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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 30752

Coupled Fluid Flow and Geomechanics in Reservoir Study -

I. Theory and Governing Equations
H.-Y. Chen, SPE, L.W. Teufel, SPE, and R.L. Lee, SPE, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology

Copyright 1995, Society of Petroleum Engineers, Inc.

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conference & All petroleum reservoir problems involve two basic elements:
Exhibition held in Dallas, U.S.A., 22-25 October, 1995.
fluid and rock. Weare interested in two particular processes
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee folloWing review of associated with them: fluid flow and geomechanics. Fluid
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are sUbject to
flow is essential in a petroleum reservoir study.
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any Geomechanics is believed to be important in the study of
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at
SPE meetings are sUbject to pUblication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
naturally fractured reservoirs and in reservoirs exhibiting
Petroleum Engineers. Permission to copy is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 stress-sensitivity.
words. Illustrations may not be copied. The abstract should contain conspicuous
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper is presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O.
The theory describing fluid-solid coupling was first
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., fax 01-214-952-9435. presented in a series papers by Biot,I-7 Biot's theory and the
published applications are oriented more toward rock
mechanics than fluid flow. Extension of Biot's theory to
reservoir studies is not straightforward, especially to non-
Abstract geomechanical or fluid-flow oriented engineers.
The purpose of this study is to examine Biot's two-phase The purpose of this paper is to describe how the
(fluid and rock), isothermal, linear poroelastic theory from conventional fluid-flow modeling can be extended to a
the conventional porous fluid-flow modeling point of view. coupled fluid-flow and geomechanical modeling.
Biot's theory and the published applications are oriented Identification of the linkages and consistent interpretations
more toward rock mechanics than fluid flow. Our goal is to between the flow and deformation fields are emphasized.
preserve the commonly used systematic porous fluid-flow Several excellent reviews or re-interpretations of Biot's
modeling and include geomechanics as an additional module. poroelasticity have been presented in, e.g., Refs. 8 through
By developing such an approach, complex reservoir 15. Among these references, the works by Verruijt IO and
situations involving geomechanical issues (e.g., naturally Bear IS are the two most pertinent to this study. They also
fractured reservoirs, stress-sensitive reservoirs) can be considered porous fluid-flow modeling approach coupled
pursued more systematically and easily. We show how the with Biot's theory. Both works, however, assumed
conventional fluid-flow formulations is extended to a coupled incompressible solid phase in both flow and deformation
fluid-flow-geomechanics model. Consistent interpretation of fields. The solid phase compressibility, although not the
various rock compressibilities and the effective stress law are primal mechanism in rock deformations, is a necessity for a
shown to be criti'cal in achieving the coupling. The "total (or complete interpretation of Biot's theory. Specifically, the
system) compressibility" commonly used in reservoir solid compressibility is implicit in the so-called effective
engineering is shown to be a function of boundary conditions. stress coefficient which, as will be shown, is the most
Under the simplest case (isotropic homogeneous material important and critical concept in the theory of poroelasticity.
properties), the fluid pressure satisfies a fourth-order equation The assumption of incompressible solid phase effectively
instead of the conventional second-order diffusion equation. eliminates the consideration of effective stress coefficient
Limiting cases include nondeformable, incompressible fluid and greatly simplifies the problem. We include the solid
and solid, and constant mean normal stress are analyzed. compressibility in both flow and deformation fields to


highlight the importance of the effective stress coefficient velocity relative to the moving solid as shown by Eq. 3 (due
and the essentials of linear poroelastic theory. A comparison to Gersevanov in 1934 as cited by Biot2 and Verruijt lO). The
with Biot's results then can be made as complete as possible. condition for a nondeformable (stationary) medium is vs=O.
The commonly used notations in the petroleum industry Gravity effects are not considered.
will be honored in most of the developments. Stress and Fluid density and viscosity are assumed to be a function
strain are positive in tension whereas "pressure" (e.g., fluid of fluid pressure only. For constant c, Eq. 4 can be integrated
pressure) is positive for compression. to give p=poexp[c(p-po)] where Po and Po are reference
density and reference pressure, respectively. Rock properties
Fluid-Flow Theory are a function of mean normal stress and fluid pressure. The
Equations governing isothermal, single-phase fluid flow in a compressibility of the rock phase will be introduced later.
deformable porous medium are derived in this section. The
derivations naturally lead to geomechanical issues which will Governing Equation. Introducing Darcy's law (Eq. 3) into
be incorporated in the section "Linear Poroelastic Theory." Eq. 1 gives

Basic Relations. The three basic principles of fluid flow in

porous media are: mass conservation, Darcy's law, and
V'. ( p-V'p
= -a(~p).
- + V s . V(~p)+~pV· v s '
equation of state. Mathematically, these are: 10 ,15,16 J..L at
Mass conservation:

a(~p) . v ,(p : VP) = d~:) +~pV· vs ' ............•................... (6)

. Fluid: V'·(p~v)+-.-.,-=0, .. ,' ~ (1)
where d( )/dt is the material derivative with respect to a
Solid: moving solid defined as

Darcy's law: -
ao v s' V'()
dO =--+ , ~
, (7)
dt at '
~(v - vs ) =-- V'p, (3) Eq. 7 links the material derivative, which is a Lagrangian
J..L concept, to a spatial or Eulerian description. Note that Jor
n,ondeformable media the material derivative is equivalent to
Equation of state ( fluid compressibility): a partial derivative since vs=O.
Expanding the right-hand-side ofEq. 6 results in
1 8p
c=-- (4)

In Eqs. 1through 4, p is the fluid density (mass per unit

fluid volume), v is the fluid velocity vector, c is the fluid
Expanding the first term of solid mass balance equation, Eq.
compressibility, and the subscript s refers to the "solid phase"
2, and applying Eq. 7 gives
counterparts. Also, V and V·denote gradient and divergence,
respectively, J.l is the fluid viscosity, k is the permeability, ~
1 d[(l-~)ps]
is the effective porosity, p is the fluid pressure, and t is time. V' ·v s = ...............................(9)
The effective porosity reflects .interconnective and mobile (1- ~ )Ps dt
fluid-filled pores. The term "solid phase" as defined in this
study includes both real solid grains and unconnective For constant solid mass and noting that ~=V/Vb and
(isolated) pores. Vb=Vp+V:s where Vp' V:5' and Vb are pore, solid, and bulk
Both fluid velocity v and solid velocity . vs are local volume, respectively, Eq. 9 is equivalent to
volume. averaged values with respect to a stationary
coordinate frame. ~v is equivalent to the fluid bulk 1 dV
volumetric flux (fluid-flow rate per unit bulk area). Similarly, V,v s =- - -b (10)
(1-~)vs is the solid bulk volumetric flux. Note that for a
Vb dt
deformable porous medium Darcy's law is expressed as fluid

SPE 30752 H.Y. CHEN, L.W. TEUFEL, R.L. LEE 3

Thus, the divergence of solid velocity simply reflects the rate chemically inert with the solid phase. (The assumption of
of change of bulk volume. Note that Eq. 10 is nothing more constant solid mass has been invoked in deriving Eq. 10.) Cs
than a statement of solid mass balance, since it is derived would be the compressibility of pure solid grains without
exclusively from Eq. 2. From Eq. 10, vs=O (nondeformable) "dead" pores if the pores are perfectly connected and if the
implies dVb=O. fluid is inert with the solid phase. Additionally, porosity is
Applying the relation d~/~=dVp/Vp-dVbIVb and Eq. 10 to assumed to be constant during the unjacketed experiment
Eq. 8 results in which requires that the solid phase satisfies the condition of
homogeneity. Obviously, a "solid phase" which includes
dead pores can not satisfy the homogeneity criterion locally.
v.(p!.vp1 =
J.! ')
p~ [~dP +_1 dVpJ
p dt V dt
(11) Despite all these restrictions, the assumption of using
unjacketed bulk compressibility to represent the "pore
compressibility" shown by the second partial derivative in
Eq. 13 is considered to be practically reasonable. It should be
Eq. 11 is a key fundamental equation in this study. The
mentioned that the unjacketed bulk compressibility is a
right-hand-side of Eq. 11 basically represents the rate of
measurable quantity and the experiment is routine in
change of fluid density and pore volume. As will be shown
later, different interpretations of the pore volume change due
Through the reciprocal theorem of elasticity, Geertsma8
to different boundary conditions result in different governing
showed that the first partial derivative in Eq. 13 can be
equations and the associated "total (or system)"
expressed in terms of the unjacketed bulk compressibility Cs
compressibilities. A proper interpretation of the pore volume
(=lIKs) described previously, and the "drained" jacketed bulk
change, in fact, is critical in achieving fluid-flow and
compressibility cb (=lIKb) measured under hydrostatic
geomechanics coupling. Eq. 11 with d(·)/dt replaced by
pressure (see Fig. 1 and Appendix A). A drained condition
a(·)/at would be the result obtained from Eqs. 1 through 3
means constant pore-pressure during the test. A more detailed
with vs=O (nondeformable). This nondeformable case will
discussion of c s' cb' and other pertinent rock compressibilities
also be discussed later. are given in the Appendix A.
The change of fluid density term dp/p in Eq. 11 is In essence, the change of pore volume given by Eq. 13
related for fluid compressibility C by the following relations: may be expressed in terms of porosity and two measurable
compressibilities, Cs and cb' as
ap 1 ap 1 dp 1 dp
C-=--', cvp=-vp; c-= - - ......... (12)
at p at p dt p dt dVp dVp
~-=- =-(cb -c )dPd -~c dp
V V s s'
p b
Consider the change of pore volume term dV/V in Eq.
11. Following Geertsma, 8 and Brown and Korringa, 1f d V/Vp
can be expressed in terms of two partial derivatives as
where am is the mean (average) normal stress which is equal
to the negative of confining pressure, i.e., am=-pc' (Also
recall dpd =dpc-dp.)
Introducing Eqs. 12 and 14 into Eq. 11 results in
Here, pd is the differential pressure, prP c-p, where Pc and p
are confining pressure and fluid pressure, respectively. In k ) = [ ~C+Cb -(I+~)cs +(Cb -c )da m ] dp
other words, an imposed confining pressure dp c is considered
v· ( -vp s -- -,
J.! ~ &
to be the sum of two incremental pressures, dPd and dp, i.e., ..................................................................................(15)
dpc=dpd+dp. or
The second partial derivative in Eq. 13 is assumed to be
the unjacketed bulk compressibility Cs (=lIKs) measured by
allowing the fluid to penetrate the connected pores such that
the fluid pressure acts fully on the "solid phase" (see Fig. 1
and Appendix A). Under such a condition, the change of
confining pressure is equal to the change of pore-fluid ......(16)
pressure, i.e., dPc=dp, and hence dprO or Prconst. Constant
solid mass is assumed which implies that the fluid is


where the primary variable is fluid density p and fluid consideration of the stress field which will be provided by
pressure p in Eqs. 15 and 16, respectively. Eq. 15 or 16 is a poroelastic theory described next.
single expression derived from Eqs. 1 through 4 and 14.
Constant fluid compressibility c is further assumed in Eq. 15. Linear Poroelastic Theory
At this point, two major and related features in Eqs. 15 Poroelastic theory describing fluid-solid coupling was
and 16 should be noted as compared to the conventional developed in a series papers by Biot. 1-7 Perfect elastic
reservoir modeling (see, e.g., Ref. 18). These are: (i) the medium (in the sense of linear, reversible, and non-retarded
material derivatives, d(-)/dt, and (ii) the term derm/dp. Item (i) mechanical behavior) with small strains are assumed in this
evolved from the consideration of deformation (vs;;t:O). study. Isothermal condition is also assumed.
Assumptions will be made· soon to simplify the mathematical
model. Item (ii) evolved from the interpretation of pore Basic Relations. The three basic principles of poroelastic
volume change (see Eq. 14). Interpretation of derm/dp theory are: stress equilibrium, strain-displacement, and
requires the consideration of the porous mechanical issues strain-stress-pressure relations. They are parallel with the
mass balance, Darcy's law, and equation of state of the fluid-
which will be discussed later.
flow modeling. Mathematically, these are: 1
We have found using fluid density as the primary
variable results in certain discouraging features (mainly non-
linear terms) in a coupled mode. Therefore, we will simplify Stress equilibrium : (6 equations)
Eqs. 15 and 16 using fluid pressure as the primary variable.
Eq. 15, however, is preferred under certain conditions which
will be presented later.
oer ij
ox }
= 0; er ij = er ji, (19)

Simplified Pressure Equation. The following two

assumptions are imposed for Eq. 15. (i) The fluid is slightly Strain-displacement relation: (6 equations)
compressible such that p=poexp[c(p-Po)]:~Po[l +c(P-Po)]'
This is also equivalent to linearizing Eq. 4 as c=(l!po)op/op. 8 ..
=- l[au. au}]
2 _
Ox}I + _
OXt , , ..
(ii) The material derivatives can be approximated by the
partial derivative, i.e., d(·)/dt=o(-)/8t. This is equivalent to
neglecting the dot product term in Eq. 7 by assuming
Strain-stress-pressure : (6 equations)
v/'V(·) «o(-)/ot. Physical interpretation of this approximation
is that the medium is undergoing deformation but remains 1 a
stationary. For Eq. 16, item (ii) is also assumed plus 8 it = -[era -v(er}} +erkk)]+--P, (21a)
neglecting the quadratic term c('1p)2 (which is also a dot E 3Kb
With the above assumptions, both Eqs. 15 and 16 reduce 8ij = cr ij I (2G) , (i;;t: j). .. (21b)
In Eqs. 19 through 21, 8ij and erij are the components of
'1(k bulk strain tensor and total stress tensor, respectively, ut is
. - '1P)_", op ( oer
-'!'CtI-;-+ Cb -c s ) - - ,
I-" ' ut . at the component of solid displacement vector u(ux ,uy' u) z' E ,
G (=EI[2(I+v)]), and v are Young's modulus, shear modulus,
and Poisson's ratio for the solid skeleton under drained
~Ct,I = ~c - (1 +~ )cs + Cb' (18) conditions, respectively, K b (=l!cb) is the drained jacketed
bulk modulus as defined earlier, and a is the poroelastic
parameter or effective stress coefficient. A more detailed
Ct is a commonly used notation to denote "total (or system)
discussion of a will be given later. Body forces and inertial
compressibility." The added subscript I is used to distinguish
different c/ s presented in this paper. effects are neglected in Eq. 19. Small strains are implied in
For isotropic and homogeneous permeability (k=const.) Eq. 20. The stress and strain are taken positive in tension
whereas fluid pressure p is positive for compression.
and constant fluid viscosity 1-", the left-hand-side term in Eq.
Note that fluid pressure p affects normal strain only and
17 reduces to '1.[(k/l-")'1p]=(k/l-")'12p where '12 is the
in the same manner due to the assumption of isotropy (see
Laplacian operator ('12=o2Ix2+o2Iy2+o2Iz2). Eq. 21a). Shear strains are a function of shear stresses and are
A relationship between p and er m is required to define independent of fluid pressure (Eq. 21b).
Eq. 17 (or 15, 16) completely. This relation requires the

SPE 30752 H.Y. CHEN, L.W. TEUFEL, R.L. LEE 5

It is more convenient to express stress in terms of strain Governing Equation. The total stresses given by Eq. 22
because the total stress satisfies the equilibrium equation (Eq. must satisfy the equilibrium relation specified by Eq. 19.
19). Solving Eq. 21 for stress gives 6 Introducing Eq. 22 into Eq. 19 and applying strain-
displacement relation (Eq. 20) give
cr ij = 2Gsij + Ae8 ij - ap8 ij' (22)

where 8ij is Kronecker's delta (8ij=1 for i=j, 8ij=0 for i=t-j,), ±~{G[aui + au j
]} = a(ap-"Ae) (29)
and "A is the Lame's constant which is related to other
}=} ax·} ax· I ax·I
mechanical properties by
These are three equations in x, Y, and z. Simplifying Eq. 29
3vK 2vG 2 for constant elastic coefficients, G, "A, and a gives
"A = - - b= - - = K b --G (23)
l+v 1-2v 3
2 ae ap
GV Ui +(G+"A)- = a - (30)
Adding the three equations given by Eq. 21a or 22 results in ax i aXi

cr m + ap cr m + ap Note that G+"A=G/(1-2v).

e= = , (24)
"A +(21 3)G Kb Eliminating the mean stress crm between Eqs. 24 and 17
where results in

= S xx + S yy + S ZZ'

= (cr xx +G yy +cr zz )/3


vt vp) =~Ct,II : +a : ' (31)


Here, e is the dilatation or volume strain of solid skeleton and

crm is the mean normal total stress. Eq. 24 in fact is closely
related to Eq. 15 where the interpretation of rock
and a=l-c/cb' ~Ct,II is equivalent to Biot's modulus M. 4,7
compressibilities were presented (see also the discussion
Eqs. 30 and 31 are four equations in four unknowns, p,
pertinent to Eq. A-9, Appendix A). A generalized form ofEq.
ux ' uy ' and uz . (Note that e=V·u, see Eq. 27.) This coupled
24 covering three types of boundary conditions, uniaxial,
biaxial, and triaxial strain, is presented by Eq. B-2 of system governs the time history of the deformation and the
Appendix B. pressure field.
The solid displacement velocity vs and the volume strain By adding the three equations of Eq. 30, a compact
e are related to solid displacement vector u by representation is

Vs = au/at; e = V· u (27) GV u+(G+"A)VV·u = aVp, (33)

The second expression, e=V·u, may be established from Eq. Eqs. 31 and 33 forms a system with basic variables of scalar
20. From Eq. 27, it follows that the divergence of solid p and vector u. (Again note that e=V·u.)
velocity V,vs (Eq. 10) is related to the volume strain e by Alternatively, we may select p and e as the basic
variables. Taking the divergence of Eq. 33, which is
equivalent to differentiating the three equations of Eq. 30
V. v = de = ~ dVb .
de = - b (28)
s dt Vb dt ' with respect to the corresponding Xi and then adding the
resulting three equations, results in
The first expression in Eq. 28, again, is a statement of mass 2 2
conservation. The second expression, which follows directly ("A+2G)V e=aV p (34)
from the first expression, provides a straightforward
interpretation of the volume strain e. V 2 e=0 if a=O which corresponds to a nonporous medium.
Eq. 21 or 22 provide a functional form between strain, Eqs. 31 and 34 are two equations in two unknowns, p and e.
stress, and fluid pressure which is required for solving Eq. The term "A+2G in Eq. 34 basically is a modulus related
15, 16 or 17. to other elastic constants by


1 1 1- 2v _ cb 1+v _ I fluid pressure. The original Terzaghi' s effective stress is

- - = - - - -~- =cb' (35)
A-+2G 2G I-v 3 I-v defmed as crij+p8ij' which is equivalent to 0.,=1 in Eq. 36. As
will be shown immediately, the defmition given by Eq. 36
where Cb' is used to simplify the presentation. Note that essentially eliminate the explicit Tole of fluid pressure in the
cb'-»cb as v~0.5. Cb' is the compressibility corresponding to constitutive strain-stress relations. This, in turn, offers a
an uniaxial strain condition without fluid pressure effect simple interpretation of Biot's poroelastic theory. It should
be pointed out that Biot 1,2 did not explicitly use the concept
(e.g., Exx=Eyy=O, Ezz:;tO, andp=O; see Eq. B-2, Appendix B).
of effective stress to develop his theory, now commonly
In summary, we have shown, starting from the basic
called the theory ofporoelasticity.
principles, how the fluid-flow and geomechanics are coupled.
Eq. 21 in terms of the effective stress (Eq. 36) is
Two sets of coupled equations are presented: (i) Eqs. 31 and
33 with variables p and u, and (ii) Eqs. 31 and 34 with
variables p and e. E ii = [0' ~ - V (O'}j + 0' ~k )] jE ,. . (37a)

Discussions Eij = 0' ij j(2G) , (i:;t i), (37b)

The forgoing derivations indicate two major and related
concepts in achieving the coupling between the fluid-flow
and geomechanics. The fIrst is the interpretations of various which essentially is the Hooke's law for an elastic non-
rock compressibilities as discussed in Eqs. 13 and 14, and porous body.21 Similarly, Eqs. 22 and 24 can be expressed as
Appendix A. The second is the fundamental stress-strain-
pressure relations shown by Eqs. 21, 22 and 24. Implicit in O'ij = 2GBij + A-e8ij' (38)
these relations is the concept of effective stress introduced by and
Terzaghi19 in 1923. The presented treatment of the rock
compressibilities, which essentially follows that of
e=O'~/Kb' (39)
Geertsma,8 certainly is not the most detailed description. At
present time, however, we feel the essentials are included in
our considerations. In fact, a further detailed modeling of respectively, where O' me is the effective mean normal stress
rock compressibilities will not alter the structure of the defined as
governing equations.
Two coupled pressure equation were presented, Eqs. 17 O'~ = 0' m +ap = (0' ix +0' ~y +0' ~z)/3 (40)
and 31. Both reduce to a decoupled diffusion-type equation
ifO'm (mean normal stress) and e (volume strain) are constant Both Eqs. 38 and 39 are the expressions in the classical non-
with respect to time in Eqs. 17 and 31, respectively, porous elasticity.
assuming cb:;tc s and a:;tO. (The term "decoupled" implies a Eqs. 37 through 39 disclose the single most important
closed equation with a single dependent variable.) The feature in the theory of poroelasticity, namely, the concept of
compressibility terms involved, however, are different. If O'm effective stress. Specifically, the constitutive strain-stress-
or e are constant in time, the decoupled pressure equation can pressure relations are assumed to follow the classical non-
be solved independently of the stress field. This is the most porous elasticity if the stress are replaced by an "effective"
favorable case from problem solving point of view. stress which, in some kind fashion, incorporates the effects of
In the following, the concept of effective stress is fluid pressure.
discussed first. Two special cases are then discussed: Implied in the above interpretation are two major issues.
nondefonnable and deformable with constant mean normal First, the elastic behavior and the mechanical properties of a
stress. Finally, some additional. features of the pressure porous fluid-bearing rock are assumed to be governed by the
equations are examined. effective stresses alone (a single variable), instead of total
stress and pore pressure (two variables). Second, what is the
Effective Stress Concept. The effective stress, denoted as functional form of a? In other words, how to "weigh" the
0' ij, may be defined as
20 effect of pore-pressure. The first issue will not be discussed
here. A discussion of the second issue, however, is necessary
in the context of this study.
0' ij = 0' ij +ap8 ij' (36)
Essentially, a determines the relative contribution of
pore-fluid pressure on the elastic bulk behavior of a porous
This effective stress represents the portion of the total stress medium. It is not difficult to image that attempting to define
which is in excess of some fraction of the stress caused by an exact and unique a is an extremely difficult task, given

SPE 30752 H.Y. CHEN, L.W. TEUFEL, R.L. LEE 7

the inherently complex nature of a natural porous fluid-

bearing rock (e.g., pore structure, rock constituents, As pointed out earlier Eq. 42 also can be derived from Eqs. 1
anisotropy, nonhomogeneity, multiple fluid phases, etc.). through 3 with vs=O and dVb=O. For constant C (fluid
Nevertheless, it is instructive to know the deterministic compressibility), Eq. 42 may be written as
nature of a and the associated limiting values under rather
idealized conditions.
The exact expression of a, from the bulk volume strain v{:v =~(C+CPb):
p) , (43)
point of view, is7 ,8,20

ex =1-(Kb /K s )=I-(c s /cb)' (41)

where Kb (=l!cb) and Ks (=l!c.s.) are, as defined before,

Cpb = :p (8;) V. = Vb ' ••••.••••••.•.....••••..•..•• (44)

drained jacketed and unjacketed bulk modulus, respectively.

Eq. 41 implies that a will not be constant if KiK.~ is not and C is defined by Eq. 4. cpb (Eq. 44) represents the pore
constant. In the theory of linear, isotropic poroelasticity, a is compressibility under constant bulk volume (dVb=O).
considered a constant. Therefore, the effective stress given by Eq. 43 indicates the fluid density satisfies a decoupled
Eq. 36 is a linear combination of total stress and fluid diffusion-type equation for a medium of constant bulk
pressure. volume but with "pressure-dependent" porosity. (No
Eq. 41 indicates that a is dimensionless and is bounded restrictions were imposed on the permeability in Eq. 43.) The
by O~a::;1 (by taking cs~O, cb~O and cb~cs)' Biot and Willis
5 fluid density p in Eq. 43 can be replaced by fluid pressure p
further argued that the value of a can not be smaller than if the assumption of slightly-compressible-fluid is further
porosity, i.e., ~~a::;l. a--*l as c/cb--*O such as the case of imposed (see the assumptions used to obtain Eq. 17).
incompressible solids (cs--*O). a--*O as c/cb--*l (e.g., ~--*O) In reservoir engineering, a total (or system)
and the effect of pore pressure (the last term of Eq. 36) compressibility, commonly denoted as ct' is used to represent
the total contribution from fluid and rock compressibilities.
It should be pointed out that different physical The boundary conditions of the rock compressibility,
interpretation of a are required for different physical however, is generally not explicitly specified. For example,
ct=c+cfis defined in Ref. 18 where C is given by Eq. 4 and
quantities and processes. 20 ,22,23 Eq. 41 is derived from a bulk
c.F(l!~)a~;ap. In the context of Eq. 43, the total
volume point of view (see also Eq. A-9, Appendix A). The
exact expression of "a" from a pore volume point of view is compressibility would be ct=c+cpb' Thus, one possible
given by the p of Eq. A-13, Appendix A. Furthermore, interpretation of the rock compressibility commonly used in
uncertainties are present even when the same physical reservoir engineering is the cpb defined by Eq. 44 where the
quantity is concerned. Warpinski and Teufe124,25 noted poor boundary condition is a constant bulk volume.
agreement between experimental and theoretical a values. Consider Eq. 15. Imposing dcrm=-adp and d(·)/dt=a(·)/at
They also noted a plausible result in Ref. 25: a trend of (for vs=O) to Eq. 15 results in
decreasing a with decreasing permeability and porosity of
carbonate rocks (chalks and limestones).
At present, it appears that a is best treated as a material
v· (~ vp) = ~Ct,II : ' (45)
property similar to permeability and porosity. This implies
that an experimentally determined a value under the proper where ~Ct,II=~c+(a-~)cs (see Eq. 32).
scale should always be honored. Comparing Eqs. 43 and 45 suggests the following
relation between cpb and cs'
Nondeformable Porous Media. The condition for a
nondeformable medium is vs=O, i.e., zero solid velocity. The Cpb =[(a-~)/~]cs (46)
consequences of vs=O are: (i) d(·)/dt=a(·)/at (see Eq. 7), (ii)
dVb=O and de=O (Eq. 28), and (iii) dcrm=-adp (Eq. 24 or A- Same result can be obtained from Eq. 14 using dcrm=-adp.
9). Using item (i), Eq. 11 reduces to
Note that O~Cpb~[(l!~)-I]cs because ~~a~l as discussed
earlier. Eqs. 43 and 45 are the "exact" fluid-density equations
v.(p!vp1 = p~ (~ ap +_1 avp J (42)
for a nondeformable porous medium.
~:J p at Vp at


Deformable Media With Constant Mean Normal Stress.

The conditions are vs:;t:O (and e:;t:O) and constant am (i.e., V· (!~)
vp'l =; ~Ct III ap +a,cb af ,
'at at
da~=;O). Applying dam=;O to Eq. 15 and assuming
d(·)/dt=a(·)l8t result in

v t Vp) ~ ~Ct,I : ' , (47)

~CtIlI is equivalent to Biot's modulus M c .6
, As can be seen from Eq. 50, the fluid pressure will not
where ~Ct,I=;<\>c+cb-(1+~)cs (see Eq. 18). From Eqs. 11 and obey the diffusion equation unless fis independent of time,
14, the rock compressibility contained in ~Ct,I represents i.e., af/at=;o. If the condition of af/at=o is satisfied, the fluid
pressure then follows a diffusion-type equation with a
porosity-compressibilityterm given by <\>ctIlI, (Eq. 51). Such a
_1 (avp ) = cb - (1 +<\> )c s == c pc ' (48)
Vp ap cr m ~ decoupled diffusion equation then can be solved
independently of the stress field. The function f, which
evolves from the integration of Eg. 34, will depend on the
where cpc is used to denote the pore compressibility under
boundary conditions of e and p.
constant confining pressure (dpc=;-dam=;O). Thus, ct,I also
may be expressed as ct,I=;c+cpc ' cpc defined by Eq. 48 offers Fourth-Order Pressure Equation. Assume constant values
another possible interpretation of the rock compressibility ofk/~ and ~Ct II in Eq. 31. Apply VZ operator to Eq. 31 and
commonly used in reservoir engineering. then eliminate'V2e using Eq. 34. The result is
Similar to Eq. 45, the fluid density of a deformable
medium under constant mean normal stress also satisfies a 2
decoupled diffusion-type equation as indicated by Eq. 47. V2V2 P = ~Ct,III av P, (52)
The rock compressibility terms involved, however, are k/ ~ at
different due to different boundary conditions.
Note that de=;a,cbdp follows from Eq. 24 if dam=;O. That where ~Ct,III is given by Eq. 51.Eq. 52 also can be obtained
is, the change of volume strain is proportional to the change from Eq. 50 by takingV2 operator and noting that V 2f=0. Eq.
of fluid pressure (with constant values of ex, and cb)' . 52 is a fourth-order equation in terms of p and a second-order
Muskat showed the fluid density in a nondeformable equation in terms of V2p . Except for the notations, Eq. 52
porous medium satisfies a homogeneous diffusion equation if agrees with Biot's3 result derived from the method of stress
permeability, porosity, viscosity, .and fluid compressibility functions. It should be emphasized that constant value or
are constant. (His result is equivalent to Eq. 43 with constant small change of porosity is implied in deriving Eq. 52. The
k/~ and Cpb=;O.) Eqs. 45 and 47 formally extend the exception is when· ~Ct 11=0 corresponding to incompressible
applicability of Muskat's fluid-density formulation by fluid and solid (see ne~t section); Our intention of presenting
including a rock compressibility defined by Eqs. 44 and 48, Eq. 52 is to highlight the nature of the pressuresolutibn for a
respectively. deformable medium.
Eqs. 45 and 47 are derived under the assumptions of From Eq. 52, the fluid pressure is the sum of two
non-deformable medium and constant mean normal stress, functions, P=Pl +P2 where PI and Pz have to satisfy,
respectively. We now examine the pressure equation and the respectively, 3,4
associated total compressibility for a deformable medium
without restriction on the stresses.
V 2pl =; ~Ct,III apl and V 2p2 =; o. .. (53)
k/ ~ at
Pressure Diffusion Equation Under General Conditions.
Following Verruijt,10 integrating Eq. 34 results in
Thus the commonly used diffusion equation is only a subset
e=;cb[a,p+ f(x,y,z,t)] , (49) of the entire true set. Same implication also· can be inferred
from Eq. 50. The fluid pressure, however, follows a
homogeneous diffusion equation if P2=;0 (Le., P=Pl)' Whether
where cb' is given by Eq. 35 and fhas to satisfy Laplace's
P2 vanishes or not will primarily depend on the boundary
equation V 21=0 for every value of t; i.e.,fmust be harmonic.
Applying Eq. 49 to Eq. 31 with constant k/~ gives Note that anyone of the following variables, fluid
pressure p, volume strain e, and mean normal stress am' may

SPE 30752 H.Y. CHEN, L.W. TEUFEL, R.L. LEE 9

be expressed in tenns of the other two according to Eq. 24. 57. While constant mean normal stress is assumed, Eq. 57
Therefore, relations similar to Eq. 34 also can be established presents a simple model to consider variable permeability.
for pairs of V 2e and V2 aw and V2p and V2 am . In other Note that both Eqs. 56 and 57 do not involve porosity. Also,
words, V2p , V2 e, and V2 am are related to each other linearly. the compressibility terms in Eqs. 56 and 57 are different.
Thus, Eq. 52 may be expressed as
The major contribution of this paper is showing how Biot's
~Ct,III av
'1 2 '12 (-) = (.) . (.) == p, e, am' (54) isothermal, linear poroelastic, coupled two-phase (fluid and
kl J.t at ' rock) model is evolved from the conventional porous fluid-
flow modeling. Our primary goal is to preserve the
Specifically, all p, e, and am satisfy the same fourth order commonly used systematic fluid-flow modeling so that future
equation with the same diffusivity. This implies that p, e, and modeling of complex reservoir situations involving
am may share the same fundamental solution. They may be geomechanical issues (e.g., naturally fractured reservoirs,
different only through the initial-boundary conditions. stress-sensitive reservoirs) can be formulated more
systematically and easily. The presented approach offers an
Incompressible Fluid and Solid. For incompressible fluid alternative avenue (especially to non-geomechanical
and solid (c=O, cs=O), we obtain ~Ct,I=Cb (see Eq. 18), ~Ct,II=O engineers) to recognize the relationship between the fluid-
(see Eq. 32), and ~Ct,III=a2cb' (see Eq. 51). Note that a=1 if flow in a nondeformable field and Biot's coupled flow-
its explicit fonn given by Eq. 41 is used. Above limiting defonnation field equations. In addition to the coupled field
conditions may be applied to appropriate equations presented equations, some decoupled equations are identified under
before. Two decoupled equations are discussed next. various assumptions. These decoupled equations have
Eq. 31 with ~Ct,II=O and constant k/J.t reduces to potential to be solved independently of the stress field.
Major conclusions drawn from this study are:
(1) Consistent interpretation of rock compressibilities
v.(:v ~a p) :; (55) and the effective stress law are the two most important steps
required to couple fluid-flow and deformation fields.
(2) At the fundamental level the fluid-flow governing
It can be shown that Eq. 55 is exact (within our assumptions) equation is the same for both deformable and nondeformable
if ae/at is replaced by de/dt. Eq. 55 reduces to the Laplace media, except that the former requires a total derivative
equation V2p =0 if de=O (nondefonnable) and constant k/J.t. interpretation of the rate of change of fluid density and pore
Applying Eq. 34 to Eq. 55 with constant k/J.t results in l ,2 volume (see Eq. 11), whereas the latter only requires a partial
derivative (see Eq. 42).
(3) Whether the fluid density (or pressure) satisfies a
2 _ a 2 cbI ae decoupled diffusion equation or not depends on the boundary
V e---, (56)
k/ J.t at conditions of the problem at hand (see Eqs. 45, 47, and 50).
(4) The fluid density satisfies a decoupled diffusion
where cb' is given by Eq. 35. Note that a2cb'==~Ct,III if c=o equation under two conditions: (i) nondeformable medium,
and cs=O. By Eq. 39, Eq. 56 is also satisfied by the effective and (ii) constant mean normal stress (see Eqs. 45 and 47).
mean stress am e. Thus, the bulk dilatation e and the effective (5) The "rock compressibility" involved in a given field
mean stress am e obey the homogeneous diffusion equation if equation also depends on the boundary conditions of the
problem. This is important for a consistent interpretation
both solid and fluid phases are incompressible. The limitation
between laboratory, field, and simulation results.
of Eq. 56 is that penneability and viscosity must be constant.
(6) Under the simplest case (isotropic homogeneous
However, no assumption is made concerning the stress state.
material properties), the fluid pressure satisfies a fourth-order
If we further assume the mean nonnal stress is constant,
equation (see Eq. 52) instead of the conventional second-
i.e., dam=O, in addition to c=o and cs=O, Eq. 16 reduces to
order diffusion-type equation. The solution of the former

v t VP) = Cb : (57)
includes that of the latter as a subset (see Eq. 53).
(7) The volume strain satisfies a homogeneous diffusion
equation if the fluid and solid phases are incompressible and
the medium is isotropic homogeneous (see Eq. 56).
in which dp/dt=ap/at is also assumed. Eq. 57 is a limiting (8) The fluid pressure satisfies a decoupled diffusion
form of Eq. 47 which is valid for compressible fluid and equation if the fluid is incompressible and the mean normal
solid. In fact, cs=O can be relaxed to obtain the form of Eq. stress is constant (see Eq. 57).


Nomenclature References
c compressibility, Lt2 /m 1. Biot, M.A.: "General Theory of Three-Dimensional
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G = shear modulus, mILt2 182-185.
3. Biot, M.A.: "General Solutions of the Equations of
k permeability, L2 , md
Elasticity and Consolidation for a Porous Material," J.
K modulus, m/Lt2 Appl. Mech. (1956) 27, 91-96.
M modulus, m/Lt2 4. Biot, M.A.: "Thermoelasticity and Irreversible
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t time, t 5. Bio~, M.A. and Willis, D.G.: "The Elastic Coefficients of
u = displacement, m/Lt2 the Theory of Consolidation," J. Appl. Mech. (1957) 24,
v = velocity, Lit 594-601.
V volume, L3 6. Biot, M.A.: "Mechanics of Deformation and Acoustic
x, y, z distance, L Propagation in Porous Media," J. Appl. Phys. (1962) 33,
ex, = poroelastic constant (Eq. 41), dimensionless
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P constant (Eq. A-B), dimensionless
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~ porosity, fraction (1957) 210, 331-340.
Iv Lame's constant, mlLt2 9. Jaeger, J.C. and Cook, N.G.W.: Fundamentals of Rock
J..l viscosity, miLt Mechanics, 3rd Ed., Chapman and Hall, London (1979).
v Poisson's ratio; dimensionless 10. Verruijt, A.: "Elastic Storage in Aquifers," Flow
p density, miL 3 Through Porous Media, R.IM. De Wiest (ed.) ,
cr stress,mlLt2 Academic, San Diego, California (1969) 331-376.
11. Ragha-van, R.and Miller, F.G.: "Mathematical Analysis
Subscripts of Sand Compaction," Compaction of Coarse-Grained
Sediments, I, Chap. 8, G. V. Chilingarian and K. H. Wolf
b bulk
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c confining
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d differential 12. Rice, J.R. and Cleary, M.P.: "Some Basic Stress
m mean Diffusion Solutions for Fluid-Saturated Elastic Porous
p pore Media With Compressible Constituents," Rev. Geophys.
pb pore volume, with constant bulk volume and Space Phys. (1976) 14, 227-241.
pc pore volume, with constantconfming pressure 13. Rudnicki, IW.:"Effect of Pore Fluid Diffusion on
s = solid Deformation and Failure of Rock," Mechanics of
t total, system Geomaterials, Chap. 15, Z. Bazant (ed.), John Wiley &
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14. Detoumay, E. and Cheng, A.H-D.: "Fundamentals of
Superscripts Poroelasticity," Comprehensive Rock Engineering:
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e effective
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uniaxial strain
15. Bear, 1 and Badllnat, Y.: Introduction to Modeling of
" biaxial strain Transport Phenomena in Porous Media, Kluwer
", = triaxial strain Academic Publishers, Boston (1990).
16. Cooper, H.IJI.: "The Equation of Groundwater Flow in
Acknowledgments Fixed and Deforming Coordinates," J. Geophys. Res.
The authors thank Phillips Petroleum, Union Pacific (1966) 71, 4785-4790.
Resources, Vastar, Conoco, and Amoco for their support of 17. Brown, R.IS. and Korringa, 1: "On the Dependence of
this study. Discussions with H. Ruistuen were most helpful the Elastic Properties of a Porous Rock on the
during the writing of this paper. Compressibility of the Pore Fluid," Geophysics (1975)
40, 608-616.

SPE 30752 H.Y. CHEN, L.W. TEUFEL, R.L. LEE 11

18. Matthews, C.S. and Russell, D.G.: Pressure Buildup and jacketed tests. The experimental conditions (boundary
Flow Tests in Wells, Monograph Series, Society of conditions) of these two tests are described next.
Petroleum Engineers, Dallas (1967) 1, 4-7.
19. Terzaghi, K.: Theoretical Soil Mechanics, Wiley, New Unjacketed Bulk Compressibility. The unjacketed bulk
York (1943). compressibility is defined as
20. Nur, A. and Byerlee, J.D.: "An Exact Effective Stress

:b (a~ Jpd
Law for Elastic Deformation of Rock With Fluids," J.
Geophys. Res. (1971) 76,6414-6419. Cs =- (A-3)
21. Timoshenko, S.P. and Goodier, J.N.: Theory of
Elasticity, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill Kogakusha, Ltd.,
Tokyo (1970). Here, as shown by Eq. A-3, the experimental condition is a
22. Robin, P.-Y.F.: "Note on Effective Pressure," J. constant differential pressure Pd which is Pd=P c-p where Pc
Geophys. Res. (1973) 78, 2434-2437. and p are the confining pressure and fluid pressure,
23. Berryman, J.G.: "Effective Stress for Transport respectively. The measurements are the changes of bulk
Properties of Inhomogeneous Porous Rock," J. Geophys. volume as p changes. Note that the cond~tion of constant p d
Res. (1992) 97, 17409-17424. means dprO or dPc=dp, i.e., the change of confining
24. Warpinski, N.R. and Teufel, L.W.: "Determination of pressure is equal to the change of fluid pressure. Cs reflects
the Effective Stress Law for Permeability and the compressibility of the solid phase. .
Deformation in Low-Permeability Rocks," SPE Geertsma, 8 Biot and Willis, 5 Brown and Korringa,17
Formation Evaluation (June,1992) 123-131. among others, argued that the porosity remains constant
25. Warpinski, N.R. and Teufel, L.W.: "Laboratory during an unjacketed test only if the solid phase is
Measurements of the Effective-Stress Law for Carbonate homogeneous. From d~=O (constant ~) and Eqs. A-I and A-2,
Rocks Under Deformation," Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. the following relation can be derived:
& Geomech. Abstr. (1993) 30, 1169-1172.
26. Muskat, M.: The Flow of Homogeneous Fluids Through dV dVp dV
Porous Media, McGraw-Hill, New York (1937) 121-136. - b =- = - s; (~ = const.) (A-4)
Vb Vp ~,
Appendix A -.Solid, Bulk and Pore Compressibilities
This appendix describes the physical interpretation of the With Eq. A-4, Eq. A-3 also can be written as
unjacketed bulk compressibility Cs (=lIKs) and the drained
jacketed bulk compressibility cb (=lIKb). Bulk, pore, and
1 (8V:~ J 1 (8Vp J 1 (8Vb J .
solid volume changes are described. The connection of Cs and
cb to solid mass balance equation (Eq. 10 or 28), Biot's
= - Vs l 8p Pd = - Vp l 8p Pd = - Vb l 8p Pd'

constitutive strain-stress relation (Eq. 21), and the effective (~ = const.) (A-5)
stress concept are also discussed.
Two well-known basic relations relating various volume Eq. A-5 indicates that Cs is a solid, or pore, or bulk
changes of a porous medium are compressibility defined under unjacketed condition if the
porosity is indeed constant. (c s is equivalent to Geertsma's
dVb dVp dVs cr ) Eq. A-5 allows the change of solid or pore volume to be
-=~-+(l-~)-, (A-l) inferred by measuring the change of bulk volume.
Vb Vp Vs
and Drained Jacketed Bulk Compressibility. The drained
jacketed bulk compressibility is defmed as 8 ,17

(:;:)p =- :b (:; L
dV dV
- =-p- - b, (A-2)
~ Vp Vb
Cb =- :b ~ (A-6)

where Vb' Vs' and V are the bulk, solid, and pore volume,
respectively, ~ is the porosity, ~=V/Vb' and Vb=Vs+Vp ' where fluid pressure is maintained constant (i.e., dp=O)
Geertsma8 showed that the interpretations of dVb, dVp ' dVs' during the test and the confining pressure is hydrostatic.
and d~ in Eqs. A-I and A-2 may be achieved through two From dp=O, it follows that dprdp c' The measurements are
basic compressibility experiments: unjacketed and drained the changes of bulk volume and cb reflects the
compressibility of the rock frame structure.


Bulk Volume Change. Following the approach given by

Refs. 8 and 17, an incremental confining pressure dp c is
expressed as dPc=dPatdp where PrPc-p. The change of bulk where crm=-Pc'
volume d Vb due to an imposed dp c thus can be considered as Eq. A-12 also can be expressed as
the sum of two incremental pressures, dPd and dp, i.e.,
dV ac C
.-.1!.... = _ b (dcr m + ~dp); ~ =1- _ _ 8 - (A-13)
Vp ~ aCb I~

Eq. A-13 is an effective stress law similar to Eq. A-9 but

Applying Cs (Eq. A-3) and cb (Eq. A-6) to Eq. A-7 and noting from the pore volume point of view. 23 Note that the physical
that dprdPc~dp results in interpretation of aCb/~ is given by Eq. A-II.

Solid Volume and Porosity Changes. Given dVb and dVp

(Eqs; A-8, A-9, A-12 and A-13), dVs and d~'can be obtained
easily from Eqs. A-I and A-2, respectively.
where a=l-c/cb (see Eq. 41). Eq. A-8 relates Cs and cb to the
App~ndix B - Uniaxial, Biaxial, and Triaxial Strain
change of bulk volume. From Eqs. A-8 and 28 (de=dVbIVb),
Generalized equations for uniaxial, biaxial (plane), and
it follows that
triaxial strain are presented in this Appendix.

General Equations. Assume that the strains (and

displacements) occur in one axis only (say, z-axis, uniaxial
strain), or in two axes (say, y- and z-axis, biaxial or pijule
where crm=-pc' Eq. A-9 is the differential form of Eq. 24, strain), or in all three axes (triaxial strain). These can be
e=(crm+ap)IKb, which evolved from Biot's constitutive described as9
strain-stress relation (Eq. 21a). One can easily verify that Eq.
A-9 reduces to Eq. A-6 when dp=O (or p::::const.), and reduces Uniaxial: f: xx = f:yy = 0, f: zz = e * 0, (B-la)
to Eq. A-3 when dPc=dp (or dprO, Prconst.). The
derivations of Eqs. A-8 and A-9 provide the fimctional form Biaxial: f: xx :::: 0, f:yy + f:zz = e * 0, (B lb)
of effective stress law from the bulk volume point of view. 23
Triaxial: f: xx + f:yy + f:zz = e * 0, (B-lc)
Pore Volume Change. Similar to Eq. A-7, the following
expression can be written for dV/Vp ' in which the definition of e=f:xx+~yy+f:zz is always followed.
The case of uniaxial strain is a commonly adopted
assumption, e.g., no lateral movements due to horizontal
crustal constraint. Biaxial (plane) strain is frequently invoked
in studying stresses around a deep wellbore. Triaxial strain
simply means no constraints are imposed on the strains, as
The last partial derivative is assumed to be Cs (see Eq. A-5). was. assumed in the derivations presented in the main text.
Through the reciprocal theorem of elasticity the first partial These three cases given by Eq. B-1 are considered
derivative can be expressed in terms of Cs (Eq. A-3) and cb simultaneously to highlight some systematic features caused
(Eq. A-6) as 8 by the imposed strain dimension.

-:J:;; t ~ [:;~)p
From Eqs. B-1 and 21, it can shown that

=- = Cb;C
= 7' . . ( A.ll) e = c;(cr~ +ap);
(n =', ", "'), (B-2)

where a=I-(c/cb)' Therefore, Eqs. A-10 maybe written as Uniaxial:

, , I l+v
am =cr zz ; cb =- - = cb' (B-3a)
A +2G 3(l-v)

SPE 30752 H.Y. CHEN, L.W. TEUFEL, R.L. LEE 13

" cr yy +cr zz " 1 2 From Eq. B-5, the following bounding and limiting cases can
crm = ; cb = - - = -(1 +v)cb' ... (B-3b) be obtained:
2 'A,+G 3
(i) cb, ~ cb" ~ CbIII.clor a11 v,
cr +cr +cr 1 (ii) Cb = c'f/2 = chl3 as v -+ 0, and
cr 11/_
- ZZ yy zz., cb"'-
- -- cb' (B3)
- C (iii) cb, and" cb -+ cbIII = cb as v -+ 0 .5 .
m 3 'A,+(2/3)G

Here, the superscripts, " ", and "', represent uniaxial, biaxial, Thus, all three compressibilities approach the same value as
the Poisson's ratio v approaches the upper bound of 0.5.
and triaxial strain condition, respectively. cr ~ (n=: " ", "')
represents a mean total stress where averaging is taken only 81 Metric Conversion Factors
for the stress with which the strain is not vanishing. Eq. B-2 cp x 1.0* E-03= Pa·s
for the triaxial case is Eq. 23. Note that cr ~ =crm and ch =cb' ft x 3.048* E-Ol= m
In terms of effective stress form, Eq. B-2 becomes ft2 x 9.290304* E-02= m 2
ft3 x 2.831 685 E-02= m 3
n en
e=cbcrm; amen =crm+ap;
n ( n=',","' ) (4)
B- in x 2.54* E+OO= cm
md x 9.869233 E-04= IJ.m2
The three compressibilities in Eqs. B-3 are related by psi x 6.894757 E+OO= kPa

, 1 " l+v 11/ *Conversion factor is exact.

cb = cb = cb' (B-5)
2(1- v) 3(1 - v)


Confining Pressure Confining Pressure

* ,
* ,
Container Fluid Pressure Jacket

Change of confininig pressure Constant fluid pressure

= change of fluid pressure
Fig. 1 - Schematic of unjacketed and jacketed compressibility test.


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