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Name of Participant: ____________________________

Date of Training: ____________________________

Evaluation Questionnaire

Training Evaluation Questionnaire

Instructions: Please answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability about the
training session you have just completed.. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us improve
future training sessions. Nisbat Zahabiyah Feedback Form
Nisbat Zahabiyah Feedback Form
We seek your honest and valuable feedback in the recently concluded units on Self Esteem and Gender
delivered online through the Nisbat Zahabiyah Training Program.

Training Evaluation Questionnaire Instructions: Please answer the following questions about the training
session you have just completed. Your feedback is important to help us improve future training sessions.

3. How effective was the trainer in delivering the training?

a. Not at all effective
b. Somewhat effective
c. Neutral
d. Effective
e. Extremely effective

3. Did you find the trainer to be effective in delivering the training?

• Highly effective
• Somewhat effective
• Not effective

1. How effective was the trainer in delivering the training? a. Not at all effective b. Somewhat
effective c. Neutral d. Very effective e. Extremely effective

5. How would you rate the overall quality of the training?

• Excellent
• Good
• Fair
• Poor

6. Were the training objectives met to your satisfaction?

• Fully met
• Partially met
• Not met

3. How confident do you feel in applying the skills learned in this training? Very Confident ____
Confident ____ Somewhat Confident ____ Not Confident ____

1. How well did the instructor explain the material? A. Excellent B. Good C. Fair D. Poor

2. How well did the instructor answer your questions? A. Excellent B. Good C. Fair D. Poor
4. 3. Was the trainer knowledgeable and able to answer your questions effectively?
• Yes, the trainer was very knowledgeable and helpful
• The trainer was okay, but could have been better
• No, the trainer was not knowledgeable or helpful

3. Did you find the trainer to be effective in delivering the training?

• Highly effective
• Somewhat effective
• Not effective

5. How satisfied are you with the overall training experience? a. Not at all satisfied b. Somewhat
satisfied c. Neutral d. Satisfied e. Extremely satisfied
7. How would you rate the overall quality of the training? a. Poor b. Fair c. Good d. Very good e.
8. How would you rate the overall value of the training? a. Poor b. Fair c. Good d. Very good e.
9. Were there any specific aspects of the training that you found particularly helpful or unhelpful?
4. Were the training materials easy to understand and well-organized?
• Yes, they were very clear and well-organized
• They were okay, but could have been better
• No, they were confusing and not well-organized

How well-organized and clear were the training materials? a. Extremely well-organized and clear b.
Somewhat well-organized and clear c. Not very well-organized or clear d. Not at all well-organized or
1. How clear were the training materials? a. Not at all clear b. Somewhat clear c. Neutral d.
Very clear e. Extremely clear

2. Were the training materials clear and easy to understand?

• Extremely clear
• Somewhat clear
• Not clear

2. How well were the training materials presented and organized? a. Poorly presented and
organized b. Somewhat poorly presented and organized c. Neutral d. Somewhat well presented and

2. Were the training materials clear and easy to understand?

• Extremely clear
• Somewhat clear
• Not clear

1. How effective was the trainer in delivering the material? a. Extremely effective b. Somewhat
effective c. Not very effective d. Not at all effective

2. How satisfied were you with the overall training experience? a. Extremely satisfied b.
Somewhat satisfied c. Not very satisfied d. Not at all satisfied

3. Were there any specific topics or areas of the training that were particularly useful to you?

4. Were there any topics or areas of the training that you felt were missing or could be

5. Do you feel that the training has improved your job performance? a. Yes b. No

6. Were there any other comments or feedback that you would like to provide?
7. Please rate the overall quality of the training on a scale of 1-5, where 1 is poor and 5 is
excellent: a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5

6. Were the training objectives met to your satisfaction?

• Fully met
• Partially met
• Not met

2. Please tell us why you gave that score

3. How well did the content that was delivered during the training match with your expectations?
No match at all
Perfect Match
1. Do you feel that the training met your expectations? a. Yes b. No c. Somewhat

4. How much new information did you receive in the training course?

How satisfied are you with the training overall? a. Not at all satisfied b. Somewhat satisfied c. Neutral d.
Very satisfied e. Extremely satisfied
5. How would you rate the overall quality of the training?
• Excellent
• Good
• Fair
• Poor

Knowledge Self Score

Rate your knowledge of (or skill in) the course topic BEFORE the course. ❑ Not at all knowledgeable ❑
Slightly knowledgeable ❑ Moderately knowledgeable ❑ Very knowledgeable ❑ Extremely

Rate your knowledge of (or skill in) the course topic now AFTER the course. ❑ Not at all knowledgeable
❑ Slightly knowledgeable ❑ Moderately knowledgeable ❑ Very knowledgeable ❑ Extremely

How much did you learn from the training? A Lot ____ Some ____ Not Much ____ None ____

How relevant is this course on the course topic to your current life circumstances and responsibilities?
❑ Not at all relevant ❑ Slightly relevant ❑ Moderately relevant ❑ Very relevant ❑ Extremely relevant

What is your opinion of the balance of lecture and interactivity in this course on the course topic? ❑ Too
much lecture and not enough interactive learning ❑ Right amount of both lecture and interactive
learning ❑ Too much interactive learning and not enough lecture

Were you engaged and interested during the training? ❑ very engaged and interested ❑ somewhat
engaged and interested ❑ not very engaged or interested ❑ Not at all engaged or interested

Will you use what you learned in this course on the course topic in your life circumstances? ❑ Definitely
not [if selected, go to question on barriers] ❑ Probably not [if selected, go to question on barriers] ❑
Possibly [if selected, go to question on barriers] ❑ Probably will ❑ Definitely will ❑ Not applicable—I
did not learn anything

Barriers to Utility
What factors will keep you from using the content of this course on the course topic in your life
circumstances? (Select all that apply) ❑ I need additional training in the subject matter ❑ I will not be
provided opportunities to use what I learned ❑ I will not have the time to use what I learned ❑ My
family will not support me in using what I learned ❑ My colleagues will not support me in using what I
learned ❑ The course content is not relevant to my current life circumstances ❑ Other (please specify):

Would you recommend this training to your colleagues? a. No b. Somewhat c. Neutral d. Very e.
Would you recommend this training to others? a. Yes b. No
1.How likely are you to recommend this training course to a friend or colleague?
Question Type
Very unlikely
Very Likely

What, if anything, do you plan to use from this course?

How could this course be improved to make it a more effective learning experience?

Are there any specific topics or areas that you would like to see covered in future trainings?

What part of this course was most helpful to your learning during the training?

What, if anything, did you dislike about the training?

Thank you for completing this questionnaire. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will be used to
improve future trainings.

Was the location of the training convenient for you? a. Yes b. No c. Somewhat
Was the duration of the training adequate? a. Yes b. No c. Somewhat

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