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2023 GKS-U Available Departments for Undergraduate Degrees

Medium of Required TOPIK for Period

No. 대학명 University Campus Location 학과명 Department 학과 계열 Division Instruction Admission Program (years) Website URL Remarks

1 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 인문계열 College of Humanities 인문 Humanities Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4 Korean / English / Major Language

2 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 정치외교학부 Political Science and International Relations 사회 Social Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4 Most of courses are taught in Korean, so those who are not fluent in Korean may have diffculty in taking courses. (More than 90% of courses)

3 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 사회학과 Sociology 사회 Social Science Korean 100% TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4 1~2 english class may be offered in a semester

4 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 인류학과 Anthropology 사회 Social Science Korean 100% TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4 Only 1 course taught in English in each semester by Prof. Fedorenko

5 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 심리학과 Psychology 사회 Social Science Korean 90% TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

6 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 사회복지학과 Social Welfare 사회 Social Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

7 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 언론정보학과 Communication 사회 Social Science Korean 100% TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4 0~1 English course in one semester

8 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 수리과학부 Mathematical Sciences 자연 Natural Science Korean 100% TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

9 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 통계학과 Statistics 자연 Natural Science Korean 100% TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

10 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 물리⋅천문학부(물리학전공) Physics & Astronomy(Physics) 자연 Natural Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

11 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 물리⋅천문학부(천문학전공) Physics & Astronomy(Astronomy) 자연 Natural Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

12 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 화학부 Chemistry 자연 Natural Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

13 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 생명과학부 Biological Sciences 자연 Natural Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

14 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 지구환경과학부 Earth and Environmental Sciences 자연 Natural Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

15 서울대학교 Seoul National University Yeongeon(Seoul) 간호학과 Nursing 자연 Natural Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

16 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 경영학과 Business Administration 사회 Social Science Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

17 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 건설환경공학부 Civil and Environmental Engineering 공학 Engneering Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

18 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 기계공학부 Mechanical Engineering 공학 Engneering Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

19 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 항공우주공학과 Aerospace Engineering 공학 Engneering Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

20 서울대학교 Seoul National University Gwanak(Seoul) 재료공학부 Department of Materials Science and Engineering 공학 Engneering Korean / English TOPIK 3 or above Bachelor's 4

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