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Very soon you will start working as an Algorithmics teacher and you'll be

teaching lessons.

Three types of lessons:

- lesson on a new topic
- project work
- graduation

1. Lesson on a new topic

During this type of lesson, you introduce the children to new
concepts, terms, and also teach them new ways to find knowledge.
For that, there are methodological guidelines for each lesson, which
will be attached to the course in backoffice. There you will find a
step-by-step plan on how to run the students' activities.
This is the most common type of lesson and it has its own structure,
which we will go over in another lesson.

2. Project work
After the children learn 3-4 new topics, they already have enough
knowledge and skills to create their own mini-projects/projects. The
project can be individual or group (details on each project can be
found in the course manual immediately after certification).
The children will need help starting their projects.
a) first, you need to show the child how to draw up a project plan
b) then formulate the tasks with the child, and that will help divide
the project into parts and the child will see a logical sequence of the
individual parts of their project
c) at the stage of project implementation, each child begins to
complete their project. If they are having any issues, ask them
leading questions, but don't do all the work for them! Give the
student the chance to figure out a solution and program it.
Remember! We are not assessing the final result, but all the
stages of project creation. Including the result and the process!

3. Graduation
Graduation is the last lesson of the course, which we invite the students
and their parents to so that they can see what the children have learned
during their studies. The lesson can be held in the form of a quiz, a quest,
or project presentations (in the "Python Start" and "Python Pro"
courses, the children do the "My own game" activity). You can
familiarize yourself with the capabilities of those tools in the
graduation guidelines, which will be available immediately after
Purpose of the final lesson:
a. to show the child their personal progress during the
b. to show the parent the child's progress during the
school year
c. to end the year on a positive note
1. Feedback. A student presents their project, and the teacher
gives feedback on their work. The main idea is to compare how
the child was at the beginning and at the end of the year:
Use this template: “At the beginning of the course, you were
able to ..., ..., and ... You did ... great, but we had to work hard on ... .
Now you can easily ...., you are great at ..., and you can create ... . It's
awesome that you've managed to achieve such great results”
2. Award ceremony (presenting the diplomas to the children)
3. Group photo
4. Presentation from a sales manager who will talk about the
Algorithmics courses for the next academic year (for the exact
timing of that, check the graduation guidelines). Introduce
them, explain what the presentation will be about, and ask
everyone to listen carefully.
5. Wrapping up the lesson. Talk about the educational outcome
of the course and give a short summary of the next course. It is
always easier to work with “your” children, so the more children
move from this year to the next, the more comfortable it will be
for you to work with them. If you are not certified in the course
that follows yours, you have 3 months of summer ahead of you
to do onboarding for a new subject.

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