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Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

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Quality attributes in edge computing for the Internet of

Things: A systematic mapping study
Majid Ashouri∗, Paul Davidsson, Romina Spalazzese
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Internet of Things and People Research Center, Malmö University, Bassänggatan
2, SE-205 06 Malmö, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many Internet of Things (IoT) systems generate a massive amount of data needing to be
Received 29 April 2020 processed and stored efficiently. Cloud computing solutions are often used to handle these
Revised 30 October 2020
tasks. However, the increasing availability of computational resources close to the edge has
Accepted 5 December 2020
prompted the idea of using these for distributed computing and storage. Edge computing
Available online 15 December 2020
may help to improve IoT systems regarding important quality attributes like latency, en-
Keywords: ergy consumption, privacy, and bandwidth utilization. However, deciding where to deploy
Internet of Things the various application components is not a straightforward task. This is largely due to the
Edge computing trade-offs between the quality attributes relevant for the application. We have performed
Quality attributes a systematic mapping study of 98 articles to investigate which quality attributes have been
Metrics used in the literature for assessing IoT systems using edge computing. The analysis shows
Systematic mapping study that time behavior and resource utilization are the most frequently used quality attributes;
further, response time, turnaround time, and energy consumption are the most used met-
rics for quantifying these quality attributes. Moreover, simulation is the main tool used for
the assessments, and the studied trade-offs are mainly between only two qualities. Finally,
we identified a number of research gaps that need further study.
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license

1. Introduction

During the last decade, cloud infrastructures have become the main solution for hosting services due to their elasticity
and cost-effectiveness. In other words, the trend has been to use centralized architectures for data processing and storage in
large data centers. Simultaneously, the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) affects nearly all aspects of society,
including health care, transportation, and production industry. Many IoT systems have devices residing at the edge of the
network that generate huge amounts of data, which requires heavy resources for processing and storage [1]. This poses a
significant challenge for cloud solutions to provide efficient service provisioning [2]. Additional challenges include spatial
distribution of sensors and actuators, latency requirements, privacy issues, and transport of massive amounts of data, which
together motivate the development of new solutions alongside cloud computing [3].
The idea of utilizing the resources at the edge of the network, known as edge computing, has been proposed in order
to perform computation and storage closer to where the data is generated. This may help address the aforementioned

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Ashouri), (P. Davidsson), (R. Spalazzese).
2542-6605/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Fig. 1. Hybrid Edge-Cloud reference architecture for IoT systems. There are many options of where to deploy the software components to the right.

challenges by lowering latency, handling privacy issues, reducing data communication, and reducing energy consumption
[3,4]. Moreover, distributed edge computing can be integrated with centralized processing in the cloud, resulting in a hybrid
Edge-Cloud model [5,6] that may combine the strengths of both approaches.
Fig. 1 illustrates the continuum of computation and storage capacities from the edge to the cloud in a hybrid Edge-
Cloud reference architecture. The Thing nodes are devices that typically have limited computational and storage resources
that enable them to host only simple applications, such as sensing, actuating based on certain events, and sending and
receiving data. Local nodes possess more computational, storage, and communication capabilities than Thing nodes, which
enables them to manipulate, analyze, dispatch data, interact with the cloud and Thing nodes, and host IoT applications
or components located at the network edge. Examples of Local nodes include gateways, access points, routers, switches,
local servers, smartphones, and connected vehicles. Further, some physical devices can play different roles. For example, a
traffic light can simultaneously act both as a Thing node that senses the environment and actuates and as a Local node
that aggregates data, processes it, and hosts other applications. The cloud consists of centralized data centers with massive
computational, storage, and communication capabilities that enable cloud solutions to host various kinds of IoT application
components with high demand for physical resources.
There are highly distributed solutions relying heavily on edge computing using Things and Local nodes, and highly cen-
tralized solutions relying heavily on cloud computing. Using the hybrid Edge-Cloud architecture enables system designers to
benefit from the strengths of both distributed and centralized solutions. However, this adds more complexity when design-
ing IoT applications and poses challenges regarding where to deploy application components among all possible combina-
tions. In a hybrid architecture, there are several possible options to deploy the different components of an IoT application
in distributed edge devices or centralized data centers. Making the decisions on where to deploy each application compo-
nent is challenging and requires analyzing the various aspects impacting the quality of service. Thus, it would be useful
to provide different decision support tools for the system designers to aid them in making appropriate deployment deci-
sions. The software component deployment problem in an Edge-Cloud architecture has been investigated in several studies
[7–9]. However, these studies mostly focus on how to efficiently allocate the available resources in the edge or cloud infras-
tructure to handle the received requests from different IoT applications in order to optimize the resource utilization of the
system with minimum cost. In other words, they investigate the problem from the infrastructure providers’ point of view
and explore how to optimize the use of the available resources, but they do not provide any decision support to the system
To support IoT system designers in evaluating different design options, we need to identify the key quality attributes
that influence the decision-making. Previous work mostly focuses on a few quality attributes, like energy consumption and
latency [7,8], probably because they can easily be measured. However, we know from a previous study that there are more
qualities (or quality attributes; we will use these terms interchangeably) that may impact decisions [10]. For example, let
us consider the use case of red light violation detection and accident prevention in intersections. One solution is to track
objects via the surveillance cameras. This use case consists of several components such as movement capturing, object
tracking, data compression, abnormal behavior detection, warning management, warning display, and overall long-term sys-
tem optimization. To find the best option for distributing each component, a number of qualities should be considered.
In this use case, there is an obvious real-time requirement with a high degree of accuracy. Compared to a cloud comput-
ing solution, an edge computing solution will result in low communication latency but high computation latency and may
reduce the event-detection accuracy by having access to less data. Moreover, streaming a massive amount of data to the
cloud in the form of high-resolution images imposes considerable energy consumption and bandwidth cost for some extra
processing features. Processing images also demands a high degree of privacy and security. Being reliable and available, hav-

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

ing acceptable performance in a rapid change of traffic, and having scalability are the other key qualities that impact the
Accordingly, identifying the key quality attributes and corresponding metrics to quantify them are an important step
towards supporting IoT system designers, as well as better understanding IoT systems in general. This will not only guide the
designers in the selection of deployment solutions but may also help them make better decisions in choosing programming
frameworks, hardware, and algorithms, as well as aid them in the requirement engineering process. To achieve this, we have
conducted a systematic mapping study to investigate which quality attributes have been considered in previous studies that
analyze IoT applications using edge computing. Moreover, we have investigated the following important factors: metrics
for each quality attribute, trade-offs among the qualities, research type, and validation type. Finally, we propose a number
of potential research areas that need further investigation to pave the way for design-time decision support for software
component deployment. Specifically, the contributions of this paper are as follows:

• Identification of the qualities considered in the design of IoT applications using edge computing.
• An analysis of the trade-offs between qualities that have been considered.
• Identification of the metrics used to quantify the qualities. This will both provide the researchers with a set of metrics
for each quality and show the gaps in proposing new metrics.
• An analysis of the types of methods used to assess an IoT system with respect to the qualities, such as prototyping,
simulation, and mathematical analysis.
• Identification of the knowledge gaps and future research directions.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. We discuss related work in Section 2. In Section 3, we describe the
research method for our systematic mapping study and the mapping classification. We present the results of the mapping
study in Section 4 in terms of the mapping classification which also corresponds to the answers to the research questions,
and in Section 5, we critically discuss the findings of the study and suggest future works.

2. Related work

2.1. Edge computing

The research on edge computing is currently in a relatively early stage, and many challenges are yet to be solved [11].
The terms edge and fog computing are often used interchangeably [3].
The concept fog computing was originally proposed by Cisco, and it is defined as an “extension of the cloud computing
paradigm that provides computation, storage, and networking services between end devices and traditional cloud servers”
[12]. Others (e.g. [2,13]) have also proposed the idea of extending cloud computing and supporting multi-tenancy. NIST
[14] has defined fog computing as “a horizontal, physical, or virtual resource paradigm that resides between smart end-
devices and traditional cloud or data centers.” They propose six characteristics to distinguish fog computing from other
computing paradigms: contextual location awareness and low latency, geographical distribution, heterogeneity, interoper-
ability and federation, real-time interactions, and scalability and agility of federated fog-node clusters.
Similarly, the term edge computing is used with various meanings in the literature. Narrowly defined, it refers to lo-
cal processing excluding both fog and cloud computing [2]; in a broader definition, it is considered as any computing and
network resources along the path between data sources and cloud data centers with the rationale of happening at the prox-
imity of data sources [3]. In this article, we use the term edge computing in its broader scope and include any computing
and storage resources (including fog computing) along the path between sensors/actuators and cloud servers.

2.2. Qualities in edge computing

In edge computing, different use cases utilize different architectures for the optimal support of end-users [14]. Accord-
ingly, one of the challenges for IoT systems based on edge computing is where to deploy the application components to
achieve the desired system qualities. A number of studies have investigated and compared various deployment alterna-
tives. For instance, Sarkar et al. [15] compare edge and cloud computing by considering generalized models of delay, power
consumption, and cost in order to evaluate the performance of IoT applications with and without the use of edge com-
puting. Based on a simple simulation setup, they conclude that edge computing reduces energy consumption, latency, and
cost [15]. To minimize the system cost, which is a weighted sum of delay and energy consumption, while guaranteeing
the maximum tolerable delay, Du et al. [7] propose a centralized decision-making model to decide where the applications
should be processed. Yousefpour et al. [16], Taneja and Davy [9], and Li et al. [17] propose application distribution solu-
tions for a Fog-Cloud scenario based on minimizing IoT nodes delay. Liu et al. [18] propose a multi-objective optimization
model for computation offloading. The approach processes requests for application distribution based on minimizing energy
consumption, execution delay, and cost. Although some studies address the IoT application distribution problem in hybrid
architectures, they usually consider a limited number of qualities for making a decision on where to deploy the application
components. By considering Edge computing for IoT systems, Singh and Baranwal [19] propose several QoS metrics for com-

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Table 1
The comparison of literature review studies.

Target domain Research Focus Reference model

Shahzadi et al. [20] Edge computing frameworks Properties of edge computing None – uses customized
frameworks performance metric model
Orsini et al. [21] Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) Characteristics of MEC ISO/IEC 25010 quality
solutions characteristics
Odun-Ayo et al. [22] IoT systems using edge and Research methods and Not studied
cloud computing architectures
White et al. [23] IoT systems IoT systems layers and ISO/IEC 25010 quality
investigated qualities characteristics
Muccini et al. [24] IoT systems IoT architecture styles and None – uses customized
related qualities quality model
This study IoT systems using edge Qualities and metrics in IoT ISO/IEC 25010 quality
computing systems using edge computing characteristics
ISO/IEC 25023 quality

munications, things, and computation parts. However, they do not follow a systematic approach for extracting the quality

2.3. Literature reviews

Few surveys or literature reviews consider the qualities of systems using edge computing. For example, Shahzadi et al.
[20] conducted a survey to analyze the properties of edge computing frameworks. They consider several qualities for com-
paring the frameworks, but the focus is on performance metrics only, like execution time, power consumption, scalability,
network latency, and throughput. Additionally, they mainly focus on some of the existing frameworks for edge computing.
Another study [21] investigates and compares existing Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) solutions. To achieve this, they use
the ISO/IEC 25010 quality model to check which qualities each solution provides. They focus on MEC solutions that are
considered a special case of edge computing, not on IoT applications.
Odun-Ayo et al. [22] conducted a systematic mapping study of the IoT systems utilizing edge and cloud computing. In
this study, they focus on the research methods and architectures in this domain, but they do not consider any relevant
qualities. By focusing on the QoS aspect of IoT systems, White et al. [23] investigate what layers of the IoT architecture
and what quality attributes have been the most researched. They also consider ISO/IEC 25010 as a base model for quality
mapping. Muccini and Moghaddam [24] conducted a systematic mapping to study IoT architecture styles. Among other
things, they investigate the quality attributes supposed to be satisfied with a proper IoT architecture—namely, scalability,
security, interoperability, and performance. However, neither of these two mapping studies investigates qualities for IoT
systems using edge computing and the related metrics.
We argue that there is a lack of systematic literature studies identifying relevant quality attributes for IoT systems us-
ing edge computing (see Table 1). We believe the study presented in this article is an important step toward a general
framework for supporting IoT system designers considering various influencing qualities.

3. Research method

In this section, we provide detailed information about the method used for this study. We conducted a systematic map-
ping study following the guidelines proposed by Petersen et al. [25,26]. After specifying the research questions, we defined
and applied a search string to find relevant papers. After defining and applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, we selected
the most relevant papers. We classified the papers into identified categories based on the research questions, and in the
next step, we extracted the data. We then analyzed the results to answer the research questions.

3.1. Research motivations and questions

Making decisions in the design of IoT systems—such as where to host the different components of IoT applications or
what type of hardware, development frameworks, and algorithms to use—is not simple and straightforward [10]. A system
designer needs to take several quality attributes into consideration. The emergence of edge computing and the possibility to
host IoT application components in local nodes or even in things make design decisions even more challenging. The main
motivation for our work is to understand which qualities have been considered for IoT applications using edge computing
and how they have been measured. Accordingly, we have conducted a mapping study to extract the investigated qualities,
the tradeoffs between qualities, and the metrics used for assessing these qualities in order to identify the gaps and future
research directions. Moreover, we have identified the types of research that have been conducted (e.g., solution proposal

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Table 2
Number of downloaded papers from the different

IEEE Xplore 103

Scopus 233
Science direct 27
Web of Science 80
Total 443

and experimental studies) and the validation methods that have been used (e.g., simulation and prototyping). The following
research questions guided our study:

RQ1: What quality attributes have been considered for IoT systems using edge computing?
RQ2: What metrics have been used for measuring the qualities?
RQ3: What trade-offs between qualities have been investigated?
RQ4: What types of research have been conducted in this area?
RQ5: What methods of validation have been used?

3.2. Search

Following [27] and [25], we used the PICO (Population, Intervention, Comparison, and Outcome) method to construct
the search string based on the research questions. However, as discussed in [25], PICO is not always fully applicable for
systematic mapping studies, and using Population and Intervention is sufficient to construct the search string. In this study,
we also identified our keywords by Population and Intervention.
Population: Based on our research aim, the population of this research is IoT systems that use edge computing. Therefore,
two basic keywords of “IoT” and “Edge computing” were extracted from the population part.
Intervention: Intervention refers to a tool, technology, methodology, or procedure. In the context of this study, the inter-
vention is the quality attributes that have been used in the literature to evaluate IoT systems. Thus, “quality attribute” is a
keyword extracted from intervention.
Based on the identified keywords “IoT,” “Edge computing,” and “quality attributes,” we constructed three sets of keywords
in order to organize the search string with synonyms and related keywords.
Set 1: Search terms directly related to edge computing. We identified the keywords “edge computing” and “fog comput-
ing” used interchangeably in the literature.
Set 2: Search terms directly related to IoT. For this set, the terms “IoT” or “Internet of Things” are used interchangeably.
Set 3: Search terms directly related to evaluating quality attributes. The “attributes” keyword has also been referred to
as “criteria” or “metrics” in the literature. Consequently, we structured the primary search keywords for this set as follows:
“quality attributes” OR “quality metrics” OR “quality criteria.”
The final search string contains a logical OR between all of the synonyms with a logical AND between the three sets.
To begin with, we used the following search string: (((“fog computing”) OR (“edge computing”)) AND (“IoT” OR “Internet
of Things”) AND (“quality attributes” OR “quality metrics” OR “quality criteria”)). However, the search result was limited,
and we believed it was not representative of the literature. We found many papers using the term “performance” in the
evaluation of an IoT system quality. Consequently, we added this term and modified Set 3 as follows: “quality attributes”
OR “quality metrics” OR “quality criteria” OR “performance attributes” OR “performance metrics” OR “performance criteria.”
However, after analyzing the search results, we found it was biased towards the performance quality attribute and did not
capture other attributes mentioned in the ISO/IEC standard 15,010 [28], for example, security that is well-studied in the
literature. Then we changed Set 3 to just capture “quality” without “metrics,” “criteria,” and “attributes.” However, the result
was too noisy, and we found many unrelated papers. By removing “quality” from Set 3, we found good coverage of the
literature with an acceptable number of noisy findings. Thus, the final search string was as follows:
(((“fog computing”) OR (“edge computing”)) AND (“IoT” OR “Internet of Things”) AND (“metrics” OR “attributes” OR “cri-
From the well-known databases in the field of computer science, we followed the suggestions by Petersen et al. [25] and
selected Scopus, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, and Web of Science for our search. These databases support nested Boolean
operators and searching for titles, abstracts, and keywords. When applying the final search string to the four databases, we
got 443 hits in total, see Table 2.

3.3. Study selection

To select the relevant papers, we needed to define inclusion and exclusion criteria. To form these criteria, we followed
Petersen et al.’s [25] suggestion and did a pilot study on 20 papers. The following criteria were applied to the papers, first
based on the abstract and, where necessary, the full paper.

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Fig. 2. The paper selection process.

Inclusion criteria:
• Studies published online before 01/01/2020.
• Studies evaluating and measuring qualities using at least one metric.
• Studies considering the usage of edge computing for IoT systems.
Exclusion criteria:
• Studies presenting non-peer-reviewed material.
• Studies referring to the words “metric”, “attribute”, and “criteria” for purposes not related to qualities. For example, if a
paper uses attribute-based encryption, the word “attribute” refers to a specific technique for encryption, not to a quality
• Books and book chapters.
• Studies not accessible in full-text.
• Duplicates.
• Secondary studies, e.g., literature reviews.
• Studies not written in English.
We took the following steps to select the papers to be included in the mapping study, which are also illustrated in Fig. 2:
• Removing duplicates/books/non-accessible/non-English papers: We removed identical papers based on the paper title
and authors (one was kept). Moreover, we set aside non-accessible papers, as well as books and book chapters. This step
eliminated 205 papers.
• Applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to abstracts: We removed 115 papers based on applying inclusion and exclusion
criteria to the abstracts.
• Applying inclusion and exclusion criteria to the full paper: After reading the full text of the remaining papers, we re-
moved 25 papers, resulting in 98 papers.

3.4. Data extraction

As suggested by [25], we performed a group discussion based on a pilot study to construct the mapping classifications
for extracting data. Based on several iterations and group discussions among the authors, the data extraction followed five
classification perspectives. After resolving disagreements, the first author performed the extraction of data for the remaining
papers, but the other authors also verified the results. The details of each classification are discussed below.

3.4.1. Quality attributes

This mapping study’s main motivation was to identify the quality attributes that have been taken into account when
evaluating IoT systems. For this study, we used the ISO/IEC 25010 quality model [28] to classify the quality attributes. The
quality model comprises eight root quality attributes (with sub-qualities for each root quality) as shown in Fig. 3 and ex-
plained in the following (based on the ISO/IEC 25010 definitions):

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Fig. 3. ISO/IEC 25010 quality model, including eight root qualities and their sub-qualities.

• Functional suitability: the degree to which a product or system provides functions that meet stated and implied needs
when used under specified conditions.
Performance efficiency: the performance relative to the amount of resources used under stated conditions.
• Compatibility: the degree to which a product, system, or component can exchange information with other products, sys-
tems, or components and/or perform its required functions while sharing the same hardware or software environment.
• Usability: the degree to which a product or system can be used by specified users to achieve specified goals with effec-
tiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction in a specified context of use.
• Reliability: the degree to which a system, product, or component performs specified functions under specified conditions
for a specified period of time.
• Security: the degree to which a product or system protects information and data so that persons or other products or
systems have the degree of data access appropriate to their types and levels of authorization.
• Maintainability: the degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which a product or system can be modified to improve
it, correct it, or adapt it to changes in environment and in requirements.
• Portability: the degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which a system, product, or component can be transferred
from one hardware, software, or other operational or usage environment to another.

3.4.2. Metrics
A metric (or measure) is used to quantitatively evaluate a quality. In this study, we used the ISO/IEC 25023 standard
for quality measures [33] to classify the metrics. ISO/IEC 25023 standard is based on the ISO/IEC 25010 quality model and
defines a large number of metrics and metric categories for the eight root quality attributes listed above.

3.4.3. Trade-off between qualities

Studying trade-offs between different aspects of a system is highly beneficial for decision-making. We categorized the
papers based on whether they have investigated trade-offs between the quality attributes. A paper is considered as investi-
gating trade-offs if it explicitly states or considers trade-off handling as one of the contributions.

3.4.4. Research type

Considering topic-independent and general classifications enable researchers to compare different mapping studies from
a similar perspective [25]. Here, we use the research type classification schema proposed by [29], which consists of six
research types as follows:

• Solution proposal: proposes a solution technique, which must be novel or at least a significant improvement of an exist-
ing technique.
• Validation research: investigates the properties of a solution proposal that has not yet been implemented in practice.
The same authors or others may have proposed the solution elsewhere. Possible research methods are experiments,
simulation, prototyping, mathematical analysis, mathematical proof of properties, etc.
• Evaluation research: investigates a problem in practice or an implementation of a technique in practice, such as case
study, field study, field experiment, or survey. The novelty of the technique is not an evaluation criterion for the paper.
• Philosophical paper: aims for a new way of looking at things, a new conceptual framework, etc.

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

• Personal experience paper: documents the author’s experience about one (or more) project and contains a list of lessons
• Opinion paper: contains the author’s opinion about what is wrong or good about something, how we should do some-
thing, etc.

3.4.5. Validation methods

Different methods can be used to validate a research study [29]. In this study, the following categories of validation
methods are considered:

• Experiments: Performing large-scale experiments in a test bed or the real world.

• Simulation: Modeling and simulating the environment and the problem.
• Prototyping: Developing a small-scale lab demo system for validation.
• Mathematical analysis: Mathematically analyzing some aspects, such as time behavior.
• Mathematical proof: Mathematically proving a hypothesis or a proposed solution.

3.5. Validity evaluation

To evaluate the validity of the mapping study, we follow the suggestions by [25]. Below we discuss how we addressed
threats to validity in this study.
Descriptive validity is the extent to which observations are described accurately and objectively, and threats to descriptive
validity are generally higher for qualitative studies than for quantitative ones [25]. We used quantitative data collection and
visualization in this mapping study, which reduces the risk of this threat. Moreover, we tried to clearly state the paper se-
lection, inclusion and exclusion, classification, and data extraction steps. We also tried to describe the results of the mapping
study in detail in Section 4.
Theoretical validity should take into account the quality of the sample of studies obtained from the population and po-
tential researcher bias in the study selection and data extraction and classification.

• Study identification: It is possible that two mapping studies with the same subject select different sets of articles [30].
To reduce this threat, we used the PICO approach to systematically extract the keywords according to the aim of the
research. We also performed group discussions to find the keywords based on known terms in the literature. Regarding
the paper selection, we used well-known databases and a clear search string to reduce this threat. In order to identify
the candidate papers for the mapping study, we also conducted a pilot study with group discussion to clearly define
inclusion and exclusion criteria. Selecting papers by the inclusion/exclusion criteria was performed by the first author,
which may incur a bias in study selection. To reduce this threat, all authors verified the application of the criteria for
the borderline cases.
• Data extraction and classification: As explained in Sections 3.4, the first author extracted the data, which may introduce
bias to the final results. To reduce this threat, we performed group discussions on unclear data extraction parts to reach
an agreement. However, human judgment is generally prone to bias and cannot be completely eliminated.

Interpretive validity takes into account the validity of mapping study discussion and conclusions based on the results. In
the mapping study, we relied on a quantitative analysis of the extracted data. In the discussion and conclusions, we tried to
draw conclusions based solely on the quantitative results to reduce the risk of unclear conclusions.
Generalizability considers the degree to which we can generalize the results inside or outside of the studied population.
By utilizing a systematic way to construct the search string, identify studies, and extract results and by having continuous
group meetings to clarify the unclear parts, we believe this work provides a good population sample that can be generalized
inside the population. However, since the study was designed for IoT systems using edge computing, the results may not
apply to other related populations, like IoT systems in general or cloud computing.

4. Results

In this section, we present the findings of our study structured in terms of the classification provided in the previous
section (which also corresponds to the answers to the investigated research questions). The section is concluded by summary
of the main findings through answering the research questions.

4.1. Quality attributes (RQ1)

Fig. 4 shows the extent to which different qualities have been studied in the reviewed papers. More details about which
papers address the different quality attributes are presented in Table B.1.

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Fig. 4. The ISO/IEC 25010 qualities used by the literature and how often they are used.

The most commonly studied quality type is performance efficiency. Among the performance qualities, time-behavior has
been studied by 78.6%, resource utilization by 64.3%, and capacity by 18.4% of the papers. According to the ISO/IEC 25010
definition, time behavior refers to “response and processing times and throughput rates of a product or system.” In the re-
viewed studies, time behavior mainly refers to the different types of latency in the system. Latency has been mentioned as
one of the main motivations for moving from the centralized cloud-based approaches to the distributed edge-based service
provisioning [2], which is supported by its frequent use in the reviewed studies (e.g., P2, P10, P19, P119, and P137). Through-
put of processed tasks or requests is another important aspect of the time behavior quality that has been investigated (e.g.,
P16 and P37).
Resource utilization, the second most studied quality, refers to “amounts and types of resources used by a product or
system”. In the studied literature, this quality mainly refers to the efficiency of the use of the available processing, storage,
and network resources, as well as to the system’s energy consumption. Efficient resource allocation is one of the main
challenges in computation and consequently edge computing [4]. Thus, a major portion of the papers predictably consider
it one of the main qualities for their evaluations (e.g., P2, P81, P110, and P133).
Capacity is the third most commonly used performance quality. It refers to the “maximum limits of a product or system”.
In the context of edge computing, the maximum amount of processed services, processing, and network capacity have
usually been used to refer to the capacity of the system (e.g., P35 and P68).
As shown in Fig. 4, functional suitability is the second most used quality type, and there are three qualities studied:
functional completeness, correctness, and appropriateness. The most common is functional correctness, defined as “degree of
precision of a product or system.” In edge computing, this mainly refers to accuracy or precision (e.g., P1, P9, and P100).
Functional appropriateness is defined as “facilitating the accomplishment of specified tasks and objectives.” Functional com-
pleteness refers to “covering all the specified tasks and user objectives.” It is used only in one paper (P74).
Reliability, security, and usability are the other quality types investigated by the reviewed literature. While edge devices
vary in type and capabilities with different types of failure protection, providing highly reliable services for the end-users
is one of the major challenges. For reliability, five papers investigated availability, and only one paper investigated fault
tolerance. Availability is the “degree to which a system, product or component is operational and accessible when required
for use,” and fault tolerance refers to “operating as intended despite the presence of hardware or software faults.” Regarding
security, we found only one paper that used the authenticity quality (P4), which is measured by the degree of trust. Finally,
concerning usability, two papers (P9 and P111) measured appropriateness recognizability, which is defined as recognizing the
appropriateness of a product or system by the user.

4.1.1. The number of qualities

The number of measured qualities shows how well different aspects of a solution have been investigated quantitatively
(see Fig. 5). The number of qualities for each paper is presented in Table B.1. As we can see in Fig. 5, about half of the papers
consider two qualities. Most of them consider time behavior and resource utilization (e.g., P19, P23, and P29). Moreover, 27%
of the papers consider only one quality attribute, and as expected, time behavior (P20, P27, and P31) and resource utilization
(P93, P112, and P133) are the most used ones. Among the papers that considered three qualities, time behavior, resource
utilization, and capacity are the most common (P16, P37, P62, P64, P68, P98, and P107). Functional correctness (P91, P115,
and P139) and functional appropriateness (P106 and P117) are also considered in the literature, alongside resource utilization

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Fig. 5. The percentage of the number of qualities used in the literature to evaluate an IoT system.

Table 3
The most used metrics for the most used qualities.

Quality Most used metrics

Time behavior Response time, turnaround time, throughput

Resource utilization Processor utilization, bandwidth utilization, energy consumption, edge/cloud devices utilization
Capacity Transaction processing capacity
Functional correctness Functional correctness (accuracy, precision and errors)

and time behavior. Finally, four qualities were used in three studies (P53, P68, and P125) for evaluating by measurement.
Importantly, some papers measure several aspects of a specific quality attribute. For example, P53 evaluates time behavior
through end-to-end delay, waiting time, and completion time. However, based on the ISO/IEC 25010 standard these different
aspects refer to one quality that is time behavior.

4.1.2. Qualities studied in comparisons between edge and cloud computing

The comparison of deployment on edge and cloud computing is another aspect we investigated in this study. We found
20 papers that performed a comparison: P8, P11, P35, P40, P42, P43, P53, P62, P75, P90, P97, P103, P104, P105, P108, P114,
P119, P124, P136, and P137. The most commonly used quality for the comparison is time behavior, which was studied in
19 papers (all except P35). Resource utilization was used in 10 papers (P8, P42, P43, P62, P75, P90, P104, P119, P124, and
P126), capacity in two papers (P35 and P75), fault tolerance in one paper (P53), and functional appropriateness in one paper
(P103). Considering other qualities for this comparison is clearly a gap that needs to be addressed by future studies.

4.2. Metrics (RQ2)

To address RQ2, we considered the quantitative measurement of the qualities to extract the utilized metrics. After ex-
tracting the metrics, we found that a large number of different metrics have been used for each quality. To handle this
complexity, we classified them by considering suggested metric categories in ISO/IEC 25023 [33]. Additionally, we found
that some of the extracted metrics cannot be classified according to the ISO/IEC metrics, so we considered new categories
for those metrics. Table B.2 shows detailed information of the extracted metrics. For increased readability, we removed
statistical terms like “average,” “mean,” and “total amount.” Moreover, we introduce a combined category for the metrics
referring to more than one quality. A summary of the most used metrics for the most used qualities is provided in Table 3.

4.3. Trade-offs between qualities (RQ3)

For studying trade-off handling, we included papers that explicitly state and consider trade-off handling as one of the
contributions. Although 73% of papers considered two or more qualities, only 9% of papers used a method to handle trade-
off among different qualities. Considering a trade-off between time behavior and resource utilization has been the most
frequent (P39, P43, P50, P62, P64, and P68). In addition to time behavior and resource utilization, P64 considered capacity
in the tradeoff. In two papers (P96 and P115), a trade-off between resource utilization and functional correctness has been
studied. Finally, P4 proposed a tradeoff evaluation between resource utilization and authenticity.
The papers used various techniques for trade-off handling. To find optimal point considering delay and energy, P 39
used Lyapunov optimization technique, whereas P43 used BIP and genetic algorithms for the same trade-off. P62 considered
genetic algorithm (GA) as a heuristic approach to maximize the number of service placements to fog resources. Meanwhile,

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Fig. 6. Number of papers for each research type.

P50 used an approximation algorithm for the Connected Facility Location (ConFL) problem for handling a trade-off between
latency and resource usage. In P64, an optimization problem is formulated and solved with a binary-search water-filling
algorithm. The authors in P68 proposed their own heuristic algorithm to handle the trade-off between latency and energy
consumption. In P4, they utilized a Bi-level programming model (horizontal and vertical optimization) to find the optimal
point in multi-objective NP-hard problem for multiple qualities. Finally, to achieve a tradeoff between energy consumption
and the fair task offloading, P115 defined a new metric.

4.4. Research types (RQ4)

As Fig. 6 shows, the majority of the papers are solution proposals and validated research. About 86% of the papers
validated a solution through prototyping, simulation, or mathematical analysis. A common process was to propose a new
solution and then validated the solution by prototyping or simulation (e.g., P16, P19, and P20). Moreover, some of the pa-
pers have performed evaluation research (e.g. P10) and conducted a philosophical type of research (e.g., P11 and P45). The
domination of solution proposal and validated research may be due to the fact that the concept of edge computing was
introduced recently and there are still many opportunities to explore. Therefore, a high portion of research mainly proposes
new solutions in order to make it mature enough for practical use cases in the near future. More details about the papers’
research type can be found in Table B.2.

4.5. Validation methods (RQ5)

Research on Edge-Cloud architectures for IoT systems analyzes quality attributes in various ways. We extracted the vali-
dation types based on the definition of validation research. Since edge computing is still in an early stage and real implemen-
tations are few, the reviewed papers often utilized simulation or prototyping to evaluate a system or validate their proposed
solution. As can be seen in Fig. 7, simulation is by far the most popular method (e.g., P29, P30, and P35). While Prototyping
is also a popular method (P27, P46, and P49), the problems of scalability and limited real-world conditions are weaknesses
of this type of evaluation. Mathematical analysis and mathematical proof are the other approaches to validate proposed
claims, and they are specifically used for optimization and resource allocation problems (P19 and P20). A few studies (P23
and P63) considered large-scale existing test-beds to evaluate a solution in terms of quality attributes. More details can be
found in Table B.3.

4.6. Summary of main findings

Below we list the main findings from our study structured according to the research questions:

• RQ1: What quality attributes have been considered for IoT systems using edge computing?
◦ The most investigated qualities relate to performance efficiency, in particular time behavior and resource utilization,
which were studied in a majority of the papers.
◦ Functional suitability was studied in about 20% and reliability in about 5% of the papers.
◦ Very few studies measured security and usability qualities, and no studies were found that measured compatibility,
maintainability, and adaptability, although they can be considered important for IoT systems.
◦ ISO 25010 does not provide a perfect match for some qualities that were studied, like energy consumption and trust.

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Fig. 7. The validation methods used in the papers that included validated research.

◦ The majority of the papers considered just one or two qualities for quantitative evaluation.
• RQ2: What metrics have been used for measuring the qualities?
◦ The most used metric categories are response time, turnaround time, throughput, correctness, processor utilization,
bandwidth utilization, energy consumption, edge/cloud device utilization of devices, and transaction processing ca-
• RQ3: What trade-offs between qualities have been investigated?
◦ The trade-off between time behavior and resource utilization is the most commonly studied.
◦ The papers consider the trade-offs among just two or three qualities.
• RQ4: What types of research have been conducted in this area?
◦ Solution proposal and validated research are by far the dominating research types.
• RQ5: What methods of validation have been used?
◦ Simulation is by far the most used validation method.

5. Discussion

We conducted this mapping study mainly to identify the qualities that have been considered by the literature on IoT
systems using edge computing and investigate how those qualities were used. . Below we provide a discussion regarding
the findings, challenges, and research gaps.

5.1. Investigated qualities and metrics

As shown in Fig. 4, performance qualities consisting of time behavior, resource utilization, and capacity were the most
investigated qualities in the literature. Completeness, appropriateness, and correctness for functional suitability; availability and
fault tolerance for reliability; security; and usability have also been investigated but to a much lesser extent. However, there
is just one paper focusing on security, while a large portion of the research studies on IoT and edge computing focus on
security [31]. This may relate to the fact that studies investigating security do not evaluate their results using security met-
rics; they usually consider the performance-related qualities such as latency and resource usage to measure the efficiency
of a security solution.
We also found that compatibility, portability, and maintainability have not been addressed by the literature. This can be
interpreted in two ways: (1) these qualities are not relevant in the studied domain; or (2) there is a gap in the research,
and more studies should be conducted for those qualities. We argue that these qualities are important in the edge com-
puting domain. Portability refers to “degree of effectiveness and efficiency with which a system, product or component can
be transferred from one hardware, software or other operational or usage environment to another.” Clearly, service migra-
tion and dynamic placement of application components on different edge resources are one of the main features in edge
computing investigated in several research studies [34][35]. Similarly, compatibility, which refers to the “degree to which a
product, system or component can exchange information with other products, systems or components,” is relevant for edge
computing. Heterogeneous devices and applications should work together to provide the required infrastructure for IoT ap-
plications [35]. The relevance of maintainability for edge computing may be motivated, for example, through its sub-quality
modularity, which refers to the “degree to which a system or computer program is composed of discrete components such
that a change to one component has minimal impact on other components.” In order for an application to be deployed in a

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Table 4
Supported metrics by edge computing simulators.

Simulators Supported metrics

iFogSim [36] Response time, processing delay, bandwidth utilization, processing utilization, energy consumption
FogNetSim++ [37] Processing delay, network delay, energy consumption, transaction processing capacity
EdgeCloudSim [38] Response time, processing delay, network delay, bandwidth utilization, capacity
IoTSim [39] Processing delay, bandwidth utilization, processing utilization
FogTorchII [40] Processing delay, network delay, bandwidth utilization, memory utilization, I/O device utilization
EmuFog [41] Response time, network delay
FogBed [42] Response time

distributed way in edge and cloud solutions, its components need to be modular. A higher degree of modularity will provide
more possibilities for distributed deployment.
Another finding is related to the quality model in ISO/IEC 25010. We found that this model does not include some well-
known qualities studied in the IoT literature, such as energy consumption and trust. Although energy consumption has been
broadly used in the literature, there is no good match for this metric in the ISO/IEC standard. In this study, we classified
energy consumption under the resource utilization quality, considering power as a resource of a system. For trust (studied in
P4), we found authenticity as the closest quality to map it to, although we believe there are some differences.
Moreover, the number of measured qualities shows how different aspects of a solution have been investigated quantita-
tively. The results presented in Fig. 5 imply that 80% of the papers consider just one or two quality attributes for quantitative
evaluation. We believe that although research directions on measuring specific qualities are highly beneficial to understand
the behavior of the system from a certain point of view, there is also a need for more general frameworks that consider
measuring more qualities and propose an overall evaluation based on different qualities and their trade-offs. We also investi-
gated comparisons between different cloud and edge computing solutions. Based on the findings, time behavior and resource
utilization are the most used quality attributes. Clearly, there is a gap in comparing cloud vs. edge solutions by considering
other qualities.
It is also worth mentioning that there are several important aspects of IoT systems, such as the heterogeneity and loca-
tion of edge nodes, and the mobility of devices as well as end-users, which influence the deployment decisions. How well
an IoT system can manage these aspects can be captured by qualities like interoperability, availability, and adaptability. For
example, to support mobility, it is typically important that the system has high availability and low latency. Regarding the
heterogeneity and location of edge nodes, the physical infrastructure is in some cases already in place when the system
designer makes the deployment decisions, whereas in other cases the designer also specifies the physical infrastructure in-
cluding the placement and type of the edge devices. We believe that the relation between quality attributes and aspects
such as heterogeneity, location, and mobility needs further study.

5.2. Trade-off handling

Our analysis shows that the main focus has been on handling trade-offs among performance qualities. Moreover, in han-
dling the trade-offs, the papers usually consider two or a very limited number of qualities. However, in many applications,
additional key qualities need to be considered in the trade-offs, for example, trade-offs between correctness, availability, la-
tency, resource usage, capacity, and energy consumption. Based on the presented results, the common trend is to investigate
a trade-off between time behavior and resource utilization. Thus, two major gaps are evident: (1) considering other qualities
in a trade-off and (2) considering a trade-off among all qualities in a single framework. For the first gap, a trade-off needs
to be considered between each quality and other qualities that may impact, for example, considering a trade-off between
availability and latency or resource utilization. For the second gap, a general framework needs to be proposed that contains
all the important qualities. Then, insights about different possibilities can be provided based on the design requirements
and preferences.

5.3. Research types and validation methods

As shown in Fig. 6, solution proposal and validated research are the dominant research types. This seems reasonable since
we focused on the metrics, attributes, and criteria for assessing IoT systems that use edge computing. However, as the re-
search in edge computing is still at an early stage, more philosophical studies are expected in the future. Additionally, among
the validated research types, we found that simulation is the most popular. This is also reasonable due to budget limitations
and the lack of practically implemented solutions for edge computing. However, simulation hinders or at least complicates
measuring some of the quality attributes like security and interoperability. Another reason why some qualities like latency,
energy consumption, and resource usage have been explored the most might be that using simulation to measure such
qualities is easier compared to others. In Table 4 a list of edge computing simulators and the supported metrics is provided
(more details are available in [32]). Further, we believe that research should be conducted to identify the quality attributes

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

and metrics currently supported by the simulators and investigate additional potential capabilities that could support more
realistic simulations by considering various quality aspects.

5.4. Future research directions

Based on the results and discussion, we identified several research gaps that require future studies. One of the primary
findings is that the literature utilizes only a few metrics to measure some of the qualities (e.g., security and usability). Thus,
quantitatively formulating these qualities and providing metrics for their measurement is an important direction for future
work. Moreover, some of the qualities in ISO/IEC 25010 (e.g., compatibility, portability, and maintainability) have not been
addressed by researchers even though they can be influential in the decision making process. Conducting more studies on
the impact of these qualities for the deployment of IoT systems will provide a deeper understanding of their role in this
Another gap is related to the number of qualities used for making a decision and comparing edge and cloud computing
deployment solutions. Time-behavior and resource utilization are dominant qualities for making decisions and comparing
deployment choices. We identified a similar trend for the trade-off handling among the qualities. It was evident that the
literature mainly focused on handling trade-offs among performance qualities. Thus, another research direction is to consider
other qualities for making a decision among different deployment solutions and to handle the trade-off between those
qualities. Moreover, future research could also consider providing a decision-support framework that includes mechanisms
to handle the trade-off among several qualities.
Finally, it would be interesting to know more about the impact of the application type with respect to the used qualities
and metrics. However, in our study it was not possible to study this since only a few papers in the literature considered
a specific application and analyzed the relevant qualities and metrics. The majority of the papers considered in our study
did not focus on a specific application type, but rather, they proposed a general solution for all types of applications. The
relation between application types and qualities is a topic that requires further investigation.

6. Conclusions

In this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping study aiming to identify the quality attributes and metrics used to
evaluate IoT systems using an edge computing architecture. By applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, we selected 98 pa-
pers for data extraction. By analyzing the papers, we identified the current trends and research gaps about quality attributes.
Regarding the popularity of qualities, performances (i.e., time behavior, resource utilization, and capacity) were the most
commonly used. We also found that although quantitative measurement of a quality is the typical evaluation method, there
is a lack of established metrics for some of them, such as security, compatibility, portability, and maintainability. Moreover,
the literature often evaluated only one or two qualities, and the analysis of the trade-offs between them was limited.
The following are some of the main research gaps that should be addressed in future work: (1) metrics for the less
measured qualities, i.e., security, usability, compatibility, maintainability, and portability; (2) general frameworks considering
measurements of multiple qualities and the trade-off between them; (3) considering qualities other than time behavior and
resource utilization for making deployment decisions; and (4) extension of the available IoT simulators to support additional

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This work is partially financed by the Knowledge Foundation through the Internet of Things and People research profile
(Malmö University, Sweden 20140035).

Appendix A. List of all included papers in the mapping study

P1 [43], P2 [44] P3 [45], P4 [46], P8 [47], P9 [48], P10 [49], P11 [50], P12 [51], P16 [52], P19 [53], P20 [54], P23 [55], P27
[56], P29 [57], P31 [58], P35 [59], P37 [60], P39 [61], P40 [62], P42 [63], P43 [64], P45 [65], P46 [66], P48 [67], P49 [68], P50
[69], P52 [70], P53 [71], P54 [72], P57 [73], P60 [74], P62 [75], P63 [76], P64 [77], P65 [78], P66 [79], P68 [80], P74 [81], P75
[82], P78 [83], P80 [84], P81 [85], P82 [86], P83 [87], P84 [88], P85 [89], P86 [90], P87 [91], P88 [92], P89 [93], P90 [94], P91
[95], P92 [96], P93 [97], P94 [98], P95 [99], P96 [100], P97 [101], P98 [102], P99 [103], P100 [104], P101 [105], P102 [106],
P103 [107], P104 [108], P105 [109], P106 [110], P107 [111], P108 [112], P109 [113], P110 [114], P111 [115], P112 [116], P113
[117], P114 [118], P115 [119], P116 [120], P117 [121], P118 [122], P119 [123], P120 [124], P121 [125], P122 [126], P123 [127],
P124 [128], P125 [129], P126 [130], P127 [131], P128 [132], P129 [133], P130 [134], P131 [135], P132 [136], P133 [137], P134
[138], P135 [139], P136 [140], P137 [141], P138 [142], P139 [143].

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Appendix B. The Tables

Table B1
List of papers for each quality based on the evaluation methods.

ISO/IEC 25010 root Qualities Papers


Functional Correctness P1, P9, P48, P53, P80, P82, P87, P89, P91, P96, P100, P115, P120, P121, P122, P132, P139
suitability Completeness P74
Performance Time-behavior P1, P2, P8, P10, P11, P12, P16, P19, P29, P23, P27, P29, P31, P37, P39, P40, P42, P43, P45, P46,
P48, P49, P50, P52, P53, P60, P62, P63, P65, P68, P75, P80, P81, P83, P84, P85, P86, P88, P90,
P91, P92, P94, P97, P98, P99, P103, P104, P105, P106, P107, P108, P109, P110, P113, P114, P115,
P116, P117, P118, P119, P120, P121, P122, P123, P124, P125, P126, P127, P128, P129, P130,
P131, P134, P135, P136, P137, P138, P139
Resource P2, P4, P8, P10, P11, P12, P16, P19, P23, P37, P39, P42, P43, P45, P46, P48, P49, P50, P57, P62,
utilization P63, P64, P65, P68, P75, P81, P82, P83, P84, P86, P89, P90, P91, P92, P93, P95, P96, P98, P104,
P106, P107, P108, P110, P112, P113, P115, P116, P117, P118, P119, P123, P124, P125, P126,
P127, P128, P131, P132, P133, P135, P136, P139
Capacity P9, P12, P16, P37, P48, P49, P53, P57, P60, P64, P66, P68, P75, P88, P98, P107, P134, P138
Reliability Availability P10, P68, P125, P132
Fault tolerance P53
Security Authenticity P4
Usability Appropriateness P9, P111

Table B2

Extracted metrics, categorized by ISO/IEC 25023 (The metrics marked are not included in ISO/IEC 25023.).

ISO/IEC 25010 ISO/IEC 25023

Qualities Metrics Metrics

Functional Functional Accuracy (P53, P89, P100), Square error (P80, P100), Number of raw data messages discarded
Correctness correctness (P1), Normalized mutual information (P48), Number of accomplished tasks (P82), Relative
percentage deviation (P87), Total tardiness (P87), Successful rate (P87), Fair load balancing
(P91), Top 1 accuracy (P96), Detection rate (P100), False positive rate (P100), False negative rate
(P100), Precision (P100), F1-measure (P100), Mathew correlation coefficient (P100), Cohen’s
Kappa K coefficient (P100), Fairness index (P115), Bonus score (P120), Service time error (P121),
Recognition accuracy (P122), Packet reception rate (P132), Executed and failed tasks (P139)
Functional Functional Requirements fulfillment index (P74)
Completeness coverage
Functional Functional Number of task migrations (P101), Task disutility (P101), Compression rate (P102), Number of
appropriateness appropriateness of required runtimes (P103), Percentage of QoS satisfied applications (P106), Offloading overhead
usage objective (P117), Preference level (P125)
(continued on next page)

M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Table B2 (continued)

ISO/IEC 25010 ISO/IEC 25023 Metrics

Qualities Metrics

Time behavior Response time Response time (P16, P60, P62, P86, P88, P94, P92, P104, P118, P129, P130, P137), Service latency
(P29, P39, P43, P123, P131, P139), Round-trip time (P10, P37, P113, P124), End to end delay
(P53, P84, P108), Request time (P105, P106), Number of iterations for application placement
(P40, P103), Service allocation delay (P2), Convergence delay (P8), Latency of application (P12),
Latency ratio (P19), First response time of processing a dataset (P20), Convergence time for a
decision (P31), System response time (P40), Time to decision (P42), Delivery latency (P48),
Response time of computation tasks (P49), Activation time (P49), Service execution delay (P62)
Response time Slowdown of an application (P40, P103), Deadline violation (P62), Distance to deadline (P75)
Turnaround time Processing/execution time (P11, P45, P68, P81, P84, P90, P97, P98, P107, P108, P113, P114, P116,
P131), Delay/latency (P60, P110, P117, P119, P127, P128, P135, P136), Completion time (P20,
P53, P99, P120), Scheduling time (P92, P109, P121), Transmission delay (P29, P113, P131),
Running time (P50, P83, P99), Delay jitter (P39, P137), Task delay (P84, P115), Forwarding delay
(P12), Communications latency ratio (P19), Delay of transferring datasets (P20), CPU time (P1),
Time to write or read (P23), Time taken to create container for new images (P27), Time taken to
create container for existing images (P27), Time taken to transfer the application file (P27),
Time taken to transfer the log file (P27), Loading time (P37), Reconfiguration time (P46),
Contention cost (P50), Accessing cost of data chunks (P50), Handover latency (P52), Latency of
data synchronization (P52), Time complexity (P37), Sync time (P53), Number of iterations (P53),
Writing and reading times (P63), Container activation time (P81), Network latency (P90),
Network relaxation time (P106), Time in flight (P108), Communication latency (P114), Local job
duration (P126)
Throughput Bandwidth throughput (P29, P80, P114, P81), Throughput of request serviced (P16), Number of
messages processed (P16), Successful executed job throughput (P37), Queue length in time
(P39), Operations per second (P45), Memory speed (P81), Disk throughput (P81), Floating point
operations per second (P81), Read throughput (P84), Write throughput (P84), Throughput
(P110), Data rate (P125), Task throughput (P138)
Other∗ Waiting time (P53, P91, P134), Queue time (P1, P80), Lifetime (P75), Node lifetime extensibility
Resource Processor CPU utilization (P16, P37, P49, P98, P106, P108, P126), CPU/processor consumption (P46, P86,
utilization utilization P93, P133), Processing power (P11), Processing cost for each application (P12), Computing load
(P19), System load (P81), CPU workload (P95), CPU frequency (P126)
Memory utilization Memory usage (P86, P108, P113), Queue utilization (P37, P98)
I/O devices Storage overhead (P65)
Bandwidth Network usage (P90, P91, P119, P133, P136), Bandwidth consumption (P8, P104, P118, P127),
utilization Communication cost (P4, P65, P96), Amount of data sent (P23, P63, P106), Number of
retransmissions (P8, P37), Number of messages (P93, P131), Volume of data transmitted (P42,
P83), Required bandwidth (P8), Traffic load (P19), Computation cost (P65), Data offload ratio
(P84), Saved traffic (P89), Communication workload (P95), Ingress traffic (P107)
Energy Energy consumption (P4, P37, P39, P42, P4, P45, P82, P84, P92, P110, P112, P115, P116, P117,
Consumption∗ P118, P119, P123, P128, P139), Power consumption (P42, P49, P81, P122, P125, P136),
Transmission energy (P10), Allocated power (P64), Residual energy (P68), Energy spent (P75),
Energy efficiency (P81), Power current drain (P82), Power aggravation (P83)
Edge/Cloud Device Percentage of allocated slots (P2), Hop-count distribution (P48), Number of nodes needed to
utilization∗ store data (P50), Number of services placed on fog (P62), Number of tasks per node (P92),
Resource utilization ratio (P106), Resource utilization (P110), Number of clusters (P110), VM
usage (P110), Number of devices (P110), Proportion of fog nodes (P115), Battery lifetime (P132),
Number of forwarding hops (P135), Device use rates (P135)
Other∗ Processor temperature (P93, P126), Spectrum efficiency (P57), Temperature P81, Number of
assigned users per task (P82), Payload size (P108)
Capacity Transaction Drop rate (P98, P134, P138), Number of satisfied requests (P9), System loss rate (P16), Cloud
processing capacity requests fulfilled (P35), Number of existing jobs in the CPU queues (P37), Rate of targets
dropped over arrival (P37), Cumulative delivery ratio (P48), Max system load (P49), Provisioned
capacity (P53), Service drop rate (P57), Processing capacity (P64), Number of finalized Jobs
(P66), Number of executed packets (P68), Deadline missing ratio (P75), Max transactions per
second (P88), Fresh processing rate (P107), Shelf processing rate (P107)
Link capacity∗ Link quality (P68), Channel capacity (P68), Packet loss (P60), Max bandwidth before starting to
lose any packet (P60)
Availability Availability Uptime (P10), Signal level (P52), Link quality (P52), Coverage zone (P52), ECG waveforms (P52),
Coverage area range (P125), Coverage (P132)
Down time Path loss (P68)
Fault tolerance Failure avoidance Percentage of scheduled requests with crash (P53)
Authenticity Authentication Degree of trust (P4)
Appropriateness Demonstration User experience (P9), Requirement coverage from user perspective (P111)
recognizability coverage
Combined Green security-based trust-enabled performance price ratio (P4), Successful executed job
percentage to the energy consumed (P37), Operations per second per watt (P45), Efficiency
score (P98)
M. Ashouri, P. Davidsson and R. Spalazzese Internet of Things 13 (2021) 100346

Table B3
List of the papers for each research type.

Research type Papers

Solution proposal P1, P2, P4, P8, P9, P11, P12, P16, P19, P20, P23, P27, P29, P31, P35, P37, P39, P40, P42, P43, P45,
P46, P48, P49, P50, P52, P53, P57, P60, P62, P63, P64, P65, P66, P68, P74, P75, P80, P81, P82,
P83, P84, P86, P87, P88, P89, P91, P92, P94, P95, P96, P97, P98, P99, P100, P101, P102, P103,
P104, P105, P106, P107, P109, P111, P112, P113, P115, P116, P117, P120, P121, P122, P123,
P125, P126, P128, P129, P131, P132, P133, P134, P135, P136, P137, P139
Validated research P1, P2,4, P8, P9, P11, P12, P16, P19, P20, P23, P27, P29, P31, P35, P37, P39, P40, P42, P43, P45,
P46, P48, P49, P50, P52, P53, P57, P60, P62, P63, P64, P65, P66, P68, P74, P75, P80, P81, P82,
P83, P84, P86, P87, P88, P89, P91, P92, P94, P95, P96, P97, P98, P99, P100, P101, P102, P103,
P104, P105, P106, P107, P109, P111, P112, P113, P115, P116, P117, P120, P121, P122, P125,
P126, P128, P129, P131, P132, P133, P134, P135, P136, P137, P138, P139
Philosophical P11, P45, P110, P118, P119, P124, P125
Evaluation research P10, P85, P90, P93, P108, P114, P118, P119, P124, P127, P130, P138,
Personal –
experience papers
Opinion papers –

Table B4
List of the papers for the validation types.

Validation type Papers

Simulation P2, P4, P8, P9, P11, P12, P16, P19, P20, P29, P31, P35, P37, P39, P40, P43, P45, P48, P50, P53,
P57, P62, P64, P66, P68, P74, P75, P80, P82, P83, P84, P87, P89, P91, P92, P95, P97, P98, P99,
P100, P101, P103, P106, P107, P109, P112, P113, P115, P116, P117, P120, P121, P128, P129,
P131, P132, P134, P135, P136, P137, P138, P139

Prototyping P1, P8, P9, P27, P42, P46, P49, P52, P60, P65, P81, P86, P88, P94, P102, P105, P106, P111, P122,
P125, P126, P133, P137
Mathematical P20, P39, P48, P50, P65, P94, P138
Mathematical P19, P39, P48, P53, P64, P65, P101, P102, P115, P121
Experiment P23, P63, P96, P100, P104


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