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PED 11

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 7

BEED 4103


This topic teaches me that the physical aspects of classroom management are
all about the lighting, ventilation, seating arrangement, structure or design of the
classroom, and the physical space or learning station, whereas the personal aspects of
classroom management are all about the voice, personal grooming, attendance,
punctuality, and personal philosophy. I also learn the significance of effective classroom
management: it increases the likelihood of student success; it allows the teacher to
engage students in learning; it helps create an organized classroom environment; it
increases instructional time; it creates consistency in the application of rules and
regulations; it aligns management strategies with school-wide standards; it decreases
misbehavior in the classroom; and it provides students with boundaries and
consequences. I also learn some useful teaching techniques that I can apply in the
future, such as role-playing different scenarios for the students, establishing rules and
procedures, writing them down, refraining from punishing the entire class, promoting
class initiative, giving praise and rewards, employing nonverbal cues, taking the time to
recognize group accomplishments, letting students work in groups, and conducting
needs assessments with the students. At last, I learned about the five different seating
arrangements: the horseshoe, in which students are arranged in a u-shape facing one
another and the teacher can stand in the middle and become the center of attention; the
second group arrangement, in which students are arranged in small groups and the
teacher is located in the middle; and the third, traditional arrangement, in which the
teacher's desk is located in the middle of the room and the students are arranged
around it. The last type of arrangement is the parallel arrangement, or runway, in which
the teacher is usually in the front and desks face each other with an open space in the
middle of the room. I can use this topic when I become a teacher because I will need to
set up a classroom that is comfortable and as conducive to learning as possible.
PED 11

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 8

BEED 4103


This topic teaches me about various curricula. The Department of Education

provides the recommended curriculum, such as the K-12 curriculum. Written curriculum,
like a lesson plan, the curriculum taught is how teachers actually teach, like the
strategies that are used. The available resources, such as materials and textbooks,
determine a supported curriculum. Assessed curriculum is the sense of evaluation of
the teacher, learned curriculum is the skills or expertise of the learners, and hidden
curriculum is not written nor deliberately taught but influences learning. I also learned
the importance of bringing educational technologies into the classroom. Technology
gives instant access to knowledge, improves knowledge retention, improves teamwork,
and prepares students for the future. Lastly, I learned about curriculum preparation,
which includes planning, implementing, and evaluating. 
PED 11

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 9

BEED 4103


In this topic, I’ve learned about the learning principles, which are the basis or
concern that teachers should apply, like written tests, while the teaching principles have
three major components: the learning objectives, assessments, and instructional
activities. Learner-centered is about the individual differences of the students; all
learners are unique and have multiple intelligences. The learners' use of social in
learning teaches them how to deal with other people, build relationships with others,
and communicate with others. Emotions are an important part of learning; we must
teach them the appropriate emotion while also recognizing individuals because, as I
previously stated, each learner is unique. Stretching students allows them to
demonstrate their full potential and become more participatory. Assessment for learning
uses evaluation to know if the learners are learning and if the strategy that the teacher
used is effective. It also builds horizontal connections to try to connect with the students.
This topic affected my way of thinking. I learned that knowing your students is very
important in teaching because if you don’t know them well, there's a chance that the
strategy you are using is not effective with them.
PED 11

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 10

BEED 4103


I've learned about the instructional cycle in this topic. The first stage is
assessment, in which teachers carry out their planned assessments to determine
whether students have met the intended learning outcomes. The second stage is to
plan instruction; teachers should plan effective teaching strategies and instructional
activities; the third stage is to model; models include lectures, direct instruction, project-
based learning, and comparative learning; and the fourth stage is guided practice, which
is interactive instruction between the teacher and the student. Finally, practice focuses
on learning skills, whereas application focuses on applying what we've learned. I've also
learned how we can help the reader by teaching decoding skills, assisting them in
developing fluency, and teaching them vocabulary words. This lesson can be used in
the future when I am already in the teaching field to help me develop an effective
strategy for helping students read quickly.
PED 11

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 11

BEED 4103


In this topic, I learned about the UNESCO ICT competency framework for
teachers, which assists teachers in understanding ICT in education, curriculum
assessment, pedagogy, digital skills application, organization and administration, and
teacher professional learning. There are also three levels of teachers in terms of ICT
skills: knowledge acquisition, knowledge deepening, and knowledge creation. The
technology integration matrix represents the entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and
transformation matrices. The active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal-
directed characteristics of a learning environment are interdependent. Accuracy,
appropriateness, clarity, completeness, motivation, and organization in ICT. ICT helps
us in many areas, particularly learning. It is simple to collect data, understand meaning,
and discover new things. ICT can help me more in the future because I can use it to
create instructional materials that will help students learn more while also having fun.
PED 12

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 7

BEED 4103



This topic teaches me that the beginning of a new school year is an excellent
time to draft a social contract. Managing the physical environment by planning and
organizing the physical set-up of the classroom is a logical place to start when it comes
to classroom management. In terms of the physical condition of the room, we must
consider the cleanliness, light, and temperature of the room; the bulletin board; the
white board display; the seating arrangement; the learning areas that depend on the
grade level that we will teach; and a schedule. Nowadays, we use technology to learn,
such as when we are locked up and use online learning as our learning modality;
nevertheless, I learned in this topic that we must be cautious when using technologies
because not all of the internet is safe, and we must be cautious when clicking on ads
and visiting websites that we visit. We must always remember to log out when we open
a program on someone else's computer.
PED 12

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 8

BEED 4103



This topic teaches me about the causes of discipline issues. The classroom may
not be conducive to learning if it is overcrowded with more than the normal number of
students in a class; the students will not be able to learn comfortably; it has poor lighting
facilities and inadequate ventilation, which can affect the students' eyesight if they used
to read without lighting; the furniture and storage cabinets are disorderly positioned;
there is an inappropriate seating arrangement that allows distractions to occur; and it is
dirty. We can use prevention by implementing group-oriented methodologies such as
cooperative learning, team learning, peer tutoring, and group projects and collection. I
learned that establishing your own classroom is important because this can affect the
students' learning. I can apply what I've learned in this topic to make my classroom a
safe and comfortable environment for students. 
PED 12

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 9

BEED 4103


In this topic, I learned that a classroom management plan is a plan created by a

teacher that establishes expectations for each student. The classroom design, which
refers to how the chairs and furniture are arranged, is the first of seven key elements for
effective learning. The design of a classroom influences how comfortable students feel,
how much they engage with their instructors, and how easily they engage with one
another. The rules follow. The teachers established a set of rules and regulations that
the students must adhere to. The process of teaching students to follow norms while
correcting wrongdoing is the third discipline. Fourth, scheduling allows students to keep
track of their progress; fifth, organization; a well-organized classroom communicates a
clear and positive message to students; and sixth, instructional technique. The teacher
used this strategy to motivate students and help them focus their attention during the
discussion. Finally, there's communication. I also learned about the philosophical
statement, classroom rules and procedures, teacher-student relationships, schedules
and timeframes, classroom structure, design, and arrangement, classroom safety rules
and procedures, and strategies for rewards and consequences, which are all
components of a classroom or remote learning management plan. The steps in
designing a classroom management plan begin with creating a plan, followed by
implementing the plan, monitoring the plan, and improving the plan. This topic taught
me that understanding how to make our classrooms safe and conducive to learning is
critical. To ensure that learners learn in a safe environment, we must consider all
PED 12

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 10

BEED 4103


I've learned in this topic that a lesson plan is the teacher's road map for what
students need to learn and how it will be done effectively during class time. Before you
begin planning your lesson, you must first identify the learning objectives for the class
meeting. We must consider the three domains of learning when developing the lesson
plan: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Gain attention; inform learners of
objectives; stimulate recall of prior learning; present stimulus; provide learner guidance;
elicit performance; provide feedback; assess performance; and improve retention and
transfer, according to Robert Gagne. I also learned about DepEd various learning
delivery modalities, which include distance learning, modular learning, online distance
learning, homeschooling, blended learning, and traditional face-to-face instruction.
Learning how to make a lesson plan will be beneficial to me in the future because
having a lesson plan will help me align with the topic that I should cover on a particular
PED 12

Harold James B. Estoy Reflection for Week 11

BEED 4103



In this topic, I learned about the technology, it serves as a link between theories,
teachers, and students experiencing learning difficulties. It simplifies the teaching
process. Instructional materials are tools used by teachers to teach a lesson. When
selecting resources and instructional materials, we must consider the learners to
determine whether the materials are appropriate for them. To effectively use
instructional materials, we must prepare ourselves, be clear on our lesson's learning
outcomes, prepare the students, capture their attention and interest, present the
material, and follow-ups encourage students to interact by sharing their experiences
with the instructional materials. These apps encourage students' interest in topics,
prepare them to use technology, and students value independent study when they can
learn without the direct influence of a teacher. The disadvantage of this is that
technology may provide students with disabilities with opportunities to learn that they
would not have had in a traditional classroom setting. Speech Blubs, Google
Classroom, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive, Forms, Google Meet, and Gmail are among the
best educational apps I've discovered. This knowledge will help me communicate with
my students. In the future, technology may also assist me in improving my teaching.


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