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This chapter presents the summary and findings, conclusion and

recommendation of the study.


Based on our findings the following has been identified;

1. The five common problems of the students when dealing with their stress and

time management are the problem of Overthinking, Family Problems, Academic

Deadlines, High Expectations on you, and Digital Distraction.

2. Among the five problems, High Expectations on you has a big impact to the

students when dealing with their stress and time management with a percentage of


3. Among the five given effects, the effects that stand out the most is the

statement 'It may cause problems to their mental and emotional well being' with a

percentage of 60%.

4. The second that has big effects on the students is Students may put pressure

on themselves if they really not manage their time and stress.

5. The students truly believe that ‘Prioritize your tasks before doing anything
unnecessary’ is the ideal solution when dealing with their time management to
effectively reduce stress. The second option is to 'Encourage and educate yourself to
think positively.‘ with this you can do the task accordingly without pressure and to
much negative thinking and last option is to 'Consult a guidance counselor for
advice.' Having this kind of treatment will help the students to know and better
understand their problems.

6. Seminar about ‘Time Management: Its effect in reducing stress among

students’ would help the students to have better knowledge about this problem.


The researchers have found out the following:

1. How do the students deal with their stress?

The students deal with their stress by prioritizing their task before doing

anything unnecessary.

2. What are their ways in reducing their stress?

In finding the solution, Encourage and educate yourself to think positively,

Consult a guidance counselor for advice, Make a to-do list for yourself, Make

sure nothing is holding you back from pursuing your own life goals, Prioritize your

tasks before doing anything unnecessary are their ways in reducing their stress.

3. What are the results in managing their stress?

If didn’t manage their time it may cause problem to their mental and emotional


4. How the students’ cope with their stress?

Aside from ‘Prioritize your tasks before doing anything unnecessary’ the

second effective way is to 'Encourage and educate yourself to think positively. ‘

this would help them to cope with their stress.


1. How do the students deal with their stress?

Students must prioritize the important task before doing anything unnecessary to avoid stress and

not the task to file up.

2. What are their ways in reducing their stress?

Encourage and educate yourself to think positively, Consult a guidance

counselor for advice, Make a to-do list for yourself, Make sure nothing is holding

you back from pursuing your own life goals, Prioritize your tasks before doing

anything unnecessary are their ways in reducing their stress, but students must

put essence in Prioritizing their task before doing anything unnecessary.

3. What are the results in managing their stress?

Students may suffer with their mental and emotional well being, thus it is crucial

that they must put first the important things before anything else.

4. How the students’ cope with their stress?

Students cope with their stress by the solution of Encourage and educate
yourself to think positively, Consult a guidance counselor for advice, Make a
to-do list for yourself, Make sure nothing is holding you back from pursuing
your own life goals, Prioritize your tasks before doing anything unnecessary
but the most vital solution students must possess is they should Prioritize
their taks before doing anything unnecessary.

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