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Technical Data Sheet

ARDROX® 397/1 HP
Corrosion inhibitor, Antifriction for
mechanical parts

1. Scope

 L’Ardrox 397/1 HP is a deep yellow liquid, containing noionic, high molecular weight
fatty acid ester derivative, mixed with anionic surfactants and saponified esters in a
blend of petroleum solvent fractions.
 L’Ardrox 397/1 HP is incompatible with oxygen, oxidant, and peroxides

2. Purpose

L'Ardrox 397/1 HP, could be use for the following applications:

- Dewatering and corrosion protection of all metals.

- Restoring the dielectric properties of insulators
- Freeing seized parts
- Elimination of sea water or fresh water accidentally introduced into lubrication
- Protection of parts prior re-assembly
- …..

L’Ardrox 397/1 HP can be used on all metals, electrical or mechanical parts after a
water rinsing.

3. Approvals

Detailed information is available on the Chemetall website at:

Chemet al l
51, rue Pierre. F-92588 CLICHY Cedex. Tél. :+33(0)1 47 15 38 00. Fax :+33(0)1 47 37 46 60
Usines : F-89103 SENS Cedex. 11, boulevard de la Manutention. BP 362. Tél. +33(0)1 47 15 38 00. Fax :+33(0)1 47 15 60 44
F-02200 SOISSONS. 280, rue J.B. Godin. ZI. Villeneuve St-Germain. Tél. +33(0)1 47 15 38 00. Fax :+33(0)1 47 15 60 86
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Ardrox® 397/1 HP

4. Technical information

- Aspect : Deep yellow liquid

- Density at 15°C (59°F) (NF-T-60.101): 890 kg/m3
- Viscosity: à 38°C (100,40°F) = 8,35 cst
- Flash Point : (PMCC)= 101°C (213.8°F)

5. Method of use

L’Ardrox 397/1 HP can be applied by airless spray, immersion, brush or by aerosol.

When used by immersion, the tanks should be constructed with a conical bottom, so that
any water which collects may be easily run of.

6. Effect on materials

L’Ardrox 397/1 HP, can be used on all metals and their alloys. Some types of rubber,
however, will swell after prolonged contact. In this case, it is preferable to apply the
product by spray with the aim of minimising this effect, which generally disappears
following evaporation of the volatile organic solvent.

7. Safety Guidance

Before operating the process described it is important that this complete document, together
with any relevant Safety Data Sheets, be read and understood.

Avant toute utilisation de ce produit, vous devez posséder se fiche de données de sécurité. Vous pouvez la
consulter, la télécharger ou l’imprimer à partir du site

Les informations contenues dans cette notice sont le résultat d’essais approfondis et de notre longue expérience. Elles sont destinées à
informer notre clientèle, mais n’engagent pas notre responsabilité même en ce qui concerne des droits de propriété industrielle
appartenant à des tiers, étant donné que l’utilisation des produits échappe à notre contrôle.
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