue skies have become a rarity in many areas of the United States in the last fifteen years.

2.2 New Research and Studies Some researchers began to note the extensive worldwide weather modification and persistent jet contrail experiments and classified them under atmospheric geoengineering experiments. NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Stanford University, the IPCC6, and the U.S. Air Force have provided extensive data and studies on jet produced persistent jet contrails. Many of these studies provide a basic understanding of the negative environmental impacts of these geoengineering programs:

NASA studies show that increasingly persistent jet contrails may turn into manmade clouds that aretrapping warmth in the atmosphere and exacerbating global warming. NASA goes on to state that any change in global cloud cover may contribute to long-term changes in Earths climate. Contrails,

especially persistent contrails, represent a human-caused increase in the Earths cloudiness, and are likely to be affecting climate and ultimately our natural resources. 7

CNN News Special Report Ice Wars Heating up the Arctic July 15, 2011 6 J.E.Penner, D. D. (1999). Aviation and the Global Atmosphere. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: 7 NASA 2005 Newsletter Page 8 letter_2005_Page_8.pdf

Scientists have found that cirrus clouds, formed from aircraft engine exhaust, are capable of increasing average surface temperatures enough to account for a warming trend in the United States that occurred between 1975 and 1994. According to Patrick Minnis, a senior research scientist at NASAs Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA., there has been a one percent per decade increase in cirrus cloud cover over the United States, likely due to air trafficCirrus clouds exert a warming influence on the


surface...trapping heat emitted by the surface and lower atmosphere...

NASAs Patrick Minnis: We had found that (jet) contrails were producing much more cloud cover than we ever thought they did. This one particular aircraft produced a contrail that covered an area of four thousand square kilometers and lingered for six hours. But we also found that there were contrails covering much larger areas and lasting more than twenty hours.9

2.3 Jet Fuel Emissions An EPA report, titled Evaluation of Air Pollutant Emissions from Subsonic Commercial Jet Aircraft

, verifies that jet fuel is highly toxic and that any persistent jet contrail plume will be

laced with these toxic chemicals which negatively impact human health, agriculture, plants and animals. According to the report these emissions include, but are not limited to:

Ozone: Lung Function Impairment, increased susceptibility to respiratory infection, increased hospital visits, pulmonary inflammation, lung structure and tissue damage, crop and tree damage.

Carbon Monoxide: Cardiovascular Effects Nitrogen Oxides: Lung irritations, premature mortality, (asthmatic are especially sensitive), acid rain.

8 9

Reference: NASA April 28, 2004; Discovery Channel-Best Evidence Program, February 27, 2007 10 "Evaluation of Air Pollutant Emissions from Subsonic Commercial Jet Aircraft"; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency PA420-R-99-013; Final Report; April 1999.

Volatile Organic Compounds: Eye and respiratory tract irritation, headaches, dizziness, visual disorders and memory impairment. associated with VOCs.) (Increasing Asthma also

Emissions also contain carcinogens, nitric oxide that may deplete beneficial atmospheric ozone, water vapor (a greenhouse gas), and particulates like soot.(Thus, jets fuel emissions are not benign in the environment.)

Military jet fuel is different than commercial airline jet fuel and has many different additives thus adding to concerns about ever-increasing air pollution.

2.4 Weather Modification and Mitigation Experiments There are over 60 weather modification programs ongoing in the United States according to NOAA records.11 The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) published a map in April 2009 showing sixty-nine weather modification projects in eleven states of the United States. The map also shows 150 programs in thirty-seven countries besides the U.S. This map demonstrates that weather modification is not localized and is practiced on a global scale. Weather modification should be classified as one of many ongoing geoengineering schemes.12 Jet contrails that produce man-made clouds are changing our climate according to NASA. When the jet impacts are coupled with unregulated current and ongoing experimental weather modification experiments in the United States, the synergistic and cumulative effects could create enormous climate changes that disrupt crop production, micro-climates, tree, and plant health.

In the United States there are no federal regulations in place to prohibit the weather modification and atmospheric experiments. No public notification or oversight of these programs is required. Agriculture, water supplies, soils, and the public are left unprotected from these experiments. 2.5 Global Geoengineering Governance With the UK Parliament noting that a few geoengineering experiments are already being used to combat the climate change produced by experimental weather modification, persistent jet


Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs in 2010; National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration; 2010 her_Modification_Programs_Spreadsheet_10WXMOD5.pdf 12 UCAR News & World Weather Modification Map; April 2009;

contrails13, and other aviation impacts in their March 2010 report, it is imperative that the world understand not only the implications of our current geoengineering experiments, using our atmosphere as a unregulated physics laboratory, but the very dramatic changes that these programs and experiments are having on the Earths environment today.14

The addition of proposed new geoengineering schemes to combat the problems produced by the geoengineering experiments already ongoing is unethical and unprincipled. The new proposed geoengineering programs have been introduced to the world by their proponents and only their voices are being heard in U.S. Congressional and UK Parliament hearings.

The voices of those who clearly understand the drawbacks of increased geoengineering experiments on our trees, agriculture, air, water, soils, human health, our oceans, and the very Earth itself, are being drowned out in the financial and military drumbeat to continue to use the Earth and the Earths atmosphere as an experimental physics laboratory. 3. HEALTH ISSUES The following health issues have been associated with the ongoing release of chemicals, particles, and gases into our atmosphere: Asthma in children has been escalating since the late 1980s according to the Centers for Disease Control. When geoengineering programs that add more chemicals, particles, and gases to our atmosphere are released the potential for increases in asthma and other respiratory problems will increase.15 New studies associate an increase in autism rates to cloudy areas versus areas that have more direct sunlight and fewer cloudy or rainy days. The potential that atmospheric geoengineering programs will reduce more direct sunlight from reaching the Earth has the potential to increase rickets, possibly autism, and other diseases related to a lack of Vitamin D.16 There are sharp increases in childhood rickets in many areas of the United States related to increasing cloud cover. (CDC, University of CA Berkeley, and Kaiser Permanente studies). A lack of Vitamin D is showing up in pregnant women and young children along

Persistent jet contrails are believed to be part of an aerosol injection program, known to some as Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering. 14 The Regulation of Geoengineering; UK House of Commons; March 2010;

Asthma Epidemic:
Autism Studies:

with other associated health effects. There appears to be a breast cancer connection to Vitamin D deficiencies noted in recent studies. Heart and infant health problems are also associated with a lack of Vitamin D. (Lack of Vitamin D began showing up in the late

1980s in blood tests.) In addition, the lack of direct sunlight increases the possibilities of human flu epidemics and pandemics.171819 There are also sharp increases in clinical depression since the late 1980s, which could be related to less direct sunlight reaching the earth due to increasing jet produced manmade cloud cover and haze.20


4.1 Dead and Dying Trees There has been a worldwide increase in dead and dying trees since the late 1980s. Acid rain, air pollutants, increasing cloudiness, climate change from man-made clouds, and the chemicals and particles used in atmospheric experiments are associated with tree declines in many countries. New geoengineering experiments will add additional pollutants to those already impacting the Earths trees and will reduce the amount of direct sunlight needed for photosynthesis.21 Allan Buckmann, Retired Associate Wildlife Biologist, Central Coast Region, California Department of Fish &Game, has been seeing abnormal vegetation changes and climate shifts over wide areas of Napa, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Lake Counties, in California, for many years. Mr. Buckmann noted in his 2007 presentation to the United Nations: In the past I have seen localized die-off of plant communities from a myriad of sources, and there tends to be a trend toward one to several problems at a time, and it varies year to year. But I have never seen the present condition of


Why Vitamin D is Vital for Human Health: 18 Vitamin D & Rickets: 19 NYTimes December 30, 2008 Vitamin D Deficiencies & Health Problems 20 Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) D. Murstein, M.D. January 30, 2002 21 Little, C. E. (1995). The dying of the trees : the pandemic in America's forests. New York, N.Y.: Viking.

wide spread decline in almost all species, in all areas, from a wide assortment of insects, fungus, molds, mildews, bacteria and viruses. I have seen areas where every tree and shrub in a drainage area has some form of health problemThe larger question of just exactly why they are all infected, and what it is that could trigger such a broad response to an entire suite of plant and tree communities? What are the common causes for deteriorating tree health in so many areas of the United States? Air pollution, white haze, jet produced climate change, increasing UV radiation, higher humidity from water vapor (a greenhouse gas), caused persistent jet contrails, jet fuel or rocket fuel emissions, lack of direct sunlight from man-made clouds reaching the Earth or climate change produced by persistent jet contrails or air, water, and soil pollution from atmospheric testing experiments? Increases in molds, mildews, fungus, flu viruses, and pests from increased night temperatures due to man-made clouds, which exacerbate global warming and change the climate, are escalating. Few studies are being conducted to determine the impacts of our ongoing atmospheric programs on the Environment that directly impacts tree and plant health around the world. 4.2 Agriculture Issues Research on climate change that negatively impacts agriculture micro-climates and watersheds relating to climate change produced by persistent jet contrails and man-made clouds is limited but increasing research is now taking place. There has also been limited research in areas where man-made cloud cover has lowered crop production due to lack of direct sunlight and fruit chill hours.2223 What impact does chemical manipulation of our weather have on the regional microclimates that are needed for tree, plant, and agricultural crop health? This question goes unanswered in the United States because these programs are not made public by the media, meteorologists, or other weather consultants. They include the jet produced man-made clouds in their forecasts, indicating that they are normal clouds.

Farmers Sweat Winters Lack of Chill Hours, California Farm Bureau Federation, 2006 23 Fruit & Nut Chilling Hour Requirements for Crop Production 2006

Artificial weather modification through the use of chemicals, particles, and gases can affect all of us by reducing water supplies, changing agricultural crop production cycles, reducing crop production, and water availability. Since most experimental weather modification programs use chemicals released into the atmosphere the public is ultimately subjected to increasingly toxic or unknown substances that could adversely impact agricultural crops and trees. 4.3 Honey Bees and Other Pollinators Honey Bees navigate by ultraviolet radiation which could be disrupted by man-made cloud cover and other atmospheric experiments. Nature 2007: The bee's eyes, like those of other insects, differ greatly from human eyesBees, however, are capable of seeing ultraviolet light, which is invisible to humans. Honey bees also use the sun as a reference point to communicate to other bees the angle of flight to be followed to arrive at newly discovered nectar-bearing flowers. Thus, interference through geoengineering programs to reduce direct sunlight reaching the Earth may disrupt honey bees and other pollinators ability to locate food or navigate to and from food sources.24

4.4 Water Vapor is a Greenhouse Gas According to the IPCC 2007, Climate Change Study, water vapor is one of the most important gases contributing to the greenhouse effect. And according to NASA jets that produce

persistent jet contrails not only change the climate but exacerbate global warming. Increases in water vapor can impact agriculture and tree health by changing the local micro-climates needed to reduce the impact of pests, molds, mildews, and fungus. This issue is rarely addressed by scientists investigating tree decline. Recent studies demonstrate that aviation is warming Alaska and the Arctic. Water vapor is one of the major culprits in warming and is produced as part of aircraft combustion visible as persistent jet contrails.252627 4.5 Global Dimming


Bees, Natural History Notebooks 25 How aircraft emissions contribute to warming-December 21, 2009 Scientific American-Jacobson 26 Water Vapor Confirmed As Major Player In Climate Change, NASA, 2008 27 Mark Z. Jacobson, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering:


Persistent contrails that produce man-made clouds may have serious impacts on the amount of direct sunlight that is reaching the Earth, resulting in global diming. In addition, existing weather modification and atmospheric geoengineering experiments, along with and proposed new ones, could negatively impact tree and plant health around the world.28

Global Dimming Studies are demonstrating that less sunlight is reaching the earth but temperatures are increasing (NASA & Other Studies). Should we now restrict more sunlight from reaching through Solar Radiation Management schemes? Geoengineering may not be the

solution to global warming and climate change; it may only exacerbate it.

There have been sharp increases in toxic chemicals in drinking water tests in California and other states, which may be caused to a wide variety of U.S. Air Force and NASA atmospheric heating and testing programs. These include, but are not limited to: Magnesium, Manganese, Lithium, Strontium, and SF6 (sulfur hexafluoride). 4.6 Solar Power Production Persistent jet contrails and man-made clouds also lower the amount of direct sunlight reaching solar panels that have the potential to provide future power for both homes and automobiles. When geoengineers discuss reducing the amount of direct sunlight reaching the Earth through Solar Radiation Management geoengineering schemes, have they considered the impact of their programs on solar power production?30 4.7 Increasing UV and Infrared Radiation Readings around the World Atmospheric heating and testing programs could also be the reason for increases in ultraviolet and infrared Radiation readings which negatively impact human health and causes crop and tree damage. Atmospheric and upper atmospheric experiments could damage the natural layers that surround the Earth and protect it from harmful radiation. If our military and other atmospheric experiments disrupt or impair these layers harmful radiation could reach the Earth. 4.8 Aluminum Coated Fiberglass (Chaff)

Barium, Aluminum,


Dimming the Sun, NOVA PBS, 2006


California State Department of Health Drinking Water Test Results 1984 2007

Scientists Baffled by Less Sunlight Reaching the Earth, 2006


The U.S. Air Force and other branches of the military service release aluminum coated fiberglass particulates (chaff) by the ton worldwide and in the United States. What are the synergistic and health effects of these programs when associated with jet fuel emissions and the harmful effects of these particulates? The U.S. EPA states that particulate air pollution is increasing and is detrimental to human health. And yet, the EPA has refused to stop chaff releases to protect the public.31 4.9 Additional Risks and Dangers of Geoengineering Geoengineering schemes have been proposed as a cheap fix that could let us have our cake and eat it, too. But geoengineering schemes are not well understood. Our study shows that planet-sized geoengineering means planet-sized risks. Carnegie Institutions Department of Global Ecology. Numerous scientific studies and analysis have concluded that geoengineering schemes to cool the planet are high-risk endeavors. The risks include:


stated by Ken Caldeira of the

A catastrophic, decade-long spike in global temperatures if the geoengineering program were to fail or be cancelled33 The destruction of at least one-quarter, and potentially three-quarters, of the ozone layer34 Alteration of the distribution of rainfall and reduction in the global quantity of rainfall35 The production of droughts with severe consequences on adequate food and drinking water 3637

The ETC Group provided a good summary of the risks associated with geoengineering and strongly recommended a moratorium on geoengineering:


Chaff and Flares, U.S. Air Force document 32 Ibid. 33 Geoengineering: a quick fix with big risks; June 4, 2007; 34 Stratospheric Injections to Counter Global Warming Could Damage Ozone Layer; April 24, 2008; 35 The Regulation of Geoengineering, House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, March 2010 36 Geoengineering: Scientists Debate Risks Of Sun-Blocking And Other Climate Tweaks To Fight Warming; April 2011 37 Geoengineering: Scientists Debate Risks Of Sun-Blocking And Other Climate Tweaks To Fight Warming; April 2011


The geoengineering suite of technologies affects outer space, the atmosphere, the land, the oceans and fresh water bodies, the weather, the production of food, the protection of health and livelihoods, and national sovereignty. It entails risks that we know about and many more that we cannot yet predict. Until there has been a full debate on the course all countries wish to go, there must be a moratorium on all geoengineering activities outside the laboratory. Anything else is folly, putting the planet and its peoples at tremendous and unjustifiable risk.38 5. HUMAN RIGHTS PERTAINING TO THE ENVIRONMENT 5.1 The Right to a Healthy Environment The individual right to a healthy environment is documented in many different global and regional texts of human rights. The following table details the evolution of the documented human right to a healthy environment:




The Human Right to a Healthy Environment The first explicit link between environmental protection and human rights was made in the Stockholm Declaration, of which Principle 1 proclaims that man has the fundamental right to freedom, equality and adequate conditions of life, in an environment of a quality that permits a life of dignity and well-being, and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and improve the environment for present and future generations. The African Charter of Human and People's Rights was adopted, of which Article 24 recognizes that all peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favorable to their development. The Experts Group on Environmental Law of the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) considering that there was not yet a well-recognized right to a healthy environment under international law, proposed a draft of universal legal principles on environmental protection, which could have been later incorporated in a global, legally binding instrument. The draft included: All human beings have the fundamental right to an environment adequate for their health and well-being. In Article 11 of the San Salvador Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights for the first time in history the individual right to environment was explicitly mentioned: everyone shall have the right to live in a healthy environment and to have access to basic public services.




Geopiracy: The Case Against Geoengineering, ETC Group, October 2010



The UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities adopted Resolution 1988/26, which stated that the movement and dumping of toxic and dangerous products "endangers basic human rights, such as ... the right to live in a sound and healthy environment." The Hague Declaration, signed by the heads of states of 24 countries, recognized "the right to live in dignity in a viable global environment, and the consequent duty of the community of nations vis--vis present and future generations to do all that can be done to preserve the quality of the atmosphere." The UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities while affirming the inextricable relationship between human rights and the environment appointed a Special Rapporteur to study the relationship between human rights and the environment. The Commission on Human Rights adopted Resolution 1990/41, which underscored the link between preservation of the environment and promotion of human rights. The European Council adopted the Dublin Declaration on The Environmental Imperative stating that the objective of the Community action for the protection of the environment must be to guarantee citizens the right to a clean and healthy environment. The Commission on Human Rights adopted Resolution 1991/44, which recognizes that "all individuals are entitled to live in an environment adequate for their health and wellbeing." No provision explicitly addressed the issue in the Rio Declaration, although Principle 1 states that "human beings are at the center of concerns for sustainable development. They are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature." However, the Declaration does recognize in Principle 10 the procedural right of a human right to a healthy environment. The UN General Assembly in its Resolution 45/94, recognized "that all individuals are entitled to live in an environment adequate for their health and well-being." More than 20 experts on human rights and the environment met in Geneva and produced the Draft Declaration of Principles on Human Rights and the Environment. The document explains the concept of "the right to a secure and healthy and ecologically sound environment" and becomes a reference point for further development of environmental human rights. The Ksentini Final Report was adopted together with the Draft Declaration on Principles of Human Rights and the Environment. The Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decisionmaking and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters was agreed upon at the Environment for Europe Ministerial Conference, which stated: "every person has the right to live in an environment adequate to his or her health and well-being." The Commission on Human Rights adopted a resolution reaffirming that "illicit traffic and dumping of toxic and dangerous products constitute a serious threat to the human right to life, health and a sound environment for every individual." Many delegates opposed the consideration of hazardous wastes and other environmental issues by the Commission, claiming it was not the right forum for solving those problems.













Table 1: The Human Right to a Healthy Environment: Evolution 39

5.2 The Right to Participate in Decisions that Affect the Environment In addition to the right to a healthy environment, citizens have a right to participate in decisions that affect the environment. Principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development states: Environmental issues are best handled with participation of all concerned citizens, at the relevant level. At the national level, each individual shall have appropriate access to information concerning the environment that is held by public authorities, including information on hazardous materials and activities in their communities, and the opportunity to participate in decision-making processes. States shall facilitate and encourage public awareness and participation by making information widely available. Effective access to judicial and administrative proceedings, including redress and remedy, shall be provided. 40

The 1998 Aarhus Convention is the most complete framework for the implementation of Principle 10 of the Rio Declaration. The preamble of the Convention includes the following:

Recognizing that adequate protection of the environment is essential to human wellbeing and the enjoyment of basic human rights, including the right to life itself, Recognizing also that every person has the right to live in an environment adequate to his or her health and well-being, and the duty, both individually and in association with others, to protect and improve the environment for the benefit of present and future generations,

Considering that, to be able to assert this right and observe this duty, citizens must have access to information, be entitled to participate in decision-making


Water as a Human Right, 7th International Conference on Environmental Law; Appendix III; June 2003; 40 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), June 1992


and have access to justice in environmental matters, and acknowledging in this regard that citizens may need assistance in order to exercise their rights,

Recognizing that, in the field of the environment, improved access to information and public participation in decision-making enhance the quality and the implementation of decisions, contribute to public awareness of

environmental issues, give the public the opportunity to express its concerns and enable public authorities to take due account of such concerns,

Aiming thereby to further the accountability of and transparency in decisionmaking and to strengthen public support for decisions on the environment 41

The Aarhus Convention recognizes every persons right to a healthy environment as well as his or her duty to protect it The Convention pursues its objective of a healthy environment for all by upholding the right of every person to have access to information about the environment And it promotes easy and effective access to justice if those rights are denied. 42

All of the above doctrine regarding the rights of citizens to a healthy environment and to participate in decisions regarding the environment sounds great on paper. Unfortunately, those rights have rarely been upheld. To make matters worse, the public is being deliberately deceived about geoengineering. M. Granger Morgan, the head of the Department of Engineering and Public Policy at Carnegie Mellon University, made the following statement at a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) meeting on Developing an International Framework for

Geoengineering: First of all, of course, there is a lot of money getting spent to make sure that a very substantial portion of the public stays totally confused about this. And, I mean, its been really quite pernicious. But theres been literally tens of millions


The Aarhus Convention, The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), June 1998 42 Your Right to a Healthy Environment: A simplified guide to the Aarhus Convention; United Nations Environment Programme, July 2006


of dollars spent on every little thing that comes along that might, you know, relate to some uncertainty. 43

5.3 The Right of Access to Justice The Aarhus Convention stipulates the following regarding the rights of citizens to have access to justice in matters pertaining to the environment:

For access to information and public participation in decision-making to be effective, the public must have recourse to a court of law or administrative proceeding. Such a review mechanism provides a means of challenging the authorities decisions and ensuring the effective implementation of the Convention. 44

Breaches of the rights to information and to public participation can be appealed to a court of law (or another independent and impartial body, such as an ombudsman). Members of the public can sue if the law has been violated or if the authority has failed to follow the proper procedures. 45

Access to justice is not just limited to cases about the right to information and public participation:

Under the Convention, members of the public should in principle be able to challenge any violation of national law relating to the environment. If public authorities or private persons have broken such a law, citizens should be able to challenge the acts or omissions in court, even if they have not suffered personal harm. 46 5.4 The Obligation of Government to Protect the Environment


Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering, CFR, March 10, 2010 44 Your Right to a Healthy Environment: A simplified guide to the Aarhus Convention, United Nations Environment Programme, July 2006 45 Ibid. 46 Ibid.


The second principle of the 1972 Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment47 states that it is the duty of ALL governments to protect and improve the environment: The protection and improvement of the human environment is a major issue which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world; it is the urgent desire of the peoples of the whole world and the duty of all Governments.


A charitable-status international human rights organization should be established to act independently from the UN to tackle human-caused human security issues. This organization's main role would be to uncover issues of greatest importance worldwide, attract and promote the best possible solutions everywhere. Solutions could be legal, social or technical. Problemsolvers would be attracted to participate by a reward system for the best suggestions presented. Solutions presented should be categorized and posted in real time in a publicly viewable database. In time, the organization would establish a HYPERNETWORK of scientific and social monitoring stations that would publish its findings in real-time.

Establish an international committee to provide support to individuals and groups in order to resolve issues in which their human rights pertaining to the environment have been violated: The right to a healthy environment The right to participate in decisions that affect the environment The right of access to justice


Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment; United Nations Conference on the Human Environment; Stockholm; June 1972;

Human rights cannot be secured in a degraded or polluted environment. The fundamental right to life is threatened by soil degradation and deforestation and by exposures to toxic chemicals, hazardous wastes and contaminated drinking water. Environmental conditions clearly help to determine the extent to which people enjoy their basic rights to life, health, adequate food and housing, and traditional livelihood and culture. It is time to recognise that those who pollute or destroy the natural environment are not just committing a crime against nature, but are violating human rights as well.

Klaus Toepfer, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme Statement to the 57th Session of the Commission on Human Rights, 2001

Andersen, G. (2000, May). "Asthma, A Growing Epidemic," Environmental Health Series, 2000. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from National Conference of State Legislature: BAKALAR, N. (2008, December 29). Having a Baby: Vitamin D Deficiency Is Tied to C-Sections. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from The New York Times: Bees: Natural History Notebooks. (2011, May 2). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Canadian Museum of Nature: Britt, R. R. (2066, January 24). Baffled Scientists Say Less Sunlight Reaching Earth. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Live Science: California State Department of Health Drinking Water Test Results 1984 - 2007. (n.d.). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from California Sky Watch: Campbell, K. (2006, January 18). Farmers sweat winter's lack of chill hours. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from The California Farm Bureau Federation: 3B59F CBC News. (2010, November 30). Boning up on the sunshine vitamin. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from CBC News Health: Chaff and Flares - U.S. Air Force document. (2003, January 10). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from California Sky Watch: D. Murstein, M. (2002, January 30). Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from University of Chicago: Dalton, R. (2009, December 21). How aircraft emissions contribute to warming. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from nature news: Declaration of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. (1972, June 16). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from United Nations Conference on the Human Environment,

Stockholm: Developing an International Framework for Geoengineering. (2010, March 10). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Council on Foreign Relations: Discovery Channel-Best Evidence Program (27 February 2007). [Motion Picture]. ETC Group. (n.d.). The Case Against Geoengineering. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Geopiracy: Fruit & Nut Chilling Hour Requirements for Crop Production. (2006). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from University of California: Geoengineering: a quick fix with big risks. (2007, June 4). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Carnegie Institution for Science: Gillie, O. (2007, July 16). Why vitamin D is so vital. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from The Telegraph: HANLEY, C. J. (2011, April 3). Geoengineering: Scientists Debate Risks Of Sun-Blocking And Other Climate Tweaks To Fight Warming. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Huffington Post: J.E.Penner, D. D. (1999). Aviation and the Global Atmosphere. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Larsen, K. (2011, July 15). 'Ice Wars' heating up the Arctic. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from CNN: earch LINDA S. NIELD, M. (2006, August 15). Rickets: Not a Disease of the Past. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from American Family Physician: Little, C. E. (1995). The dying of the trees : the pandemic in America's forests. New York, N.Y.: Viking.

Losey, R. L. (2010). U.S. Air Force & NASA Press Kit Excellent Description & Note Toxics Used in Program. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Apollo/Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft: Mark Z. Jacobson, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. (2010, November 9). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Stanford University Professor: Michael Waldman, P., Sean Nicholson, P., Nodir Adilov, P., & John Williams, M. M. (2008). Autism Prevalence and Precipitation Rates in California, Oregon, and Washington Counties. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Journal of the American Medical Association: NASA Langley Research Center. (2004, January 29). Aircraft Contrails - Imageof the day. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from NASA. (2003, June 20). NASA Night Clouds. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from NASA Science: NASA Newsletter . (2005). CONTRAIL ID CHART. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from ent_Jet_Contrails_Newsletter_2005_Page_8.pdf NOAA. (2010). Final Listing of Weather Modification Programs in 2010. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration: AA_Final_Listing_of_Weather_Modification_Programs_Spreadsheet_10WXMOD5.pdf PBS. (2006, April 18). DIMMING THE SUN. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from NOVA Transcripts: RABIN, R. C. (2008, August 25). Vitamin D Deficiency May Lurk in Babies. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from The New York Times: Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. (1992, June). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Report of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, Stockholm, 5-16 June 1972: Scanlon, J. (2003, June 2-5). Water as a Human Right? Retrieved August 22, 2011, from 7th International Conference on Environmental Law:

Science Daily. (2008, November 18). Water Vapor Confirmed As Major Player In Climate Change. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from Science Daily: Simone Tilmes, R. M. (2008, April 24). Stratospheric Injections to Counter Global Warming Could Damage Ozone Layer. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from UCAR: The Aarhus Convention. (1998, June). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from European Commission: The Committee Office, House of Commons. (2010, March 18). House of Commons - The Regulation of Geoengineering - Science and Technology Committee. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from UK Parliament: The Naval Research Laboratory. (2009, September 11). NRL Rocket Experiment Lights up the East Coast. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from NRL Press Release: The Regulation of Geoengineering. (2010, March). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from UK House of Commons: The Regulation of Geoengineering. (2010, March 10). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from House of Commons Science and Technology Committee: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency PA420-R-99-013. (1999, April). "Evaluation of Air Pollutant Emissions from Subsonic Commercial Jet Aircraft". Retrieved August 22, 2011, from EPA Final Report: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) & National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) . (2009). UCAR News & World Weather Modification Map. Retrieved August 22, 2011, from University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) & National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) : Your Right to a healthy environment: A simplified guide to the Aarhus Convention. (2006, July). Retrieved August 22, 2011, from United Nations Environment Programme:

Annex 1 - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Photos Worldwide

No Photo



Location City Country

Initial name Gender of witness


It was taken approximately 30 minutes after the planes flew overhead. All planes flew from the south west to the north east - almost as if they were flying to Singapore (conjecture only). The spray existed for more than 3 hours, and then merged with other clouds. It was taken from the location Innergschwend 9, looking to SouthWest; within a short span of time several planes & spraying appeared in the sky which was blue before. / The photo taken during spraying action or a short time after the planes appeared in the sky (maybe not more than 30 min. afterwards).

18 April 2011

10:30 AM

Adelaide, South Australia





5 January 2011

5:07 PM

Tannheimer Tal (Innergschwend)/ Austria Tyrolia




11 August 2011

9:00 AM






13 August 2011

7:00 PM






9 December 2010

15:51 PM

Pickering, Ontario Canada




30 July 2011

6:50 PM

Victoria, British Columbia





The photo was taken maybe 15 minutes after the last one and 4 hours or more after the first one not sure ... they sprayed all day on that day.

13 May 2011

1:00 PM

Boisbriand, Qubec





It was taken on the Canada Day Celebrations

1 July 2011

1:15 PM

Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia





Annex 1 - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Photos Worldwide

No Photo



Location City Country

Initial name Gender of witness


9 August 2011

Vancouver Island, Canada British Columbia





1 August 2011

Vancouver Island, Canada British Columbia



31 July 2011

8:30 PM

Victoria, British Columbia






10 June 2011

12:17 PM

Montreal, Quebec Canada





29 November 2010

12:22 PM

Toronto, Ontario






9 April 2011

late Sutton, Quebec afternoon






12 August 2011

late Sutton, Quebec afternoon






They sprayed all that day during daylight hours.

29 November 2010

10:00 AM Toronto, Ontario





Annex 1 - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Photos Worldwide

No Photo



Location City Country

Initial name Gender of witness



A single trail as it drifted across the sky over Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The photo shows the trail drift and dispersed about a half hour period.

5 January 2011

at sunset

Toronto, Ontario






The planes flew on US territory towards the island & turned around as they got closer to Canada. The spraying interval was about 10 minutes and the wind spread the substances over Canadian territory.

23 March 2011

Vancouver Island, 10:00 AM Victoria British Canada Columbia





It was taken during the day.

April 2011

Bourg en Bresse






12 September 2010

7:19 PM

Annemasse 74100 France haute savoie





The photo view to the West, curved and doubled spraying.

20 September 2010

FriedrichNaumann11:22 AM Strae/Ehlersstra Germany e (KarlsruheNordweststadt)





January 2011

afternoon Volos






16 June 2011

7:55 AM

North of Sidoarjo, Indonesia East Java





These trails range from approx a few hours old to freshly sprayed. I observed a plane flying overhead spraying as I was taking the pictures.

26 July 2011

8:00 AM

South West of Co Ireland Cork




Annex 1 - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Photos Worldwide

No Photo



Location City Country

Initial name Gender of witness



1 August 2011







12 August 2011

10:11 PM







6 August 2011

7:15 AM

San Lorenzo de El Spain Escorial





The skies were clear and blue in the morning, by 10:00 AM the planes came over, we had a clear view as we were at a cricket ground at the time. / By the afternoon the sky was blanketed by this type of trails from the planes, this is clearly not a normal contrail from an aeroplane.

31 July 2011

2:00 PM

Hastings East Sussex

United Kingdom




The photo was taken after spraying (about 2 hours after), but you can see the 'spray' clearly.

21 February 2011


Hackney Borough, United London Kingdom





The spraying over the witness' house.

30 September 2010

16:17 PM

LaSalle County, Ottawa, ILLINOIS

United States of America





August 2011

Nature Coast area, United North of Tampa, afternoon States of Florida, Hernando America County





It shows a loop that was made by a very high jet. The jet made about 5 more loops, stopping in between them, until disappearing over the horizon.

6 May 2011

San Diego, California

United States of America




Annex 1 - Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering Photos Worldwide






Location City Country

Initial name Gender of witness



13 March 2011

7:10 PM

United Hampton, Georgia States of America





11 April 2011

2:13 PM

Fayetteville, Georgia

United States of America





14 May 2011

United Sioux Falls, South States of Dakota America





I saw the planes dispersing the heavy trails and drove 20 miles watching them continuously spraying massive trails.

12 August 2011

6:00 PM

Portland, Oregon

United States of America




Annex 2 - Questionnaire Public Opinion on Aerosol Spraying Geoengineering Program

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

3/18/2011 8:59:59 indonesia


I am certain are real.

3/18/2011 9:14:08 canada 3/18/2011 9:51:27 US

sherbrooke Marietta

I am certain are real. I am certain are real. I believe they are real. I believe they are real.

3/18/2011 10:55:24 USA 3/18/2011 10:56:39 USA

Sumter Battle Creek, MI

Why are pilots, To be kept meteorologists, What are you informed of our the media, the doing to help activities add your email address Why are we being Are government military silent prevent continued sprayed? leaders aware? about chemtrails? spraying? below they are afraid to reveal the truth, still a big mistery for perhaps their life me; maybe some National leaders and (including their scientists just love to local leaders are family) are being Informing friends and play God? aware. threatened? contacts National leaders and local leaders are signed a Informing friends and military weapon aware. confidentiality form contacts slow death, stop National leaders only Informing friends and vegitation growth are aware. good question! contacts National leaders and local leaders are Informing friends and Unknown aware. They affraid to speak contacts Informing friends and "we" don't realize that National leaders only we are one are aware. I don't know contacts National leaders and They don't want the local leaders are public to know what aware. they are spraying National leaders only are aware. Threats or money

Do you wish us to add your email address to this form in support of our cause?


Yes Yes

Yes Yes

3/18/2011 10:58:48 USA

Navarre Beach

I believe they are real.

3/18/2011 11:04:58 United Kingdom


Geoengineering Battle climate warming or deI am certain are real. populate To hide something from above as it would ruin their plans if the public was completely aware of the truth and prepared for either a revolution, or a disaster and did not need their assistance. I do not know if it is nibiru they are hiding, or if it is military operations they have going on above those clouds, but I am pretty convinced that the purpose of chemtrails is to hide something, not to kill us.

Informing friends and contacts


Gathering evidence


3/18/2011 11:07:42 USA

Cedar Rapids, IA

It is a worldwide conspiracy.

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.

Because the people running the operation basically own the Informing friends and media. contacts


3/18/2011 11:10:37 united states

new york

im thinking its a way to get rid of uncertain garbage or chemicals that due to certain cannot be disposed National leaders only policies that they are Informing friends and I am certain are real. of any other way are aware. under contacts


page 1 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

3/18/2011 11:13:49 USA 3/18/2011 11:16:13 USA

New York San Rafael, CA

Why are we being sprayed? to depopulate planet,destroy immune systems so inhabitants buy meds It is a worldwide from Big conspiracy. Pharmeceuticals Weather control I am certain are real. experimentation

What do you think about chemtrails?

Are government leaders aware?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

National leaders only are aware. National leaders only are aware.

They are either being told lies or being Informing friends and bullied contacts In denial, fantasy about our world Gathering evidence

No No

3/18/2011 11:26:44 Ireland 3/18/2011 11:33:14 Canada

Arklow Windsor

Geo-engeeinering/ I am certain are real. other I believe they are real. unknown Weather Modifacation and I am certain are real. HAARP I am certain are real. Idiots in charge!

3/18/2011 11:37:47 USA 3/18/2011 11:47:16 usa

Redding Fremont

their getting paid well, National leaders only or trained to think its Informing friends and for our benefit... contacts are aware. National leaders only I believe they know are aware. the health risks Gathering evidence I do not think leaders are aware. This is a Because they have global military been told to keep Informing friends and operation. thier mouths shut. contacts National leaders only Informing friends and are aware. Wish I new. contacts

Yes Yes

Yes Yes

3/18/2011 11:51:40 Canada


3/18/2011 12:19:13 Canada


Many pilots and meteorologists are awake. The media is mostly silent on this issue. If its a classified military operation, the media would not have much to comment on since there is no proof other than what they see in the sky. I think environmental factors of humidity and pressure, play a part, and definitely other pollutants like Nitrogen Dioxides and Sulfuric Dioxides (and other small airborne particulate matter) also Research. To contribute to the measure how problem of effectively one might understanding this reflect the heat from I do not think leaders phenomenon. The are aware. This is a military would be the sun ; other weather manipulation global military I believe they are silent if it is covert Informing friends and real. research operation. operation. contacts I do not think leaders are aware. This is a Try to find logic global military They are being paid Informing friends and I am certain are real. here...good luck. operation. to be silent. contacts



page 2 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause? Creating local awareness meetings and coffeechats

3/18/2011 12:20:00 Ireland


3/18/2011 12:50:53 Australia


3/18/2011 13:23:46 usa

garden grove

National leaders only because they are I am certain are real. to enhance HAARP are aware. sworn to secrecy It all comes down to National leaders and money and power. Control , popullation local leaders are Tho money is the key I am certain are real. reduction aware. to this. National leaders and It is a worldwide it cant be for a good local leaders are they're showed the conspiracy. reason aware. zapruder film?


Gathering evidence Informing friends and contacts



3/18/2011 14:53:38 Alberta


I think it has to do with all our Satillites I am certain are real. wirless electronices

3/18/2011 15:25:33 USA 3/18/2011 16:26:39 USA

Portland Salem

It is a worldwide conspiracy. I believe they are real.

I dont know. Good question -why, why, why???

3/18/2011 16:59:55 USA


3/18/2011 17:38:05 Norway


3/18/2011 18:18:54 U.S.A.


3/18/2011 18:28:33 Canada

Granby region

I am certain are real. not sure To make us sick, to poison mother earth, National leaders and I believe they are the water and local leaders are real. everything. aware. National leaders and local leaders are I am certain are real. Crazy Experiments' aware. I do not think leaders population control, are aware. This is a altering our global military I am certain are real. DNA,Mind Control operation. depopulation.big $ for pharmacy,same reason they destroy our healthy food with gmo s,to control our world enviroment for the cause of I am certain are real. corporations $.

I thick they are paid off. and if not paid off, they are scared National leaders only to put it up and make are aware. fools of themselves, Gathering evidence I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military Informing friends and operation. secrecy, conspiracy contacts National leaders only Good question ... are aware. why, why why??? Gathering evidence I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military most think its a Informing friends and operation. conspiracy contacts They are controlled of the New World Order,


Yes Yes


Informing friends and contacts


It could cause public Informing friends and mahem' contacts


They are ordered to reain silent

Informing friends and contacts


3/18/2011 19:14:45 canada


I do not think leaders are aware. This is a $ or get dead first,job global military security,conrolled by Informing friends and operation. others contacts They would never be authorized to do if populations was Informing friends and knowing all that... contacts Informing friends and contacts


3/18/2011 19:41:37 France


Reduce population, weather control (for National leaders and the general warming local leaders are I am certain are real. of heart , war...etc..) aware.


3/18/2011 20:32:22 USA


National leaders only lack of interest I am certain are real. not sure but not good are aware. displayed by victims


page 3 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

3/18/2011 21:11:20 ICELAND

3/18/2011 21:53:33 Australia

Why are we being sprayed? Depopulation plan and to ruin our immune system, but there is more behind BORGARNES I am certain are real. it also... 1 weather modifaction 2United States Navy's, RFMP, Radio Frequency Mission Planner, military program. "The third project also utilizes the mixture of barium salts in the atmosphere. Weather control is a project of the U.S. Air Force and utilizes Nikola Tesla concepts of radio frequency radiation (HAARP) against the ionosphere above the earth. Fragile life support systems in our environment are being manipulated, tested and altered by government for military advantage. The fourth project in the atmosphere is the DARPA, Defense Advanced Research Projects It is a worldwide Agency, biological Perth West Australia conspiracy. detection and

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

National leaders and local leaders are They get threatened Informing friends and aware. and their families contacts


Most are and will be because they now if they say anything National leaders only they will be targeted are aware. and taken out!!!!

Informing friends and contacts


3/18/2011 23:03:48 Canada


Depopulation & weaponization of I am certain are real. food

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.

Coercion and threat of death. These people go after your family. They are absolute scum of the first rate. Gathering evidence ?Eugenics/?Weather Modification/Man can control masses and depopulate them Informing friends and if they want to contacts


3/19/2011 0:00:06 USA

Harbor Springs

3/19/2011 0:32:13 USA

White Pine

Sulver Dixoide/Al/Iron/Bariu National leaders and m/?Virus/Phosgene? local leaders are aware. I am certain are real. /Fluoride? I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military Depopulation and I am certain are real. Control operation.



Gathering evidence


page 4 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

3/19/2011 0:33:29 germany


It is a worldwide conspiracy.

National leaders and because they belive to destroy our brains local leaders are the climate lie and and/or genozid aware. that its a "must be" To Depopulate The Planet And Stop The National leaders only Ascension Process! are aware. They Don

Informing friends and contacts


3/19/2011 2:08:15 USA

Las Vegas

It is a worldwide conspiracy.

Gathering evidence


3/19/2011 2:10:05 USA

Las Vegas

To Depopulate The National leaders and Creating local Planet And Stop The local leaders are They Don't Want To awareness meetings I am certain are real. Ascension Process! aware. Lose Their Jobs!!!! and coffeechats Creating local awareness meetings (coffeechats, chatwalks, photo chats) Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


3/19/2011 3:51:37 Canada


National leaders and I am certain they are weather modification, local leaders are real. depopulation aware. Fear


3/19/2011 4:23:33 Canada


I am certain they are Global Genocide real. Soft Kill Weapon

3/19/2011 5:19:13 Deutschland


3/19/2011 5:22:11 US


3/19/2011 9:15:09 USA


3/19/2011 9:39:11 USA


My whole family are For controlated certain they are real. depopulation. Depopulation Google Quiet It is a worldwide Weapons for Silent conspiracy. Wars Weather control, mind control, My whole family are population control, certain they are real. Whole Control Weather control, mind control, I am certain they are population control, real. Whole Control All my friends are certain they are real Experimentation

National leaders only are aware. Fear of being killed They are thratend or National leaders and dont know the real local leaders are effect of their aware. actions! National leaders and local leaders are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. National leaders and local leaders are aware. Because they swakkowed the lies of GW



Making public presentations


They have been told Making public to be silent. presentations


3/19/2011 16:59:47 UK


3/20/2011 6:01:31 Portugal


I am certain they are real. depopulation

3/20/2011 9:08:02 OZ

Emerald City

It is a worldwide conspiracy.


They have been told Making public to be silent. presentations Preparing a case to To Protect there submit to local police income department because they are Speaking to my brainwashed with the political National leaders only propaganda of global representative about are aware. warming chemtrails I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military Making a Youtube operation. ingnorance video on chemtrails Self interest i.e. keeping their jobs. Much spraying takes place via drones (Cypher 4 type) Gathering evidence





3/20/2011 9:08:58 Germany


To cause a major famine and to I am certain they are weaken us real. healthwise.

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.


page 5 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

3/20/2011 9:20:29 Canada


3/20/2011 9:43:24 Mexico

San Jose del Cabo

3/20/2011 9:44:05 United Kingdom


3/20/2011 9:44:06 United Kingdom


testing and weather control, and i believe I am certain they are is directly linked to National leaders only real. H.A.A.R.P are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I am certain they are global military real. world depopulation operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I believe they are You tell me because global military real. I don't know operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I believe they are You tell me because global military operation. real. I don't know they say to slow global warming. I say My whole family and I it is population are certain they are control, to make only real. GMO seeds grow.

government threats obviously

Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


wish I knew

Informing friends and contacts



Informing friends and contacts



Informing friends and contacts


3/20/2011 9:44:58 USA


3/20/2011 9:45:37 United Kingdom


3/20/2011 9:46:48 France


3/20/2011 10:21:38 USA 3/20/2011 10:27:28 Canada

HOUSTON Edmonton

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I believe they are You tell me because global military real. I don't know operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a My whole family and I are certain they are to control the global military real. weather operation. National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are real. DONT KNOW aware. It is a worldwide National leaders only conspiracy. idiots in charge are aware. blocking the sun, It is a worldwide HAARP, morgellons, conspiracy. and vitamin depletion Quick fix to the planet because the oil companies are suppressing I am certain they are alternative technology. real. All my friends and I are certain they are real HAARP

FEAR for their lives

Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


ignorance because it would be not accept by most of people

Informing friends and contacts I am designing creative new artwork (Posters, T-Shirts...)



THEY WERE TOLD TOO Gathering evidence Informing friends and hidden truths contacts

Yes Yes

3/20/2011 10:38:03 the Netherlands


to prevent mass Writing blogs on National leaders only hysteria and to keep chemtrails and are aware. power in plane geoengineering If the public knew the damage to the environment that this National leaders only is causing they would are aware. protest. Gathering evidence National leaders and local leaders are Many are part of Informing friends and aware. network contacts


3/20/2011 10:56:01 Canada



3/20/2011 11:48:27 Canada



page 6 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

3/20/2011 14:05:34 Denmark


All my friends and I are certain they are real

3/20/2011 14:57:00 Serbia


It is a worldwide conspiracy.

3/20/2011 15:35:12 Canada


It is a worldwide conspiracy.

military and politic reasons for changing the environment so teh people of the world will completly depend on artificial National leaders and and controlled local leaders are systems of living aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military eugenica operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military Tell us the truth! operation.

working together for the same "goal" and Writing blogs on under same chemtrails and governance geoengineering


They are payed, and Informing friends and they dont care contacts


3/20/2011 16:31:45 United States

San Diego

My whole family and I are certain they are mass depopulation, real. NWO My whole family and I are certain they are real. 715-808-0671 My whole family and I are certain they are keep us sick and kill real. off non GMO plants More than one reason, I believe. Over the horison radar, weather modification, Scalar/Harp Technology and Chemtrails are the My whole family and I medium for this are certain they are energy to real. "broadcast" in.

3/20/2011 16:44:08 USA

Hudson WI

3/20/2011 17:28:03 Canada

Halton Hills

Informing friends and Tell me why! contacts Because they get National leaders and paid to keep quiet, or local leaders are they get killed if they Informing friends and aware. talk. contacts I do not think leaders are aware. This is a Because if thay are global military paid to keep there operation. mouth shut Gathering evidence zionist controled National leaders only MSM silent on the Informing friends and are aware. subject like 9/11 contacts





3/20/2011 18:20:55 Canada


3/20/2011 19:12:43 USA



I am certain they are Depopulation, lining real. the pockets. I believe they are real. All my friends and I are certain they are real All my friends and I are certain they are real weather control, military experiments

National leaders only are aware. Threats I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. Illuminati, NWO. National leaders only are aware. National leaders and local leaders are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.

Making a Youtube video on chemtrails


Gathering evidence


3/20/2011 19:53:06 usa

new york

to keep jobs.

Gathering evidence


3/20/2011 20:12:55 usa

amherst ma

various reasons

fear of retribution

3/21/2011 3:31:27 canada



paid off by military

Gathering evidence Speaking to my political representative about chemtrails



3/21/2011 5:14:42 Denmark


I am certain they are many unclear real. reasons

don't know

Informing friends and contacts


page 7 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

3/21/2011 8:47:30 USA

portsmouth oh

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of What do you think Why are we being Are government military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? sprayed? leaders aware? about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause? All my friends and I weather denial,. they don't are certain they are manipulation, National leaders only want to go down the Informing friends and real population control? are aware. rabbit hole. contacts Yes

3/21/2011 13:37:02 USA


It is a worldwide conspiracy.

I am not sure of the primary reason; but a mixture of population control, mental and physical harassment, an opportunity to National leaders and wage world-wide war local leaders are for profit aware.

fear as well as various types of mind control.Some of it is blatant, but most of it is subtle and deeply embedded in our Informing friends and society contacts


3/21/2011 17:12:08 united states


3/21/2011 18:43:05 USA


3/22/2011 0:30:56 usa


3/22/2011 18:56:22 usa

newport beach

3/23/2011 1:24:08 Australia


military private and political reasons. population control All my friends and I and experiments with are certain they are the weather. i know National leaders only real this is not right. are aware. I do not think leaders All my friends and I are aware. This is a are certain they are global military real to weaken us. operation. National leaders and It is a worldwide so they can control local leaders are conspiracy. us aware. All my friends and I National leaders and are certain they are to control, manipulate local leaders are real even kill us aware. My whole family and I The list of reasons is are certain they are far to long to tye in a National leaders only real. small box. are aware. I think we are being sprayed as part of ongoing experiments I am certain they are regarding weather real. modification. I am certain they are population and mind real. control Maintain plasma for I am certain they are HAARP/culling of humanity. real.

they either dont know or they are told or Informing friends and paid to keep quiet. contacts Speaking to my political representative about chemtrails not sure.



fear of reprisals from the government Gathering evidence we would be intelligized not Informing friends and wanted contacts
Because its a matter of 'national security' Gathering evidence




3/23/2011 7:52:36 England


3/23/2011 8:07:47 usa

Seaside, Oregon

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. National leaders and local leaders are aware.

Some don't know. Some do but care not.

Speaking to my political representative about chemtrails Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts


Have an out


3/23/2011 12:50:47 USA


3/23/2011 17:40:46 Czech Republic


My whole family and I are certain they are real. they are totally mad

National leaders only are aware. They are well paid? I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military They are afraid of operation. NATO I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.


Informing friends and contacts


3/23/2011 21:18:29 Denmark


My whole family and I are certain they are real. Geoengerneering

The dont know what to believe, the get Creating a social data from people network group on there are corrupted. chemtrail truth


page 8 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

3/23/2011 21:23:13 usa


All my friends and I are certain they are real

3/23/2011 21:26:06 England


I am certain they are real. I am certain they are real. I believe they are real. I believe they are real. All my friends and I are certain they are real I believe they are real. All my friends and I are certain they are real My whole family and I are certain they are real.

3/23/2011 21:26:07 USA


3/23/2011 21:28:03 AMERIKA


3/23/2011 21:28:39 AMERIKA


Why are pilots, To be kept meteorologists, What are you informed of our the media, the doing to help activities add your email address Why are we being Are government military silent prevent continued sprayed? leaders aware? about chemtrails? spraying? below they have been threatened with their jobs,or maybe in on it,or they are National leaders and sheep,doing what thats the local leaders are they are told,to feel Informing friends and 10,000$question aware. like a good sheep contacts either to attack our immune because they are system,poison our I do not think leaders part of the controlled Speaking to my land and water are aware. This is a media and anyone political something to do with global military else does not get a representative about HAARP operation. look in chemtrails DeNational leaders and population/chemical local leaders are Asleep and don't Informing friends and warfare testing aware. care. Brainwashed contacts Organizing National leaders and MAKE FARMS FOR local leaders are teleconferences on aware. WONT GET SHOT chemtrail truth CHINA National leaders and Organizing teleconferences on MAKE FARMS FOR local leaders are CHINA aware. WONT GET SHOT chemtrail truth National leaders and local leaders are aware. National leaders and local leaders are aware. National leaders and local leaders are aware. Because they are paid to deny and cover it up. Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter

Do you wish us to add your email address to this form in support of our cause?






3/23/2011 21:31:32 Canada


Monsanto and HAARP purposes


3/23/2011 21:33:47 USA


population control

I don't know. Scared Informing friends and maybe? contacts


3/23/2011 21:38:31 USA

Round Rock,Texas

to make us sick? drop toxins to harm us

Media Black Out

Gathering evidence Informing friends and contacts


3/23/2011 21:40:30 USA


3/23/2011 21:42:29 USA

San Diego

It is a worldwide conspiracy.

eugenics, mass depopulation

National leaders only are aware. they dont care I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military self interest, operation. ignornance


Gathering evidence


page 9 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

3/23/2011 21:45:22 United Kingdom


3/23/2011 21:48:01 Canada


Good question. Is it because of Global Warming? I think not, i think that is what they want us to believe and why it doesn`t make much sense when the planet is not getting any warmer. Maybe Weather Manipulation for Haarp/Star Wars weapons program? Temperature manipulation for unregulated weather derivitives? Poison/Slow kill/Depopulation Agenda? Who I believe they are knows?! real. population control; to I am certain they are keep people docile & real. compliant. to keep our immune system on high, and to use as weather modification

3/23/2011 21:51:05 USA


All my friends and I are certain they are real

3/23/2011 21:51:19 usa


I am certain they are real. 206 4567890

3/23/2011 21:52:55 usa


I am certain they are real. 206 4567890

They have been told to? Fear of losing their job/going National leaders only missing/guantanamo Informing friends and are aware. ? Paid for? Idiots? contacts National leaders and local leaders are fear of losing Writing an article for aware. career/life. the media harmfull to breath I do not think leaders this in, so they will are aware. This is a say its for our global military protection from the I might sponsor an operation. sun event I do not think leaders they do many covert are aware. This is a things... to our global military detriment... worldwide.... Gathering evidence operation. I do not think leaders they do many covert are aware. This is a things... to our global military detriment... Informing friends and operation. worldwide.... contacts






3/23/2011 21:56:18 USA

My whole family and I are certain they are Geo engineering, Walworth, wisconsin real. military chaff

3/23/2011 22:02:50 Canada


I am certain they are sickness, real. sterilization, profit

I really think they believe this is some kind of help. They started somerhing they are afraid to stop and they want to poison the planet with no responsibility I do not think leaders for mankind or plants are aware. This is a and animals. They global military can not think into the operation. future. They are afraid to National leaders and speak against their local leaders are promise that they aware. wouldn't

Informing friends and contacts


Informing friends and contacts


page 10 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

United States of 3/23/2011 22:09:26 America 3/23/2011 22:14:33 india

La Habra deli

Are government leaders aware? I do not think leaders All my friends and I Protect from Global are aware. This is a are certain they are warming- making rain global military real maybe depopulation operation. I am certain they are National leaders only real. spreadinng illness are aware.

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause? Media is asking questions- news reporters were over powered by them

Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts

Yes Yes

3/23/2011 23:15:05 Australia 3/23/2011 23:15:20 Czech Republic

Maryborough Brno

3/23/2011 23:31:00 Portugal

Ermidas Sado

defense, spying, My whole family and I biowars, are certain they are weathermaking,supp National leaders only real. ort for HAARP etc. are aware. to stay alive I am certain they are National leaders only they're evil NWO real. depopulation are aware. puppets Because its the government who To make Haarp work pays them Not the I am certain they are and so the planet National leaders only people. And They real. can be depopulated are aware. want to control us All my friends and I are certain they are real National leaders and To keep plants from local leaders are growing aware. They don't know.

Gathering evidence Informing friends and contacts

No Yes

Informing friends and contacts Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


3/23/2011 23:41:25 USA



3/23/2011 23:54:44 USA

Forest Grove

for depopulation? I am certain they are dna specific chem war fare? real.

3/24/2011 0:38:08 America

Spokane Valley

National leaders and to keep the people local leaders are ignorant about their aware. hidden agendas? They are all I am certain they are National leaders only controled by the real. Population reduction are aware. NWO elite

Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts



3/24/2011 2:02:02 France 3/24/2011 2:25:49 USA

Solar Radiation Management under the pressure of I am certain they are lobbies connected Alfortville / near Paris real. with geoengineering I am certain they are Lancaster real. population control

National leaders only are aware. Secret Defense National leaders only are aware. paid off

Making public presentations Gathering evidence

No No

germany (north 3/24/2011 2:46:42 hessen)


I am certain they are scients for pharma, real. ko and weather

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.

3/24/2011 3:36:25 Germany 3/24/2011 3:43:47 Italy

Cologne Bolzano

3/24/2011 3:44:18 Canada


I do not think leaders are aware. This is a It is a worldwide Wether Manipulation global military operation. conspiracy. + Mind Control I am certain they are National leaders only real. 2004 are aware. people don't accept Because those doing I am certain they are the spraying are National leaders only Because they are real. insane are aware. insane

because they know, that people, animals and greens going down like the "Klima" and water on earth Informing friends and (near death) contacts Meteorologists believe they are Contrails, Pilots believe to do the right thing, Media believe the Scientists, Military is mind controlled Gathering evidence Gathering evidence Writing blogs on chemtrails and geoengineering


Yes Yes


page 11 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in? ljubljana

3/24/2011 4:22:44 slovenia

What do you think about chemtrails? I am certain they are real.

3/24/2011 4:40:33 UK


I am certain they are real.

3/24/2011 5:05:10 united kingdom 3/24/2011 5:09:21 Sweden

Hayle rebro

My whole family and I are certain they are real. I am certain they are real.

Why are pilots, meteorologists, the media, the Why are we being Are government military silent sprayed? leaders aware? about chemtrails? to hurt all life on the National leaders only because they are planet are aware. little whores They believe they are helping prevent Weather National leaders only harmful radiation modification are aware. from the sun. to make us ill to decrease the population and how because if people else are they knew the true there supposed to get rid National leaders only would be riots of laboratory waste are aware. everywhere National leaders only that I want know are aware. fear of something

To be kept What are you informed of our doing to help activities add your email address prevent continued spraying? below Informing friends and contacts Speaking to my political representative about chemtrails

Do you wish us to add your email address to this form in support of our cause? Yes


Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Informing friends and contacts

Yes Yes

3/24/2011 6:58:56 SPAIN


3/24/2011 7:05:54 Austria


3/24/2011 8:32:42 USA of China


I believe it has something to do with current solar activity and the creation of a sun shield to protect us from coronal mass ejections that could severely damage our electro magnetic field and the consequences that would arise from this, such as lack of GPS and electricity. But I also beleive the substances being sed are toxic and harmful for life on the planet ...If it is a choice the public I am certain they are should be informed National leaders only real. about it. are aware. All my friends and I National leaders and are certain they are local leaders are real ... aware. National leaders and It is a worldwide local leaders are conspiracy. Depopulation aware. I am certain they are real. Depopulation I am certain they are real. Geo Engineering

They have been warned not to alarm the public to avoid caos

Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts


... The end results results in imparied health or death.


Gathering evidence


3/24/2011 8:50:37 U.S. United States of 3/24/2011 10:50:31 America


Philadelphia, PA

3/24/2011 12:05:29 canada


I am certain they are to make us sick and real. kill agriculture

National leaders only Fear of losing their are aware. jobs or Mind Control Gathering evidence National leaders and local leaders are aware. They are afraid Gathering evidence because they have National leaders and been told it's to local leaders are prevent global warming Gathering evidence aware.




page 12 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

3/24/2011 12:08:09 Canada


3/24/2011 12:31:20 USA


I love on, not in the united sates of 3/24/2011 12:34:47 America

on, not in Parma

many reasons,weather control, population control, crop control (kill off organic so only gmo's can survive), control of water supply, make us sick to sell more pharma, control our emotions, and military use (radar control). Any is not all of these things could be the reason behind I am certain they are why we are being real. sprayed. experiments on chemical or bio warfare, weather experiments, to keep us passified from resistence, because I am certain they are we are their guinea real. pigs. Biowarfare experiments, weather experiments, keep It is a worldwide us under their control. conspiracy. All my friends and I are certain they are real

Unaware of what they are doing, I do not think leaders getting payed big are aware. This is a money, or risk of global military losing everything if operation. they speak out.

Informing friends and contacts


$ and they buy the National leaders and lines about them local leaders are being experiments aware. that are harmless.

Gathering evidence Creating local awareness meetings (coffeechats, chatwalks, photo chats)


$ and they buy the National leaders and lines about them being experiments local leaders are that are harmless. aware. National leaders and local leaders are aware. National leaders and local leaders are aware. National leaders and local leaders are aware.


3/24/2011 14:08:15 U.S.A.

Little Rock

population control

so they can get away with their agenda of--- Informing friends and population control. contacts They are not completely silent Because it's terrorism Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts


3/24/2011 14:34:08 Greece


3/24/2011 15:35:54 England

Hayle , Cornwall

3/24/2011 15:55:13 mexico


3/24/2011 17:08:53 USA


I am certain they are To reduce world real. population All my friends and I are certain they are real population control to reduce the population and for total control of the I am certain they are weather and life on real. earth... My whole family and I are certain they are real. Several reasons



National leaders only are aware. ??? National leaders only are aware. classified

Creating a social network group on chemtrail truth Informing friends and contacts



3/24/2011 17:24:13 Greece


I am certain they are Mostly Haarp, other real. reasons too.

Creating local Maybe they've been awareness meetings National leaders and told it's for good, as (coffeechats, local leaders are for the global chatwalks, photo aware. warming chats)


page 13 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

3/24/2011 19:20:31 Canada


3/24/2011 20:59:48 USA

Charleston, SC

3/24/2011 21:02:59 USA

Charleston, SC

Why are we being sprayed? Population control, weather control, dispersion of mindaltering drugs...... It is a worldwide who knows what conspiracy. else. Protection, Population I am certain they are Reduction, or Fake real. Global Warming Protection, Population Control, I am certain they are Fake Global real. Warming

What do you think about chemtrails?

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.

For fear of repercussions to themselves and their Informing friends and families. contacts


Most are also in the dark..,

Gathering evidence


3/24/2011 22:29:35 New Zealand


I am certain they are Depopulation of real. human race

Most of them are also in the dark... Some of them don't know,others are National leaders and involved and many have been told to local leaders are deny it. aware.

Informing friends and contacts


Informing friends and contacts


3/25/2011 2:24:33 Canada

fraser valley

3/25/2011 4:07:17 Serbia

Novi Sad

3/25/2011 4:14:01 Canada


3/25/2011 6:25:12 India 3/25/2011 8:42:52 Norway

Mumbai Drammen

death suffering profit All my friends and I for big pharma gates National leaders and local leaders are are certain they are nwo gmo human extinction aware. real I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I am certain they are to provide HAARP global military real. effect operation. I do not think leaders All my friends and I are aware. This is a are certain they are Not sure, there are global military real several theories. operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I believe they are True Things Always global military real. Spreads.... operation. It is a worldwide National leaders only conspiracy. D-vitamin are aware. I am certain they are real. population control

picking up thier paycheck n doing their job I suppose they are told to not to talk about it. Because they don't want to loose their jobs.

Gathering evidence


Gathering evidence Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter



Because They Don't Care About anyonw.. Gathering evidence Hologram planes Gathering evidence

Yes Yes

3/25/2011 12:04:55 U.S.A.


National leaders only Forced from political Informing friends and are aware. higher control contacts Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


3/25/2011 12:06:19 U.S.A.


I am certain they are real. depopulation

National leaders only are aware. Money


page 14 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

3/25/2011 13:28:07 Canada


I believe they are real.

could be for experimental issues, for military issues (HAARP, new technology, new weapons), from pharmaceultical and medical perspectives (to create disease, increase demand for drugs and medical technologies), for population issues (too many people on the planet, not ehough resources), try to control the climate (global warming), could have something to do with microwaves or National leaders only waves from satellites are aware.

They don't knoe the real truth, afraid to lose their jobs, fear of something (life, job, responsibility in the failure of the projetct, etc.)

Gathering evidence


3/25/2011 15:22:20 Canada


My whole family and I are certain they are They are controling real. the weather.

I don't beleive they know about it. Or it is National leaders only the N.W.O. keeping Informing friends and are aware. them silent. contacts Some are ingnorant, others are enablers and the rest unwilling to question their bosses Gathering evidence Making public they are guilty aswell presentations Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


3/25/2011 16:09:32 USA 3/25/2011 17:24:03 Greece

Pittsburgh volos

All my friends and I are certain they are real I am certain they are real. All my friends and I are certain they are real

To weaken the biospere and are coordinated with scalar weapons control

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. National leaders only are aware.

Yes Yes

3/26/2011 7:53:40 The Netherlands


National leaders only Population reduction are aware. Ignorance or fear.


3/26/2011 10:14:37 Canada


It's part of the HAARP weapon system to use the I am certain they are weather as a real. weapon.

Fear of retaliation. Chemtrails annd HAARP are part of a larger profit-making scenario in destroying other countries to grab their natuarl resources. It's like I do not think leaders everything: their are aware. This is a silence is about the global military domination of Banks Writing an article for operation. and Corporations. the media


page 15 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

3/26/2011 12:54:47 United States, Inc. 3/26/2011 15:25:11 morocco

Cave Junction agadir

3/26/2011 21:00:09 United States


3/26/2011 23:22:39 United States 3/27/2011 11:37:32 Ireland

Fort Meade Co.Kildare.

3/28/2011 4:54:19 Bulgaria


3/28/2011 6:03:32 Bulgaria


Are government leaders aware? National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are real. Multiple applications aware. I am certain they are National leaders only real. 668151347 are aware. All my friends and I I dont know but its National leaders and are certain they are inhumane wrong and local leaders are real unfair. aware. to weaken our race I do not think leaders and lesson our are aware. This is a I believe they are numbers; population global military real. control operation. I am certain they are National leaders only real. Agenda 21 are aware. I do not think leaders All my friends and I are aware. This is a are certain they are mind-control, soil global military real poisoning, HAARP! operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I am certain they are NWO agenda, global military real. depopulation operation.

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

FEAR Idon t now

Gathering evidence Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts

Yes Yes

You tell me.


Strict orders and need-to-know-basis Gov.control because it is supposed to be a secret

Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts

Yes Yes

Informing friends and contacts


By order

Informing friends and contacts


3/28/2011 7:08:44 Bulgaria


All my friends and I are certain they are real

3/28/2011 11:58:17 Bulgaria


3/28/2011 14:55:03 Bulgaria


3/28/2011 19:27:59 Bulgaria 3/28/2011 19:31:30 CA

Varna St-Hyacinthe

weather modification, depopulation, mind National leaders and control, poisoning local leaders are people and nature aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I am certain they are because they want global military real. destroy human race operation. All my friends and I National leaders and are certain they are population reduce local leaders are real and mind control ! aware. I do not think leaders All my friends and I are aware. This is a are certain they are global military real operation. I believe they are depopulation or National leaders only real. experementation are aware.

Because they received lots of money for silence.

Writing an article for the media Orgainzing onsite events on chemtrail truth


because they are stupped


they are aware

Gathering evidence


Do not know threats

Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts

Yes No

3/28/2011 20:04:05 USA


For one, to create global dimming & make it impossible to farm organically/then Monsanto aluminum resistant seed will be the only seed to grow in tainted soil, with limited sun; Monsanto & Big 6 own food chain (Big I am certain they are pharma and oil are National leaders only real. intertwined i'm sure.) are aware.

Being paid off in some way, with money, or threats to Writing blogs on their OR THEIR familys' safety. They chemtrails and will kill i do believe. geoengineering


page 16 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in? Allentown

3/28/2011 20:14:54 United States

3/28/2011 21:39:54 U.S.A.


What do you think Why are we being Are government about chemtrails? sprayed? leaders aware? I am certain they are National leaders only real. Multiple reasons are aware. Easier that way National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are real. population control aware. been duped

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause? Gathering evidence Informing friends and contacts Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Yes


3/28/2011 21:57:44 US


It is a worldwide conspiracy.

Depopulation & National leaders only weather modification are aware. Fear National leaders and They want to keep the people unaware local leaders are of it aware.


3/29/2011 2:51:29


I am certain they are for military and real. scientific projects


3/29/2011 5:48:08 Greece


All my friends and I are certain they are real

1) Because they want people to get sick and then buy medicine from multinational pharmaceutical companies 2) because the want to reduce the population as much as possible 3) because if by spraying they can poison animals and the entire environment we will then be forced to buy they genetically engineered food from Monsanto 4) National leaders and They want to keep local leaders are people aware. Diminution of population-Guidance of peopleexperiments-lab animals etc

Because they are either paid to do so or because they are threatened. Another good reason is that the Media actually belong and are controlled by the people who order the sprayings... We all know who these people are...

Creating local awareness meetings (coffeechats, chatwalks, photo chats)


3/29/2011 9:01:12 Greece


All my friends and I are certain they are real

3/29/2011 13:15:20 Bulgaria


I am certain they are It's a government real. experiment I am certain they are real. They want to kill us

3/29/2011 14:09:33 Greece


Creating local awareness meetings I do not think leaders are aware. This is a All are conspirators- (coffeechats, Presure-fear-money chatwalks, photo global military & Same chats) operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a Because they don't Posting links of interest in Facebook want to cause a global military panic to the people and Twitter operation. Because they are Informing friends and National leaders only controled by the government contacts are aware. that's a good question... they are brainwashed?




3/29/2011 14:38:54 Bulgaria


3/29/2011 16:04:39 Bulgaria


My whole family and I so that the population are certain they are in Earth becomes National leaders only real. 2/3 less than now.. are aware. I do not think leaders All my friends and I are aware. This is a are certain they are global military real yes operation.

Informing friends and contacts


really puzzled

Informing friends and contacts


page 17 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

3/29/2011 16:56:02 Slovenija


All my friends and I are certain they are real

3/29/2011 17:01:33 United States


I am certain they are real.

3/31/2011 12:50:18 United Kingdom

nottingham city

I am certain they are real.

4/5/2011 8:41:35 Sweden


It is a worldwide conspiracy.

To be kept Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our the media, the doing to help activities add your email address Why are we being Are government military silent prevent continued sprayed? leaders aware? about chemtrails? spraying? below Since reimski and no independent media are not allowed to write and I do not think leaders talk about it and write are aware. This is a the truth. The global military government sold the Contacting operation. citizens Crimestoppers The secrecy of it all causes me to think National leaders and they have a negative local leaders are They are afraid of Informing friends and agenda. aware. mass panic. contacts i wish i knew . but it does open doors to think they know but they are not letting us know due to mass hysteria upon the planet . they are already causing National leaders and people to die this is we are the local leaders are another way of doing Informing friends and aware. it . contacts experiment I do not think leaders That is what I have are aware. This is a Posting links of tried to understand global military They are not alloud interest in Facebook for the past 13 years operation. to talk about it and Twitter maybe they think its for the good, like saving earth from heating up. or they dont know. some may know. there is a I do not think leaders clip on youtube with a are aware. This is a meteorologist telling global military what cemtrals are Informing friends and operation. "live" contacts National leaders and local leaders are Informing friends and aware. Scared to DEATH contacts

Do you wish us to add your email address to this form in support of our cause?





4/5/2011 9:20:03 Sweden


I believe that chemtrails is a part I am certain they are of making us dying real. faster I am certain they are real. Who knows?


4/5/2011 15:44:31 Sweden



4/5/2011 19:00:30 Sweden


All my friends and I are certain they are real

to be controlled and that the decimated

De r tystade under hotMenade du: De r tysta under hot Skriv text, ange adressen till en webbplats eller verstt ett dokument. Avbryt LyssnaLs I do not think leaders fonetisktversttning are aware. This is a frn svenska till global military engelska They are Informing friends and operation. silenced under threat contacts


page 18 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed? Barium, Lithium and aluminum are metals. Metal is needed to bounce back the signals produced by HAARP. so the people that knows about this are getting rich by making us all sick after sprying in my area the hosp and doctors and pharmacys are full off sick people

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

4/6/2011 13:34:58 Sweden


All my friends and I are certain they are real

National leaders only Their families are are aware. threatened.

Creating a social network group on chemtrail truth


4/10/2011 14:28:51 u s a united states, soon to be a part of 4/10/2011 14:45:49 another holocaust

Baker City

All my friends and I are certain they are real

National leaders and local leaders are there getting rich off aware. it

Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter



It is a worldwide conspiracy.

it is a part of the National leaders and because they are depopulation inspired local leaders are by the zionists aware. shapeshifting aliens

Informing friends and contacts


4/12/2011 12:31:21 United States 4/13/2011 22:06:37 USA

Los Angeles Salem MA

population control, plantlife control. For them to take out all our resources so that we, the people, have to rely on "big I am certain they are brother" for food and real. water. I believe they are for the wrong real. reasons

4/14/2011 10:34:55 Canada


Because they are all just puppets being lead by the government. fear of what would happen to them been told it is non I do not think leaders issue, editors are aware. This is a directed by corporate owners to I am certain they are Not sure, corporate global military not publish real. control of some sort operation. National leaders only are aware. National leaders only are aware.

Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts

Yes Yes

Writing blogs on chemtrails and geoengineering


4/14/2011 12:09:13 USA

Pollock Pines Ca

My whole family and I are certain they are real. I'm not sure My whole family and I are certain they are real. I'm not sure

National leaders and Because they know it local leaders are is immoral but can't aware. or won,t. stoip it Gathering evidence National leaders and Because they know it local leaders are is immoral but can't aware. or won,t. stoip it Gathering evidence


4/14/2011 12:10:04 USA

Pollock Pines Ca


4/14/2011 13:03:12 England


My whole family and I are certain they are real. Weather wars
spraying harmful I am certain they are chemicals cant be real. good for you ;)

4/14/2011 20:23:47 Australia


National leaders and local leaders are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation.

They believe it to be acceptable,possibly due to misleading information.

Informing friends and contacts


Because its a matter of 'national security' Gathering evidence


page 19 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

4/14/2011 21:40:59 Canada


I believe they are real.


Are government leaders aware? I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. dont know the truth

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

Informing friends and contacts


4/14/2011 22:53:16 Canada


many reasons: weather control, population control, mind control, environmental attacks, HAARP, earthquakes, volcanoes, big storms, nano technology, block the sun (vit D3), Project Blue Beam (background screen for holographic projections - ie: Norway Spiral, stage an alien attack via the biggest screen I am certain they are on the planet: the real. sky! I am certain they are i ask myself real. everyday WHY!

4/15/2011 16:14:02 united states


I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. National leaders and local leaders are aware.

They are either paid off or threatened (themselves or their Informing friends and families) contacts GOOD QUESTION! Informing friends and WHY? contacts



4/15/2011 23:28:22 USA

Little Rock

I am certain they are real.

4/16/2011 5:26:31 Czech Republic

Ceske Budejovice

I am certain they are real. I am certain they are real. I am certain they are real.

4/16/2011 5:41:29 France


4/16/2011 7:25:54 France


4/16/2011 8:18:14 USA


My whole family and I are certain they are real.

4/16/2011 8:47:01 Germany


I am certain they are real.

so they can get away National leaders only with their agenda of--population control are aware. population control. Gathering evidence I do not think leaders are aware. This is a Organizing online global military events on chemtrail 420-224002111 operation. Not informed. truth National leaders and local leaders are Making public Baryum aware. Pressure presentations National leaders and Researching the local leaders are Corupted and afraid health impacts of MIND CONTROL aware. to lo loose their job! chemtrail spraying I do not think leaders They've been told to Weather control and are aware. This is a be silent or, like us, other types of global military have not been told Making public experiments. operation. the truth. presentations I do not think leaders are aware. This is a Fear, Conspiracy, Informing friends and Mind- and Health and global military Weather Control operation. false belief-system contacts







4/16/2011 13:16:51 usa


IMO, this is about population reduction National leaders and I am certain they are as well as these local leaders are real. horrid GMO seeds. aware.

Strict orders? I don'ty know why, but I'd sure like to meet one of these morons. Gathering evidence


page 20 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

4/16/2011 13:56:09 Costa rica


4/16/2011 14:58:38 Ireland 4/16/2011 20:29:08 Texas

Letterkenny Co.Donegal Round Rock

4/16/2011 22:13:39 USA

Fort Smith, AR

Are government leaders aware? I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I am certain they are not sure more global military real. control in some way operation. I do not think leaders Some hidden agenda are aware. This is a global military I am certain they are other than weather modification operation. real. I am certain they are National leaders only real. Genocide are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a My whole family and I are certain they are global military real. Population control operation.

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

fear of reprisal

Gathering evidence


That is a good question, Media black out

Informing friends and contacts Gathering evidence

Yes Yes

4/17/2011 1:13:34 USA


4/17/2011 10:21:03 USA

Houston, TX.

4/17/2011 11:37:32 Netherlands


Fear or think they are doing something good THESE GUYS ARE BEING PAY GOOD National leaders and AND THE PEOPLE I am certain they are POPULATION local leaders are DO NOT KNOW real. CONTROL aware. ABOUT IT Some have come I do not think leaders forth to admit these All my friends and I are aware. This is a are not contrails. are certain they are Eugenics and global military More because they real weather modification. operation. are unaware. depopulation and It is a worldwide control+ fake global National leaders only to prevent mass conspiracy. warming are aware. hysteria The cemtrails attack the earth, plants and human health, vitality and integrity of life I am certain they are itself on our beautiful real. planet. I believe they are real. I don't know! I am certain they are real. NOTHING GOOD I don't know...I can only guess that our government is manipulating the weather; trying to slow down global warming; and I am certain they are causing other real. problems. I am certain they are real. depopulation

Gathering evidence


Informing friends and contacts


Creating a social network group on chemtrail truth Making a Youtube video on chemtrails



4/23/2011 11:50:58 Denmark 4/23/2011 13:46:38 USA 4/23/2011 14:58:02 USA

Vordingborg Albuquerque,NM BUCKLEY

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. National leaders only are aware. National leaders only are aware.

They must either be ignorant or might have been gagged? I Don't know FEAR

Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Gathering evidence Gathering evidence

Yes Yes Yes

4/23/2011 16:20:41 USA

North Hollywood

National leaders only are aware. I honestly don't know. Gathering evidence National leaders only Corupted and afraid Writing an article for are aware. to lo loose their job! the media


4/29/2011 16:49:37 France



4/29/2011 18:02:55 Ireland


money and they buy I am certain they are National leaders only into the idea off the nnew world order real. depopulation agenda are aware.

Contacting Crimestoppers


page 21 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause? fear of reprisals if they spoke out plus the very good salary it provides with gilt Informing friends and edge pension contacts $$$$$$$ and promises Informing friends and contacts

4/29/2011 18:13:12 united kingdom


4/29/2011 18:51:19 USA

Happy Valley

to slowly poisonthe earth and people in I am certain they are certain regions of the National leaders only real. planet are aware. National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are real. Nazi's Final Solution aware. DEPOPULATION, MAKING US ILL, I am certain they are KILLING ANIMALS, real. BIOTESTING / Geoengineering Controlling the weather for monetary gain. We know the truth... Global warming is conspiracy theory.... Stop spraying us. What gives you the right to play God while you are poisoning your brothers, sister, and children of this planet. I have enough evidence as proof of your spraying as do many people of the world do... Millions of people believe...When you first started spraying in the 50's and 60's known as Zinc Cadmium Sulphide Dispersion program, you poisoned and created Cancer among the people YOUR OWN PEOPLE !. Why I am certain they are would anyone believe real. or trust USA or UK To slightly warm up earths atmosphere and global temp, so they can then say that global warming is real and its all our fault, we must be taxed. It is also I am certain they are making A LOT of real. people ill



4/29/2011 19:19:02 DEVON


I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military They are too afraid operation. to speak out

Making public presentations


4/30/2011 4:57:03 United Kingdom


I think they just like us know that theres a world wide silence order. I believe that if they were to mention it it would be the end of their careers... Have you noticed how many weather men their are ? new ones all the time. How does it work ? Ask too many National leaders only questions you loose your job ? or worse ? Gathering evidence are aware.


4/30/2011 4:58:41 England


I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military most dont have a operation. clue

Writing blogs on chemtrails and geoengineering


page 22 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in? southampton

4/30/2011 6:18:54 uk

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of What do you think Why are we being Are government military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? sprayed? leaders aware? about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause? I am certain they are profit and population National leaders only Informing friends and real. control are aware. government cover up contacts Yes

4/30/2011 8:07:46 united kingdom


I believe they are real.

Please research aviation or meteorology, we are not being sprayed. 'chemtrails' are contrails, and contrails are basically cloud. has the most factual info on the net. I have been looking National leaders and because there is no into this for the last local leaders are worldwide three years. aware. conspiracy.

Gathering evidence


4/30/2011 9:17:23 Uk


I am certain they are real. De POPULATION I am certain they are Changing the real. weather for control

Creating local I do not think leaders They dont know, and awareness meetings are aware. This is a if they do they are (coffeechats, global military too afraid to speak chatwalks, photo operation. out chats) National leaders only Because the military Informing friends and are aware. is in charge contacts I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. FEAR Gathering evidence National leaders and local leaders are aware. Fear of losing jobs Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


4/30/2011 10:36:34 U.S.



4/30/2011 12:38:46 United States

Newport Rhode Island

4/30/2011 17:14:37 USA

Annapolis, MD

I am certain they are real. Unsure Weather modification, global I am certain they are warming hoax by real. Monsanto/Military Definitely weather manipulation and mind control. Also spreading diseases to people need medicine...the I am certain they are dreaded pharmacy control of people. real.



4/30/2011 23:03:38 Canada


5/1/2011 4:27:01 France


My whole family and I Rduction de la are certain they are population et real. contrle du climat
All my friends and I are certain they are real ask USA:s goverment! They want to kill us all..

The evils of money. Money is buying their silence. Pharmacutial money. I do not think leaders Greed and fear and are aware. This is a mindcontrol keep their silence. Makes global military me sick! Gathering evidence operation. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military Informing friends and operation. Ils sont menacs contacts National leaders and Because they will get local leaders are in trouble if they say Informing friends and aware. something.. contacts



5/1/2011 5:55:35 sweden



page 23 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

5/1/2011 8:34:47 USA

Cape Coral, FL

5/1/2011 9:03:25 USA

Klamath Falls, Oregon

it is an attempt at extinction via infection by weakening our immune systems, spreading infectious diseases and nanotechnology, creating a neural web of humans to steal our thoughts and get us to act in concert and make us more vulnerable to a kill switch attack to depopulate all the white people from the I am certain they are planet via cancer National leaders only real. and disease are aware. I do not think leaders All my friends and I To control the are aware. This is a are certain they are weather and the crop global military real output! operation.

not all are: our local weather man has spoken of chaff being dropped by military pilots that is showing up on our local radar images

Creating local awareness meetings (coffeechats, chatwalks, photo chats)


5/1/2011 11:36:52 US


5/1/2011 15:03:51 Czech Republic


5/1/2011 21:45:54 Canada


Thats a good question! Gathering evidence like all else our Govt Government control does no one wants I believe they are over weather and National leaders only to believe such a Informing friends and real. Mother Nature are aware. conspiracy contacts National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are Informing friends and aware. scared contacts real. i wish to know I do not think leaders are aware. This is a Posting links of global military it's interest in Facebook I am certain they are incromprehensible and Twitter real. weather experiment? operation. so they can get away National leaders only with their agenda of--are aware. population control. Gathering evidence being paid off in some way, with money, or threats to their OR THEIR familys' safety. They will kill i do believe.





5/2/2011 13:54:43 USA


I am certain they are real. population control


5/2/2011 16:44:09 USA


5/5/2011 10:49:27 norway


5/6/2011 13:13:14 Canada


control of weatherNational leaders and military reasons I am certain they are control of agriculture - local leaders are profits & control aware. real. I do not think leaders All my friends and I sterilization are aware. This is a are certain they are progress, global military real depopulation? operation. National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are real. To control us aware.

Creating local awareness meetings (coffeechats, chatwalks, photo chats)


no knowlegde Because there not natural

Making a Youtube video on chemtrails Informing friends and contacts



page 24 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

5/6/2011 13:53:21 England


5/13/2011 23:44:42 Argentina

Buenos Aires

5/17/2011 12:53:24 us


5/21/2011 6:05:26 USA

Baker City

5/23/2011 7:38:11 United States

Rapid city, SD

5/23/2011 7:44:01 Canada


5/23/2011 8:35:41 Ireland


5/23/2011 11:32:16 USA


5/23/2011 17:43:30 Canada


5/23/2011 22:18:34 USA


My whole family and I are certain they are wish I knew the real. answer I'm not sure why. I am just learning about chemtrails, but I believe they are he issue looks very National leaders only real. disturbing. are aware. National leaders and It is a worldwide local leaders are conspiracy. make us ill aware. drug companies I am certain they are docs hosp can get National leaders only real. rich are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a I believe they are global military real. Good question! operation. Several reasons. Depopulation, climate 'umbrella' (deflection or cloud cover to hamper global warming), weapon, shield for I am certain they are electronic National leaders only real. infrastructure are aware. National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are real. Warfare aware. many reasons all National leaders and It is a worldwide around population local leaders are conspiracy. control aware. All my friends and I National leaders and are certain they are local leaders are real 4189273977 aware. All my friends and I National leaders and are certain they are I don't know the local leaders are real agenda aware.

Are government leaders aware? I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military signed official operation. secrets act?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

Informing friends and contacts


Some ordered to keep quiet and others don't know about them.

Informing friends and contacts


Informing friends and fear contacts Preparing a case to because they are all submit to local police getting rich off it department



better question!

Gathering evidence


Informing friends and political pressures contacts I dont know but they better start speaking up soon. Gathering evidence Informing friends and contacts Informing friends and contacts



lied to threat, and financial gain



5/24/2011 2:05:45 Canada

Tofino B.C.

5/25/2011 4:13:46 Australia


I believe they are real. All my friends and I are certain they are real

FEAR confidentiality agreements, Chemtrails are used National leaders and reprisals, fear of consequences, in frequency based local leaders are money. aware. weapons systems. To assist Scalar Weather Warfare National leaders only They've already are aware. been dumbed

Gathering evidence


Creating a social network group on chemtrail truth Researching the health impacts of chemtrail spraying



page 25 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are we being sprayed?

Are government leaders aware?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

5/25/2011 4:32:40 USA

Snohomish, WA

To keep the food supply controlled. Dimming of the sun, soil & water contamination, disasters in farmland areas or growing organic regions are beginning to take too big a chunk of profits from the Big 6. And organic diverts profits from big oil & pharma. I believe that those whose interests lie with weather modification, also aim to control the seed supply & crop production. These are weapons of control, with some very large corporate National leaders and local leaders are I am certain they are interests behind them. aware. real.

I don't know how the military keeps its people silent, but they do. The others are bought off, brainwashed or threatened.

Informing friends and contacts


5/25/2011 8:12:12 Uk

Perhaps: population control, combating or inducing weather, or maybe something to do with the coming [comet] Elenin.. Many ideas, but the National leaders only I am certain they are fact is it's definitely occurring! are aware. Weston-super-Mare real.

The only plausible suggestion is that it is decremental to human health.

Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Gathering evidence


5/25/2011 22:25:28 PANAMA 5/26/2011 7:29:33 Ireland


It is a worldwide conspiracy. GENOCIDE I am certain they are real. good question military weather control & lowering I am certain they are immunity of real. population

United States of 5/26/2011 14:00:57 America

Rossville, GA

National leaders and local leaders are aware. AFRAID National leaders only afraid, paid, are aware. threatened Fear. They do what they are told (stay silent) or lose their National leaders only livelihoods (or lives are aware. even). Because it would expose the National leaders only Illuminati's worlwide are aware. depopulation's plan

Yes Yes

Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter


5/27/2011 4:52:59 France


It is a worldwide conspiracy.

Depopulation's plan

Informing friends and contacts


page 26 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

6/7/2011 12:11:50 U.S.A.

New Orleans

6/7/2011 12:19:04 united states

new orleans

6/7/2011 13:18:26 United States

New Orleans

6/8/2011 0:15:58 United States


Why are we being Are government sprayed? leaders aware? Multiple reasonsgeoengineering, kill All my friends and I organic plants, kill us are certain they are while they are at it, National leaders only real NWO are aware. National leaders and My whole family and I are certain they are local leaders are real. i dont know aware. They will say it was for our own prevent global My whole family and I that are certain they are really all? I can't be National leaders only sure. are aware. real. National leaders and I am certain they are local leaders are real. weather manipulation aware.

What do you think about chemtrails?

To be kept Do you wish us to Why are pilots, meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this email address form in support of military silent prevent continued about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause? No one want to be the first to stick their necks out, or they Informing friends and are paid off? contacts Informing friends and contacts


i dont know


I want the answer to this....

Informing friends and contacts


Fear of retaliation My personal belief is that they've been told they are saving the planet and it's a last ditch effort to do so. Military operations are usually clandestine. They don't want to incite panic or uprisings. Afraid to loose their job

Gathering evidence


6/8/2011 12:12:14 Canada

Victoria, B.C.

My whole family and I depopulation and are certain they are supposedly global real. warming.

National leaders and local leaders are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. National leaders only are aware. National leaders and local leaders are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military operation. National leaders only are aware.

Gathering evidence


6/8/2011 13:39:44 Canada 6/9/2011 2:28:56 Denmark

Cambridge Silkeborg

I am certain they are Weather, population real. control I am certain they are real. Many reasons All my friends and I are certain they are real

Informing friends and contacts Making public presentations

Yes Yes

6/9/2011 9:58:14 United States


NWO madness for destruction

Some are not silent, Posting links of ignorance is not interest in Facebook bliss! and Twitter Posting links of interest in Facebook and Twitter Informing friends and contacts


6/10/2011 18:22:04 USA 6/12/2011 18:24:05 United States..

Buffalo New Orleans

I am certain they are real. weather/sun I am certain they are real. De-population

fear panic of populations

No Yes

8/2/2011 19:19:08 UK


I believe they are real.

A possibility of several reasons and the first is to counteract the radiation accumulation and many more sinister possibilities could be to do with eugenics, population growth control or military purpose associated with HAARP..... just an educated guess at present!

I do not think leaders are aware. This is a global military To prevent panic, operation. perhaps.

Researching the health impacts of chemtrail spraying


page 27 of 28

Annex 2 - Response of the Concerned Worldwide Citizens from 27 Countries


What country do you live in?

What city do you live in?

United States of 8/2/2011 20:22:46 America

San Diego

8/2/2011 20:29:47 Canada

Swift Current

Why are we being Are government sprayed? leaders aware? Combat global warming / pesticide / Immune Sys Deficiency to help big pharma, or to lower population to I am certain they are help New World National leaders only real. Order. are aware. I do not think leaders are aware. This is a My whole family and I are certain they are global military real. Geo-engineering operation.

What do you think about chemtrails?

Why are pilots, To be kept Do you wish us to meteorologists, What are you informed of our add your email the media, the doing to help activities add your address to this military silent prevent continued email address form in support of about chemtrails? spraying? below our cause?

They have been paid Making a Youtube off, or are in denial. video on chemtrails


This is a NATO program

Informing friends and contacts


8/13/2011 15:57:51 Canada

Victoria BC

Fraternity with promise of Death upon revealing the 1)Money(re Cancer secret?-The Industry)2Freemasons?-All of Poputlation Control 3the initiation levels Geoengineering the involve a death ritual National leaders and to remind them if My whole family and I Sun4-Monsanto are certain they are Food Supply5-Evil local leaders are they betray their Informing friends and real. Dominance aware. brethrens secrets? contacts


page 28 of 28

Annex 3 - Mass Action Demand Letter Campaign

Dear Prime Minister (or President)

For quite a few years I have been witnessing heavy aerial spraying over the skies of my city and I am quite concerned about this. The trails left by the unmarked planes are not normal, and they collect and hang in the sky for an unusually long period of time. They often appear to be sprayed in grid patterns intended to cover portions of the sky. A growing number of alarmed citizens like myself are researching and discussing this matter. We are observing the skies very closely, and we are sharing our notes and photos, not only in my city, but in other cities throughout the country.

I have recently discovered that people in 26 other nations around the world are also observing the same spraying overhead, and have been using the term "chemtrails" to describe this activity. Websites are showing up everywhere now on the internet displaying photos that look just mine, taken by people with the same concerns and questions that I and my friends have. The problem is, no one has been able to get a satisfactory answer to the questions of exactly what is being sprayed and why. Every serious inquiry so far has been brushed aside by the governments involved. There have been two types of responses: 1) People have been told these are all "normal contrails", or 2) No response at all.

We are quite certain that chemicals are being sprayed overhead, and we have deep concerns and important questions about this obvious aerial aerosol program that is being conducted. They are as follows: 1) Are you aware that this spraying is being conducted? 2) Who is doing the spraying? 3) What is the spray composed of? 4) What is the purpose? 5) What will the health impacts be on myself, my children, and the environment? 6) Am I funding this through my income tax? 7) Has our mayor been informed? 8) What is the United Nations position on this activity? Who initiated this program, and how did they manage to implement it on an international scale? 9) Why has the public not been informed? I would very much appreciate your answer to these questions by July 1st, 2011. Your answers will be of great interest, as a growing number of us will be meeting soon to discuss what to do about this issue. The information you offer will be of critical importance in informing our decision on what action needs to be taken next, to address the systemic spraying of our skies.

Yours truly,

Annex 3 - Government Responses United States of America


United Kingdom




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