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a) Rebounded off the walls.

The sound echoes. Empty and large place.
Creates eerie atmosphere because echoes are typically a sign of isolation.

Foul smelling passageways

Musty. The passageway has been abandoned and locked away without air circulation.
Unknown source of mustiness creating a sense of unfamiliarity.

Flaming torches
Old fashioned way of light, not modern because of the lack of electricity use. Low light.
Apart from giving light, the torches give a sense of unreliable direction.

b) The fork
A path split in three.
Since the flaming torches give a sense of direction, the fork acts as an obstacle where
the character must make a decision of uncertainty.

A haze caused cold weather.
Effect on visibility giving a sense of strangeness or unfamiliarity.

c) A world that few see, but a world which sees many.

A hidden society watching over the outside world. Like the cavern is observing their
every move like a stalker, but they cannot see them.

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