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1. Researching the Company

● History of the Company: Which year was the company formed, where is it
headquartered, what is the parent company?
● Their core products/services and in which sector are they working. For example
Banking Company, a Real Estate Company, etc.
● Stock Price.
● CEO of the Company.
● Awards and Recognitions won by the company.
● Recent news about them.


What are you looking for in a company?/ What sets our organization apart from other
● Talk about the services/products company deals in
● How this sector interests you
● Values/mission statements
● Talk about how it has grown over the years

2. Tell Me About Yourself

Keep your answer brief and to the point.
● Full Name.
● Speak about your qualifications.
● Discuss your work experience. (If any)
● Talk about what you are currently learning (training, certification course, any
computer course)
● A small introductory line about your family.
● Can also add a brief line on your career goals. (Note: Do not deviate from the job
description/ role applied for)

3. What are your Strengths?

Consider the requirements of the job and compare these with your skills and talents.
Pick any 3-4 strengths that you can most identify with. The interviewer will ask
follow-up questions to understand how you have exhibited these skills in the past.
Therefore, the strengths need to be validated with examples.

● Achiever- “I believe I am an academic achiever as I scored distinction in all three

years of BBI.”
● Confident- “In both school and college, I have always participated in public
speaking competitions.”
● Dependable and Reliable- “My friends depend on me whenever they need
support or help on any matter.”
● Hard Working- “I am the college sports captain. I work hard every day to ensure
my academics and extracurricular go hand in hand.”
● Responsible- “I was the BMS class representative and had the responsibility of
coordinating all department activities.”
● Dedicated- Willingness to walk the extra mile for excellence: “In my second year of
college, I did a part-time job with a CA firm to gain experience and knowledge.”
● Creative- “In my free time, I enjoy making origami.”
● Quick Decision Maker/Decisive- “When I was applying to different colleges and
streams for, under graduation, I had to make a quick but wise decision. I ensured I
weighed all my pros and cons before making the final decision.”
● Good Planner/ Strong Organizational Skills: “I planned an event during the
college festival from organizing the vendors, to hosting the stage and controlling
the costs as per the budget.”
● Good Communication Skills: “I was part of the college magazine’s editorial team
because of my excellent verbal and written communication skills. As a team, we
were in charge of writing, editing, and compiling stories and articles.”
● Leadership Skills- “I was the junior college head girl/boy and exhibited excellent
leadership skills.”
● Positive Attitude- “In my past when I faced failures in academic and personal life,
I have always taken it with a positive attitude and pushed myself to do better.
However, upset I am, I make it a point to learn from my failures.”
● Attention to Detail- “I pay close attention to detail and never miss out on the
smaller aspects of any work.”
● Work under Stress- “In my final semester, I had to juggle between my final exams
and a part-time job. This was a stressful period, as there were many deadlines to
meet, targets to accomplish, and studying to do. But with effective management, I
could work well under stress.”
● Quick learner- “I can easily pick up new skills and apply them regularly. When I
switched from Hindi to an English Medium school in 11th standard, I practiced
regularly to get comfortable with the language.”
● Convincing nature- “When I worked with ABC company, I was awarded the best
salesperson of the month for having achieved all the targets.”
● Quality-oriented- “All my work is quality-oriented. I ensure my assignments,
projects, presentations meet a certain benchmark before submission.”
● Multi-tasking abilities- “During college, I juggled between my part-time job,
academics, and extra-curricular activities in college. That enabled me to multi-task
and become an all-rounder.”
● Efficient and Productive- “My day-to-day activities are planned in a way to ensure
I prioritize and work efficiently. I make a to-do list at the start of the day and first
complete the high priority tasks.”
● Team Player- “I am a team player in any group setting. I can easily work in a team
and motivate my peers towards the larger goal of the group.”

4. What are your Development Areas/Weaknesses?

● This is an eliminator question in the minds of HR.
● Showcase your strength as a weakness. For example, I pay attention to detail…, I
have trouble delegating work and…, I have a helpful nature…, I am a
● Talk about obvious or general weaknesses. For example, I take time to make new
friends…, I can get emotional…,
● Always end your weaknesses with the statement “I am working on it.”

5. What is your Greatest Achievement?

● Showcase any recognition from college or high school.
● Awards won for academic or extracurricular activities at school/college/
district/state/national level.
● Any specific event in your life that you are proud of.

What makes you creative in your life? / Which things drive you?/ What really matters for
you in your life and what motivates you? /What is your potential?
● This question should be answered in a way that picks up the interviewer's
interest. So, there are some ways to answer this question:
● Keep your answer real, that means just tell those achievements which you are
proud of.
● Keep it recent, that means to tell that biggest achievement which you have in
recent years.
● Keep it professional. Your answer should be professional for your achievement.

6. Why do you want this job?

● Compliment the organization for the success they have built. (Here the research
you have done on the company will help!) For example, Your company is a
well-reputed name in the banking sector…

● Relate how the organization will help you achieve your short and long-term career

● Display desire to grow along with the organization.

7. Why should we hire you?

● Explain how you can contribute with your skills and qualification and what
qualities make you the right fit for the role.
● Highlight your strengths.

8. What do you want to be doing 5 years from now?/ What do you want to achieve in
your life?/ What is your goal in life

● Showcase that you want to work for the organization for a longer time. For
example, I see myself two levels up with your esteemed organization…
● Talk about learning opportunities and responsibilities you would like to have in
the long term.

9. What are your Salary Expectations?

● HR Managers want to understand if you are genuinely interested in the job or

have applied only for the money.
● A smart way of answering the question would be: “I’m open to discussing my
salary upon my selection.”, “If you find me suitable for the job, I am sure you will
offer me a fair package”, “As per the company’s standards and policies for

10. “Can you work well under pressure?”

● In most cases, the best answer to this question is answering yes. Working well
under pressure is a good trait to have. However, if you answer that you work
the same with pressure and without pressure, the interviewer will be more
impressed. However, you will need to explain in words why this is better.
Answers can be given as mentioned-
● According to me, work under pressure is a good opportunity, Because all works
every day, learns every day, but when situations get tense at that time you
push yourself beyond the limit and put all your experience into it to complete
the work.
● Sir, work under pressure is nothing but a challenge. In my view, If you are open to
learning new things, it is very easy to work under pressure. If you want to achieve
something in your life it is normal at that time
● Yes, I can work under pressure by taking it as a challenge. Because it's a chance
to showcase your ability and creativity. It depends on your mindset that how we
take it. If you love to do work then we don't feel it as pressure. And if we are
open to learning new things, it is easy to work under pressure.

11. “Tell me something which is not in your CV?”

There are several different ways you can answer the question.

● Share a strength that isn’t on your resume. Before every interview, itemize the
core strengths that you want to convey during your interview. This type of
question can provide an opening to emphasize an asset that is not transparent
from your resume.

For example, Public speaking might be an important requirement in the job for
which you’re being considered. You may not have had the opportunity to speak
in front of groups during your work history. However, you could respond that you
were on the debate team in college, excelled at presentations as part of group
projects in school, gave a talk at a volunteer dinner, or won a marketing
competition as an undergraduate. Or perhaps you want to emphasize your
commitment, willingness to go the extra mile, and creative problem-solving skills.

● Share an intangible strength- Say about subjective assets like personal qualities
which are harder to incorporate into a cv, like your work ethic or loyalty.
● Explain why you want the job. Employers are often just as concerned about your
motivation for taking on a particular type of work as they are about your
knowledge and skills. So this kind of question provides an opportunity to explain
why the job is so appealing to you. You can emphasize why you were inspired to
apply for the job. You can also explain that you are willing to invest a great deal
of energy if hired.

For example, if you are applying for a sales profile, you could mention the skill
sets, qualities, and strengths that you developed over a period of time.

● Share something personal. Finally, you can take this opportunity to share a hobby
or interest that might positively reflect upon your character or make you a
memorable candidate. This approach will make the most sense if you have
already been able to convey your job-specific assets and motivations sufficiently.

For example, if you are applying for a job that requires a great deal of decision
making, problem-solving, then you might share your passion for chess, or if
physical risk-taking is required, you might mention your interest in rock climbing

What is the most challenging Issue you have faced this year? How did you overcome
the situation?

● When the interviewer can understand your pressures/challenges, and how you
overcame them, they can see the level of responsibilities you currently have.
● This question, if responded to correctly, also gives you the opportunity to help
the interviewer picture you in their organization having a similar growth mindset
● Walk the interviewer through the situation, and share with them how you
overcame the hurdle with professionalism and poise.
● Discuss your strengths that you use in such situations like patience, retaining
calm, perseverance, positive attitude, problem solving abilities, etc

Was there a time when you dealt with conflict in a team as a part of any group
activity/project? How did you deal with it?

● Reflect from your everyday life as a student or could state examples from
internships, if done any.
● Example: During a group presentation/ project, there can be disagreements. Use
such examples
● They want check your ability to remain patient and cordial in pressure situation
while working together
● Focus on the solution part- For example, reaching a middle ground (negotiating),
not being rigid, understanding others point of view, not taking things personally,

How do you handle stressful situations?

● Start by saying stressful situations are a challenge but by seeing them as

opportunities to grow and learn, we can reduce the stressful impact.
● Stressful situations allow you to push beyond your comfort zone
● By Choosing to respond and not react to them, you are able to strategize how to
deal with them
● Demonstrate your strengths that you use in such situations such as remaining
calm, Communication, taking support, etc.
● Present an example from everyday life like during the examination time, if
someoes faces a medical emergency in the family, etc. or meeting multiple
deadlines for exams and projects in college.

On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate yourself as a leader?

● Rate moderately like 6 or 7.

● Don't underestimate yourself but also it should not make you look arrogant.
● Present example like if you had been a Class representative or Team lead for a
project in college or have led any activity or event.

What makes you angry/ emotional ?

● The interviewer wants to check your patience and attitude towards testing
● Always say that you try to stay calm in most situations and do not let emotions
overpower you.
● You cannot control the circumstances but can work your reaction. You have
strengths like patience and hardwork which prevents you from overthinking and
● You think about the situation with a cool mind and try to focus on the solution
more. You seek advice/guidance from an experienced person.

Are you open to taking risks? or Do you like experimenting

● Answer with a Yes.

● Additionally, say that one should always be calculative about risks, knowing the
full pros and cons. Risk as time presents us with an opportunity to grow and
expand and potential. But if taken mindlessly they can do more harm than good.
● The interviewer wants to check your thought process whether you think logically
about risks and keep your interests also in mind while taking risks.
● State a futuristic example like willing to move to a new city for better opportunity
or growth or working on projects that do require you to learn new skill sets, etcs.

If we make you sign a bond(s), will you still be okay working with us?
● Yes. As a fresher I need to establish myself in the industry. I am interested in
working in this sector and learning practical realities.
● The organization provides me with a suitable opportunity for the same so I will
be willing to work regardless of the bonds.

Have you done any research projects? Can you elaborate upon it?

● Mention about your assignments done in college or about your black book/
research project. Mention the topic and the objective of doing the project.
● Through the project I developed a practical understanding of the concepts. It also
helped me improve my research skills

Are you comfortable with rotational shifts?

● Yes, I am comfortable with rotational shifts.
● I am aware that the company deals with international clients as well which will
require us to work as per international time zones.

Are you willing to travel for a distant job location?

● Yes, I will be comfortable traveling.

● I am aware that job location cannot always be near to our home. For a good
opportunity, we need to come out of our comfort zones.

You are a commerce/IT graduate, why are you interested in a HR/ Back office desktop
support role?

● Begin by saying you are interested to learn technical skills and build tech
● You will get to learn many softwares
● You will learn data management and analysis
● This role will also allow you to gain people skills, communication skills, problem
solving, etc, all the important soft skills
● State you are interested in the IT sector and want to grow in this industry.

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