English Phrases 1 (Adj.)

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Chapter2 PHRASES

1. Adjective Phrases
have seen that sometimes
14. We group of words does the work of

S 3). Now examine the

an adjective
pairs of sentences:
1. (a) The vizier was a wealthy man.
(b) The vizier was a man of great wealth.
2. (a) The magistrate was a kind man.
(b)The magistrate was a man with a
kindly nature.
3. (a) The chief lived in a stone house.
(b) The chief lived in a house built of stone.
4. (a) I like to see a smiling face.
(b) I like to see a face with a smile on it.
5. (a) The coolies belonged to a hill tribe.
(6) The coolies belonged to a tribe dwelling in the hils.
In each of the above pairs of sentences, we have first a single word describing the person or thing denoted by the
noun, and then a group of words describing the person or thing denoted by the same noun.
For instance, the group of words of great wealth tells us what sort of man the vizier was. It qualifies the noun
man just as an Adjective does. It therefore does the work
of an Adjective and is called an Adjective Phrase.
Def-An Adjective Phrase is a group of words that does the work ofan Adjective.
15. Study the following Adjectives and the Adjective Phrases that are equivalent t them.

Adjectives Adjective Phrases

A golden crown. A crown made of gold.
A purple cloak. A cloak of purple colour.
A white elephant. An elephant with a white skin.
A jungle track. A track through the jungle.
A blue-eyed boy. A boy with blue eyes.
A deserted village. A village without any inhabitants.
A blank page. A page with no writing on it.
The longest day. The day of greatest length.
The Spanish flag. The flag of Spain.
A heavy load. A load ofgreat weight.

Pick out the Adjective Phrases in the following trees surround the village
1. A man in great difficulties came to me for help. 9. Gardens with cool shady
of money buys sa
2. He is a person of very considerable renown. 10. Only a man with plenty
car of such beauty and power.
3.Wild beasts in small cages are a sorry sight. the tale of his cruel wrongs,
A man without an enemy is a man with few 11. In a low voice he told
4. friends. 12. Do you know the story the of noble Padmini?
5.He tells a tale with the ring of truth in it.
6.A friend in need is a friend indeed.
13. He was a lad of great promise.
7. A stitch in time saves nine. 14. He bore a banner with a strange
15. The police arrested a man of one of the criminal tribes
8. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.á
- -

In each of the following sentences replace the Adjective in italics by an Adjective Phrase of the same meaning.

1. A grey cloud spread over the sky. 12. A valuable ring was found yesterday.
2. He dwelt in a wooden hut. 13. Heroic deeds deserve our admiration.
3. He had a bald head. 14. Much has been said about the Swiss scenery.
4. She wore a diamond necklace. 15. Numericalsuperiority is a great advantage.
5. It was a horrible night. 16. The Rajputs were passionately fond of martial glory.
6. They went by Siberian railway. 17. Ihave passed two sleeplessnights.
7. A grassy meadow stretched before us. 18. He is a professionalcricketer.
8. An earthen pitcher stood on a three-legged table. 19. This book contains many biblical quotations.
9. The French flag flew at the top of the highest mast. 20. She wants medical advice.
10. That was a cowardly act. 21. A tall soldier stepped forth.
11. He is well.

EXERCISE 10 - -- -*

Replace each of the following Adjective Phrases in italics by an Adjective of the same meaning.
1. He wore a turban made of silk. 10. The Rajput leader was a soldier full of hope and free
2. He has done a deed of shame. from fear.
3. He led alife devoid ofblame. 11. Nelson was a boy without
4. He is a man without a friend. 12. Nobody likes a person witha bad temper.
5. They came to a path covered with mud. 13. ladmit that he is a man of sense.
6. He carried a sword stained with blood. 1 4 . The tops of the mountains were covered with snow.
7. Imet alittle girl from a cottage. 15. He is an author of great versatility.
8. Balu was a man with plenty of impudence. 16. It is of no use.
9. From this village in the mountains came
a chieftain ofgreat fame.
Note-Not all Adjective Phrases can be replaced by Adjectives. For instance :
He never felt the witchery of the soft blue sky.
Fill in the blanks with suitable Adjective Phrases.
1. An
elephantis considered sacred by some people.
10. The leaves are glossy.
flock together. 11. We heard the sound
3. He leads a life 12. Listen to the sound.
4. Children like books
13. The verdict was in his favour.
5. He lost a diamond
14. The doors _closed upon him.
6. The old sage spoke
7. She is a woman
words 15. The water is very deep.
8. John Gilpin was 16. The road is very muddy.
a citizen. 17. The
9. Draw a
picture. proprietor_died yesterday.
18. The paths
lead but to the grave.

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