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‘WHat DEviL Rac Dr Sa Music AITO 1 PETA CPCS That Devils Rag ‘Music by Lyric by EGBERT VAN ALSTYNE EDWARD B. MADDEN Moderato ———. Way down be = low, where sin-ners dark, if you will VAMP cere? Pare “Where all the brim -stoze emoke and flame be longs_They'vegot a ‘Youll hear a moura-fol mel - an - chol-y tone, That seems to Copyright MCMXIII by JEROME H.REMICK & Co, New York & Detroit ‘Copyright ,Cazada, MCMXIII by Jerome H. Remick & Co Propiedad para le Republica Mexicana de Jerome H.Remick & Co,New York y Detroit. Depesitada conorme a 1a ey —————— spot theyre léep ing hot ____ For all the men who wrote those sxy—“*dost sing or play A ragtime song or youll be Teel rag-time songs oli satan sly Said“when they die‘ who ev- er down here 'soon— so you be - ware Derlt. do that bear just stop that started that in ~ fer-nal_gag—Will stand no chance, ‘well make them syn co - pa - ted wigegle wag,— Or when your tora, has come to A, round the red hot Youll have to learn that CHORUS, ‘On! Ob! Ob! Obl Ob! that Dev =i Rag, thet Rag, 7 EF LEP ta Each lit tle imp has @ limp from do ing it 1a-dy de-mons rat -tat - too-ing it rn pees Hear ch, hear oh! hear old sa - tan brag oe come be kissed ch hear Me-phis- to” Yell Onl Hel-lo, Hello, Hel -1o, That, oh! that oh! that’ the place to drag Come hurry down and meet the Ja-dies, Well have a hot old time in Ha-des r ne ais -es blazes in that Dev -il$ Rag. Ihe Devil Rag

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