The Sovereignty of Space and Its Resources

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COMMITTEE: Special Political and Decolonization Committee

THE QUESTION OF : The Sovereignty of Space and its Resources

MAIN SUBMITTER: Russian Federation

CO-SUBMITTERS: Republic of Belarus, Islamic Republic of Iran, Republic of India, Democratic P

eople’s Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, Swiss Confederation


Bearing in mind that outer space shall be free for exploration and use by all Nations,

Recognizing that ESA(European Space Agency) and the European Union are committed to rebuilding
a more cooperative international space relationship,

Deeply concerned that certain countries including the United States of America, China, and Russia are
refusing to sign ‘The Moon Treaty’ which prohibits the possession of lunar resources as it damages th
e commercial use of resources in outer space,

Noting further that the Outer Space Treaty (OST) of 1967 has been insufficient and ambiguous in pro
viding clear regulations to newer space activities such as asteroid mining,

Further reminds that near earth orbit is becoming polluted by space debris and decommissioned satell

Notes that such countries such as Russia, U.S, and China are still testing space weapons,

1. Requests all nations to constructively sign in a new treaty called the SMT(Space Management
Treaty) which has a goal to prohibit illegal military activities in space in such ways but not li
mited to:
a. SMT signatories do not have rights to individually claim or possess resources from ou
ter space in such ways but not limited to:
i. resources will be managed by UN,
ii. resources will be used when they are needed by each nation,
b. SMT signatories will have conferences to decide how to distribute space resources to
related countries
i. conference will be held annually,
ii. conference has a purpose to distribute resources peacefully and fairly,
c. SMT signatories are responsible for any infractions they make in such ways but not li
mited to:
i. the individual nation that made an infraction will pay a fine to victim countrie
s based on the nation’s economic situation,
ii. individual nations who make infractions will be limited in space access,
iii. individual nations who make infractions would have the amount of resources
allocated to them limited or removed completely,
d. states should not send nuclear or conventional weapons into outer space,
e. the treaty will be supported by such national apparatuses but not limited to:
i. NSS (National Space Society),
ii. ESA (European Space Agency),
iii. CNES(Centre national d'études spatiales);

2. Calls upon all the United Nations for active encouragement and full support on committee cal
led COPUOS(Committee on the Peaceful Use of Outer Space), which purpose is to monitor th
e implementation of treaties to manage the conflict of space sovereignty issues against countri
es and private companies and resources, keeping the regulations of ‘Space Management Treat
y’ in Operative clause 1 such as but not limited to:
a. COPUOS will monitor the implementations in such ways but not limited to:
i. nations have to report the progress in space development periodically,
ii. nations will be monitored whether nations comply with treaties or not,
iii. nations will be supervised strictly in order to make sure the space resources ar
e distributed practically,
iv. if COPOUS decides a country violated the regulation, COPOUS will mobiliz
e people as a warning sign,
b. COPUOS will look for ways to set new standards, regulations and rules if necessary t
o support new activities such as but not limited to :
i. individual companies should inform COPOUS of their plan,
ii. COPIOUS will impose sanctions to individual companies which do not follo
w regulations,
c. all nations should participate in the conference to discuss the reports of what COPOU
S has recorded in such ways but not limited to:
i. discuss punishments of the nations that break regulations,
ii. the conference will be held annually in UNOOSA (United Nations Office for
Outer Space Affairs);
3. Calls up all nations to create international guidelines and laws of space to deal with space disp
utes between states and countries, and furthermore to create an international court in order to
punish illegal activity in such ways but not limited to:
a. the guidelines to preservation of space,
b. the guidelines to prevention of contamination of the near earth space environment:
i. dealing with space debris,
ii. conserving space resources,

4. Requests nations related to space debris to participate in an organization called ESDP(Elimina

tion of Space Debris Pollution) in order to supervise and develop methods to obliterate space
debris in such ways but not limited to:
a. ESDP member nations will send experts and volunteers annually in such ways but not
limited to:
i. each country will send up to 20 people including experts and volunteers,
ii. experts and volunteers will be selected by the nation with large amount of exa
minations and researches,
b. ESDP member nations will share their information in such ways, but not limited to:
i. amount of space debris the nation is making annually,
ii. materials that are origins of space debris,
c. ESDP researchers will be focusing on the development of techniques and dissolvents
to decrease the amounts of space debris;

5. Recommends that all nations are allowed to access space resources in an equal manner remin
ding nations of operative clause 1, sub-clause a, in such ways but not limited to:
a. responsibility for regulating space activities:
i. governments,
ii. to the individual countries where the activity is taking place,
b. Space law also encompasses national laws,
c. Nations wanting to access space resources will get permits from COPUOS by submitt
ing a written permission in such ways but not limited to:
i. main purpose for space mining,
ii. location where the nation will mine,
iii. materials the state will excavate from space,
d. COPUOS will restrict the mining amount in such ways but not limited to:
i. nation’s space vehicle should return within 5 months of launch,
ii. limiting amount of space resource each country can use;
6. Encourages every nation to manage education in schools to create and develop awareness of
space concerns and solutions in such ways but not limited to:
a. create school newspapers that deal with space education in such ways but not limited
i. history of space,
ii. current situation and conditions of space,
iii. information about what space related organizations and NGOs do in action,
iv. introduce various campaigns and movements done to solve space problems,
b. schools will open ‘national space day’ that exhibits various events and content related
to space in such ways but not limited to:
i. quiz competitions which usually handle basic background about space,
ii. space problem solving contests,
iii. space problem solving debates,
iv. lectures from space experts,
v. reviews after watching space documentaries,

7. Further recommends all nations to advertise the topic of the sovereignty of space and its resou
rces in such ways but not limited to:
a. what has changed from the original Outer Space Treaty(OST) to the new Space Mana
gement Treaty(SMT):
i. advertise through SNS posts,
ii. advertise through newspaper
b. the role of COPUOS,
i. by SNS posts,
ii. through newspaper,
iii. via YouTube,
c. the importance of distributing space resources fairly,
i. by SNS posts,
ii. through newspaper,
iii. by public advertisement,
iv. via YouTube.

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