SELINCIO Activity01

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1. Began around 3.

4 million years ago until after the

end of the last ice age
2. Divided into three periods: Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and
Neolithic BRONZE AGE
3. Homo habilis, Homo erectus, and Homo sapiens lived
during this age
4. Humans lived nomadically in camps near bodies of 1. Started roughly around 3000 B.C. to 1300 B.C.
1. Creation and use of art 2. Mining of copper and tin - making bronze
5. Harvesting fruits and vegetables, Fishing, Herding 3. Smelting and alloying to - harder tools made
objects like potteries
6. Discovery of fire
2. Use of bronze with bronze
7. Cooking with the use of controlled fire
3. Contributions in the 4. Architecture and art advancements
8. Home construction (caves and simple huts) invention and development 5. Innovation of wheel and plow
9. Pebbles, Hand axes, Flakes, and blades were used on textile (sewing, weaving,
as tools 6. Increasing labor
thread and needles)
10. Basic stone or bone tools and crude stone axes - 7. Emergence of village and cities
hunting animals 8. Farmers, weavers, and potters learned how to
11. Weaponries invented were darts and arrow produce more of their products/crafts since not
12. Domestication of animals and cultivation of all are farming, weaving, and doing pottery
cereal grains were common in this age 1. Invented tools for
13. Art forms were carved small figurines using hunting, harvesting,
stones, clay, bones and antlers security
14. The end of the last ice age - climate change, 2. Hunting/gathering/ha
extinction of large mammals, and migration of rvesting for different
humans purposes 1. Metallurgy
3. Contributions in 2. Sharper, harder, and more
agriculture durable tools
1. Gradual development in 4. Advancements in 3. Increased trade in almost all
inventing tools architecture areas
2. Farming is very significant
4. Impacted agriculture largely
3. Construction of structures is
5. Increased weaponry and
6. Helped spread Aegean
contacts and trade routes

1. Started around 1200 B.C. to 600 B.C.

2. Dominance of iron in making tools
3. Steel - more durable and effective tools
4. Farming tools like sickles - more convenience in farming
5. Exploitation of tougher soils and planting of new crops
6. Early city planning (streets, water systems, etc.)
7. Construction of Public structures like religious places
8. Religion
9. Believed to emerge when disruption of routes took place
that caused shortage in the supply of bronze
10. Writing systems and written documentations like the
alphabet #EARTHDAY2019
11. A man who lived during the early period of this age (Pre-
Roman Iron Age) is called a Tollund man.


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