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Job analysis: The process of describing and Human resources: Meaning Difference between HRM and PM

recording many aspects or elements of the job. The Human resources means the collection of •HRM is proactive in nature while PM is
outcome of job analysis has two components- people and their characteristics at work. These reactive.
Job description are distinct and unique to an organization in • HRM is a resource-centred activity whereas
Job specification several ways. Definition:Human Resource are PM is a employee-centred activity.
JOB ANALYSIS: IMPORTANCE & PURPOSE "A whole consisting of inter-related, inter- •HRM emphasizes on flexible, open-ended
•Legal validation of employment decisions dependent & interacting psychological, contracts but PM emphasizes the strict
• Defines duties & tasks sociological & ethical components".-Michael observance of defined rules, procedures and
•Identifies reporting relationships J. Jucius contracts.
•Basis for determining relative worth of jobs What is HRM? • HRM views better performance as a cause of
•Identifies redundancy Human Resource Management is "the job satisfaction whereas PM considers job
WHEN JOB ANALYSIS IS USED planning, organizing, directing and controlling satisfaction as a source of better performance.
1. Most commonly for personnel selection of the procurement, development, • HRM seeks to develop the competencies of
2. For recruitment in providing realistic job compensation, integration, maintenance and the employees on a sustained basis while PM is
data separation of human resources to the end that a regular, status quo-based administrative
3. For legal compliance individual, organizational, and social function.
4. For performance appraisal objectives are accomplished." Significance of HRM
5. To identify job similarity for easy transfer Human resource management: Definition- 1-) Significance for an enterprise
6. Job evaluation Human resource management is concerned •Attracting & retaining the required human
7. Job redesign and re-engineering with policies and practices that ensure the best resource, recruitment & selection, placement,
JOB DESCRIPTION use of the human resources for fulfilling the orientation, compensation & promotion
According to Gary Dessler, - "Job description is a list organizational and individual goals.-Edwin B. policies.
of job duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, Flippo •Developing the skills & necessary attitude
working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities." Characteristics of HRM among the employees by T&D & performance
1. Job identification - It may include the job title, •People oriented evaluation
alternative titles, department, division, plant, the unit •Young discipline •Providing them social & job security by
where it exists, code number of the job and so on. •Action-oriented grievance
2. Job summary - It is a condensed statement of the •Nervous system handling, motivating & participation in mgt *
primary functions of the job. It may also include a •Individual-oriented •Development-oriented •Utilizing effectively the available human
short definition which may be useful as additional •Pervasive Function resources
identification information if the job title is not •Continuous Function •Ensuring that the enterprise will have in future
sufficient for identification of the job. •Future-oriented a team of competent & dedicated employees.
3. Duties performed - It is a brief description of the •Challenging function Science as well as art 2-)Professional significance
functions performed by the employee, that is, what is •Staff function •Providing maximum opportunities for
being done, how it is done, why it is done and how Objectives of HRM personal development of each employee.
much percentage of time is to be devoted to each • To act as a liaison between the top •Maintaining healthy relationships among
major duty. 4. Extent of supervision given and management and the individual & different work groups.
received - The nature and extent of supervision that employees. •Allocating work properly.
is, whether it will be general or close supervision. • To arrange and maintain adequate manpower 3-)Social Significance
5. Machines, tools and equipment used - The trade inventory •Sound human resources management has a
names, types, models of • To devise employee benefit schemes great significant for the society. It help to
machines, tools and equipment are also mentioned, • To ensure and enhance the quality of work enhance the dignity of labour in the following
for example, working on lathe machine or drilling life ways.
machine and so on. What raw materials are to be used •To offer training •Providing suitable employment that provides
and the like are also mentioned. • To help keep up ethical values and behaviour social & psychological satisfaction to people.
6. Working conditions - The conditions in which the amongst employees both within and outside •Maintaining a balance between the job
job holder is to work, for example, noise; the organization. available & the jobseekers in terms of
temperature; postures, that is, standing, sitting, •To maintain high morale and good human numbers, Qualification, needs & aptitudes.
stooping, walking, climbing, lifting and so on relations within the organization. •Eliminating waste of human resource through
7.Hazards involved - Accident risk and health hazards HR Objectives of TATA Group conservation of physical & metal health
such as nerve •Tata company shall provide equal 4-)National Significance
strain, eye strain, physical strain, acid, exposure to opportunities to all its •Increase in the size & complexity of
weather and so on. employees. organization.
8.Pay - Method of payment-hourly, daily, weekly, • HR policies shall promote diversity and
monthly, piece rate range of pay from minimum to equality in the workplace.
maximum, bonus and so on •Employees shall be treated with dignity. Recruitment and selection
required to do the job well. • Maintain a work Environment free of all
9.Training and promotion - Whether training or forms of harassment. -Recruitment is the overall process of
identifying, sourcing screening, shortlisting,
apprenticeship required; if yes, then of what type and •Respect for the right to privacy and the right
duration, basis and line of to be heard. Equal opportunity to all eligible. and interviewing candidates for jobs within an
promotion. •Decisions are based on merit.
A Good Job Description Should Have The Following Scope of HRM -Recrutment is the process of actively seeking
out, finding and hiring candidates for a specific
Characteristics: 1-) Personnel or Labour Aspect
•Proper title Planning, recruiting, selection, placement, position or job. The recruitment definition
includes the entire hiring process, from
•Comprehensive job summary transfer, promotion, training and development,
•Completeness - Every detail should be very precise. Lay-offs, retrenchment, remuneration, inception to the individual recruit's integration
into the company.
•Elasticity - Job descriptions should be elastic so as to incentives and productivity
have scope for making them up to date from time to 2. Welfare Aspect -According to Edwin & Flippa, "recruitment is
the process of searching for prospective
time. Housing, transport, medical assistance,
JOB DESCRIPTION - NEED canteen, rest rooms, health and safety, employees and stimulating them to apply for
jobs in the organization."
•It helps in placement and orientation of new education, etc.
employees 3. Industrial Relation Aspect Union- Functions of Recruitment
-Assessing recruitment
•It helps in promotion and transfer of new employees management relations, collective bargaining,
•It helps in developing work standards and counseling disputes. -Advertisement and publicity
-Preliminary examination and assessment of
of employees grievance and disciplinary actions, settlement
• It helps in defining and outlining career path of disputes. applications
-A selection process like interviewing or
• It helps in work measurement and work Functions of HRM
improvement Operative Functions testing
-Job design and development
•It helps in health and fatigue study • Procuremen
•It helps in vocational guidance of employees • Development -Making initial contact with prospective
• It helps in avoiding accidents • Compensation
•It helps in the grievances procedure of employees. • Maintenance and motivation -Shortlisting of probable candidates for
• Also known as employee specifications, a job • Industrial Relations -Hiring the bost candidates
-Fixing standards
specification is a written statement of educational Managerial Functions
qualifications, specific qualities, level of experience, •Planning -Identification and seeking applicants
-Calling the shortlisted candidates for
physical, emotional, technical and communication •Organizing Interview
skills required to perform a job, responsibilities • Staffing -Recording and documentation
involved in a job. It also includes general health, • Directing -Fixing pay packages to the selected
mental health, intelligence, aptitude, memory, •Controlling candidates
judgment, leadership skills, emotional ability, Operative Functions of HRM Purpose or Objectives of Recruitment:-
adaptability, flexibility, values and ethics, manners 1-)Procurement -Ensures Uninterrupted Business Process -
and creativity, etc. Job analysis and design Identifies Present and Future Personnel
PURPOSE OF JS- • Described on the basis of job Human resource and planning -Purpose or Objectives of Recruitment
description, job specification helps candidates analyze Recruitment -Requirement Acquisition of Maximum -
whether are eligible to apply for a particular job Selection Number of Relevant
vacancy or not. It helps recruiting team of an Placement -CVS
organization understand what level of qualifications, Orientation -Improves Cost Effectiveness
qualities and set of characteristics should be present Socialization -Accelerates the Selection Process
in a candidate to make him or her eligible for the job 2-)Development Factors Influencing Recruitment:
opening, Job Specification gives detailed information Career planning and development *External Factors
about any job including job responsibilities, desired Workers training -Political and Legal
technical and physical skills, conversational ability Executive development -Technological
and much more. Organizational development -Socio-Economic
•It helps in selecting the most appropriate candidate 3-) Compensation -Supply and Demand
for a particular job. Job evaluation -Labor Market
Job Specification Performance evaluation -Organization's Image
• Qualifications Wages administration *Internal Factors
• Experience Benefits and incentives -Recruitment Policy
• Training 4-) Maintenance and motivation -Size of Business Unit
• Skills Employees well being -Cost of Action
• Responsibilities Social Security -Growth
• Emotional Characteristics Workers participation -Working
• Sensory Demands. Motivation -Effective Human Resource Planning
Job Design Job rotation Process of Recruitment
•Job Simplification HR records, research and audit -Identifying Job Requirement
•Job Rotation HR information system -Preparing Job Description and Job -
•Job Enrichment 5-) Integration Specification
•Job Enlargement Industrial relations -Advertising the Vacant Position
JOB DESIGN Discipline -Attracting Candidates to Apply for Job
The Job Design means outlining the task, duties, Grievance redressal -Managing Applications
responsibilities, qualifications, methods and Dispute settlement -Scrutinizing Applications
relationships required to perform the given set of a Collective bargaining -Shortlisting Candidates
job. eg.MNC employees, Rapid technological SELECTION
Job Simplification development like automation, computerisation -The selection process can be defined as
• The Job Simplification means breaking the job into •Rise of professional & knowledgeable shortlisting the right candidates with the
relatively easier sub-parts with the intention to workers, Increasing proportion of women in required qualifications to fill the vacancies in
enhance the individual's productivity by minimizing the workforce Growth of powerful nationwide an organization. The process varies from
the physical and mental efforts required to perform a trade unions. company to company hence need to be
complex job • Widening scope of legislation designed to understood what type of process suits
protect the interests of the working class. accordingly
•Revolution in the information technology that -The Selection Process is quite a lengthy and
Meaning of training and development :- Training might affect the work force. complex process as it involves a series of steps
and development involve improving the effectiveness •Rapidly changing jobs & skills requiring before making a final decision. To know more
of organizations and employees. long-term manpower planning. f. •Growing about the selection process of an organization,
Training and development are two sides of the Expectations of society from employers. read the article below
coin.Training and development programs help SELECTION TOOLS
employees learn and acquire new skills and gain the -Interview-most common method
professional knowledge required to progress their -Psychometric testinging the personality of the
careers. Definition :- Training and development refer applicants
to educational activities within a company created to -Aptitude testing-assessing the skills of
enhance the knowledge and skills of employees while applicants
providing information and instruction on how to -. In-tray exercise-activity based around what
the applicant will be doing
better perform specific tasks. Process of training -• Presentation looking for different skills as
1. Identifying the need of training. well as the ideas of the candide
The first step in the training process is to assess the -• Assessment Centres-battery of tests
need for training the employees. The need for training
could be identified through a diagnosis of present and
future challenges and through a gap between the
employee’s actual performance and the standard
2. Establish specific objectives & goals which need to
be achieved
The goals and objectives of the training and
development have to be established. Whether the goal
is awareness about new products or even installation
is required to be learnt.
3. Select the methods of training
Next, methods have to be defined. The training can be
done as a : a. On the Job Training
b. Off the Job Training 4. Conduct and implement the
programs for employees.After the plan and methods
are finalized, the training and development programs
have to be executed where courses and instructions
are taught to the employees, partners or vendors.
5. Evaluate the output and performance post the
training and development sessions.
Training and Development is incomplete without
proper monitoring. Monitoring can be done through
evaluation of the instructor as well as attendees.
Instructor evaluation can be done through feedback or
ratings but attendees can be evaluated through
internal or external certifications or scores.
6. Keep monitoring and evaluating the performances
and again see if more training is required .Based on
the evaluation results in the previous step,
management needs to ascertain that if the training and
development program was sufficient for now or more
training and enablement would be required. Also, if
future trainings are to be planned.

1)On-the-job -Training,Coaching, Job Instruction

Training, Job Rotation ,Mentoring,Apprenticeship
2)off the job training- -Lectures,Group
Discussion,Brainstorming Electronic Training,Role
Playing,Internship Training •Case Study
On the job training: When the employees are trained
while they are performing the job it is called On-the-
job training. Under this method, the employees learn
by doing. The employees can learn the practical
problems while working on the job. Job rotation :-
Job rotation is a technique used by some employers to
rotate their employees' assigned jobs throughout their
Apprenticeship:- Apprenticeship is a formal
agreement between an individual who wants to learn
a skill and an employer who needs a skilled worker.
Apprenticeship training is an “ earning while
learning”. Coaching :- Coaching is an activity of
guiding a manager by senior one. A senior manager
must play an active role in guiding and teaching
skills. Mentoring :- Mentoring is about teaching and
learning. Mentoring is a relationship in which a senior
manager in an organization assumes the responsibility
for grooming a junior person. Mentoring is done by
someone inside the company.
JIT is a procedure for training employees one-on-one.
JIT is a simple step-by-step technique that is used to
train new employees when they first start a job.
2) Off the job training :- Off the job training means
training the employees by taking them away from
their work position which means employees are given
a break from the job and sent for training.
Job instructions training :- It is a form of conversation
in which several members of a group participate and
express their views. Each member expresses his
opinion on the subject which is announced at the
time. Brain storming :- It means the group of five or
ten members sitting on the round table. It works by
focusing on a problem and then deliberately coming
up with as many solutions as possible and by pushing
the ideas as far as possible. Lecture :- The concepts,
ideas, theories, and principles are explained through
lectures. The speaker is an expert who collects the
material and delivers a lecture to the trainee
executives. Internship training :- In internship
training, educational institutions and business firms
have a joint program of training. Selected candidates
carry on regular studies for the prescribed period.
Role play :- It is a method of human interaction that
involves realistic behavior in imaginary situation.
Role-play training is an active learning strategy that
requires participants to perform realistic scenarios
under the supervision of a trainer or facilitator
Role playing involves action, doing and practice.
Case study :- Under this technique the cases based on
actual business situations are prepared and given to
trainee managers for discussion and arriving at a
proper decision. Managers are given the opportunity
to find out the latent problems and suggest
alternatives to tackle them. Development :-
Development is an attempt to improve current or
future management performance by imparting
knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills.

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