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Republic of the Philippines

Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology

Peñaranda - Off Campus
Peñaranda Nueva Ecija

Date: March 22, 2023

a. Identify the rules on subject-verb agreement.
b. Write sentences which follows to the basic rule on Subject-Verb Agreement
c. Appreciate the importance of the Subject-Verb Agreement in meaningful


Topic: Figures of Speech
Reference: English10-Q3-Module-2-Lesson-2-M6-2
Materials: Laptop, power point presentation, TV
Values Integration: Having a purposeful communication


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
Class, before we start let’s
ask first for the presence
and guidance of God.

Kindly lead the prayer, (Denver will lead the prayer)

b. Greetings Good morning, Ma’am!
Good morning class!
We are feeling well, Ma’am
How are you today?

It is nice to hear that you

are all feeling well today.
c. Classroom Management
Class please pick up the (The students will pick up the trashes
trash that you can see and will arrange their seats
around you. Kindly arrange accordingly)
your seat accordingly.

Thank you everyone. You

may now seat properly.
d. Attendance
To start our day, let’s check
your attendance first. Say
present if your name is
(The teacher will check the
e. Review
Yesterday, we discussed
about structuralist approach,
right? Yes, Ma’am

What is structuralist In structuralism, the text is based on the

approach again? reader’s understanding which may
involve personal belief, environment,
and behavior.

Do you have questions

about structuralist
approach? None, Ma’am

That’s great!

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
At this point, I am going to give
you smiley and sad emoticons. I
will show sentences, and you will
identify if the sentences are
correctly constructed or not. If the
sentence is correct, thumbs up. If
the sentence is incorrect, thumbs
down and I will call a student to
correct the sentence. Is it clear? Yes, Ma’am

1st sentence.
Thirty percent of the students love
to hang out with their friends than
attending classes. Thumbs up. The verb used is correct


How about this sentence: Many Thumbs down. It is incorrect because

prefers to ride the MRT rather than many is plural noun, thus verb must be
take the bus. prefer not prefers.

Everybody dreams to travel around Thumb up. Dreams, as a verb is

the world. correctly used.

Class, what do you think is the Ma’am it allows us to communicate
importance of having a good, clear effectively and clearly.
and understandable


If we have a clear and good

communication to other people
using English language will help us
to have a purposeful and
meaningful conversation.

2. Presentation of the Lesson

Today, we are going to identify the
rules on subject-verb agreement. The general rule is, A singular subject
But, first let us know the general requires a singular verb and a plural
rule first. Will you please read it, subject requires a plural verb.

This only means that a singular

subject should have an “s” and a
plural subject doesn’t need it. You
just need to find what/who is the
subject in a sentence.
Subject is a noun that means a topic or
What is a subject? Kindly read the lecture that a person or a group are
definition of subject, Joey. talking about.

Subject is a person or thing that is

being discussed or described in a
certain sentence.
A verb is the action or state of being in a
What is a verb? Kindly, read sentence.

Verb is an action word.

3. Discussion
The general rule is broken down
into specific rules.
1. When the subject is followed by a
Kindly read the first one, Leah. phrase, the verb agrees with the subject
Will you please read the first rule, not with the noun in the phrase.

When the subject in a sentence is

being followed by a phrase, the
verb must agree with the subject
and not with the noun.

A basket of mangoes costs fifty
Our subject here is what?
And the verb here is?

As we can see the subject in this

example is followed my a phrase.
And our subject here is singular,
right? In this rule the verb agrees
with the subject.

To make the verb singular we must

put an s to it.
Another example
One of the men helps the beggar.
Our subject in this example is?
And the verb here is?

Our subject here is also being

followed by a phrase, that is why
the subject itself agrees to the verb.
2. For compound subjects joined by and,
Let’s proceed to rule #2. Kindly the following rules must be followed:
read, Eurie A. Use plural verb if the nouns joined
by and refer to different persons or

Example. Jane and Jenny are

studying in the same school.
Jane and Jenny
Our subject here are ?
Very good. And our verb is?

Jane and Jenny are different Yes, Ma’am

persons, right?

That is why we used are in this

example. Because they are different
from each other, and also they are
joined by and.

Another example
Rice and Corn are grown in Nueva
Rice and corn
What are the subject here?
And the verb?

This example is also joined by and,

rice and corn is also different from
each other. That is why we used
plural verb.
B. Use a singular verb if the nouns
Let’s have the letter b fo rule no. 2. joined by and are spoken of as one unit
Kindly read, Marjel. in the sentence.

Bow and Arrow is an Indian
Bow and arrow
In this example the subject is?
Our verb is?

Bow and arrow is joined by and,

and also spoken as one unit.

Another example
Rice and fish was my breakfast this

Rice and fish is also spoken as one

unit that’s why we used a singular
C. Use a singular verb if the nouns
Let’s proceed to letter c of rule no. joined by and refer to only one person or
2. Please read its definition, Jazreel thing.

The actress and singer performs
before a big crowd. (One person)

In this example actress and singer

refers to one person only. That’s
why we used or we add s to the
verb performs.

Another example
The actress and singer perform
before a big crowd.(Two persons)

The subject here refers to two

persons which is the actress and the
singer. They are plural, so we used
a plural verb.
D. Use a singular verb if the nouns
Next is letter d of rule no. 2 joined by and are synonyms.

What do you mean by synonym

Same meaning but different in spelling
Yes, Alex

Okay let’s have an example

Peace and order is what our town
Peace and order
In this example what is the
synonym words?

Peace and order has the same

meaning that is why we used
singular verb is.

She is a gorgeous and stunning

Stunning and gorgeous
In this example what is the
synonym words?

Okay, stunning and gorgeous is the

synonym words

That’s why we used singular verb,

which is the verb is
E. Use a singular verb if nouns joined
Let’s now proceed to letter e, of by and are modified by each, every,
rule number 2. many, a, or no.

Each boy and girl is taught what to
do during an earthquake.

In this example it is modified by

the word “each” which are the
nouns boy and girl. We also used a
singular verb which is the verb is.
Every parent and teacher in our school
Another example, kindly read agrees to cooperate.

In this example, it also modified by

the word “every” and joined by
and, that is why the verb we used is
singlar which is agrees

Remember that the singular should

have an s at the end, and a plural
doesn’t need an s.
No officer and official is above the law.
Another example. Kindly read,

In this example, the sentence is

modified by the word “no” and
joined by and. So we used a
singular verb is
3. For compound subjects joined by or,
Let’s now proceed to question either-or, or neither nor, the following
number 3. Kindly read, Cedrick. rules must be observed.
A. Use a singular verb if both subjects
are singular

For example
Father or mother usually goes
outing with us on weekends

The compound subjects in this

example is the father and mother.
They are joined by or, and they are
singular. The verb we used here is

Next example
Neither the table nor the chair
needs repair

The sentence here is joined by

neither-nor, the compound subject
is also singular.
B. Use a plural verb if both subjects are
Let’s proceed to letter b of rule no. plural

The books or the magazines are to
be placed in the cabinet.

Either the buses or the jeepneys use

this street on weekdays

In these examples the compound

subjects are both plural that is why
we used plural verb also.
C. If one subject is singular and the
Next is letter c of rule no. 3 other is plural, make the verb agree with
the second or nearer subject

Neither the president nor the

senators are above the law.

In this example 1 is singular and

the other is plural. What we are
going to is is make the verb agree
to the second or nearer subject
which is the senators in this
example. We used plural are
because the nearer subject is plural.

Another example
Neither the senators nor the
president is above the law.

In this example we used the verb is

because the subject that is nearer to
it is a singular which is the
4. Collective nouns such as team,
Let’s proceed to rule number 4. committee, choir, crew are treated as
singular when we think of the whole
group together. They are treated as
plural when we visualized the individual

The orchestra (the whole group)
plays a classical piece.
The orchestra (the separate
individuals) are tuning their

In these examples it is up to us on
how we visualized it. Singular if
we think of it as a whole. Plural
when we visualized the individual
members of a certain group.

Last rule that we are going to 5. Expressions indication an amount of

discussed today is rule number 5. money, a space of time, or a unit of
Kindly read it, Eurie measurement take verbs even the form
is plural.
In this rule even the expressions
indicates an amount of money, a
space of time, or unit of
measurement take verbs even the
form is plural

Three thousand pesos is the
monthly rent for the apartment.

Three thousand pesos is an amount

of money that is plural. Eve though
it is plural we uses singular verb.

Another example
Ten years is a long time to wait.

Ten years indicates to time and that

is also plural. But since it is an
expression that indicate time we
used singular verb which is, is.

One hundred kilometers is the

distance of our town from Manila.

One hundred kilometers is an

expression that indicates a
measurement. That is also why we
used singular verb.

4. Generalization
What are the rule of subject-verb Rule 1.
agreement that we discussed today? When the subject is followed by a
phrase, the verb agrees with the subject
not with the noun in the phrase
Rule 2. For compound subjects joined
by and, the following rules must be
A. Use plural verb if the nouns joined
by and refer to different persons or
B. Use a singular verb if the nouns
joined by and are spoken of as one unit
in the sentence.
C. Use a singular verb if the nouns
joined by and refer to only one person or
D. Use a singular verb if nouns joined
by and are synonyms
E. Use a singular verb if the nouns
joined by and are modified by each,
every, many a, or no
3.For compound subjects joined by or,
either-or, or neither nor, the following
rules must be observed.
A. Use a singular verb if both subjects
are singular
B. Use a plural verb if both subjects are
C. If one subject is singular and the
other is plural, make the verb agree with
the second or nearer subject
4.Collective nouns such as team,
committee, choir, crew are treated as
singular when we think of the whole
group together. They are treated as
plural when we visualized the individual
5.Expressions indication an amount of
money, a space of time, or a unit of
5. Application measurement take verbs even the form
Direction: Fill in the blanks with is plural.
the correct verb. Choose the correct
verb on the choices given.

1. The boys(eat, eats) the fried

2. Amina and her sister(go, goes) to
the market 1. Eat
3. The girl (feel, feels) happy 2. Go
4. Rumi (help, helps) her mother 3. Feels
5. Aina (sing, sings) the song 4. Helps
effortlessly 5. Sings
6. John (read, reads) the book 6. Reads
7. The ladies (dance, dances) to the 7. Dance
song. 8. Jump
8. The kids (jump, jumps) 9. Give
excitedly. 10. sleeps
9. The girls ( give, gives) their
teachers present
10. He(sleep, sleeps) at night.

Direction: Write sentences which follows the basic rule on Subject-Verb Agreement

Direction:Study about other subject- verb agreement rules

Prepared by:
Teacher Intern

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

Head Teacher III-English

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