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1. Give the detailed account of the Collision theory of reaction rates of

bimolecular gaseous reaction. [75-6]
What is ‘Moleculatiry’ of reaction? How is it different from the ‘Order’ of a
reaction? Name one Bimolecular & one Trimolecular gaseous reactions.[74-2]

2. What are Galvanic cell? Explain the working of a galvanic cell with a neat
sketch taking Daniel cell as example? [70-1] Primary & Secondary cell
What is Electrolysis? Give Faraday’s First and second law of electrolysis?
A solution of CuSO4 is electrolyzed for 10minutes with a current of 1.5 ampers.
what is the mass of copper deposited at the cathode. [71-5], [68-8], [71-1]
State and explain Kohlrausch’s law of independent migration of ions? [71-4]

3. How is Ozone prepared from oxygen? Explain its reaction with [85-1]
a) Pbs b) KI c) Hg d)Ag e) C2H4 f) NO

4. How is Chlorine prepared in the Laboratory? How does it react with the
following? [88-1] & Deacons method [86-7]
a) Iron b) Hot, con.NaOH c) Acidified FeSO4
d) Iodine e) H2S f) Na2S2O3 & KI

5. How is Chlorine is prepared by Electrolytic method? Explain its reaction with

a) NaOH b) NH3 under different conditions c) Slaked lime; Ca(OH)2 [88-2]

6. a) How is Ammonia manufactured by Haber’s process? Explain the reactions of

ammonia with a) ZnSO4(aq) b) CuSO4(aq) c) AgCl(s) [84-1]
b) How Nitric acid is manufactured by Ostwald’s process? [84-2]
c) Explain the preparation of Sulphuric acid by contact process? [85-1]

7. With a suitable example write equations for the following: [111-1]

a) Kolbe’s reaction b) Reimer-Timenn reaction
c) Williamson’s ether synthesis
Write any two preparation methods of phenols? Explain the acidic nature of
phenols compare with that of alcohols [109-5,1] & [111-9]

8. Describe the following: [114-1]

a) Acetylation b) Cannizaro reaction
c) Cross aldol condensation d) Decarboxylation

Explain SN1 and SN2 reactions with one example? [107-1, 108-2]

9. Write the preparation, Structure, Shape, Hybridisation & reaction with water of
the following ; XeF2, XeF4, XeF6, XeO3 & XeOF4 [90-1.3] [89-1]

Write the effect of Temperature and Catalyst on Rate of a reaction [74-4, 75-5]
1. Derive Bragg’s equation? [62-1]
2. What is doping? Explain n – type and p – type semiconductors? [62-2]
3. What is Schottky defect, Frenkel defect, Octahedral & Tetrahedral hole [61-7,8]
4. Explain the similarities and differences between metallic and ionic crystals?
In terms of band Theory what is the differences between a conductor and
insulator [63-5,6] [62-13]
5. What is relative lowering of vapor pressure? How is it useful to determine the
molar mass of solute? [65-1]
6. What is Raoult’s law? Vapour pressure of water at 293K is 17.535mm Hg.
Calculate the vapor pressure of the solution at 293K when 25g of glucose is
dissolved in 450g of water. [64-1, Problems: 67-5, 4 & 66-4]
7. Define Molarity, Molality, Osmatic pressure, Isotonic solutions, & Henry’s law?
[64-6, 5, 3, 4, 2] [Problems: 67-2, 3]
8. What is mole fraction? Calculate the mole fraction of H2SO4 in a solution
congaing 98% H2SO4 by weight. [65-16, 64-11, 65-13, 67-1]
9. Derive the integrated rate equation for a first order reaction? [74-3]
10. What are different types of adsorption? Give any four differences between
Physical and chemical adsorption? [77-1]
11. What is catalysis? How is catalysis classified? Give four examples for each type
of catalysis? [77-2]
12. What are emulsions? How are they classified? applications of emulsion [77-3]
13. What are micelles? Write the cleaning active of soap? [77-4]
14. Writhe the purification of colloidal solutions by the dialysis process [78-7]
15. Explain the purification of sulphide ore by froth floatation process? [80-2]
16. Giving examples to differentiate roasting and calcination? [79-1]
17. Explain Werner’s theory of coordination compounds with examples? [92-1]
18. Write the characteristic properties of Transistion elements? [93-4]
19. What is lanthanide contraction? What are the consequences of lanthanide
contraction? [92-2]
20. Using IUPAC norms write formulas for the following [92-3]
21. Write the names and structures of the monomers of the following polymers
a) Bakelite b) Polystyrene d) Teflon e) PVC [95-5, 98-24]
f) Nylon-6,6 g) Glyptal h) Terylene & Dacron g) Buna – N & S
22. Give the sources of the following vitamins and name the diseases caused by
their deficiency [103-10, 100-14,15]
a) A b) D c) E d) K e) C
23. What are harmones? Give one example for each harmones [103-11]
What are essential and non essential aminoacids give examples [101-3]
24. Explain the following named reactions: [118-10, 1]
a) Sandmeyer reaction b) Gatterman reaction c) Wurtz fittig & fittig reaction
d) Carbyl amine reaction e) HVZ reaction f) Finkelstein & Swarts reacton
g) Diazotization reaction h) Aldol condensation & Clemenson reduction
25. Write balanced equation for the following [121-2] – IPE MATERIAL
a) NaCl is heated with Con.H2SO4 in the presence of MnO2
b) Chlorine is passed into a solution of NaI in water
 Write the name and formulae of the oxoacids of chlorine. Explain their
structures and relative acidic nature [87-1]
 What are interhalogen compounds? Give some example to illustrate the
definition How are they classified [87-2]
26. What are analgesics? How are they classified? Give examples? [106-1]

1. What are antacids, antibiotics & antiseptics? Give examples? [105-1, 6, 7]

Tranquilizers [105-3]
2. What are artificial sweetening agents & food preservatives give examples? [105-10, 11]

3. What is tincture of iodine? What are its uses? What are the differences between
soap and synthetic detergent? What is sopanification? [105-14, 13, 15, 17]

4. What are anti microbials, histamens & antioxidant? Give examples [105-5, 2, 12, 15]

5. What is PHBV? How is it useful to man? What is vulcanization of rubber [95-3, 96-6]

6. What is polymerisation ,elastomer,PDI & Zigler-Natta catalyst? [95-2,4,7, 97-13]

7. What are biodegradable polymers? Give two examples? [96-8]

8. What are thermoplastic and thermo setting polymers? [97-19, 20]

9. Nylon-6, Naylon-2-Nylon-6, co polymer & homo polymer? [97-14, 15, 21, 22]

10. What is Mischmetal, alloy, chelate ligand & ambidentate lignd [91-6,7,8,9]

11. Calculate the spin only magnetic moment of Fe+2 ion? [91-4]

12. Why Zn+2 is diamagnetic where as Mn+2 is paramagnetic? [91-1, 2]

13. Why CuSO4 5H2O is blue in colour where as anhydrous CuSO4 is color less?
Why? What is a ligand give example [91-3, 12]

14. In modern diving apparatus, a mixture of He and O2 is used-why? [89-7]

15. Write the preparation of XeO3 and XeO2F2, uses of Argon, Neon [89-2,3,4]

14. How Gibbs energy (G) related to the cell emf (E) mathematically? [68-3]

15. What is Nernst equation? Write the equation for an electrode with electrode
For metals and nonmetals? [70-2]

16. V, VI, VII GROUPS – 83 – 4, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15; 84 – 1, 85 – 2,3,4,5,6,7,8

86 – 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

17. SOLID STATE: 61 – 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 SOLUTIONS: 64 – 7, 8, 9, 10

18. ELECTRO CHEMISTRY: 69 – 8, 69 – 9, 10; 70-3

CHEMICAL KINETICS: 73 – 1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11
SURFACE CHEMISTRY: 76 - 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12
METALLURGY: 79 – 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11

*********ALL THE BEST*******


4. Write balanced equation for the following [121-2] – IPE MATERIAL

a) NaCl is heated with Con.H2SO4 in the presence of MnO2
b) Chlorine is passed into a solution of NaI in water
 Write the name and formulae of the oxoacids of chlorine. Explain their
structures and relative acidic nature [87-1]
 What are interhalogen compounds? Give some example to illustrate the
definition How are they classified [87-2]
II. Short Answer Questions. Answer All Questions. 3 x 4 = 12M

5. Two identical regular strips one of copper and the other of steel are rivetted together to

form a bimetallic strip. What will happen on heating?

6. Find the increase in temperature of aluminum rod if its length is to be increased by 1%

 o 1 
6  

 Al  25 x 10   
   

7. A ball is dropped from a building and simultaneously another ball is projected upward

with some velocity. Describe the change in relative velocities of the balls as a function of

time ?

SUB : CHEMISTRY Max. Marks :

I. Very Short Answer Questions. Answer All Questions. 2 x 2 = 4M

1. Which of the following two ions ca+2 or zn+2 is more stable and why?

2. What is the wavelength of an electron moving with a velocity of 2.05 x 10 7 m/sec

II. Short Answer Questions. Answer All Questions. 2 x 4 = 8M

3. What is lanthanide contraction? What are its consequences?

4. What is diagonal relationship? Give a pair of elements having diagonal relationship .why

do they show this relation?

III. Long Answer Question. Answer the Question. 1 x 8 = 8M

5. What are the postulates of Bohr’s model of hydrogen atom? Discuss the importance of

this model to explain various series of line spectrum in hydrogen atom.

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