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6 Grammar

Future tenses: review Future continuous

1 Choose the correct option. 3 Complete the sentences with the correct
future continuous form of the verbs
1 You can’t miss training – the coach
in brackets.
will/won’t definitely be angry with you!
2 We’re going to meet/We’ll meet Alex 1 Samira    will be doing   (do) a
and Jan in town later – do you want 50 km bike ride for charity in July.
to come? 2 At this time next year, my brother
3 The weather probably won’t/will be (live) in
very nice at the weekend so let’s stay San Francisco!
at home. 3 Mrs Isaac (not
4 I might/I’m going to become a teacher teach) us next week as she’s on a
when I’m older but I’m not sure yet. school trip.
5 I think most people will/are going to 4 By 2035, many people
work from home in the future. (drive) electric cars.
5 What you
Present tenses with future meaning (do) on Friday
evening this week?
2 Complete the email with the present 6 Don’t come round before 6:00 pm as we
simple or present continuous form of the (eat) dinner.
verbs in brackets.
4 Complete the sentences with the
correct word.
Hi Rob! 1 My brother will be finishing school
I hope you’re looking forward to my birthday
  next  July.
on Saturday. Here are the plans for the day. 2 this time tomorrow, I’ll be
We 1   ’re meeting   (meet) around having my hair cut.
10:00 am at the bowling alley. The bowling 3 I’m 20 I won’t be living with
alley 2 __________________ (open) at 10:15 am my parents anymore.
and our game 3 __________________ (start) 4 Joel will be celebrating his 18th birthday
at 10:20 am. So don’t be late! After that my 14th March.
mum 4 __________________ (drive) us to
Giacomo’s pizza restaurant for lunch. The 5 My cousins will be going back to New
restaurant 5 __________________ (not open) Zealand two weeks’ time.
until 12:00 pm though so if we’re early we 6 Lots of people in our town will be going
6 __________________ (go) shopping in to the carnival weekend.
the new shopping centre first. After lunch, we
7 __________________ (meet) my mum in
the car park so she can drive us home. She
8 __________________ (start) work at
2:30 pm though so we mustn’t be late!
See you on Saturday!

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