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Module 3 Contrôle
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Listening Test D

D1 Listen to Soraya talking about music. What

does she say? Complete each sentence by
ticking the correct box. (3rd Step)

Example: Soraya loves the music of …

A Jenifer.

B Roméo Elvis.

C Daft Punk.

1 She listens to music …

B reggae.
A all the time.
C rap.
B often.

C sometimes.
4 She loves techno because it is
… than all other types of
2 She likes … A more relaxing
A classical music.
B more original
B traditional music.
C more interesting
C a bit of everything.

3 She never listens to …
A jazz.
D2 Listen to Théo talking about what he wants to
do in the future. Complete the sentences,
choosing from the words in the box. (4th Step)
mécanicien trompette jazz musicien sa mère Afrique instituteur
rap son cousin clarinette Chine

Example: Théo veut jouer de la _______________.

1 Il veut aller à un concert de _______________________.

2 Il veut aller en _______________________.

3 Il veut rendre visite à _______________________.

4 Il veut devenir _______________________.


she say?
D3 Listen to Write the
Sophia two correct
talking about letters in the
her boxes for
childhood. each
What does question.
(5th Step)

1 How does Sophia describe 2 How does Sophia describe

herself? her primary school?
A She used to have short curly hair. A Her primary school was small.

B She used to wear glasses. B The building was modern.

C She didn’t use to have C Her favourite subject was

many friends. English.

D She used to wear a blue cap. D Her teacher was strict.

E She used to eat too many sweets. E She used to be well behaved.
Listening Test E

E1 Listen to Medhi talking about his childhood.

What did life used to be like? Tick the four
correct boxes. (6th Step)
Example Medhi used to live in Africa.
: ✔

A He used to wear shorts and a tee-


B He used to study English.

C Lessons used to be boring.

D He used to do after-school activities.

E The school day used to be short.

F He used to buy CDs.

G He used to listen to traditional music.

H He used to go to concerts.


E2 Listen to Azima talking about what has happened

in her life. What did she do in the past? Tick
the four correct boxes. (6th Step)
Example born in Syria
: ✔

A immigrate to France

B live in Paris

C learn French

D meet her boyfriend

E dance at a party

F play in an orchestra

G listen to jazz

H go to a concert

© Pearson Education Ltd 2020. Copying is permitted by the

purchasing institution for teaching purposes only. No other
copying or reproduction permitted without express permission
of Pearson Education.
Ma vie en musique ROUGE

Listening Test E

E3 Listen to Abdul talking about himself. Answer the

questions in English. (7th Step) in Iraq
Example: Where was Abdul born? ___________________

1 What does he say about his school in Iraq? Give one detail.

___________________________ 2 What is his favourite activity
at school?

___________________________ 3 What was his father’s job in

___________________________ 4 What does he want to do in
the future? Give one detail.


Total marks for test Step

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purchasing institution for teaching purposes only. No other
copying or reproduction permitted without express permission
of Pearson Education.

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