Englacad W4 Summarizing and Outlining PDF

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React accordingly to the given statements

using Messenger reactions.


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React accordingly to the given statements
using Messenger reactions.

1. Outlining is
a map of an
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React accordingly to the given statements
using Messenger reactions.

2. Outlining is
done at the end
of writing.
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React accordingly to the given
statements using Messenger reactions.

3. I don’t really
do outlining
when writing a
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React accordingly to the given statements
using Messenger reactions.

4. In summarizing, I
get some sentences
from the text and put
them together as a
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React accordingly to the given statements
using Messenger reactions.

5. I copy verbatim
sentences from a text
when summarizing.
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Are you like the Do you simply
persona in the copy from a text
sentences who the details then
don’t do put them
outlining, then together? Then
you have your full voila! You have
blown text? your summary.

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How do we
correctly do

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and Outlining

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At the end of the session, you should be able to:
1. use various techniques in summarizing a
variety of academic texts; and
2. outline reading texts in various disciplines.

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STOP= Read the question.
SLOW DOWN= Think of an
answer or find the answer from the book in

GO= GO and take courage and share your

answer (random).
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•determine the
essential ideas a
book, article, book
What do we chapter, parts of an
do when we article
summarize? •give a synthesis of
the key ideas of a
piece of writing

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• deepen understanding
• identify relevant information/key
skills do we • combine details or examples that
develop when
we summarize? support the main idea
• concentrate on the gist/main
• capture key ideas and put
together clearly and concisely
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What is NOT summarizing?
•Write down
• everything
• ideas from the text word for word
• incoherent and irrelevant ideas
• ideas that are not stated in the text
• summary that has the same length
or is longer than the original text

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America has changed dramatically during recent years.
Not only has the number of graduates in traditional
engineering disciplines such as mechanical, civil, electrical,
chemical, and aeronautical engineering declined, but in
most of the premier American universities engineering
curricula now concentrate on and encourage largely the
study of engineering science. As a result, there are declining
offerings in engineering subjects dealing with infrastructure,
the environment, and related issues, and greater
concentration on high technology subjects, largely
supporting increasingly complex scientific developments.
While the latter is important, it should not be at the expense
of more traditional engineering.
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Example: continuation
Rapidly developing economies such as China and
India, as well as other industrial countries in Europe and
Asia, continue to encourage and advance the teaching of
engineering. Both China and India, respectively, graduate
six and eight times as many traditional engineers as does
the United States. Other industrial countries at minimum
maintain their output, while America suffers an
increasingly serious decline in the number of engineering
graduates and a lack of well-educated engineers. (169
(Source: Excerpted from Frankel, E.G. (2008, May/June) Change in education: The
cost of sacrificing fundamentals. MIT Faculty Newsletter, XX, 5, 13.)
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One-paragraph Summary:
In a 2008 Faculty Newsletter article, “Change in Education:
The cost of sacrificing fundamentals,” MIT Professor Emeritus
Ernst G. Frankel expresses his concerns regarding the current
state of American engineering education. He notes that the
number of students focusing on traditional areas of engineering
has decreased while the number interested in the high-
technology end of the field has increased. Frankel points out
that other industrial nations produce far more traditionally-
trained engineers than we do, and believes we have fallen
seriously behind. (81 words)
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One-line summary:

MIT Professor Emeritus Ernst G. Frankel (2008) has

called for a return to a course of study that emphasizes the
traditional skills of engineering, noting that the number of
American engineering graduates with these skills has fallen
sharply when compared to the number coming from other
countries. (47 words)

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Another example: Original Source
Before 1994, diabetes in children was generally caused by a
genetic disorder – only about 5 percent of childhood diabetes
cases were obesity-related, or Type 2, diabetes. Today,
according to the National Institutes of Health, Type 2 diabetes
accounts for at least 30 percent of all new childhood cases of
diabetes in this country. Not surprisingly, money spent to
treat diabetes has skyrocketed, too. The Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention estimate that diabetes accounted for
$2.6 billion in health care costs in 1969. Today’s number is an
unbelievable $100 billion a year.”
“Don’t Blame the Eater,” David Zinczenko

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Ineffective Summary Effective Summary
The author says that only 5 percent of In author's article “Don’t Blame the
children had Type 2 diabetes before Eater,” David Zinczenko support
1994. In addition, they mention that their position on the fast food
today at least 30 percent of new industry by comparing today’s rates
childhood diabetes cases in the USA of Type 2 diabetes to those prior to
are Type 2. They also say that more 1994. David makes it clear that
money is being spent to treat diabetes instances of Type 2 diabetes have
now - $100 billion a year. increased dramatically, as has the
cost of preventing the spread of
this disease.
Example taken from Graff, G. & Birkenstein, C. (2014).
They say/I say: The moves that matter in academic writing.
New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company. Inspired by Mission,
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How do we state our
summarized statements in the
right way? Or what are the right ✓ Read the given
or correct formats in example first for
summarizing? each format as well
as its definition.
✓ Students will be
randomly called.

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Formats in Summarizing
1. Idea Heading Format
Benchmarking is a useful strategy that has the potential to
help public officials improve the performance of local
services (Folz, 2004; Ammons, 2001). Once the practice of a
particular city is benchmarked, it can be a guidepost and the
basis for the other counterparts to improve its own.

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2. Author Heading Format
The considerable number of users of FB has led educators to utilize FB
communicating with their students (Grant, 2008; as cited in Donmus,
2010). The study of Kabilan, Ahmad, and Abidin (2010) shows that the
students perceived FB as an online environment to expedite language
learning specially English. Donmus (2010) asserts that educational
games on FB fecundate learning process and make students’ learning
environment more engaging. As regards literacy, this notion reveals
that FB could be used as a tool to aid individuals execute a range of
social acts through social literacy implementation (ibid). Blackstone and
Hardwood (2012) suggest the facilitative strength of FB as it elicits
greater engagement on collaboration among students.
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3. Date Heading Format
On the other hand, active participation of citizens in
development contributes to a sound and reasonable
government decisions. In their 2004 study on the
impact of participatory development research, Irvin
and Stransbury argue that participation can be
valuable to the participants and the government in
terms of the process and outcomes of decision

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Reporting Verbs - Summarizing
•a word used to discuss another person’s
writings or assertions
•used to incorporate the source to the
discussion in the text

claim assert state prove

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Having a syntactically correct sentence is not enough to
create meaning. As Noam Chomsky pointed out, a
sentence can be perfect in terms of syntax and still not
make sense. He showed this by coming up with the
famous sentence, “Colorless green ideas sleep furiously”
(Chomsky, 1957)

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University of Adelaide (2014) states that using the
same reporting verb all the time is both repetitive and

Sharpling (2012) points out that reporting verbs have

subtle differences in meaning.

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Strengths of reporting verbs
•Reporting verbs vary in terms of strength.
Example: weak
1.Smith (2016) assumes that reporting verbs
have different strengths. strong
2. Smith (2016) insists that reporting verbs
have different strengths.
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Source: https://www.eltconcourse.com/training/inservice/eap/reporting_verbs_eap.html
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• shows the framework of a text through division
and subdivision of ideas
• a map of your essay
• a tool we use in the writing process to help
organize our ideas, visualize our paper’s
potential structure, and to further flesh out
and develop points
• Most outlines use numbers and/or bullet
points to arrange information and convey
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Basic Principles of
I. Principle of Division
– every part should have at
least two subsections

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I. Types of Mass Media
A. Print
Principle of
B. Broadcast Division
1. Radio
2. Television
C. Digital Media
1. Internet
2. Computers
3. Mobile Phones
II. Significance of Mass Media
A. Information Dissemination At least two
B. Opinion Formation
C. Social Cohesion Inspired by Mission,
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Basic Principles of
Outlining (Cont’d)

II. Principle of Classification

- similar ideas should go

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Principle of
I. Nature of texting
A. Texting as a “hybrid
B. As suspension of
ideas go
grammar and
punctuation rule
II. Usage of texting in the Philippines

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Basic Principles of Outlining (Cont’d)

III. Principle of Coordination

– ideas of equal rank and
value are coordinate; must be
expressed in parallel
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I. Mass media are important in

modern life.
II. Forms of mass media

I. Importance of mass media in

modern life
II. Forms of mass media
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Basic Principles of Outlining
IV. Principle of
– there are big ideas and
small ideas Inspired by Mission,
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Principle of
Example: Subordination
I. Definition of mass media Big
II. Types of mass media ideas
A. Broadcast media small
B. Print media ideas

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Types of Outline
1. Sentence Outline (Sentence)
I. There are two types of sports fan.
A. The first type is the spectator.
B. The second type is the analyst.
II. Sports fan express their involvement in the game in
several ways.
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Types of Outline (Cont’d)

2. Topic Outline (Words/Phrases)

I. Two types of sports fan
A. The spectator
B. The analyst
II. Ways sports fan express their involvement in the game

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Outline Format
Traditional Non-traditional
Thesis Statement: _______ Thesis Statement: _______
I. Main Idea 1.0 Introduction
A. Supporting Idea 2.0 Main idea
1. Details developing 2.1 Supporting idea
2. Details developing 2.2 Supporting idea
a. Minor details 2.2.1 detail
developing developing
b. Minor details 2.2.2 another detail
developing developing
B. Supporting Idea 3.0 main idea
II. Main Idea 3.1 supporting idea
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3.2 supporting idea Driven by Excellence
Identify if the given examples
USE correct summarizing format
or outlining format. Just choose

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I. States of Matter
A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gas
II. What is the importance of states
of matter?
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I. There are three states of matter.

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gas
II. Importance of States of Matter
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I. Three States of Matter

A. Solid
B. Liquid
C. Gas
II. Importance of States of Matter
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The study of Amir, Tanti, and Maharani

(2020) shows that dental students can
adjust with the new learning methods
in the distance learning and most have
agreed that combined classroom and
distance learning can be implemented.
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Dental students can adjust with the

new learning methods in the distance
learning and most have agreed that
combined classroom and distance
learning can be implemented. (Amir,
Tanti, Maharani et al ,2020)
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pages 112-
Inspired by Mission,
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1. Writing a Paper: Outlining

2. Making an Outline

3. How to Write a Summary


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Quiz on Thursday (September 22, 2022)
1. Fundamentals
2. Text Structure
3. Thesis Statement
4. Abstract Inspired by Mission,
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React and Respond
What part of the lesson do you think
needs more discussion or example?

What insight/lesson/statement that you like

most which you can add to your bank of
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Links (Sources)
• https://www.eapfoundation.com/writing/process/outline/
• https://integrity.mit.edu/handbook/academic-writing/summarizing
• Amir, L.R., Tanti, I., Maharani, D.A. et al. Student perspective of
classroom and distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic in the
undergraduate dental study program Universitas Indonesia. BMC Med
Educ 20, 392 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-020-02312-0

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