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Performer B2 - UPDATED - Soluzioni

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BUILD UP TO B2 Performer B2

1. Back to school


They all are happy to go back to school to learn new stuff

(Tracy), to meet friends and hear about summer (Sharon and

A Marina Spiazzi
1. Sharon, Autore Marina Tavella
Margaret Layton
2. Simon,
Materia Inglese
3. Tracy,
4. Sharon,
Editore Zanichelli
5. All of them. ISBN 9788808812568
Anno 2018
1. great,
Scuola Secondaria di II grado
2. mates,
3. stuff,

4. agree,

5. getting excited,

6. idyllic,

7. miss.
C not cool: not popular or not fashionable, come round again: the return of something regular,
look forward to: to feel a positive sense of anticipation, going on: happening, get together:
meet up, highs and lows: good times and bad times.
1st paragraph: are (line 1), isn’t (line 1), like (line 2), have to (line 3), comes (line 4), begin (line

2nd paragraph: ’s not (line 1), agree (line 3), ’s (line 7), ’s (line 11), have to (line 13).

3rd paragraph: don’t miss (line 7), miss (line 7), is (line 8), hate (line 9), ’s not (line 9), miss
(line 9).
1st paragraph: like: 1, comes: 2, begin: 2.

2nd paragraph: agree: 1, have to: 2.

3rd paragraph: don’t miss: 2, miss: 2, hate: 2 Student's activity

1st paragraph: is approaching (line 5), ’m looking (line 8).

2nd paragraph: am getting (line 4), is going on (line 6).

3rd paragraph: are travelling (line 1), ’m thinking (line 4).

1st paragraph: is approaching: 2, ’m looking: 2.

2nd paragraph: am getting: 3, is going on: 1.

3rd paragraph: are travelling: 1, ’m thinking: 2. Student’s activity.

1. are you waiting,

2. Do you generally go,

3. are always forgetting,

4. is putting,

5. start,

6. are not having.

1. calls, writes,

2. don’t think, is enjoying,

3. Are you wearing, Do you like,

4. suits, doesn’t fit,

5. attend, enjoy,

6. wonder, is speaking.
1. ‘Why don’t you use the underground to go to school?’ ‘I prefer walking.’

2. They have rugby practice on Tuesdays but this week we are having an extra workout on

3. ‘Do you generally spend your holidays at the seaside?’ ‘Yes, but I am travelling back from
the mountains now.’

4. I don’t have any idea where Mark is working now.

5. Our guests are waiting for the dessert and you are always getting in my way!

6. ‘Why are you leaving your present house?’ ‘It doesn’t suit all of us.’

2. Teen holiday times

Scotland: Edinburgh, Inverness; Ireland: Dublin,

Cork; Germany: Munich, Berlin; Spain: Minorca,

Ibiza, Barcelona; Belgium: Bruges, Brussels;

Greece: Mykonos, Athens; Poland: Krakow,

Warsaw; Norway: Oslo, Fiords; France: Nice, Paris.




D 1.

1. facilities,

2. delicious,

3. shelters,
4. strange,

5. picturesque,

6. chat.
Holiday 1: went (line 1), stayed (line 2), were (line 3), was (line 4).

Holiday 2: went on (line 1), decided (line 2), chose (line 4), stayed (line 4), meant (line 5),
could (line 5), had (line 7), helped (line 9).

Holyday 3: went on (line 1), climbed (line 2), went (line 3), thought (line 7), was (lines 7, 8),
had (line 9).

Holiday 4: chose (line 1), agreed (line 4), offered (line 4), could (line 9), danced (line 12),
relaxed (line 12).
Holiday 1: went: 1, stayed: 1, were: 1, was: 1.

Holiday 2: went on: 1, decided: 1, chose: 1, stayed: 1, meant: 2, could: 2, had: 2, helped: 2.

Holyday 3: went on: 1, climbed: 2, went: 2, thought: 1, was: 2, had: 2.

Holiday 4: chose: 1, agreed: 1, offered: 1, could: 1, danced: 2, relaxed:

Holiday 1: enjoying (line 8), were eating (line 9).

Holiday 2: were staying (line 8).

Holiday 3: were cycling (line 3), were trekking (line 4), were admiring (line 5).

Holiday 4: were enjoying (line 6), were chatting (line 12).

Holiday 1: enjoying, were eating: 2.

Holiday 2: were staying: 3.

Holiday 3: were cycling, were trekking, were admiring: 2.

Holiday 4: were enjoying, were chatting: 1.

1. decided,

2. didn’t choose,

3. preferred,
4. began,

5. found,

6. were,

7. were waiting,

8. remembered,

9. had,

10. did Sean decide,

11. thought,

12. was climbing,

13. rang,

14. was.
1. woke up, was raining,

2. was running, struck,

3. met, was studying,

4. were you doing, got,

5. took, was.
1. Were you studying when I called you yesterday?

2. We were playing tennis when Rob broke his ankle.

3. While she was leaving Boston, the sun was shining.

4. She heard a loud noise while she was talking to her boyfriend.

5. When Rachel arrived, we were doing the gardening.

3. Have you ever seen a better version?

1. setting,

2. customs,
3. background,

4. get through,

5. allows.
1. What has William often found?

2. Why does he think films are better?

3. What difference have advances in technology made to films?

4. What has Kirsty always preferred?

5. Why is the film different?

6. Why does Kirsty think the book is better?

1st paragraph: have found (line 1), have you seen (line 3), have taken (line 7).

2nd paragraph: have preferred (line 2), has been (line 5), have found (line 7).
1st paragraph: have found: 3, have you seen: 1, have taken: 3.

2nd paragraph: have preferred: 3, has been: 3, have found: 1.

1. bought,

2. fallen,

3. sent,

4. seen,

5. spoken,

6. written,

7. had,

8. preferred.
1. just,

2. yet,

3. ever,
4. already,

5. never,

6. ever,

7. yet,

8. never.
1. Have you ever lost your car keys?

2. I have visited Paris three times so far this year.

3. Oh no! The bus has already left.

4. The teacher has just gone to collect the books for the lesson.

5. Have you seen the latest Star Wars film yet?

6. They haven’t ever read books about ghosts or vampires.

7. I have watched that film four times already, it’s great!

8. Have you ever tried to write a poem? No, I haven’t tried yet.
1. have never visited,

2. hasn’t seen,

3. have already done,

4. have just finished,

5. has already started,

6. has just landed

4. I’m going to make a vision board!

1. careful,

2. consciously,

3. unchangeable,

4. focused,
5. trap,

6. self-pity.
B go with the flow: allow things to happen without trying to interfere, make sure: make
certain, have dreams: have positive visions, listen to your inner voice: take the time to reflect
on what you are doing, believe anything is possible: have faith in yourself, not settle: don’t
compromise, expect the best: aim for the highest level that you can achieve.

1. The train leaves at a certain time.

2. The example of someone starting a new job on a specific day.

3. By being positive and having dreams.

4. You will become more focused, you will look for opportunities and above all you won’t fall
into the trap of self-pity.

Will… be (line 1), will happen (line 3), leaves (line 5), is starting (line 8), will change (line 10), ’m
going to listen (line 14), ’m going to believe (line 15), will see (lines 16-17), will become (line 18),
will look (line 19), won’t fall (line 20), ’ll get (line 24).

Future simple: will… be, you will see, you will become, you will look, you won’t fall, you’ll get:
1. will happen, will change: 3.

Present simple: leaves: 2.

Present continuous: is starting: 2.

Be going to: ’m going to listen, ’m going to believe: 2.

1. will,

2. will make,

3. will call,

4. It’s going to rain,

5. does the exhibition open,

6. is visiting.
1. When are they getting married?
2. Where are they going to build a new hotel?

3. Does the flight take off at 9:00?

4. Who will pick me/us up at the station?

5. Will you be late for the lecture?

6. What will Blake look for?

1. ’s going to get,

2. ’ll have,

3. are you going to do, ’ll be,

4. won’t rebel,

5. will happen,

6. ’s seeing,

7. ’ll try,

8. ’ll help

5. Can I give you some advice?



C 1.
1. Maddy,

2. Tom,

3. Sue,

4. Maddy,

5. Sue,

6. Tony.
1. particular,
2. offended,

3. frightened,

4. damage,

5. feel for,

6. tide.
C look the other way: pretend not to see someone, driving me round the bend: causing total
irritation, take the plunge: go ahead with something difficult, pass on: hand over, give, change
like the tide: keep changing like the sea tides coming in then going out.

may have offended (line 4), might feel (line 5), should I do (line 5), should I call/wait (line 6), can
I do (line 10), may have to (line 10), would love (13), can come (line 14), might say (line 16),
could find (line 17), should I do (line 18), may be (line 20), shouldn’t find (line 22), should take
(line 23), can try (line 24), could do (line 26), can find (line 27), can do (line 28), should help
(line 29), can change (line 31), should wait (line 32), could make (line 33), may be (line 34),
could pass (line 35).


may have offended PP3, might feel conditional, should I do A2, should I call/wait A2, can I do
A2, may have to PP2, would love conditional, might say PP2, could find PP2, should I do A2,
may be A3, shouldn’t find A3, should take A1, could do A1, can find PP1, can do PP2, should
help A3, can change PP1, should wait A1, could make A3, may be A3, could pass A3.

1. would like,

2. Would you win,

3. wouldn’t lie,

4. would stay,

5. wouldn’t accept,

6. would prefer,

7. wouldn’t have,

8. Would she wear.

1. may/could/might give up,
2. might know,

3. may/might not want,

4. might feel,

5. may/might not.
Es. 8
1. Where should I park my car?

2. You shouldn’t ignore your old school friend.

3. He should ask for advice.

4. She should be more careful about what she eats.

5. Should I wait and let him cool down?

Es. 9
1. Could you give me a lift home?

2. You should buy Dad a/some…

3. Don’t cry, you could might try to see the bright side.

4. You shouldn’t smoke here, it’s not allowed.

5. I would like to buy a white shirt.

SB UNIT 1: Being connected


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

A 2, B 3, C 6, D 4, E 5, F 1

Es. 3
1. always listens

2. get on, a good laugh

3. close to me, share the same problems

4. talk about our problems, the good and bad things

5. moments of joy or pain

6. with people all over the world, different perspective

Es. 4

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
Q1 G, Q2 D, Q3 H, Q4 A, Q5 C.

Extras: B and E
Es. 4
1. C

2. E

3. D

4. B

5. B

6. A

7. D
Es. 5
1. D

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. E
Es. 6
1. going out

2. hanging out

3. have fun

4. make up

5. get on


Es. 1
Present simple: is (line 1), receives (line 3), have (line 4), can (line 5), is (line 9), covers (line
12), chat (line 13), don’t know (line 14), are (line 16), is not (line 16), think (line 17), is (line 18),
is not (line 19), is (lines 20-21), can (line 23), are (line 29), hang on with (line 30), go out with
(line 30), have (line 31), cry (line 31), need (line 31), are (line 32), chat (line 33), text (line 33),
have (line 33), make up with (line 34), makes (line 36), are (line 38), is (line 38), are (line 39),
needs (line 41), do not (line 41), need (line 42), are (line 44), have (line 45), play (line 47),
shape (line 50), are (line 51), is (line 54), support (line 55), can (line 56), know (line 57), is
(line 58), need (line 60), can (line 63), help (line 65). These verbs point out routine actions
and things that are always or usually true.

Present continuous: is now changing (line 7), is growing (line 8), is changing (line 11), am not
saying (line 19), am just saying (line 20), are replacing (line 24), are not replacing (line 26),
are adding (line 27), are happening (line 48), are taking (line 49), are devoting (line 61).
These verbs highlight actions that are happening now
Es. 2
1. B

2. G

3. H

4. D

5. F

6. E

7. A

8. C
Es. 3
1. develops
2. are you doing, ’m preparing

3. don’t post

4. don’t always get along, often have

5. is studying

6. are always listening

7. are taking

8. are changing

9. is happening

10. is your new job going

Es. 4
1. I rarely travel by plane.

2. They are becoming more and more interested in online games.

3. My friends often help me.

4. Why are you always using my computer?

5. My friend never wears earrings.

6. Look! What is happening over there?

Es. 5
1. hear

2. is hearing

3. are seeing

4. see

5. smells

6. are you smelling

7. are you feeling

8. do you feel
Es. 6
1. have

2. do you think
3. are seeing

4. is always tasting

5. ’s thinking

6. m trying


Es. 1
1. D

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. D

8. B
Es. 2
1. relationship

2. share

3. rows

4. on

5. is

6. get/ come

7. go

8. have


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
The speed of social network connections is making the world smaller

Es. 3
1. C

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. C

Es. 4
1. field

2. shrinking

3. actual

4. bound

5. trail

6. linked
Es. 5

strangers (line 2, strange), acquaintance (line 4, acquaint), separation (line 4, separate),

connection (line 10, connect), generations (line 16, generate), mathematicians (line 16,
mathematics), physicists (line 17, physics), sociologists (line 17, sociology), connectedness (line
20, connected), distances (line 23, distant), writer (line 27, write), possibility (line 36, possible),
researchers (line 48, research), scientists (line 48, science), conversations (line 51, converse)

Es. 6

activity, freedom, excitement, sadness, division, exploration, jealousy, adolescence, driver,

endurance, maturity, importance, championship, discussion, scientist

Es. 7
1. possibility

2. journalist

3. imagination

4. friendship
5. importance

6. boredom

7. impression

8. happiness
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1

A 2, B 1

Es. 2
1. have become

2. have attracted

3. have recently claimed

4. started

5. has gradually destroyed

6. were

7. provided

8. found

9. rescued

10. have become

Es. 3

A 3, B 2, C 1

Es. 4
1. Refers to the length of time
2. Refers to the beginning of a length of time
Es. 5
1. has always stood

2. have been keeping

3. have you had

4. have been crying

5. Has your uncle been leading

6. have been attending, haven’t met

7. have been

8. has recently made

9. have been browsing

10. has he been, has known

Es. 6
1. has been in love with Brian since

2. has just arrived

3. long have they been

4. haven’t had a row for

5. have been getting on well since

6. have not been hanging out


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
The place where you live: Where are you from?

Your family: Do you have a large family? What’s your father’s / mother’s job?

Your home: Do you live in a house or a flat?

Study / Work: How long have you been learning English? What do you find difficult about
studying English?

Hobbies / Interests: What do you do in your spare time? What do you like doing with friends?
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. Christmas

2. a graduation

3. a wedding

4. a birthday

5. a wedding anniversary
Es. 3

Student's activity

Es. 4
1. C, Everyone makes an effort to be together, which is not easy because one brother is now
living in Holland and another in Spain.

2. C, I am now studying hard for my exams as I want to be the next person in the family to

3. B, It’s where Sue and I first met so it has romantic connections for us.

4. B, You know we’re celebrating your gran and granddad’s fiftieth wedding anniversary.
5. A, No good I’m afraid. She wants me to wear blue.

6. C, Pancake Day is on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday - just before the beginning of

7. A, Have you seen our latest model? It’s simple but very nice. Great! I haven’t seen anything
I’ve liked as much.

8. B, We ask everyone to stay where they are

Es. 5

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. F, She feels like talking to her friends

2. T

3. F, They watch a funny movie to relax every weekend at home

4. F, They are like brothers or sisters and become your friends

5. T

6. T
Es. 2
1. T

2. L

3. K

4. C

5. C

6. L
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. T

2. F, Spelling and grammar accuracy are at least as important as vocabulary

3. T

4. F, You should include personal opinions in your essay

Es. 3



Es. 4
Paragraph 1 B

Paragraph 2 A

Paragraph 3 D

Paragraph 4 C

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity
SB UNIT 2: Inspirational travel


Es. 1

Student’s activity aimed at introducing the topic of travelling in a wider context than just

Es. 2




Es. 3
1. Mexico,

2. visiting, Canadian border,

3. to fly, took,

4. a train, their luggage,

5. kayaked, to rent, ocean,

6. walked towards.


1. The journey started in Moscow.

2. It ended in Beijing/Peking.

3. There were three countries to cross: Russia, Mongolia and China.


They look happy because they have won a travelling competition.

Q1 D
Q2 C

Q3 A

Q4 B

Q5 B

Q6 C
Q1 The amount of travelling,

Q2 Her own environment,

Q3 Her laptop,

Q4 (Her) friends and family,

Q5 Basic make-up,

Q6 Comfy socks/(A pair of) socks,

Q7 A (healthy) snack,

Q8 A (soft)toy (puppy)/Her mascot.

1. C

2. F

3. B

4. A

5. E

6. D
1. ran into,

2. slow down,

3. headed for,

4. send back,

5. took part in,

6. get out of.

Grammar 1


Some examples are the following:

Past simple: took part (line 2), had to (line 5), were (line 8), reached (line 8).

Past continuous: were crossing (line 30), were talking (line 37), were giving up (line 41).

Past simple emphasises an action happened at a specific time in the past.

Past continuous was an action in progress interrupted by a simple past action.

1. C

2. B

3. A
1. filled in, was watching,

2. was running away, arrived,

3. did our driver know,

4. were giving up, gave,

5. didn’t listen, was talking,

6. were playing, started,

7. was studying,

8. were travelling, could.

1. A No, they don’t,
B Yes, they did it in the past but this doesn’t happen now.
1. A past habit.

B 2.
1. isn’t used to going,
2. Are you getting used,

3. am used to doing,

4. wasn’t used to drinking,

5. ’ve got used,

6. ’ll get used to accepting.

FIRST Reading and Use of English

1. landed,

2. dreaming,

3. founder,

4. richest,

5. tourists,

6. freedom,

7. sensation,

8. beginning
1. used to talk,

2. ran into,

3. was heading for,

4. slowed down when it reached,

5. we were flying back,

6. would meet my brother.


1. F,

2. C,

3. G,

4. E,
5. A,

6. D,

7. extra sentence B.
1. hunting grounds,

2. trade,

3. samples,

4. adorn,

5. challenge,

6. landscapes.

hunting (line 2, hunt), elitist (line 9, elite), classical (line 10, classic), inspiring (line 15, inspire),
extraordinary (line 16, order), geographic (line 21, geography), different (line 24, differ),
unexplored (line 26, explore), unknown (line 26, know), unobtainable (line 28, obtain).


inventive, childish, comic, beautiful, lucky, readable, fruitful, fatalistic, persistent, considerate,
excitable, stationary, golden.

1. dangerous,

2. idyllic,

3. fortunate,

4. persistent, desirable,

5. comfortable, unpredictable,

6. successful,

7. impressive,

8. natural.







1. had spent, realised, wanted, had seen,

2. looked, came, was, had met,

3. returned, started,

4. Did you get, had already bought,

5. had dreamt, told,

6. retired, had visited.

A 1, 3

1. had been sharing,

2. had spent,

3. had been decorating, had never done,

4. had been waiting, had been delayed,

5. Had he been looking for.

1. had never been to,

2. had never been there before,

3. after she had made sure,

4. had been driving for,

5. had been studying all day,

6. had already gone.


Picture 1: hot, dry, in Africa, on a safari, in an open truck, a group of people, watching a
leopard, game park, taking photos, on holiday.

Picture 2: London, Big Ben, sightseeing, taking photos, open air bus, tourists, monuments,
historic buildings, backs of heads.


1. had arrived,

2. the sweet potato,

3. from the east,

4. used to sail,

5. five-man crew,

6. sun god,

7. parrot,

8. a rescue,

9. flying fish,

10. arrived safely


1. Peru, Tanzania, Zaire, Zanzibar and Iceland.

2. It was absolutely beautiful.

3. Lovely and amazing.

4. She travelled to Peru alone and then she joined a group when she was in Cusco.


1. customs,

2. cliff, peaks,

3. lightning,

4. oxygen, brick wall,

5. altitude sickness,

6. cool
1. Their horseman.

2. He only spoke Quechua.

3. He couldn’t speak English or Spanish.

4. Safe.
Food: People kept putting fruit on her plate and she really doesn’t like fruit.

Walking uphill: She got altitude sickness and couldn’t breathe.

Personal hygiene: They had neither toilets nor showers.


The thing she learnt about herself was that even though physically she was under a lot of
pressure to get to the end, it took a lot of emotional and psychological effort to push her body
to the limits and get to the end of the trip. And she managed to do it.


Student’s activity. The elements of the problem are set out in words, usually placed in boxes,
and positioned in different places on a sheet of paper, using lines to represent the relationship
between them.


Student’s activity. Suggested answer: Finishing school is an important watershed in your life. It
is the end of a period where you are sheltered and protected and guided in what you do. For
most students the choice before them is between a course of further study, either at university
or in professional training, or a job. There is another possibility however, taking a break for a
year and trying something new. This is a gap year. Those that encourage a gap year say it
brings a series of new experiences such as coping with different cultures, different countries
and above all different standards of living. In addition, students abroad learn new skills and
above all learn to cope on their own. It is a form of growing up. In spite of these obvious
advantages, there are points against the idea. For example the cost, the risks involved and the
feelings of homesickness or loneliness away from family and friends. All in all the gap year is
something to consider with care, bearing in mind your own personality and abilities. It can be an
enriching positive experience but must be planned and monitored efficiently.



1. acquaintances,

2. relations,

3. contacts,

4. journey,

5. destination,

6. scenery,

7. lost, directions.
1. feel close to,

2. walks away from,

3. get a lift,

4. make it back,

5. am in touch with,

6. share problems.
1. doing, come, ’m studying, ’ve been,

2. want, is working,

3. Have you seen, used to, don’t like,

4. Have you run, ran,

5. have just spoken, is raining.

1. were chatting,

2. received,

3. was thinking,

4. asked,

5. wanted,

6. joined,

7. set,

8. arrived,

9. were walking,

10. met,

11. took,

12. explored,

13. headed,

14. were moving,

15. were also admiring.

1. A

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C
7. B

8. D
1. was,

2. been,

3. had,

4. taking,

5. were,

6. back,

7. directions,

8. used.
1. circumnavigating,

2. becoming,

3. traveller,

4. opportunity,

5. used,

6. expensive,

7. destinations,

8. moving.
1. make it back,

2. used to make friends,

3. the cruise ship had already left,

4. have cycled three times,

5. we are having a holiday,

6. are always having rows.

SB UNIT 3: Job opportunities



B 12





G 11

H 10




1. personal trainer

2. blogger

3. journalist

4. accountant

5. electrician

6. occupational psychologist
1. D

2. H

3. J

4. G

5. C

6. K
7. E

8. L

9. F

10. A

11. I

12. B
1. retire

2. resigned

3. are unemployed

4. go on strike

5. promoted

6. work overtime


1. white-collar

2. blue-collar workers

3. benefits

4. freelance

5. consultant

6. takeover

7. welfare

8. demise
Q1 (Via) a webcam.

Q2 Advertisers.

Q3 (Up to) $400.

Q4 (More) fragmented and insecure.

Q5 Two of the following: Truck driver; Brain surgeon; Nine-to-five jobs; Lifelong jobs; Office-
based jobs.

Q6 An Internet connection.

Q7 Wages.

Q8 The zero-hours contract.

Q9 One of the following: The demise of offices/Demise of office work; That bosses will
disappear/Old bosses will disappear; More freedom (and choice).
Q1 J,

Q2 C,

Q3 D,

Q4 A,

Q5 H,

Q6 I,

Q7 E,

Q8 K.

Extras: B and G.
1. D

2. G

3. A

4. F

5. H

6. C

7. B

8. E
1. nine-to-five

2. call her back

3. earning a lot of money

4. charge up to

5. make a living

6. working lives

7. job share

8. contracting out

GRAMMAR 1:Future tenses

1. C

2. D

3. A

4. E

5. B
1. will turn

2. will be, are you going to organise

3. does your train leave, departs, arrives

4. will have

5. are they going to stay

6. will remember

7. ’ll go

8. are leaving
1. B

2. A

1. will be living

2. will have run

3. will you have made

4. will have done

5. will be working

6. ’ll be studying

7. ’ll be sitting

8. will have left

1. becomes, will change,

2. happens, will rise,

3. finish, will have finished.

One future tense is used in each sentence and it is not used after the time expression but in
the main clause.
1. Tom will wait at the bus stop until the bus comes.

2. You will have made dinner before Bill comes back home.

3. My mother will be thinking of me while I’m doing my science exam.

4. I will phone my friends after I have finished my homework.

5. My sister will take the dog out as soon as she gets home.

6. They will have demolished all the houses in the street before the month of October is over.

7. When I come back, I’ll do it.

8. After I’ll have finished my lesson at school by noon, I’ll come round.


1. A

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. C

6. A
7. C

8. B
1. glamourous,

2. photographers,

3. doing,

4. impossible,

5. eventually,

6. spent,

7. royalty,

8. uncomplicated.

Reading:WARM UP

1. D

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. D

9. A

10. B
1. worthwhile,

2. feature,

3. on-going,

4. placement,
5. ground-breaking,

6. insight,

7. branding.

currently (line 1, current), definitely (line 1, definite), possibly (line 2, possible), completely (line
11, complete), basically (line 35, basic), boringly (line 42, boring), well (line 48, good), usually
(line 56, usual), hopefully (line 63, hopeful).










1. easily

2. well, badly

3. hard

4. systematically

5. ably, impressively

6. immediately

GRAMMAR 2: Articles

A They both refer to something specific.

C It is one specific programme.

D a law office placement; a week in June.

1. a, a,

2. the, the, the, the,

3. an, a, -,

4. a, a, a,

5. -, an, -,

6. the, the, -,

7. the, -, a,

8. a, the, a.
1. the, the, a,

2. the, a, the, -,

3. a, -, a,

4. the, -, the, the, -,

5. -, -,

6. a, -, the.
1. No article before Mr, Mrs and Miss.

2. Correct.

3. No article before possessive adjectives.

4. No article before abstract nouns.


Some jobs are so specific that they need detailed and specific skills, or some just need
someone mad enough to take on the job. Take a tea sampler, for example. A person who does
this job for a living needs to know the names and flavours of all the different varieties of tea. But
it goes from the extreme of pet food taster paid at just £20,000 a year to the sublime of bed
warmers and professional queuers. Of course, there are the dream jobs children spend their
lives wanting to be, including a waterslide tester. The Queen’s official main piper’s duty is to
play the bagpipes under her window at 9 a.m. every weekday for about 15 minutes.


1. D

2. A

3. F

4. H

5. B

extra letters C, E and G


1. E

2. H

3. A

4. J

5. B

6. G

7. I

8. F

9. C

10. D
1. He spent about 8-9 years as an artist making his own work. He was also working for other
galleries as a technician, doing carpentry and installing art work.

2. A landlady of a building offered him an opportunity.

3. He studied Fine Arts and had a BA about ten years ago.

4. It’s very time-consuming, there’s different aspects to work on, you don’t always do things
you really enjoy.

5. Two days over the weekend.

6. He sits at a desk, dedicating time to specific tasks for the gallery; he visits artists, or meets
collectors or goes to other galleries.








1. instinct

2. thought

3. dealing

4. installing

5. combination

6. go back

7. artist

8. good
1. Continuing to be involved in the world of art after university.

2. Trusting the kind of artists he chooses to work with, making sure people know that he has
confidence in them. He manages to juggle lots of different things at once.

3. Getting distracted; he finds it difficult to stay focussed on a task if he gets interrupted.

1. Our own fear, arrogance, resistance, stress, and obsession with being right, we often end
up being inflexible to our own detriment and to the frustration of those around us.

2. Flexibility should be a conscious choice, a powerful skill, and a valuable approach to the
ever-changing, always-evolving world we live in. We can be firm in our convictions,
passionate about our beliefs, and clear about our intentions, and at the same time be
flexible enough to make significant changes and be open to new ideas along the way.
1. We are, by definition, inflexible every time we get attached to something. Letting go of our
attachment to something means we no longer want to control every aspect of it by forcing
the action. This is a process of conscious ‘non-attachment’ (letting go), as opposed to
detachment (not caring).

2. Most of us love to be right and will do and say just about anything to avoid being wrong.
When we’re willing to be wrong (not necessarily interested in or intending to be wrong), we
are ready to take risks, try new things, and approach important things with a creative,
innovative, and flexible perspective.

3. Taking ourselves too seriously creates unnecessary stress, pressure, and worry. When
we’re able to laugh at ourselves, keep things in perspective, and remember that most of
what we deal with on a daily basis in life is not life or death - we can take ourselves less
seriously and thus have a more balanced, peaceful, and creative way of relating to things.

4. The more we’re able to tap into the natural flow of life, trust ourselves and others, and
believe that things will work out - the more likely we are to allow things to roll off our backs
and manifest with ease.

5. The support and feedback of others is invaluable in so many aspects of our life and
growth. We can learn from and model others who are more flexible than we are. We can
also give people in our life permission to kindly warn us when we get rigid, uptight, over-
attached, and start taking ourselves too seriously.


1. G

2. E

3. J

4. H
5. C

6. A

7. I

8. D

9. B

10. F

Test&Train Self-Study
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SB UNIT 4: The crime scene


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. robber

2. shoplifter

3. vandal

4. murderer

5. hijacker

6. thief
7. smuggler

8. hacker
Es. 3

A 5, B 8, C 6, D 1, E 2, F 3

Es. 4

A 3, B 4, C 1, D 2

Es. 5
1. G

2. C

3. L

4. D

5. H

6. A

7. E

8. B

9. F

10. K

11. J

12. I
Es. 6

commit a crime: the act of doing a crime, report a crime: tell the police or authorities about a
crime, carry out a crime: do a criminal action, beat crime: conquer crime, turn to crime: decide
to become a criminal, solve a crime: find out how a crime was committed and who was


Es. 1

A 2, B 1, C 5, D 3, E 6, F 4, G 7
Es. 2
1. Could is used to speak about ability in the past generally.

2. To be able to/manage to/succeed in express ability especially when the outcome has been
difficult to achieve
Es. 3
1. managed to/were able to

2. ’ll be able

3. can/ could/may

4. may/could/might

5. couldn’t

6. may not/might not

Es. 4

A 2, B 4, C 3, D 1, E 5, F 6

Es. 5
1. may/could/might have felt

2. must be

3. can’t have failed

4. must have been

5. may/could/ might have lost

6. can’t have seen

Es. 6
1. I left my purse at home, so I could not pay.

2. He isn’t in his bedroom. He must be in the garden.

3. It may/might be sunny tomorrow and it may/ might be hot, too.

4. He worked hard and was able to/managed to finish his project.

5. Susan was not able to speak to David because he had already left for New York.

6. I could swim very fast when I was five.

7. Someone was ringing. It must have been my brother. He promised to call.

8. He may/could/might have got that job because he looked very pleased


Es. 1
1. manage

2. could/can

3. must

4. can

5. able

6. may/might

7. might

8. can’t
Es. 2
1. he able to

2. may I go out

3. can’t be Dad

4. must have been

5. he had finally tracked down

6. might have been


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

He was killed by an arrow shot from a distance of 100 ft

Es. 3
1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C
5. C

6. B
Es. 4
1. nicknamed

2. melted

3. fateful

4. intact

5. prime

6. site

7. wound

8. belongings
Es. 5

unknown (line 14, known), uncertain (line 19, certain)

Es. 6

Illegal, disappear, nonsense, unlucky, undesirable, irrelevant, incapable, illegible, unkind,

dishonest, inapplicable, impatient, irregular, indefinite, misjudge

Es. 7
1. unacceptable, disobey

2. disadvantages, uncomfortable

3. dislikes, misbehaviour, nonattendance

4. irrational, illogical
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1






Es. 2
1. must

2. don’t have to

3. have to

4. shouldn’t

5. need to

6. should

7. mustn’t

8. had to
Es. 3
1. needed to study very hard

2. you needn’t pay/ don’t need to pay

3. needn’t search/don’t need to search the house

4. needs to eat

5. needn’t stay don’t need to stay

6. didn’t need to remain

Es. 4
1. had to

2. needs to/must

3. must

4. don’t have to/needn’t

5. mustn’t

6. must

7. shouldn’t
Es. 5
1. should be more careful

2. doesn’t have to clean

3. need to pay the bill

4. must use a password

5. mustn’t smoke

6. oughtn’t to trust


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. B

2. C

3. A
4. B

5. A

6. A

7. B


Es. 1
1. D

2. E

3. A

4. B

5. C
Es. 2
1. For being short.

2. For being diabetic.

3. For stupid reasons they pick on

Es. 3
1. F, He experienced some bullying before in High School

2. T

3. T

4. F, She spoke her words

5. T

6. F, He thinks that if people tried to see the good in everybody, there wouldn’t be so much

7. T

Es. 4
1. T

2. W

3. C

4. L
5. Th

6. Ti
Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
a fact: Our reporter recently visited ‘A Helping Hand’ (line 1), This anonymous service gives
everyone the possibility to speak out (line 3),

a neutral opinion: The service believes that individuals and communities should feel safe from
crime and safe from the fear of crime (lines 7-8), They say the nature of crime could be
changing (lines 22-23),

a personal opinion: Our promise of anonymity means everyone can contact us without fear of
intimidation or recrimination. We feel we can give vulnerable individuals a voice which could
help whole communities to take a stand against crime (lines 9-13), we must remain non-
judgmental and apolitical. We must never judge our callers or comment on government policy
or the police or anyone involved in criminal justice (lines 17-20)
Es. 3
1. There are 4 paragraphs.

2. It introduces the subject of the article.

3. The second paragraph.

4. The third paragraph.

5. The conclusion is that the service is undoubtedly valued highly and is in the last paragraph
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. apply

2. do overtime

3. the sack

4. unemployed

5. retire

6. go on strike, being unemployed

Es. 2
1. break

2. caught

3. confess

4. catch

5. get away

6. arrested

7. sent

8. break out
Es. 3
1. are going, are going to visit

2. won’t be, manage

3. will be doing, be studying, will have completed

4. are you coming, won’t be, ’m having

5. ’ll phone
Es. 4
1. could, A

2. could, P

3. must, D

4. can, can, can’t, A

5. can’t, P

6. must, D
Es. 5
1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. D
Es. 6
1. must

2. can

3. cannot

4. have

5. might

6. which

7. will

8. down
Es. 7
1. disillusioned
2. overtaken

3. unconventional

4. efficiently

5. unwanted

6. easily

7. precautions

8. security
Es. 8
1. might come to the concert

2. the train will have

3. are now contracted

4. to make a living

5. will be travelling

6. don’t have to use

SB UNIT 5: Global Issues


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2





Es. 3

a candidate’s degree classification or A-level results

Es. 4
1. T

2. F, They feel in an interconnected world, today’s young generation need to be able to

engage in communication with people from a wide range of different cultures and

3. F, When recruiting new staff employers rate knowledge and awareness of the wider world
as more important than a candidate’s degree classification or A-level results

4. T
Es. 5

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Goals 1, 2, 4, 5

Es. 4
Q1 wisely.

Q2 80.

Q3 water.

Q4 poverty and growing populations.

Q5 1st January 2016.

Q6 Two of the following: end/ending poverty, fight/ fighting inequality, tackle/tackling climate

Q7 quality of life.

Q8 lifelong learning (opportunities).

Q9 (all) women and girls
Es. 5
Q1 B

Q2 A

Q3 C

Q4 B

Q5 D

Q6 B
Es. 6
1. D

2. C

3. A

4. E

5. B
Es. 7
1. sign up

2. come into force

3. called for

4. dealt with

5. used up


Es. 1

A 3, B 1, C 2

Es. 2
1. stops, press

2. were, would be

3. Will you, translate

4. would, lived
5. opens, will get
Es. 3
1. if I became famous

2. will go to live

3. would go to school

4. when the kettle boils

5. governments together made

Es. 4
1. will leave, don’t get

2. spent, would end up

3. won’t find out, don’t read

4. cared, wouldn’t behave

5. will tell, see

Es. 5


Es. 6
1. unless

2. provided that/as long as

3. in case

4. as long as/provided that

5. in case

6. unless
Es. 7
1. Unless you finish your homework, you won’t be able to watch any television.

2. If it rains, we won’t go to the open air concert.

3. When it snows, we usually drive to the mountains.

4. If they were rich, they would travel around the world.

5. I’ll leave these videos here in case you have time to watch them.

6. As long as you keep quiet, you’ll be able to stay here


Es. 1
1. moving

2. executives

3. independence

4. badly

5. informal

6. government

7. evidence

8. actually
Es. 2
1. if everyone respected

2. provided that it doesn’t

3. promised there would be

4. come into force

5. in case it is

6. signed up


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

She is from Damascus in Syria and is now studying law at university in the UK

Es. 3
1. E

2. G
3. A

4. C

5. F

6. B, extra sentence D
Es. 4
1. roadblock

2. charity

3. open-minded

4. wheeled

5. silly

6. inconsolable
Es. 5

childhood (line 13), experience (line 20), arrival (line 22), safety (line 26), embarrassment (line
27), integration (line 52), unhappiness (line 61), invitation (line 67)

Es. 6

disappointment, happiness, intelligence, exploration, relationship, cruelty, adulthood, dismissal

Es. 7
1. leadership

2. neighbourhood

3. happiness, contentment

4. puritanism, slavery

5. possibility, survival

6. adolescence, frustration, fulfilment

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Es. 1
1A No, she didn’t.

1B No, she didn’t.

2A You couldn’t have thought about it at that time (if they are talking now).

2B An impossible past situation

Es. 2
1. hadn’t told, wouldn’t have known

2. would have forgiven, had apologised

3. Would he have survived, had been able

4. hadn’t left, would have arrived

5. hadn’t gone, would never have met

6. Would there have been, had taken

7. wouldn’t have happened, had stopped

8. had behaved, would not have punished

Es. 3
1. T

2. F, Type 3

3. F, Type 2

4. T

Es. 4
1. had been

2. wouldn’t need

3. would have

4. hadn’t eaten

5. had trained

6. wouldn’t be
Es. 5
1. It expresses a wish about a present/future situation.
2. It expresses a regret.

3. It expresses a wish about the future

Es. 6

Sentence 2. ‘If only’ expresses a very strong desire for a situation

Es. 7
1. I wish my team would win the championship.

2. I wish I had more money.

3. I wish I hadn’t been in such a hurry.

4. I wish he/she would care about what I say.

5. I wish I had used suntan lotion

Es. 8
1. I could find a dress that suits me for the party

2. I hadn’t treated him rudely

3. I didn’t have to take the bus every morning

4. our teacher wouldn’t give so many tests/wouldn’t give tests so often


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. D

2. G

3. J

4. H

5. K

6. B

7. F

8. A

9. C

10. E

11. I

Es. 3
1. Because Sara has asked her for details about their class’s part in the Global Awareness

2. Because these are others who have offered to help.

3. Yes, they are in the same class.

4. She expects to hear the answers to the questions in the email about a possible meeting,
whether Sara agrees with the choice of project, and ways to raise money.

5. The style is informal and chatty

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity
SB UNIT 6: Meet the Arts


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. G

2. E

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. F
Es. 3
1. our thoughts or emotions, 2than another

2. architecture, solid but fluid

3. concerts, television programmes

4. traditional, thoughtprovoking

5. concentration, explanation, richness, variety

Es. 4

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. venue

2. flowering
3. built up

4. bonanza
Es. 3
Q1 C

Q2 A

Q3 D

Q4 B

Q5 C

Q6 B
Es. 4
Q1 E

Q2 D

Q3 A

Q4 B

Q5 B

Q6 C
Es. 5
1. E

2. A

3. B

4. C

5. D
Es. 6
1. put on

2. live stage

3. artistic heritage, cultural prestige

4. built up, reputation


Es. 1
Comparatives of majority are formed by adding ‘er’ to adjectives or adverbs with one or two
syllables otherwise, ‘more’ or ‘less’ is added before the word. If comparing to something else,
‘than’ is added. The last sentence (5) can also be expressed using less… than. The comparative
of minority is expressed with the following structure: less + adjective/uncountable noun + than
and fewer + plural nouns + than. The structure as + adjective + as in the affirmative and not
so/not as + adjective + as in the negative can be used to say that people, thing or actions are
equal in some way

Es. 2
A F, Only some take ‘er’,

B T,

C T,

D F, We use less + adjective / uncountable noun + than; fewer + plural noun + than
Es. 3
1. quieter

2. more/less amusing than

3. tougher

4. as good as/less good than

5. fewer, less polluted

Es. 4
1. less than we expected

2. was better than Jennifer

3. less money than you

4. is not as fast as

5. is better than it was

Es. 5

Superlatives of majority are formed by adding ‘est’ to adjectives or adverbs with one or two
syllables, otherwise ‘the most’ or ‘the least’ is added before the word

Es. 6
1. We use ‘in’ to show what places we are talking about (It’s the most expensive car in the
world). ‘Of’ is used when there is a superlative followed by plural nouns or pronouns (She
is the most sensible of the girls). ‘That + clause’ is often found after superlatives (She is
the funniest person that I know).

2. We can use ‘much’, ‘a lot’ or ‘far’

Es. 7
1. the happiest

2. the most important

3. the biggest

4. the least comfortable

5. the simplest, the most successful

6. the most unusual

Es. 8
1. are the best graffiti

2. the worst reception

3. the most famous earthwork

4. most traditional painter of that

5. the most skilful at sculpture of

6. the funniest

7. the least tall


Es. 1
1. A

2. D

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. D

8. A

Es. 2
1. more

2. for

3. hard

4. than

5. on

6. old

7. as

8. most


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. C

2. D

3. B

4. A
Es. 3
1. C

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. A

9. D

10. B
Es. 4
1. vandalism

2. comedian

3. crushed

4. monograms

5. mainstream

6. walkways
Es. 5

landscape (line 3), life-styles (line 4), rooftops (line 18), subway (line 34), wildside (line 36),
mainstream (line 43), land-artist (line 51), walkway (line 59)

Es. 6

old-fashioned, lifetime, bus stop, earthquake, moonlight, paper-bag, somewhere, grandmother,

apple tree, airport, skateboard

Es. 7
1. life-style

2. landscape

3. rooftop

4. subway

5. walkway

6. earthworks

7. wildside

8. landartist
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. C

2. A

3. B

Es. 2
1. harder and harder

2. more, better

3. better and better

4. longer, more worried

5. more and more competitive

6. fewer, higher

7. more and more interesting

8. less and less

9. noisier and noisier

10. more, more involved

Es. 3
1. ‘As’ is a conjunction and is used with the verbs ‘to accept, to know, to refer, to regard, to
use, to criticise’.

2. ‘As’ refers to an occupation.

3. ‘Like’ is a preposition and means ‘similar to’.

4. ‘Like’ means ‘for example’

Es. 4
1. similarity

2. as

3. like

4. as
Es. 5
1. like

2. like

3. as
4. like

5. as

6. as

7. as

8. like
Es. 6
1. more and more

2. like

3. more and more popular

4. as

5. the harder, the less

6. as

7. the happier, the louder

8. like


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. B
2. F

3. G

4. D

5. E

6. C

7. H

8. A
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4
1. A, The competitive element of the game is to see who can complete the cube correctly in
the quickest time.

2. C, Its transverse engine and front-wheel drive layout allowed

3. percent of the interior to be used for passengers and luggage.

4. B, Up to then the wheels were iron or clay but he invented wheels made of polyurethane.

5. A, They’re not useful any more - we all have mobiles.

6. A, In fact, the present owner is a grandson of the original founder.

7. C, Because I have one!

8. B, Not just what you could do but the beautiful slim design.

9. C, Designed by a basketball player who walked into the Converse company one day in 19

10. complaining of sore feet

Es. 5

Student's activity


Es. 1
1. T

2. F, It has to do with exploring new ideas

3. T

4. F, He thinks machines look like sculptures

5. F, They are also philosophical concepts

6. F, It is making a living as an artist

7. T

8. T
Es. 2
1. creative

2. freedom

3. ideas

4. materials

5. way

6. develops

7. grows

8. original
Es. 3
1. Large scale pieces of laser cut metal, wood and quite heavy industrial materials.

2. He uses the computer to explore ideas, he plays with forms and shapes that start their life
in the computer and then through laser cuttings become into actual physical shapes in the
real world.

3. Moving and lifting large scale objects to manipulate in the studio.

4. As a source of inspiration and a threat.

5. Seeing an idea that is in his head translate to an object in the studio

Es. 4

By using the computer, he reconstructs an object in a different material. This leads to an

exploration of the object itself in such a way not thought possible before. Making art means
experimenting and exploring. He makes art because he wants to answer questions and pose
new ones. Student’s activity

Es. 5
Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

A 3, B 5, C 4, D 2, E 1

Es. 3
1. To the Sforza Castle in Milan.

2. They visited four: the museums of ancient art, of applied arts, musical instruments and the
Rondanini Pietà.

3. The reviewer praised the way the exhibits were displayed and lit and the information
sheets in different languages. The reviewer also praised the variety of furniture and
musical instruments.

4. The reviewer thought there was too much to take in during a single visit, the fact that the
information sheets were too long and detailed and that the indications were difficult to

5. The highlight of the visit was the very moving Pietà.

6. The reviewer found the visit stimulating but tiring

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 1
1. identity

2. internationally

3. architecture

4. poetry

5. entertainment

6. awareness
Es. 2
1. build up

2. sign up

3. call for

4. put on

5. have dealt with

6. have used up
Es. 3
1. D

2. E

3. A

4. C

5. B
Es. 4
1. more intelligent

2. best

3. warmer

4. easiest

5. least interesting

6. most controversial
Es. 5
1. B

2. D

3. A

4. A

5. B

6. D

7. A

8. C
Es. 6
1. had

2. have

3. biggest

4. than

5. most

6. would

7. fastest

8. better/more
Es. 7
1. old-fashioned

2. community

3. reputation

4. belief

5. workplace

6. necessity

7. optimism

8. disordered

Es. 8
1. might not have had
2. wish I hadn’t been

3. louder and louder

4. unless the weather

5. will come into force

6. the best firework display

Test&Train Self-Study
Preparati online al B2 e C1
Affina le tue abilità di Writing e Speaking
con esempi di risposte e approfondimenti




Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. cash machine

2. microwave oven

3. GPS

4. mobile phone
Es. 3
1. B

2. C
3. G

4. I

5. J

6. F

7. E

8. A

9. D

10. H
Es. 4
1. device

2. application

3. download

4. logged

5. profile

6. posting

7. in touch

8. tap in

9. sign off

10. back up
Es. 5

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. injure

2. sound
3. entrap

4. urged

5. grafted

6. harm
Es. 3
Q1 B

Q2 D

Q3 A

Q4 C

Q5 D

Q6 B
Es. 4
Q1 C

Q2 G

Q3 A

Q4 E

Q5 B

Q6 D

Extras: F and H
Es. 5
1. E

2. F

3. B

4. A

5. G

6. D

7. C
Es. 6
1. disclosure of confidential information
2. rate of progress

3. take steps

4. fake tweets

5. cyberbullying

6. engaged in

7. labelled


Es. 1
A 1 the rules, 2 they (the rules of robotics), 3 a robot.

B 1the three laws of robotics, 2the writer Isaac Asimov, 3 human beings.

C By
Es. 2
1. E

2. A

3. B

4. D

5. C
Es. 3
1. won’t be allowed, Human beings will not allow AI to engage in cyberbullying, stock
manipulation or terrorist threats.

2. can’t be violated, AI weapons can’t violate international treatises.

3. has been recently released, Researchers have recently released a fake video of former
President Barack Obama.

4. were introduced, Asimov introduced the ‘three laws of robotics’ in 1942.

5. might have been sent, I should have received the letter by now. Someone might have sent
it to the wrong address.

6. wouldn’t have been stolen, If you had locked the car, someone wouldn’t have stolen it

Es. 4
1. Problems as well as advantages have been brought into our lives by technology.
2. Closed Circuit Television Cameras will be installed on buses next month.

3. People are requested not to smoke anywhere in the building.

4. Job applicants were informed of the result of the interview yesterday.

5. Correct.

6. This dictionary is often used by our students.

7. Has your motorbike been repaired yet?

8. You would not be allowed to arrive so late if you attended my school

Es. 5
1. computers are being used by

2. been given to me by

3. is believed to be

4. will be made by

5. haven’t been seen

6. plane is expected to arrive

7. was seen by

8. are being discussed by


Es. 1
1. are

2. is

3. by

4. personal

5. was

6. been

7. between

8. social
Es. 2
1. governments
2. journalism

3. delivery/ deliveries

4. management

5. inaccessible

6. monitoring

7. development

8. promising


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. D
Es. 4
1. device

2. wonderland

3. overload

4. equipment

5. average

6. arachnophobia
Es. 5
overload (line 16, load), downloaded (line 12, load), interactive (active, line 56)

Es. 6

underestimate, downsize, reset, international, counteract, overvalue, transport, foresee,


Es. 7
1. downloaded

2. intercontinental

3. underground

4. transaction

5. rethink
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. Has… had… fitted

2. to get… applied. It is not stated because in each case it is obvious (a computer expert; the
owner of the app)
Es. 2
1. I got the new table for the living room delivered last week.

2. The school will have all its computers updated next month.

3. He finds it difficult to read the newspaper. He must have his eyes tested.

4. Have they ever had anything stolen from their flat?

5. Tina is having her wedding dress made in Milan at the moment.

6. Our neighbours have got a new garage built at the back of their house recently
Es. 3
1. to have it cut

2. get it repaired

3. have it cleaned

4. had them redecorated

5. get them shortened

6. have it checked
Es. 4
A so

B such

C such

D such

E so
Es. 5
1. such

2. so

3. such

4. so

5. such
Es. 6
1. The tree in the garden has so many branches that we must have it pruned.

2. It was such wonderful weather that they decided to have a picnic. / The weather was so
wonderful that they decided to have a picnic.

3. The room is so dark that it’s impossible to see where the furniture is.

4. There are such good arguments against the building of the new factory that we have
decided to vote against it.

5. It was such a beautiful surprise that she burst into tears

Es. 7
1. so softly that I

2. such delicious meat

3. so much that

4. such a wonderful journey that

5. so much that she is


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. the Internet generation

2. would have been

3. chatting to friends

4. hair cut

5. less stressful

6. instant

7. to music

8. dead time

9. are dropping
10. overdependence
Es. 3

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. E

2. A

3. F

4. B

5. D

6. C
Es. 2
1. F, Our world has been transformed by the World Wide Web in the last ten years

2. T

3. F, Ordinary people have been encouraged to fight for freedom and democracy by the Web

4. T

5. F, It provides us with new allegiances that cross traditional borders

6. T
Es. 3
1. N

2. SF

3. TB

4. AG

5. JB

6. CS
Es. 4

They are the logos of Twitter, Whatsapp, Instagram and YouTube

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5

Student’s activity



Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity
Es. 3





Es. 4
Verbs: accept, take up, decline.

Nouns: present, exam, enemy, test

Es. 5
1. opponent

2. challenge

3. race

4. surfing

5. skateboarding

6. paragliding


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. interspersing

2. bent

3. core

4. flexing

5. randomised

6. bouts
Es. 3
Q1 H

Q2 A

Q3 F

Q4 G

Q5 D

Q6 B

Extras: E and I
Es. 4
Q1 A

Q2 C

Q3 D

Q4 B

Q5 C
Es. 5
1. E

2. F

3. B

4. A

5. D

6. C
Es. 6
1. stay on task

2. attention span

3. on the move

4. flex our muscles

5. get out of breath

6. push… hard

Es. 1
A 4,

B 2,

C 5,


D 1,

E 6,

F 2,


G 10,

H 3,




I 8,

J 3,



Es. 2
1. sitting

2. multitasking

3. running

4. to pick up

5. study

6. losing

7. to win

8. know
9. buying

10. stopping
Es. 3
1. saying

2. to park

3. taking

4. to go

5. climbing, sailing, achieve

6. to try, falling

7. to answer

8. to be performed

9. doing

10. going
Es. 4

Es. 5
1. doing

2. to help

3. leaving, not doing

4. to read

5. being

6. to keep

7. using

8. to call

9. meeting

10. to inform

Es. 1
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. C
Es. 2
1. besides keeping your body fit

2. coming home this evening

3. remember posting the letter

4. for playing

5. stopped to greet

6. to turn his phone off


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
1. B

2. C

3. D

4. A

5. E
6. D

7. B

8. C

9. E

10. A
Es. 4
1. damage

2. lack

3. doping

4. batting

5. fielding

6. stance

7. curve

8. heading

9. anchors
Es. 5
Base word skateboard, play, compete, field, surf, gym, perform, develop

Noun skateboarding/skateboarder, player, play, competitor/competition, field, fielder, surfing/

surfer, gym/gymnastics, performer, development/ developer

Adjective skateboarding, playful, competitive, fielding, surf/ surging, gymnastic, performing,


Verb to skateboard, to play, to compete, to field, to surf, -, to perform, to develop

Es. 6
1. competitors, spectators

2. climbers

3. favourite players

4. fielders

5. sailing

6. achievement
7. observer, practising

8. competitive, runner
Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. essential

2. non-essential

3. essential

4. nonessential

5. essential

6. non-essential
Es. 2
1. F, Only for things: who or that are used for people

2. T

3. T

4. F, They cannot be omitted

5. F, It makes sense without it

6. T

7. T
Es. 3
1. who is wearing a helmet for head protection, ND

2. that were held in Brazil, D

3. which has artificial waves, ND

4. D
5. whose style is very aggressive, ND
Es. 4
1. whom

2. who

3. whose

4. who/that

5. which

6. who/that

7. where

8. which

9. when

10. which/that
Es. 5
1. Skateboarders, who are very creative sportsmen, are always trying new figures.

2. The programme about the new Olympic games I was telling you about yesterday was
broadcast on TV last night.

3. Our volleyball team, who played against Nottingham College, won the first set.

4. I saw a book at the library which explained all about the rules of baseball.

5. The red and blue outfit which my team was wearing was the best.

6. The gym at the end of the sports centre, where the national champions train, is very well
Es. 6
1. My new knee pads, which I have just bought, have a hole in them.

2. The team, where my brother played last year, has been sold to a Chinese investor.

3. All the equipment which you recommended to me has arrived!

Es. 7
1. whom

2. of which

3. that
4. there

5. which

6. it


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. F

2. A

3. H

4. E

5. C

6. extra letters B, D and G

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 1
1. E

2. G

3. A

4. F

5. B

6. D

7. C
Es. 2
1. It introduces the setting in place of the sequence.

2. It focuses on the protagonist, Chris Sharma.

3. It concentrates on the exact geographical region where the sequence will take place
Es. 3
1. A small plane and a motorboat.

2. Because rumour says that the Greek islands are filled with impressive limestone rocks
going down into the ocean.

3. A rock wall and a roof.

4. They reached an amazing overhanging wall.

5. Chris’s climbing was one of the most amazing bits of climbing he had ever seen.

6. We can admire Chris’s climbing every possible route without any effort.

7. It ends with Chris’s reaching the roof of the cliff after splashing down into the sea
Es. 4
1. creative process

2. what is possible

3. whole joy, unexpected things

4. adventure, amazing, may not find, have to go

5. rock, height, perfect

6. to fall into the water, climb anymore, succeeded

Es. 5
Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Es. 3

Student’s activity


Es. 1
A digital television

B smartphone

C microwave oven

D computer

E ATM/cash machine

Es. 2
1. cricket, baseball
2. mountaineering, free climbing, paragliding

3. sailing, surfing

4. jogging, skateboarding

5. darts

6. zorbing/sphering, white-water rafting.ù

Es. 3
1. the sitting room painted next week

2. was robbed by a gang of robbers

3. is being cut

4. has been drawn

5. will be performed by a dance company

6. my hair cut
Es. 4
1. jogging

2. who

3. meeting

4. working

5. when

6. where

7. to talk

8. to meet

9. which

10. which
Es. 5
1. A

2. C

3. B

4. D
5. A

6. C

7. B

8. A
Es. 6
1. up

2. been

3. touch

4. by

5. is

6. in

7. have

8. to
Es. 7
1. reliable

2. powered

3. advised

4. overcome

5. counterproductive

6. publicise

7. opportunity

8. interested
Es. 8
1. to turn his phone off

2. will be built

3. is having the grass cut

4. to join in

5. is being shown on television

6. was fined/given a fine by



Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
Positive: 6, 7, 8, 12.

Negative: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11

A 1, B 12, C 3, D 5, E 8, F 7, G 11, H 4, I I0, J 9, K 6, L 10

Es. 3
1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B
Es. 4

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. lifespan

2. phasing out

3. leakage

4. sheer

5. outpaced

6. landfills
Es. 3
Q1 They were horrified.

Q2 More than 400 years.

Q3 12%.

Q4 Fish.

Q5 Henderson Island.

Q6 12 billion metric tons/tonnes.

Q7 In the oceans.

Q8 15 years.

Q9 One of the following: Using different materials; Phasing out some products
Es. 4
Q1 83%.

Q2 The US/The USA/The United States.

Q3 Lebanon; India.

Q4 Europe.

Q5 (In) seafood.

Q6 (From looking at) wildlife.

Q7 All (24 of them).

Q8 3 to 10 tons/tonnes.

Q9 Waste management/Management of plastic waste

Es. 5
1. C

2. F

3. A

4. G

5. H

6. D

7. E
8. B
Es. 6
1. disposable products, plastic pollution

2. waste systems, recycling strategies

3. set out, end up

4. man-made materials, mass produced


Es. 1
1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B
Es. 2
1. The verb tenses.

2. The personal pronouns.

3. The time reference

Es. 3
1. they only accepted new clients by appointment

2. he would travel round the world if he won the lottery

3. she should help her mother with the housework

4. the President was holding/would hold a press conference on the following day

5. they could use all the facilities of the hotel

6. the Antarctic might be at risk

Es. 4
1. He said to stop annoying him and complaining about everything.

2. He said that the combination of effects had played a major role in the alarming rise of sea
levels in the past ten years.

3. He said that he would come and help me on the following Saturday.

4. He said that he was waiting for the bus when Nick arrived.
5. He said that he had never been there before.

6. He said that they were convinced that we/the people would like the innovations such as
threedimensional figures on birthday cards
Es. 5
1. tell

2. say
Es. 6
1. tell, said

2. said

3. didn’t say

4. did you say

5. Are you telling

Es. 7

Mr Irons, told his students that last year on 22 April, hundreds of thousands of people around
the world gathered to celebrate Earth Day. He also stated that thecelebration had become an
opportunity to raise the awareness of threats to our planet and to learn how to protect the
environment. Scientists stated that humans caused that warming because they used to burn
fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas for their cars, houses and factories. They went on saying
that it would take time to educate people about environmental problems properly. Mr Irons also
told us that the Earth Day had started in 1969 when a massive oil spill in Santa Barbara had
destroyed the environment and killed sea life. He also explained that in 2017, for the first time,
another event had happened on the same day: the International March for Science. In London,
thousands of people had marched from the Science Museum to Parliament Square to draw
attention to the importance of science. There had also been big crowds in Edinburgh, Scotland,
Sydney, in Australia, and Washington DC, the capital of the USA. There, the organisers of the
march had declared that science had been under attack from some politicians.

1. Mr Irons, a scientific researcher, said to his students: ‘Last year on 22nd April, hundreds of
thousands of people around the world gathered to celebrate Earth Day.’

2. He also stated: ‘This celebration has become an opportunity to raise the awareness of
threats to our planet and to learn how to protect the environment.’

3. Scientists stated: ‘Humans have caused this warming because people burn fossil fuels
such as coal, oil and gas for their cars, houses and factories. It will take time to educate
people about environmental problems properly.’
4. Mr Irons also said to us: ‘The Earth Day started in 1969 when a massive oil spill in Santa
Barbara destroyed the environment and killed sea life.’

5. He also explained: ‘In 2017, for the first time, another event happened on the same day: the
International March for Science. In London, thousands of people marched from the
Science Museum to Parliament Square to draw attention to the importance of science.
There were also big crowds in Edinburgh, Scotland, Sydney, in Australia, and Washington
DC, the capital of the USA.’

6. He went on saying: ‘Here, the organisers of the march declared: "Science was under
attack from some politicians."’


Es. 1
1. species

2. in

3. by

4. plants

5. them

6. change

7. up

8. said.
Es. 2
1. had to tell manufacturers

2. had not dumped

3. ends up into

4. her idea was to open

5. climate change was to blame

6. mass produced


Es. 1

Student’s activity
Es. 2



Es. 3
1. C

2. A

3. F

4. D

5. E

6. B

7. extra sentence G
Es. 4
1. lobbied

2. dumping

3. freshman

4. orphans

5. flooding

6. breeding

7. wrapper

8. eateries

Es. 5
Base word: wrap, create, privilege, manufacture, environment, prevent.

Noun: impression, organiser/organisation, wrapping, creator/creation, privilege,

environment/environmentalist, prevention.

Adjective: organised, wrapped/wrapping, creative, manufactured, environmental.

Verb: impress, organise, wrap, privilege, manufacture

Es. 6
1. privileged, environmentalists

2. manufacturers, wrappers

3. participated, protection, difference

4. impressive, organisation

5. eatery
Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity


Es. 1
A suggest (sentence 3),

B agree (sentence 2),

C accuse (sentence 4),

D insist (sentence 1)
Es. 2
1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. E
Es. 3
1. The shop assistant apologised for keeping us waiting.

2. Your friend suggested taking the plastic bottles to the recycling bin.

3. Tom explained to his colleague that he couldn’t finish the report on time because it was
too long

4. The actress threatened not to give any more interviews if the press treated her
5. My father warned me to avoid taking the underground at the rush hour.

6. Mrs Smith invited Mr Brown and his wife to come to have dinner the following Saturday.

7. The students complained about having too much homework to do.

8. The child denied eating all the biscuits in the jar

Es. 4
1. F, The question word remains

2. T

3. T

4. F, The construction of the sentence is affirmative

Es. 5
1. I asked her why she was crying.

2. They asked Susan if/whether she needed help.

3. She wanted to know how long the film lasted.

4. He wondered whether there was another way to reach the station.

5. We asked the traffic warden when the next bus left

Es. 6
1. why he/she behaved like that

2. whether the teacher had explained

3. what he had been throwing into the bin

4. if I could turn

5. if I had ever been

6. would meet the next day

Es. 7
1. What will the ending of the book be like?

2. Why don’t we choose this area for a picnic?

3. Are you going to volunteer to clean the beaches of rubbish?

4. Why haven’t you filmed any tutorials to teach how to reduce pollution before?

5. Do not smoke inside the school

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. B

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. B
Es. 3

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. C

2. E

3. A
4. B

5. D
Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3
1. It takes place in China in a research base of panda breeding.

2. He is Zhang Hemin, the Director of the research base.

3. The narrator says that the breeding of animals costs millions of dollars.

4. Re-wilding the giant panda.

5. It deals with the training of pandas born in captivity to live in the wild.

6. This project also includes creating new forest habitat for pandas
Es. 4
1. selecting the wildest

2. life in the wild, immense challenge

3. to encourage the mothers, their cubs the skills

4. are selecting the best bamboo, chase off, to climb high, dead branches

5. the right training

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity

Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

B, D, A, C.

Introduction: B, One side of the argument: D,

Other side of the argument: A, Conclusion: C

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity



Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. cheque book, monthly

2. savings, interest

3. credit card, debit card

4. cash card

5. online banking, bank transfers

Es. 3






Es. 4
1. Sales Department

2. Finance Department

3. Research and Development

4. Human Resources/Personnel Department

5. Marketing

6. Product Design

7. Customer Services

8. Production/Manufacturing Department


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. custom-designed

2. unseasoned

3. stamina

4. grit

5. soar

6. hatched
Es. 3
Q1 B

Q2 C

Q3 A
Q4 D

Q5 B

Q6 C
Es. 4
Q1 C

Q2 A

Q3 D

Q4 C

Q5 B

Q6 A
Es. 5
1. D

2. A

3. G

4. C

5. H

6. B

7. F

8. E
Es. 6
1. staying power, take the plunge

2. come up with, turn it into

3. comes down to, set your sights

4. pays off, lose count


Es. 1
A have, make, get, let/allow.

B 3, 5.
C 1, 2, 4
Es. 2
1. make

2. have

3. made

4. made

5. made

6. had

7. let
Es. 3
1. had

2. made

3. had

4. let

5. got

6. make

7. allow
Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
1. understand

2. rise

3. received

4. manage to deal with

5. prepare

6. beginning

7. arrive

8. listen to
9. persuades

10. are on friendly terms

Es. 6
1. H

2. D

3. G

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. E

8. F


Es. 1
1. A

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. C
Es. 2
1. shopping

2. delivered

3. security

4. payments

5. unnecessary

6. contactless
7. generally

8. consumers


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2

Babysitting, volunteering, teaching the guitar, helping with IT, gardening, bringing up children,
acting as a carer for older people, keeping communities safe, fighting injustice and making
democracy work

Es. 3
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. A

5. B

6. C
Es. 4
1. in return

2. nearby

3. owing to

4. rewarding

5. record

6. incentive

7. wellbeing

8. carer
Es. 5

organising (line 10, organise), strengthen (line 11, strength), utilise (line 13, use), qualifies (line
23, quality), authorised (line 29, authority)
Es. 6

horrify, whiten, characterise, electrify, economise, sharpen, apologise, beautify, thicken, notify,

Es. 7
1. frighten

2. individualise, sympathise

3. identify

4. lengthen, quantify
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1
A 1, 3, 5, 7,

B 2, 4, 6
Es. 2
1. because/since

2. since/because

3. so/ as a result

4. because of/due to/owing to

5. consequently/thus

6. due to/owing to

7. therefore/consequently

8. since/because

9. as a result/so/consequently

10. because of/due to/ owing to

Es. 3
1. due to the fact that

2. due to

3. so

4. due to

5. since

6. therefore

7. owing to

8. because of

9. consequently

10. because
Es. 4
1. She needs to buy a very elegant dress since/ owing to the fact that she has just received
an invitation to a wedding.

2. The student cheated in the test. Consequently/ Therefore/Thus, the teacher put him in

3. We have decided to buy a bigger house since/ owing to the fact that/due to the fact that
we are expecting our fourth baby.

4. The thief was caught red-handed. Consequently/ Therefore/Thus, he was arrested by the

5. We don’t think the young woman would be a good candidate for this job since/owing to the
fact that she is not self-confident enough.

6. My son has long been interested in economics. Consequently/Therefore/Thus, he has

decided to study finance at university.

7. The government does not provide enough relief money. Consequently/Therefore/Thus, the
number of poor people is increasing.

8. I like the view of life young people have since/ owing to the fact that/due to the fact that
they always see the bright side


Es. 1
Student’s activity

Es. 2

Student’s activity

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. C

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. C
Es. 3

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. E

2. C

3. A
4. B

5. D
Es. 2
1. The headquarters of PayPal.

2. The founder of PayPal.

3. A new form of payment on the Web

Es. 3
1. It came through a web service on the Web.

2. Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.

3. He is the man who founded PayPal, a revolutionary, international money transfer system.
He is not as famous as Bill Gates and Tim Berners-Lee.

4. It allows ordinary people to move money across national borders through cyberspace.

5. At Stanford University, just outside San Francisco in the 1990s.

6. He met Max Lefchin, a computer scientist, at a seminar. Their collaboration led to PayPal.

7. He considered PayPal an opportunity to make money but also a chance of breaking down
some barriers existing between people
Es. 4
1. create a new channel, to move money freely

2. the New World Currency

3. to transform, about money

4. money a meaning

5. the way people would transact money

6. a sovereignty over their money

7. transfer small amounts of money

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
who the courses are for: young people.

how long they last: a weekend.

what will be taught: which accounts to open, which savings accounts or options to choose,
how to use credit cards sensibly without running into debt, what are terms like ‘fixed interest’,
mortgage or rating and spread all about, how to understand your paycheck
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Test&Train Self-Study
Preparati online al B2 e C1
Affina le tue abilità di Writing e Speaking
con esempi di risposte e approfondimenti


Es. 1
1. floods

2. tornados, tsunami

3. energy, footprint

4. warming, effect, ice melting

5. rising, contamination

6. drought, endangered
Es. 2
1. B

2. C

3. E

4. A

5. F

6. D
Es. 3
1. Sue asked if/whether Mary could come to the fashion show the next day.

2. The personnel manager said: ‘The company are looking for new sales staff this week.’

3. The customer asked/wanted to know what interest there was on a savings account at that

4. ‘I didn’t take the silver cups from the sports centre display!’ insisted the young man.

5. Jim asked if/whether there would be a vacancy in the Research and Development
Department the following month.

6. ‘Unfortunately there is nobody in the customer services department today’, said the
Es. 4
1. allowed/permitted

2. get, let

3. make, make
4. let, get

5. makes, allowed/permitted

6. had, got
Es. 5
1. public

2. set out

3. natural

4. layer

5. could end up

6. congestion

7. carbon

8. wind
Es. 6
1. that

2. power

3. get

4. into

5. come

6. since

7. result

8. consequently
Es. 7
1. reusable

2. modernise

3. contamination

4. intensify

5. reconsider

6. impressive
7. recyclability

8. obligation
Es. 8
1. apologised for being late

2. she would not be available

3. due to strike action

4. why he had arrived

5. let the players replay

6. to take the plunge


Es. 1
1. share moments

2. acquaintance

3. in touch with

4. relation

5. have a laugh

6. feel close to

7. talk about problems

8. have rows
Es. 2
Q1 C

Q2 F

Q3 A

Q4 I

Q5 E

Q6 D

Extras: B and G
Es. 3
1. going out with

2. getting on with

3. hang out with

4. had fun with

5. make up
Es. 4
1. are always losing, an annoying habit

2. do not eat, are, a usual habit

3. is chatting, an action in progress

4. are having, a near future

5. ’s trying, for a limited period

6. starts, a scheduled event

Es. 5
1. are playing, often play

2. is shining, have, ’s raining, are eating

3. is taking, always takes

4. is moving, usually drives, needs, ’s going

5. often invites, are doing, want

Es. 6
1. Do you think it might be true?

2. Why is she smelling the food on that plate?

3. He isn’t listening to what you are saying, he is sitting too far away.

4. What are you thinking about? Are you worried?

5. Do you want to see John? He’s talking on the phone right now
Es. 7
1. look

2. get

3. bet

4. end
5. Do you practise

6. am starting

7. play

8. go

9. Do you just study

10. do you have

11. am working

12. am working

13. lives

14. finish

15. don’t want

Es. 8
1. always like, don’t have

2. ’m waiting

3. Does your daughter often come

4. ’s only working, ’s changing

5. often have rows, hardly ever share

6. are you always complaining, ’re getting

7. is thinking, Do you think

8. ’s not watching, doesn’t he turn

Es. 9
1. D

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. D

7. B
8. A
Es. 10
1. is

2. out

3. with

4. are

5. know

6. are

7. do

8. is
Es. 11
1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. D

6. A
Es. 12
1. psychologist, relationships

2. discussion, connections

3. jealousy, boredom

4. adolescence, sadness

5. maturity, freedom, decisions

6. artist, painter, actor

Es. 13
1. haven’t heard

2. ’ve called

3. haven’t had

4. haven’t been
5. had

6. ’ve just come

7. tried

8. wasn’t able

9. went

10. needed

11. have you sold

12. ’ve already found

13. has made

14. ’ve never visited

15. ’ve always loved

Es. 14
1. does your uncle Ben eat

2. goes, ’s dieting, eats

3. am, haven’t arrived

4. are you studying, ’ve already passed, ’m trying

5. Do you know, ’ve seen, think, ’s living

6. has phoned, is always talking

7. are the footballers doing, are leaving, ’ve just won

Es. 15
1. Have you been walking

2. Have they found, have been discussing

3. has attracted

4. ’ve beeneating

5. have you been doing

6. Has he booked, hasn’t had

7. hasn’t slept

8. have been talking

Es. 16
1. They have been living in this town for two years.

2. It’s the second time I have lent you £

3. this week!

4. She is the most fascinating woman we’ve ever met.

5. We haven’t been to the stadium to see a match for years.

6. We’ve never had a row before.

7. Her father hasn’t heard from her for three months

Es. 17
1. B

2. C

3. A

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. A

8. B
Es. 18

Student’s activity

Es. 19

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 2: Inspirational travel

1. tour,

2. voyage,

3. tour,

4. trip,
5. journey,

6. holiday,

7. travelling,

8. cruise.
1. make it back,

2. get lost,

3. hitchhiked,

4. asked directions,

5. get a lift,

6. headed back,

7. take photos,

8. walked towards.
Q1 B

Q2 D

Q3 A

Q4 D

Q5 B

Q6 C
1. take part,

2. slow down,

3. ran into,

4. head for,

5. sent us,

6. get out of.

1. While she was hitchhiking along a country road, many cars went by without stopping.
2. Jake was waiting for me when I came home.

3. You were thinking of moving to a new flat when I last saw you in Bristol.

4. My phone rang three times while I was getting ready to set off for the airport.

5. I was walking down the street when I saw a famous footballer.

6. We were lucky because we saw a lorry pulling up near us which was heading for Moscow.
1. cancelled, was looking,

2. were Margery and Peter doing, broke,

3. arrived, couldn’t,

4. was your friend saying, interrupted,

5. was going on, came across,

6. got lost, did not have,

7. headed, missed,

8. saw, couldn’t.
1. used to

2. would

3. would

4. would

5. Didn’t you use to

6. used to

7. used to

8. would
1. was looking

2. used to drive

3. was driving

4. were working
5. Did you use to have

6. was listening

7. used to play

8. was talking

9. didn’t use to like

1. get used to

2. is used to

3. get used to

4. ’m not used to

5. get used to

6. Are you getting used to/ Have you got used to

1. wanted

2. destination

3. scenery

4. planning

5. independent

6. unexpectedly

7. navigation

8. directions
1. used to climb trees

2. set off in

3. towards the centre

4. to get off this train

5. to head back home

6. while John was reading

1. E

2. G

3. A

4. F

5. D

6. B

7. extra sentence C

lucky (8, luck), secondary (line 13, second), dramatic (line 17, drama), excited (line 22, excite),
isolated (line 34, isolate), gaping (line 36, gap), reliable (line 44, rely), muddy (line 49, mud),
official (line 53, office), persistent (line 58, persist), beautiful (line 61, beauty), wooden (line 66,
wood), contaminated (line 67, contaminate), glorious (line 71, glory), impassable (sentence D,
pass), dangerous (sentence E, danger).

1. dangerous,

2. comic, ridiculous,

3. wonderful,

4. boring, fascinating,

5. stimulating, lazy.

1. decided, had already finished,

2. arrived, had headed,

3. got, had gone,

4. broke down,

5. saw, had stopped,

6. got, had broken.

A somebody had broken, called,

B there was, had left early in the morning,

C He had just come back from his journey, looked,

D got a call, He was, He had sent her, she had never answered them.
1. had,

2. missed,

3. realised,

4. had left,

5. took,

6. got.
1. had known,

2. had been running,

3. had been waiting,

4. hadn’t done, had been,

5. had been travelling,

6. had been,

7. had Sarah been working,

8. had never flown.

1. She had been working in that company for twenty years when she became redundant.

2. I felt ill because I had drunk too many cups of coffee.

3. They had been studying all day so they were tired.

4. When she arrived, the match had already started.

5. She didn’t go to the English class because she had not done her homework.

6. ‘Why was he hot and tired?’ ‘He had been running in the park all that morning’.
1. London to Cairo

2. had never been to

3. pick them up
4. the local cultural guide

5. were visiting the Giza site

6. the museum

7. overbooking on their flight

8. some had arrived

9. down the Nile

10. wonderful memories

Es. 21

Student's activity

Es. 22

Student's activity

WB UNIT 3: Job oppurtunities

Es. 1
1. IT consultant

2. blogger

3. electrician

4. occupational psychologist

5. freelance journalist

6. accountant

7. human resources manager

8. laboratory technician

9. marketing manager

10. beauty therapist

11. personal trainer

12. health and safety inspector

Es. 2
1. made redundant
2. take a day off

3. work overtime

4. go on strike

5. apply for

6. resign

7. commute

8. retired

9. unemployed

10. sacked
Es. 3
Q1 The Boomerang Generation.

Q2 Workplace aspirations and habits.

Q3 The best talent.

Q4 (As) closely intertwined.

Q5 87%.

Q6 Tech/The tech industry/The software industry.

Q7Healthcare and finance.

Q8(Lack of) career advancement/Opportunities for career advancement/Career

advancement, compensation/benefits.

Q9 Their current employer

Es. 4
1. working life

2. make a living

3. earning enough money

4. call you back

5. If you work freelance, you can earn 50$ an hour

6. job sharing/a job share

7. nine-to-five
8. contracting out
Es. 5
1. leaves

2. is coming

3. are you doing, I’m going to see

4. won’t make, will pay

5. is flying

6. is going to tell
Es. 6
1. will not, will be working

2. won’t have been made, will have put

3. will finish

4. will be taking, will be driving

5. will you apply

6. will be working, will no longer have

7. will the general manager have made

8. won’t have completed

Es. 7
1. My daughter is really smart, I think she will graduate very young and will find a good job.

2. The students often wonder what they will have been achieved by the time they are thirty.

3. At midday tomorrow I will still be flying to New York.

4. The meeting starts at 9 p.m. but will have finished before 11 p.m.

5. If you continue buying so much, you will have spent all your salary by the end of the

6. Kevin has an appointment with the human resources manager, he is seeing/will be seeing
him tomorrow morning.

7. The bell’s ringing - don’t worry I will see who it is

Es. 8
1. make, will tidy
2. will start, retires

3. is, will call

4. will not work, receive

5. feels, will not take

6. will wait, begins

7. will not be able, takes off

8. will look after, needs

Es. 9
1. they will have been married for

2. will have been installed

3. they will be cleaning

4. the staff is meeting/will be meeting

5. he apologises, I will not talk to

6. is going to change his job

7. the foreign delegates arrive, we will offer them

8. perform before the famous

Es. 10
1. C

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. B

6. A

7. D

8. C
Es. 11
1. working

2. appointments
3. connection

4. workers

5. stressed

6. inflexible

7. specific

8. creativity
Es. 12
1. D

2. A

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. C
Es. 13
1. automatically

2. beautifully, well, clearly

3. dangerously, fast

4. seriously

5. noisily, badly

6. rationally, efficiently
Es. 14
1. tactfully

2. well

3. prettily, enthusiastically
4. responsibly, quickly

5. anticlockwise, slowly
Es. 15
1. -, -, the, the, -

2. the, the, -, the, the

3. -, the, -, -

4. the, the

5. the, the, the

6. -, the, the, the, the

7. -, -

8. -, -, -

9. -, the, -

10. -, -, -, -, -
Es. 16
1. The Scala Opera House in Milan faces a square with Leonardo’s statue providing a meeting

2. My parents have got a lovely house on the eastern coast of Sicily.

3. If you want to work as a waiter in a restaurant or a maid in a hotel, there are a lot of
opportunities in Italy at the seaside.

4. The Alps cross the north of Italy with Mount Blanc as the highest peak.

5. There’s a cold wind this morning. Put on a scarf and a cap or you’ll catch a cold.

6. Students can’t use the calculator during the Maths test but they can look up in the
dictionary when they are doing an English exercise.

7. We found some valuable English prints in an antique shop in Dorking.

8. She informed the Head of Department she had a sore throat and couldn’t give the lecture
that day
Es. 17

Lots of kids dream of being an astronaut but may not realise how intense the program is or
what the actual responsibilities are. An astronaut boards a spacecraft to fly on missions for very
specific purposes. Astronauts work as part of a crew and therefore have specific
responsibilities aboard the spacecraft. Astronauts go through very specialised and intense
training to prepare for these space missions. They must pass certain physical requirements as
well as the comprehensive academic and mental exams. Astronauts fly to various destinations
to conduct research and experiments. The missions may vary and therefore the actual focus
and responsibilities of the astronaut will change with each mission. There are various roles that
an astronaut may cover as a part of the spacecraft’s crew, ranging from a mission specialist to a
commander. Not only are astronauts responsible for fulfilling the terms, or purpose, of their
mission, but they arealso responsible for ensuring the safety of the spacecraft and the crew.
Astronauts will often observe the environment they fly to, bringing something back from there.
Astronauts must ensure that they keep in the good physical shape, since they will need to be fit
to fly a spacecraft and carry out missions

Es. 18
Speaker 1G

Speaker 2B

Speaker 3E

Speaker 4C

Speaker 5F

extra letters A, D and H

Es. 19

Student’s activity

Es. 20

Student’s activity

WB UNIT 4: The crime scene

Es. 1
1. caught/tracked down, confess

2. had got away, acting

3. broken

4. let him off

5. caught redhanded
6. have broken out

7. are found, be sent

8. were sentenced

9. has been convicted

10. got away with

Es. 2
Q1 C

Q2 J

Q3 F

Q4 A

Q5 E

Q6 K

Q7 G

Q8 B

Q9 D
Es. 3
1. organised crime groups

2. illegal

3. counterfeit goods

4. end users

5. first-time offender

6. fulltime offender

7. victimless

8. liability
Es. 4
1. may

2. managed to

3. might
4. could

5. may

6. will be able to

7. could
Es. 5
1. won’t be able

2. could have started

3. may not eat or drink

4. could run very fast

5. it may rain

6. were not able to find

Es. 6
1. may

2. may

3. may

4. could

5. may

6. must

7. can

8. must

9. must

10. can’t

11. must
Es. 7
1. must be

2. must have left

3. can’t be pleasant

4. must be
5. must have been counterfeited

6. can’t have been

Es. 8
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. D

5. C

6. A
Es. 9
1. out

2. away

3. murderer

4. down

5. jail

6. might/could

7. robber(s)

8. can’t/cannot
Es. 10
1. could run for a mile

2. caught the thief redhanded

3. broke out of

4. it can’t be Jake

5. could be our new neighbour

6. let off by the police

Es. 11
1. C

2. B

3. D
4. A

5. C

6. C
Es. 12

illegal (line 1, legal), unauthorised (line 6, authorise), discover (line 23, cover), illegally (line 38,
legal), impossible (line 51, possible), irresponsibly (line 56, responsible), incorrect (line 60,
correct), disappear (line 64, appear)

Es. 13
1. unacceptable

2. non-profit

3. unfortunately, impossible

4. incapable of, illegal

5. irrational, uncomfortable
Es. 14
1. mustn’t

2. have to

3. don’t have to

4. mustn’t

5. must

6. had to
Es. 15
1. In my gym, everyone has to wear rubber shoes.

2. Correct.

3. In the future, we will be able to keep fit with more sophisticated machines.

4. Correct.

5. You needn’t/don’t have to pick me up at the station because I can get a bus.

6. Correct
Es. 16
1. has to work smarty
2. don’t have to arrive

3. should be more careful

4. ought to have written

5. needn’t discuss/don’t need to discuss

6. should I have said

Es. 17
1. needn’t water/don’t need to water

2. need to spend

3. didn’t need to try

4. will need to check

5. didn’t need to get

6. won’t need to revise

7. will need to be sent

8. don’t need to give/needn’t give

Es. 18
1. B

2. C

3. C

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. C
Es. 19

Student’s activity

Es. 20

Student’s activity
Test&Train Self-Study
Preparati online al B2 e C1
Affina le tue abilità di Writing e Speaking
con esempi di risposte e approfondimenti


WB UNIT 5: Global issues

Es. 1
1. environmental sustainability

2. water

3. education

4. conflict and fragility

5. growth and employment

6. governance
Es. 2
1. an interconnected world

2. knowledge and awareness of the wider world

3. to look beyond

4. identity

5. diversity

6. richness of culture

7. internationally-minded

8. see the world through other eyes

Es. 3
Q1 Me too/#MeToo.

Q2 19%.

Q3 Death.

Q4 The threat of violence/Violence.

Q5 Two of the following: Substance abuse; Juvenile pregnancy; Criminal behaviour.

Q6 The impact of violence.

Q7 All of us/Everyone/Men, women and society.

Q8 Early/In education/In school.

Q9 Through mass media/By the mass media

Es. 4
1. deal with

2. come into force

3. sign up

4. called for

5. have used up

6. call out for

Es. 5
1. found

2. will arrive

3. rings

4. were

5. jumps

6. want

7. didn’t read

8. will be

Es. 6
1. B

2. E
3. F

4. D

5. C

6. A
Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. travelled with them, you would

2. if I won the lottery

3. it would cost too

4. I were you, I would

5. it should be here

6. were better, I could/would

Es. 9
1. as long as/provided that

2. unless

3. in case

4. provided that

5. unless

6. provided that/as long as

Es. 10
1. I left my phone switched on in case Jane called.

2. I’m playing tennis tomorrow unless it rains.

3. Children are allowed to use the swimming pool provided that they are with an adult.

4. You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast.

5. You can’t go in unless you are a member of the club.

6. There are no buses to the hotel. Unless you have a car, it’s difficult to get there.

7. I don’t mind if you come home late as long as you come in quietly.
8. Travelling by car is convenient provided that you have somewhere to park
Es. 11
1. percentage

2. disadvantage

3. poverty

4. regional

5. unlikely

6. inadequate

7. nongovernmental

8. additional
Es. 12
1. if she was

2. called for action over poverty

3. to deal with

4. I think you should

5. will come into force

6. if she wants extra

Es. 13
1. E

2. G

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. D, extra sentence F
Es. 14

communities (line 1), disappearance (line 5), reality (line 17), likelihood (line 24), solutions (line
32), relationship (line 36), combination (line 57)

Es. 15
1. disappointment, sadness
2. similarity

3. hardship

4. arrival, disappearance

5. discovery, solutions
Es. 16
1. might

2. could afford

3. wouldn’t have made

4. wouldn’t have cancelled

5. wouldn’t be

6. would have got

Es. 17
1. would have broken

2. can take

3. would have joined

4. had explained

5. were

6. wouldn’t have read

7. might not have been

8. don’t succeed
Es. 18
1. If only she hadn’t been looking at the rainbow, she wouldn’t have slipped over.

2. I wish she had had a good voice, then she could have joined the choir.

3. If only they hadn’t forgotten to bring their swimming costumes, they could have used the

4. I wish I had finished my homework, then I could have gone to the cinema with my friends.

5. If only you listened, you wouldn’t make so many mistakes.

6. I wish you had told me about it earlier

Es. 19
1. 2015

2. blowing smoke

3. they said they would have achieved

4. global ranking of governments

5. three important areas

6. decent wages and economic security

7. nations

8. 10% of children under five

9. highest level of inequality

10. had given a more caring example

Es. 20

Student’s activity

Es. 21

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. sculptures

2. pop concert

3. modern paintings

4. urban art

5. modern architecture

6. television programme

7. classical painting
Es. 2
1. appreciate

2. get pleasure

3. being creative
4. inspired

5. finds it difficult

6. stimulates

7. provoked
Es. 3
Q1 C

Q2 D

Q3 A

Q4 D

Q5 B

Q6 C

Q7 A

Q8 D
Es. 4
1. artistic heritage

2. cultural prestige

3. build up

4. put on

5. live stage
Es. 5
1. as amazing

2. more expensive

3. fewer

4. more and more

5. fewer

6. easier

7. more impressive

8. as old
Es. 6
Student’s activity

Es. 7
1. the most experienced, in

2. the worst

3. the second largest, in

4. the most generous

5. the most famous works, of/in

6. the fastest of/ among

7. the greatest of

8. the most brilliant of/ among

Es. 8
1. the best

2. fewer, than

3. the least damaging

4. the biggest, in

5. farther, than, the farthest, in

6. less large than

7. earlier

8. the most dangerous, in

Es. 9
1. is less difficult to understand than

2. have fewer posters than my friend

3. is not as/so long as the flight to

4. person in my family I get on with most

5. much more time to read this novel than

6. never eaten a worse

7. as fashionable as

8. was less complicated

Es. 10
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. D
Es. 11
1. work

2. best-known

3. prestige

4. more

5. best

6. than

7. more

8. the
Es. 12
1. B

2. C

3. A

4. D

5. A

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. D
10. B
Es. 13
inter national

moon light

best known

out side

awe inspiring

line up

dub step

every where

sun kissed

through out

cutting edge

forward thinking

three day
Es. 14
1. awe-inspiring, cutting-edge

2. everywhere, line-ups, throughout

3. best-known, outside, moonlight

4. international, forwards-thinking

5. sun-kissed, daylight
Es. 15
1. Yes, there are fewer and fewer small shops.

2. Yes, it’s getting harder and harder to findpromising young artists.

3. Yes, your coat is getting smaller and smaller.

4. Yes, Nick earns more and more money.

5. Yes, the works of that photographer are getting more and more unconventional
Es. 16
1. The older she grew, the wiser she became.
2. The more I study his works, the more I like that painter.

3. The more chocolate he eats, the more he wants.

4. The more little tasks you give the children to do, the more responsible they become.

5. The more complicated things got, the more anxious Sarah became
Es. 17
1. much/far/a lot

2. many/far

3. much/far/a lot

4. much/far/a lot

5. much/far/a lot

6. many/far
Es. 18
1. as

2. like

3. as

4. like

5. as

6. as

7. as

8. like, like
Es. 19
1. considered it as

2. and more people now choose to

3. was by far longer

4. much cheaper

5. is regarded as the best

6. the same as it was

7. earlier we leave, the

Es. 20
1. C

2. B

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. C
Es. 21

Student’s activity

Es. 22

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. profile, post

2. logging on

3. gadgets

4. download, app

5. gadget

Es. 2
1. log on, key/tap in

2. download, upload

3. devices

4. to back up

5. sing in

6. apps
7. logged out/signed off

8. keep in touch
Es. 3
Q1 B

Q2 C

Q3 D

Q4 D

Q5 B

Q6 A
Es. 4
1. labelled

2. engaged in

3. rate of progress

4. take steps

5. disclosed confidential information

6. cyberbullying

7. fake tweets
Es. 5
1. is plugged in/has been plugged in

2. is connected/has been connected

3. is turned on/ has been turned on

4. has been put

5. is usually placed

6. be selected

7. are normally printed

8. be produced
Es. 6
1. were produced by gifted artists

2. has been changed by social networks

3. was given a speeding fine on the motorway by the traffic police

4. was asked by the shop assistant to try the dress on

5. was lent to me by

6. was shot by mistake by a

7. was sent some brochures by

8. was given a special prize

Es. 7
1. was the first social network invented

2. Are we being followed

3. has not been repaired

4. would be sacked

5. was taught

6. being threatened
Es. 8
1. built

2. was sold

3. are made

4. be stolen

5. have left

6. be solved

7. Was the woman taken

8. have taken
Es. 9
1. are supposed to be moving

2. are allowed/ permitted to smoke

3. are expected to arrive

4. was supposed to be

5. is expected to end
6. was supposed to take off
Es. 10
1. well

2. to

3. is

4. be

5. between

6. most

7. has

8. steps
Es. 11
1. added

2. automatic

3. movements

4. countless

5. undeniably

6. expanded

7. convenience

8. transportation
Es. 12
1. B

2. D

3. A

4. C

5. D

6. B
Es. 13

upgrade (line 2, grade), internationally (line 5, nation), outlawing (line 8, law), forefront (line 14,
front), outside (line 22, side), transport (line 25, port), supermarket (line 49, market), remake
(line 56, make), counterparts (line 69, part), undertake (line 72, take)

Es. 14
1. upgrade

2. redesigned, internationally

3. overcomplicated

4. downgraded

5. underestimate

Es. 15
1. I had/got my flight changed by the airline yesterday.

2. We have/get our rubbish collected twice a week by workers.

3. We will have/get that broken window replaced.

4. I had/got my computer repaired by a technician yesterday.

5. She has/gets her hair done by a hairdresser once a month.

6. I’ll have/get my passport renewed soon.

7. He had/got his novel published in instalments last month by a national newspaper.

8. He had his car polished last week

Es. 16

Student’s activity

Es. 17
1. The students couldn’t write fast enough to finish the exam in time.

2. It was such an exciting film we decided to see it twice!

3. The weather was so awful that we had to abandon the picnic and go home.

4. There were too many people in the lift and it couldn’t start.

5. The sun was so bright that we couldn’t see anything on the computer screen.

6. Unfortunately, there aren’t enough ice-creams for everyone, someone will have to go

7. The children are very polite, they have such good manners!

8. There was so much room on the boat that all my friends came
Es. 18
1. a good lecture that we stayed

2. gifted a pianist that it was obvious

3. is so interesting I wish

4. a lot of time on her mobile phone I think

5. spoke so quietly that nobody

6. such an amusing app that I’d like

7. so good at the job that he was given a rise in salary

8. such interesting people at the party I really hope

Es. 19
1. the use of robots

2. inexpensive robots

3. type

4. balanced correctly

5. facilitate learning

6. human commands

7. in science

8. eleven

9. plug him

10. worldwide
Es. 20

Student’s activity

Es. 21

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. cricket
2. free climbing

3. white-water rafting

4. jogging

5. baseball

6. paragliding

7. skateboarding

8. sailing

9. darts

10. mountaineering

11. zorbing/sphering

12. surfing
Es. 2
1. participant, face up to

2. join in, competition

3. refused, participate in, contest

4. turned down, opportunity, match

5. challenger

6. race
Es. 3
Q1 E

Q2 J

Q3 A

Q4 C

Q5 G

Q6 B

Q7 L

Q8 I

Q9 D
Extras: F and K
Es. 4
1. flexing his muscles

2. stay on task

3. human attention span

4. push it too hard

5. got out of breath

6. on the move
Es. 5
1. to swim

2. to undergo

3. to buy

4. doing

5. to meet

6. finding

7. giving

8. watching

9. to improve

10. starting
Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
1. using

2. to join in

3. to lose

4. stealing

5. not watching

6. staying
7. to accept

8. thinking

9. to do

10. to be
Es. 8
1. you are supposed to wear

2. apologises for hurting his opponent

3. not worth insisting on

4. offered to help Martin

5. succeeded in eating more fruit

6. demand to speak to
Es. 9
1. H, having

2. C, to lift

3. A, smoking

4. F, to have

5. D, to warm

6. G, meeting

7. B, flying

8. E, to respect
Es. 10
1. C

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C

6. D

7. A
8. C
Es. 11
1. going to the gym

2. posting the

3. to make a phone

4. to stay on

5. to flex their muscles

6. very pleased to meet me

Es. 12
1. C

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. B

9. A

10. C
Es. 13
Base word dance, accept, tradition, determine, entertain, compete, perform, flex, train,

Noun dancers/dance/dancing, acceptance, tradition, determination,

entertainer/entertainment, competition/competitor, performer/performance, flexibility,
training, consideration

Adjective dancing, accepted, traditional, determined, entertaining, competitive, performing,

flexible, trained, considerate

Verb to dance, to accept, -, to determine, to entertain, to compete, to perform, to flex, to

train, to consider
Es. 14
1. competition, determination

2. traditional, acceptable

3. to dedicate, to training

4. professional, flexible

5. performance, sensational

6. difficult, considered
Es. 15
1. whose

2. who

3. when

4. which

5. where

6. which/that

7. which

8. where
Es. 16
1. That Brazilian footballer, who is very famous, has been bought by our team.

2. People who never practice sports put their health at risk

Es. 17
1. This is the gym where we work out every day.

2. Have you tried baseball, which is not a new Olympic sport?

3. He is the coach whose team has won the championship.

4. Charles, who likes taking risks, introduced me to climbing.

5. He is the boy whose cricket bat was lost.

6. I will always remember the day when I tried bungee jumping for the first time.

7. This is a camera that/which can take pictures underwater.

8. The date of the concert was cancelled, which was a huge disappointment
Es. 18
Natalie du Toit, who she was born on

1. January 1984, is a South African swimmer. She is bestknown for the gold medals which
she won them at the 20

2. Paralympic Games. Du Toit became the third amputee ever to qualify for the Olympics,
where she was placed 16th in the 10K ‘Marathon’ swim there. In 20

3. Du Toit, which who began competing internationally in swimming at the age of 14, was
riding her scooter back to school after swimming practice, when she was hit by a car.
Three months later, Natalie, whom whose left leg was amputated at the knee, was back in
the pool with the intention of competing in the 20

4. Commonwealth Games in Manchester, which where she won both the multi-disability

5. m freestyle and the multi-disability 1

6. m freestyle in world record time. Du Toit is one of the athletes to compete without the aid
of a prosthetic limb. In her free time, she does motivational speaking, that which helps
many disabled find hope. After winning many medals and awards, on

7. August 2012, she announced her intention to retire. It was SouthAfrica’s Olympic
Committee what who chose Du Toit to carry their flag at the 20

8. Summer Olympics opening ceremony, whose which made her the first athlete to carry a
flag in both Olympics and Paralympics in a single year
Es. 19





extra letters B, D and H

Es. 20

Student’s activity

Es. 21

Student’s activity

Es. 1
1. J

2. G/E

3. K

4. I

5. C

6. H

7. B

8. L

9. D

10. A

11. E/G

12. F
Es. 2
1. contamination

2. congestion charge

3. greenhouse effect

4. ozone layer

5. carbon footprint

6. endangered species

7. dumping

8. alternative energy
Es. 3

+Q1 London/In London/The Science Museum, London.

Q2 Games/Fun and games.

Q3 Two of the following: (Renewable) energy; Waste; Water; Transport; Purchasing efficient
products; Resource use/Use of resources.

Q4 Their own eco-world/An eco-world.

Q5 To change their behaviour.

Q6 (A number of) universities.

Q7 A few months later.

Q8 An eco-action card game.

Q9 As human nature/Part of human nature

Es. 4
1. plastic pollution

2. man-made materials

3. recycling strategies

4. waste system

5. setout

6. mass production

7. end up

8. disposable products
Es. 5
1. Dr Owen explained that it was the idea of bringing fun and games into a serious topic in
order to try and enhance engagement.

2. She added that the other aspect she was looking at was actually using games but with an
environmental twist.

3. She said that her idea was to cover a wide range of environmental actions.

4. She stated that people were asked to create their own eco world by choosing which
actions they could take and then add up how much carbon, money and other resources
they would save.

5. She said that they were testing those ideas to see if they enhanced environmental
education in terms of recalling information and encouraging people to change their

6. She said she had a lot of evidence of the success of that card game, but what she needed
to take that idea further was quantifiable evidence gathered from a wide range of the
general public.

7. She wondered whether there was a particular socio-demographic group it worked best
with. Once she had those data, she could take the project into the academic world
Es. 6
1. Jamie said: ‘I’m working in a factory.’

2. Lindy said to me: ‘I have been working very hard today.’

3. Lucy said: ‘I’m not going to watch this programme.’

4. A newspaper reporter said: ‘I have met some very interesting contacts through the Internet
and I have arranged an interview with an author for tomorrow.’

5. Harry said: ‘I haven’t seen Tom recently.’

6. ‘Whether/If people like it or not the Internet and the opportunities it gives, are here to stay’
concluded the writer.

7. Harry was taking a long time to get ready, so I said to him: ‘Hurry up.’

8. The manager said to me: ‘Those problems are my fault.’

Es. 7
1. Correct.

2. I told her that I was getting confused.

3. The teacher was very cross and told the student not to tell her lies.

4. He told her that he could lend her some money.

5. My brother Jake is very good at telling us jokes.

6. The little girl asked her granny to tell her a story

Es. 8
1. floods

2. that

3. climate

4. told

5. said

6. global

7. up
8. say
Es. 9
1. the science museum would be

2. not to worry about him

3. told the customer

4. there could be thrown

5. that they had had that

6. set out all the rules

Es. 10
1. E

2. C

3. A

4. G

5. D

6. B

7. extra sentence F
Es. 11
Base word protect, expose, insist, explain, found, confront, destroy, campaign, regulate,

Noun protection/protector, exposure, insistence, explanation, foundation/founder,

confrontation, destruction/destroyer, campaign/campaigner/ campaigning,
regulator/regulation, disarmament.

Adjective: protective, exposed, insistent, explanatory, founding/foundamental,

confrontational, destructive, campaigning, regulated, disarming.

Verb: to protect, to expose, to insist, to explain, to found, to confront, to destroy, to

campaign, to regulate, to disarm
Es. 12
1. director, campaign

2. suggested, protection

3. commitment, promoting
4. regulation, destruction

5. organisers, admirable
Es. 13
1. The dentist suggested that the man could come back the week after.

2. The waiter apologised for spilling the coffee on the customer’s new dress and offered to
clean it for her.

3. The woman invited the boy to her/their picnic on the following Saturday.

4. The trainer encouraged the girl to try again the week after.

5. The girl accused the boy in the green jacket of taking her tennis racket.

6. The boy protested to his neighbour that he couldn’t cut the grass as he had already spent
three hours doing gardening for her.

7. The customer complained to the shop assistant that he had bought a jumper there the day
before but that when he had arrived home, he had seen a hole in it.

8. The girl promised her mother she wouldn’t be back late

Es. 14
1. He asked me whether/if I had seen his sister recently.

2. She asked me if I could (please) wait in reception.

3. I asked him whether/if he would be staying long.

4. She asked me how long I had been waiting for her.

5. I asked them why they hadn’t mentioned the problem before.

6. The teacher asked her students to stop chatting

Es. 15
1. I asked him what he meant.

2. He asked me whether I needed anything.

3. I asked the assistant how much it cost.

4. We asked an official when the next train left.

5. I asked her why she was upset.

6. I didn’t know where Tom had gone

Es. 16
1. A
2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. C

8. B
Es. 17

Student’s activity

Es. 18

Student’s activity

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Es. 1
1. opened a bank account, withdraw money, cash machine, debit card

2. borrow, fixed-rate, variable rate interest

3. bank statements, online banking

4. have filled in a cheque, pay

Es. 2
1. G

2. E

3. H

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. F
Es. 3
Q1 B

Q2 A

Q3 D

Q4 B

Q5 C

Q6 D

Q7 A

Q8 B
Es. 4
1. come up with

2. staying power

3. take the plunge

4. lose count

5. come down to

6. paid off

7. set her sights on

8. turn into

Es. 5
1. made
2. to get

3. Will you let

4. will get

5. doesn’t allow

6. made

7. had

8. made
Es. 6
1. Let me tell/Allow me

2. get Josh to play

3. didn’t allow the students to consult

4. made the boy take

5. will have my colleague take over

6. got Graham to make up with

7. have your boyfriend come

Es. 7
1. have your friend do

2. not allow anybody to get

3. made me take up skiing

4. get my daughter to help

5. let me drive his car

6. got that pianist to perform

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9
1. gets on well

2. get him to

3. Get this
4. get to

5. to get to know

6. get ready

7. ’ll get through

8. get good marks

9. gets up

10. get what

Es. 10
1. D

2. B

3. C

4. A

5. D

6. B

7. D

8. C
Es. 11
1. allowed

2. mathematical

3. staying

4. conventional

5. characteristic

6. decentralised

7. payment

8. independent
Es. 12
1. C

2. D
3. A

4. C

5. B

6. A
Es. 13

quicken (line 3, quick), qualifies (line 15, qualify), stabilise (line 34, stable), quickening (line 41,
quick), utilise (line 46, use), satisfy (line 53, satisfaction), reutilises (line 56, use), lengthen (line
60, length)

Es. 14
1. emphasises, strengthens

2. intensify, heighten

3. penalise, satisfied

4. overdramatise, exemplify
Es. 15
1. because, due to/owing to

2. consequently/ so

3. since

4. therefore

5. due to/owing to

6. consequently

7. as a result

8. thus
Es. 16
1. Tom needs to buy a new car as/since/owing to the fact that/due to the fact that his old car
broke down.

2. The child broke the neighbour’s window with his ball. Accordingly/As a result/Therefore, he
had to apologise to his neighbour.

3. We have decided to follow an English course due to the fact that/owing to the fact that we
are going to England on holiday.

4. The pickpocket was caught red-handed. Therefore/Thus, the police arrested him.
5. We don’t think the young footballer should play the final match due to the fact that/since
he has not enough experience.

6. My daughter has long been interested in the Arts. Therefore/Consequently/Thus, she has
decided to run an art gallery.

7. Our economy does not create enough jobs. As a result/Consequently/Therefore, the

number of unemployed people is increasing.

8. I like my best friend’s attitude to life owing to the fact that/since she is always optimistic
about the future
Es. 17
1. Brian finished his homework late, so/thus/ therefore/consequently, he missed his favourite
TV series. / Brian missed his favourite TV series because/since he finished his homework

2. My son had to skip breakfast because/since he woke up late. / My son woke up late, as a
result/ therefore, he had to skip breakfast.

3. I haven’t slept well recently because/since/due to the fact I am too anxious.

4. He got interested in volleyball because/since/ owing to the fact his father was a
professional player.

5. She has had some bad experiences, so/thus/ therefore/consequently, she has become
more careful.

6. The children are being very noisy, so/thus/ therefore/consequently, I find it difficult to
concentrate on my work. / I find it difficult to concentrate on my work because/since the
children are being very noisy
Es. 18
1. since/because

2. because

3. due/owing

4. result

5. so/thus

6. due

7. therefore/thus/ consequently

8. because
9. therefore/thus/ consequently

10. therefore
Es. 19
1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. C

6. A

7. B
Es. 20

Student’s activity

Es. 21

Student’s activity


Es. 1
1. F

2. E

3. A

4. B

5. C

6. D
Es. 2
Name: Coldplay, Chris Martin Picture:4; Oxfam, Make Trade Fair; migrants forced to flee their
lands, land grabbing, trade injustice; Acoustic version of their song In My Place for a unique
Oxfam video visited Ghana in 2005

Name: Angelina Jolie Picture: 2; UNHCR; the cause of refugees mass population
displacements; 60 field missions contributing to finding solutions for people forced to flee
their homes.

Name: Bono, the vocalist of U2 :Picture 3; one of the founders of (Product) RED; raising
funds to help eliminate HIV/AIDS in Africa

Name: Leonardo DiCaprio: Picture: 5; UN; Messenger of Peace with a special focus on
climate change; In 1998 established the ‘Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation: brought attention
and funding to three focus areas - protecting biodiversity, ocean and forest conservation, and
climate change.

Name: Christina Aguilera Picture: 1;United Nations World Food Programme (WFP); global
hunger; She has travelled to Guatemala to see WFP’s maternal and child health programmes
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity ====Es. 5====Q

1. D Q

2. B Q

3. B Q

4. B Q

5. A
Es. 6
1. Economic, cultural, linguistic, social, racial.

2. Student’s activity.

3. Student’s activity.

4. Student’s activity
Es. 7
1. Effective integration policies can enrich countries economically, socially and culturally,
generating new opportunities for development.

2. There seems to be the impression that international migration is out of control, that
governments are feeble in the face of unstoppable movements, and that migrants are
threatening the social fabric of many countries.

3. Migrants and refugees are often vulnerable people fleeing war, violence or extreme
hardship. They may have endured great trials, crossing continents, and losing relatives and
friends. In host countries they are often viewed as a threat to local values and cultures, a
burden on taxpayers.

4. Asylum seekers and humanitarian migrants represent only a fraction of total migration

5. There is an exaggerated perception of how much migrants cost and how much they
access social benefits. The evidence reported annually by OECD shows that migrants are
productive members of society who work in various sectors, set up businesses and have
innovative ideas.

6. Xenophobia and discrimination must be fought just like smuggling and corruption and the
illegal employment of foreign workers.

7. The domestic issues are economic costs, political costs, instability, and the erosion of
social cohesion.

8. As well as recognising qualifications, there should be efforts to improve literacy and

language proficiency, and provide adult education and vocational training. Host countries
also need to build ties between migrant and host country communities
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. C

2. B

3. A

4. B

5. C
6. A
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4
1. Student’s activity

2. Student’s activity. What follows is an example: The right to health.

1. I guide my neighbours and friends so that they do not get ill and protect
themselves. I guide everyone so that they do not eat too many sweet things and

2. My family gives advice about staying healthy, for example exercising, washing food
before eating it, and walking/cycling carefully near roads.

3. My government could help by putting more health places and hospitals in

communities which do not have them, by vaccinating babies and children and
checking regularly on their state of health
Es. 5
Q1 More control.

Q2 Their parents’ consent/Parental consent.

Q3 Two of the following: Express opinions; Interact with peers; Learn about the news; Obtain
health information; Access services.

Q4 Freedom of expression/Expression and information.

Q5 One of the following: Social engagement among youth; Ability to assimilate; Ability to
explore values.

Q6 (New) barriers (among youth).

Q7 Parents.

Q8 To ignore the law/Lie about their age

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. Their not being involved in policymaking.

2. They want to know how they will be able to contribute their ideas and experience, as well
as protect their own interests, in the development of policies and the society where they

3. They have understood that even voting may be a waste of time and effort, as only a small
number of voters in a small number of marginal seats decide who will form the next

4. They are: to give the subject the status it deserves, and students’ political organisations
the training and support to do it well; give 16-yearolds the vote, so that they have an
incentive to learn and participate; set up a commission on learning for democracy, to build
cross-party support based on evidence of what works.

5. To add some political sciences to schools. Elections of fellow pupils, or even staff, to class
and school bodies, referendums on changes to school rules, etc. all impart some practical
understanding of what democracy means.

6. Three quarters.

7. They should help students acquire the knowledge, skill and will to own, connect and
engage with their communities and society
Es. 9

Student’s activity

Es. 10

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. A

2. A

3. B

4. C
5. A
Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
Q1 C

Q2 A

Q3 D

Q4 B

Q5 C
Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7
1. First of all, taking charge of your lifestyle, thoughts, emotions and problems, second,
identifying the sources of stress in your life.

2. It can originate from major stressors - like changing jobs, moving or going through a
separation - or from chronic sources that are more difficult to understand.

3. To keep a stress journal in order to handle predictable stressors and eventually change the

4. Avoid and alter. The first refers to the ability to say ‘no’ or avoid the people that cause you
stress. The second one refers to the capacity to alter the negative view of a situation if you
can’t change.

5. Exercising to release endorphins, connecting regularly in person with friends and family,
making time for fun and relaxation and laughing at oneself, sleeping enough time to fuel
the mind and the body
Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9
Student’s activity

Es. 10

Student’s activity


Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. its goals

2. rising pollution

3. how to strengthen

4. power plants

5. should decline

6. coal plants

7. slowed down

8. energetic efficiency

9. transportation and buildings

10. fall 0.2

Es. 3

Student’s activity

Es. 4

Student’s activity

Es. 5
Q1 J

Q2 E

Q3 H
Q4 A

Q5 G

Q6 B

Q7 C

Extras: D and I
Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8
1. They are looking for all kinds of air-purifying solutions, from the use of bikes to moss-
covered walls.

2. The architect Stefano Boeri designed two towers, called ‘Bosco Verticale’, with over 100
apartments together with nearly 500 medium and large trees, 300 small trees, 5,000
shrubs, and 11,000 plants.

3. He was inspired by a simple scientific principle: trees are the cheapest and most efficient
way to absorb carbon dioxide.

4. The 20,000 trees and plants across this pair of towers can transform approximately
44,000 pounds of carbon dioxide into oxygen each year. Trees can also keep temperatures
cool indoors and filter out fine dust particles and noise pollution from the traffic below.

5. A generation that is less into ownership and more into ‘service provision’.

6. They are often financial, language related or simply a lack of confidence.

7. The price of annual membership for Nextbike, Glasgow’s bike-share provider, was reduced
from £60 to £3. It was so successful that subscriptions sold out in a matter of days.
Special events such as cycle-in movie nights, group rides and road skill courses also
helped break down the social barriers that saw bike schemes as the exclusive preserve of
the better off. In Liverpool, bike-share firms are working more closely with job centres to
offer free membership to the unemployed.

8. It will be the introduction of electric bikes

Es. 9
Student’s activity

Es. 10

Student’s activity

Es. 11

Student’s activity

Test&Train Self-Study
Preparati online al B2 e C1
Affina le tue abilità di Writing e Speaking
con esempi di risposte e approfondimenti



Es. 1

Student’s activity

Es. 2
1. C

2. E

3. D

4. A

5. B
Es. 3
1. A
2. B

3. C

4. B

5. C
Es. 4
Q1 microeconomics and macroeconomics.

Q2 costs typically decrease.

Q3 negatively impacts sales/impacts negatively on sales.

Q4 go up/increase.

Q5 buy and borrow more/tend to buy more.

Q6 compares to others/compares to other countries’/ compares to another.

Q7 goods and services.

Q8 encourage economic growth/encourage consumer spending

Es. 5

Student’s activity

Es. 6

Student’s activity

Es. 7

Student’s activity

Es. 8

Student’s activity

Es. 9

Student’s activity
Test&Train Self-Study
Preparati online al B2 e C1
Affina le tue abilità di Writing e Speaking
con esempi di risposte e approfondimenti


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