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UB – one of our university’s oldest buildings is the Constant Jurgens building often knowns as the

University building. The School of Health and Natural Sciences’ main building is this.

Jubilee- one of the most Frequented building on the campus is the Jubilee Library. The SEAIT, STEH, SAB
and SHANS libraries are providing more amenities to the University Learning Resource Center through
this structure. The University’s main library, the Jan Van Bauwel building or L building is located just
behind the Jubilee Library. The E library can be found them as well.

GYM – the University’s primary convention center for sizable events is the Cornelius Tonus Gymnasium.
The LMCDAC publishing house, NSTP, ROTC, and other offices of the university are situated here, among
many other.

RT- STEH classes were housed at the RT building sometimes referred to as the new building. Some of the
rooms are being used as nursing laboratories for hands-on demonstration because of the current

MV and MINI FOREST- the mini forest is where the Maurits Vanoverbergh is located. The SHANS
laboratory, which is used for research, housed in the building along with the director of the Center for
Natural Sciences office. The volleyball court for sporting gatherings is situated in front of the MV building
and it is mostly visited during university intramurals.

ACHILLES- the Achilles de Gyrse building or also known as the Law building. In this building you can find
the Law library and offices of the Dean of Law and the Dean of the teachers Education and Humanities.

CLINIC – in this pandemic one of our healthcare providers is the university clinic, which also keeps as eye
on the wellbeing of the students.

TESDA- those applying for NC II certificates receive their instruction int eh TESDA facility. Here, a variety
of programs are available to verify the people’s abilities for their jobs.

BALAI NA ALUMNA- one of the buildings that houses university alumni is the Ballai na Alumni. The office
for the seat of alumni affairs is located int eh building.

MARY SEAT OF WISDOM CHAPEL- one of the key structures of the institution, the Chapel is where
university mass is held. The university chaplain’s office is located in this chape, and just below it is the
offices of the campus ministry and the vice president for mission and identity.

APO PHILO- the Apo Philo building also known as Theophile Verbist is one of the buildings that houses
students for their studies. There are also computer labs for the information and technology here. The
fourth story of the structure has the Aula Maria, a modest convention space that can also host smaller
events the seminars and semester for the exam.

MEDTECH AND PHARMA LAB- one of SHANS older facilities is the Medtech and Pharma lab. By utilizing
their expertise in the medical sector, this gives the students sufficient practice. The first and second of
the MV building contains the enlarged laboratory for the Pharmacy and Medlab courses.

CICM HOUSES- to provide housing for the CICM missionaries at our university, the CICM home is being
constructed. This also serves as a quarter home for the CICM brothers who are undergoing
congregational development
SACRED HEART CENTER- the sacred heart center was formerly a chapel but has some been transformed
into a multipurpose room that host a variety of events like seminars training, department activities and

SERGENT- Renato Sergeant building is the house of the laboratories that accommodates students from
the Engineering courses.

S- the S building or the Gomburza building. There are several different offices in this building. It houses
the dean’s office for the school of engineering, architecture, and information technology. There are also
chemistry laboratories here that is usually used by SHANS students.

E- the school of engineering, architecture and information technology students are housed in the new
SEAIT building, often known as the E- building. Additionally serves of the engineering and architecture
student’s laboratories are situated here.

DEBUSSCHERE- this building serves as a hotel that accommodates guests, kitchen and room for the
hospitality and tourism courses are housed here.

D- some of the rooms in this building known as the De Caestecker Building or the D Building, are used as
drafting studios, while others are used by Senior High School students.

H- Formerly, students majoring in business accounting housed at the George Hanston Building, also
known as the H Building. But the Senior High School students are currently using this building.

Tanchoco – Antonio Tanchoco, also known as the JVD annex. The Senior High School students’ rooms
are located in this building.

A Building (4 Pillars) Offices – the university’s main building, known as the Godfrey Lambrecht Building
or A Building, is where the president of the university, the vice president for academics, the vice
president for administration, and the vice president for finance have their offices. The DSAS, Guidance
and Testing, Human Resources Development, Student Central Council, and the University Journalism
group’s (The MARIAN) office are also housed here.

JVD – The School of Accountancy and Business’s dean’s office is located in the Jan Van Daelen building,
where the courses in accountancy and business are taught.

Oval – one of our university’s beautiful settings is the athletic field, where a variety of school-wide
events are hosted. Demonstrations on the ground and ROTC training, soccer, baseball, and track and
field are all played on this athletic field. Oval is the greatest shape for this if you want to snap the perfect
picture behind the four pillars.

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