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T-Code SHD0(zero)

Enter T Code CO11N

Click on Standard variants

Click on Variant Groups as shown below

Now Enter Group Name as ZUSERS as we created for this variant as per your requiremnt
At present, as we know I maintained TWO user names so if we want to see those ids click on USER
button as shown below.

Now we want to maintain New users please do the following steps

In same screen, ENTER USER name in user field

For Example, I am taking QMCONS

Now Click on Assign button then you will get a confirmation message as shown below SS

Now Click on SET PROPOSAL button then you will get a confirmation message as shown below SS

Now you can check the Users list by clicking user button
Repeat the same steps to all the users who ever you want to apply these restrictions

If you want to remove the assigned users in that list, follow the below Step

Enter User name click on DELETE ASSINGMENT

Same you can check at user list:

*************************** ****THANK YOU************************************

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