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Science and technology

Dr. Ravi P Agrahari
❏ PhD (IIT Delhi), Director (Purvanchal IAS)

❏ Faculty of Science & Technology and


❏ PhD IIT Delhi, Experience of Research

Scientist of DST

❏ Last 18 years teaching Experiences with 1000

+ Selections

❏ Author of McGraw Hill for Science &

Technology (Highly Selling Book in India) and
Environment Book
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• Recently, Union Minister of Science & Technology said that India’s human
space mission “Gaganyaan” will be launched in 2023.

• India will become the fourth nation in the world to launch a Human
Spaceflight Mission after USA, Russia and China.

• Test vehicle flight for the validation of Crew Escape System performance and
the First uncrewed mission of Gaganyaan (G1) are scheduled during the
beginning of 2nd half of 2022.

• After that second uncrewed mission is scheduled to be launched at the end

of 2022 which will be carrying “Vyommitra” a spacefaring human robot
developed by ISRO and finally the first crewed Gaganyaan mission in 2023.
The Gaganyaan Mission envisages undertaking the demonstration of
human spaceflight to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in the short-term and will
lay the foundation for a sustained Indian human space exploration
program in the long run.

• The objective of Gaganyaan program is to demonstrate indigenous

capability to undertake human space flight mission to LEO.

• As part of this programme, two unmanned missions and one manned

mission are approved by Government of India (GoI).

• The total cost of Gaganyaan Program is approx. ₹ 9023.00 crore.

• The purpose of carrying out uncrewed missions before crewed mission

are for technology demonstration, safety and reliability verification and
will be heavily instrumented to study the performance of systems before
crewed flight.

The technologies that will be mainly required for Gaganyaan

program are as follows:

1. Human rated launch vehicle

2. Crew escape systems
3. Habitable orbital module
4. Life support system
5. Crew selection and training and associated crew management activities

• It is a major National effort and its overall program co-ordination,

systems engineering and implementation will be carried out by

• Further, the human rated launch vehicle, crew escape system, Orbital
module and essential infrastructure will be realised by ISRO utilizing
the in-house expertise and with participation of Industry,
Academia and National agencies.

• The private players in the country have developed significant

expertise in niche areas, and this will be effectively utilized in the
For the first crewed mission of Gaganyaan program, astronaut trainees are
selected from pool of test pilots, based on selection criterion jointly defined
by ISRO and Indian air force which comprises of flying experience, fitness,
psychological and aero-medical evaluation (including anthropometric

Major collaborating partners for Gaganyaan include:

1. Indian Armed Forces 2. Defence Research Development organisation
3. Indian maritime agencies - Indian Navy, Indian Coast Guard, Shipping
corporation of India, National institute of Oceanography,
4. National Institute of Ocean Technology. 5. Indian Meteorological
Department 6. CSIR Labs 7. Academic institutes 8. Industry partners

• Vyommitra is a female humanoid built by ISRO. Vyommitra can monitor

module parameters, alert astronauts and perform life support operations.

• It will simulate the exact human functions in space and will check whether
the systems are right. This will be very useful to simulate, as if a human is

• Before India’s first human spaceflight mission, Vyommitra will make a solo
trip to space as part of the test flights that will be undertaken ahead of the
ambitious launch to help decide whether the trip is safe enough or not.
• This program will help progress India towards a sustained and affordable
human and robotic program to explore the solar system and beyond.

• It will help us attain Advanced technology capability for undertaking human

space exploration, sample return missions and scientific exploration.

• It will help us achieve future capability to actively collaborate in global

space station development & to carry out scientific experiments of interest
to the nation.

• It will lead to employment generation and also human resource

development in advanced science and R&D activities.

• Create a broad frame work for wider Academia – Industry

partnership in taking up development activities for national

• Will inspire and excite Indian youth and steer many students
toward careers in science and technology.

• The mission will help us strengthen international partnerships and

global security through the sharing of challenging and peaceful
goals and also having a vibrant human spaceflight program can be
leveraged as a potent foreign policy tool.

• After the successful completion of Gaganyaan mission, the next step will be
to achieve capability for a sustained human presence in space and for the
purpose there would be development of Indian Space Station.

• The detailed proposals and modalities for space station will be worked out in

• The Indian space station will be a platform for conducting scientific and
industrial research in myriad areas of fundamental, applied and engineering
Course on Science &
❏ Comprehensive Plus Course on
Science & Technology

❏ Plus Course starting from 21st


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