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* The business identify and improve the environmental impacts of their
operations, including resource use, waste disposal, material flows, and
green house gas emmisions
* The business identify and improve the environmental impacts of their
operations, including resource use, waste disposal, material flows, and
green house gas emmisions.
* The business has a waste treatment system of all kinds for its production
and business system that is working well.
* The business have policies to encourage employees to look for new
materials to replace environmentally harmful and non-renewable
* The business have an action plan and regular practices to recycle/ reuse
its waste, applying environmental friendly technology, and utilizing
renewable materials.
* Managers and employees in the business are always conscious of keeping
clean in public places and workplace.
* The business uses low carbon energy to replace for the use of fossil
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* Organizational governance — practicing accountability and x
transparency at all levels of the organization; using leadership to
create an organizational culture which uses core values of social
responsibility when making business decisions
* Human rights — treating all individuals with respect; making x
special efforts to help people from vulnerable groups
* Labour practices — providing just, safe and healthy conditions x
for workers; engaging in two-way discussions to address workers’
* Fair operating practices — respecting the law; practicing
accountability and fairness in their dealings with other businesses,
including suppliers
* Consumer issues — providing healthy and safe products, giving
accurate information, and promoting sustainable consumption
* Community involvement and development — getting involved
in the betterment of the local communities that the business
operates in; being a good neighbour


1 2 3 4 5 6 7
* The business identify and improve the environmental impacts of their
operations, including resource use, waste disposal, material flows, and
green house gas emmisions
* The business identify and improve the environmental impacts of their
operations, including resource use, waste disposal, material flows, and
green house gas emmisions.
* The business has a waste treatment system of all kinds for its production
and business system that is working well.
* The business have policies to encourage employees to look for new
materials to replace environmentally harmful and non-renewable
* The business have an action plan and regular practices to recycle/ reuse
its waste, applying environmental friendly technology, and utilizing
renewable materials.
* Managers and employees in the business are always conscious of keeping
clean in public places and workplace.
* The business uses low carbon energy to replace for the use of fossil
3) How could the business model be changed/reconceptualised to make it substantially
more sustainable (i.e. we are not looking for incremental change)?
1. Customer segment
2. Value proposition:
- people: encourage Tesla employees to share their feedback openly (and
anonymously, if they prefer), and provide easy methods to do so -> từ đó tìm ra cách để
duy trì và cải thiện mối quan hệ tốt đẹp giữa các cấp bậc trong công ty, duy trì nền văn
hoá cởi mở và minh bạch
3. Customer relationship
4. Chanel
5. Key activities
6. Key resources
7. Key partners
8. Revenue streams
9. Cost structure

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