Reflection PED112

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PED 11

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 7

BEED 4103


This topic teaches me that the physical aspects of classroom management

involve lighting, ventilation, seating arrangement, structure or design of the classroom,
and the physical space or learning station, whereas the personal aspects involve voice,
personal grooming, attendance, punctuality, and personal philosophy. It increases the
likelihood of student success; it allows the teacher to engage students in learning; it
helps create an organized classroom environment; it increases instructional time; it
creates consistency in the application of rules and regulations; it aligns management
strategies with school-wide standards; it reduces classroom misbehaviour; and it
provides students with boundaries and consequences.

I also learn some useful teaching techniques that I can apply in the future, such
as role-playing different scenarios with the students, establishing rules and procedures,
writing them down, refraining from punishing the entire class, promoting class initiative,
giving praise and rewards, employing nonverbal cues, recognizing group
accomplishments, allowing students to work in groups, and conducting needs
assessments with the students. I finally learned about the five different seating
arrangements: the horseshoe, in which students are arranged in a u-shape facing one
another and the teacher can stand in the middle and become the center of attention; the
second group arrangement, in which students are arranged in small groups and the
teacher is located in the middle; the third, traditional arrangement, in which the teacher's
desk is located in the middle of the room and the students are arranged a circle around
it; and the fourth, flexible arrangement, in which The final form of arrangement is the
parallel arrangement, or runway, in which the teacher is often in the front, desks face
each other, and there is an open area in the room's center. When I become a teacher, I
will need to create a classroom environment that is as comfortable and favourable to
learning as feasible.
PED 11

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 8

BEED 4103


This topic educates me on a variety of curriculum. The Department of Education

makes curriculum recommendations, such as the K-12 curriculum. Written curriculum,
such as a lesson plan, the curriculum delivered is how teachers actually instruct, such
as the tactics employed. Curriculum assistance is determined by the availability of
materials and textbooks. Assessed curriculum is the sense of evaluation of the teacher,
learned curriculum is the abilities or expertise of the students, and hidden curriculum is
neither written nor intentionally taught, but effects student learning. I saw the
significance of integrating instructional technologies into the classroom. Students are
prepared for the future because technology provides rapid access to knowledge,
promotes knowledge retention, enhances teamwork, and enhances teamwork. Finally, I
gained knowledge of curriculum development, which encompasses design,
implementation, and evaluation.
PED 11

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 9

BEED 4103


This topic has taught me about the learning principles, which are the premise or
concern that teachers should use, such as written tests, whereas the teaching principles
have three primary components: learning objectives, assessments, and instructional
activities. Learner-centered education is concerned with the individual differences of
students; all kids are unique and possess multiple intelligences. Social learning teaches
learners how to interact with others, develop relationships with others, and
communicate with others. Emotions are an integral aspect of learning; we must teach
them the proper feeling while also acknowledging their uniqueness, as I mentioned
previously. Students can display their full potential and become more engaged if they
are challenged. Assessment for learning use evaluation to determine if students are
learning and if the teacher's technique is effective. Additionally, it develops horizontal
relationships in an effort to interact with kids. This topic influenced my thoughts. If you
do not know your students well, there is a possibility that the method you are employing
will not be effective with them.
PED 11

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 10

BEED 4103


This topic has taught me about the instructional cycle. The first stage is
assessment, in which teachers conduct their scheduled evaluations to determine
whether or not pupils have achieved the specified learning outcomes. The second stage
is to plan instruction; teachers should plan effective teaching strategies and instructional
activities; the third stage is to model; examples of models include lectures, direct
instruction, project-based learning, and comparative learning; and the fourth stage is
guided practice, which involves interactive instruction between the teacher and student.
Lastly, practice emphasizes the acquisition of abilities, whereas application emphasizes
their implementation. I've also discovered how we can support the reader by teaching
decoding skills, assisting in the development of fluency, and teaching vocabulary words.
This lesson can be used in the future, when I am already employed as a teacher, to
establish an effective technique for assisting children with reading speed.
PED 11

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 11

BEED 4103


This course introduced me to the UNESCO ICT competency framework for

teachers, which supports teachers in understanding ICT in education, curriculum
assessment, pedagogy, application of digital skills, organization and administration, and
teacher professional learning. In terms of ICT abilities, there are also three degrees of
teachers: knowledge acquisition, knowledge expansion, and knowledge creation. Entry,
adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation matrices are represented by the
technology integration matrix. Active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-
oriented are interrelated characteristics of a learning environment. Accuracy, suitability,
clarity, exhaustiveness, inspiration, and organization in ICT. ICT aids us in numerous
areas, including education. It is straightforward to collect data, comprehend significance,
and uncover fresh information. In the future, ICT will be of more use to me since I can
utilize it to develop educational resources that will help kids learn more while having
more fun.
PED 12

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 7

BEED 4103



This topic informs me that the start of a new academic year is an ideal moment to
construct a social contract. Managing the physical environment through designing and
organizing the classroom's physical setup is a sensible place to begin when it comes to
classroom management. Regarding the physical condition of the classroom, we must
evaluate the room's cleanliness, lighting, and temperature, as well as the bulletin board,
white board, seating arrangement, learning spaces based on the grade level taught, and
a schedule. Today, we use technology to learn, such as when we are locked up and use
online learning as our learning modality; however, I learned from this topic that we must
be cautious when using technology, as not all of the internet is secure, and we must be
cautious when clicking on advertisements and visiting websites that we visit. We must
always remember to log out before launching a software on a shared computer.
PED 12

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 8

BEED 4103



This topic educates me on the origins of disciplinary problems. The classroom

may not be conducive to learning if it is overcrowded with more than the average
number of students; the students will not be able to learn comfortably; it has poor
lighting facilities and inadequate ventilation, which can affect the students' eyesight if
they used to read without lighting; the furniture and storage cabinets are disorganized;
there is an inappropriate seating arrangement that allows for distractions; and it is dirty.
Implementing group-oriented approaches such as cooperative learning, team learning,
peer tutoring, and group projects and collecting can be used for prevention. I've
discovered that establishing your own classroom is vital since it can effect the learning
of your kids. I can use what I've learned in this unit to make my classroom a safe and
welcoming place for children.
PED 12

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 9

BEED 4103


This topic taught me that a classroom management plan is a teacher-created

plan that establishes student expectations. The classroom design, which relates to the
arrangement of seats and other equipment, is the first of seven essential factors for
efficient learning. The design of a classroom impacts how at ease students feel, how
much they interact with their professors, and how easily they interact with one another.
The regulations adhere. Students must conform to the rules and regulations provided by
the lecturers. The third discipline is the process of teaching students to adhere to norms
and rectifying misconduct. Fourth, scheduling helps students to track their progress;
fifth, classroom structure; a well-organized classroom conveys a positive message to
pupils; and sixth, instructional approach. The instructor employed this technique to
inspire pupils and assist them concentrate during the conversation. Finally, there is
interaction. I also learned about a classroom or remote learning management plan's
philosophical statement, classroom rules and procedures, teacher-student relationships,
schedules and timeframes, classroom structure, design, and arrangement, classroom
safety rules and procedures, and strategies for rewards and consequences. Creating a
plan is the first step in building a classroom management plan, followed by
implementing the plan, monitoring the plan, and enhancing the plan. This topic showed
me that it is crucial to comprehend how to make our classrooms safe and conducive to
learning. To ensure that students learn in a secure setting, all factors must be
PED 12

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 10

BEED 4103


This topic has taught me that a lesson plan is the teacher's road map for what
students need to learn and how this will be efficiently accomplished in the classroom.
Before you can begin lesson planning, you must determine the learning objectives for
the class meeting. When constructing the lesson plan, we must consider the three areas
of learning: cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor. Gain attention; tell learners of
objectives; inspire recollection of earlier learning; present stimulus; provide learner
direction; elicit performance; provide feedback; evaluate performance; and enhance
retention and transfer, per Robert Gagne. I also learnt about DepEd's diverse modes of
instruction delivery, which include remote learning, modular learning, online distance
learning, homeschooling, blended learning, and traditional face-to-face training.
Learning how to create a lesson plan will benefit me in the future since it will help me
align with the topic I should cover on a given day.
PED 12

HERNANDEZ, Lorilyn K. Reflection for Week 11

BEED 4103



This topic introduced me to technology, which provides a link between theorists,

educators, and children with learning issues. It streamlines the instructional procedure.
Teachers utilize instructional resources to teach a lesson. When picking instructional
materials and resources, we must consider the learners to evaluate whether the
contents are suitable for them. To use instructional resources effectively, we must
prepare ourselves, be clear on our lesson's learning outcomes, prepare the students,
catch their attention and interest, present the information, and encourage them to
interact by sharing their experiences with the instructional tools. Students respect
autonomous study when they may learn without the direct influence of an instructor,
which is fostered by the use of these applications. This disadvantage is that technology
may provide disabled kids with learning opportunities they would not have had in a
traditional classroom setting. I've noticed that Speech Blubs, Google Classroom, Docs,
Sheets, Slides, Drive, Forms, Google Meet, and Gmail are some of the best educational
tools. This information will assist me in communicating with my students. In the future,
technology could also help me enhance my teaching.

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