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CanvassEdu iw MONTHLY COMPILATION See ee eS eer ete eau a ore ee ee ee Pern a eer cea Pee eee es Besides the investments, China’s ambassador to Nepal Hou er een eter ete ee faced amassive rebelion in his party headed by ‘Prachanda’ eee eC the development of China-Nepal relations and was willing to work with his Nepall counterpart Bhandari to push for the eee ee eee eee During his two-day state visit — the fist by @ Chin eee ea a Seen ent es tree eee ad programmes and transform the landlocked naton into a erg Pee tony Seen erty (lisaid that he believes that military cooperation between the pe Semne St uaee ECeaa eee es upgraded to a strategic partnership of cooperation featuring ever: lasting friendship for development and prosperity during Chinese President Xisinping's vist to Nepal last year. LST " tztion, December 2020 Cree neha cad yar To catalyze India's recognition as akey innovator provider of technologies atthe global level oe en eee) earch Development & Deploy Pee ere ee ane te) ot eae) pee teat era eet eee eed a Pen The GITA platform encourages industrial investments in innovative technology solutions by + Mapoine technology gaps, + Undertaking expert evaluation of technologies available across the glabe, + Facilitating techno-strategic collaborative partnerships appropriate for Indian economy + Connecting industrial and institutional partrers for synergistic matchmaking and ‘+ Providing soft funding for technology development / acquisition / deployment. © Itisa statutory body established by Technology Development Board Act, 1995. Objective: To promote development and commercialization of indigenous technovogy and adaptation of imported technology for much wider application. Roles and functions of the board: 4. Encourage enterprises to take up technology-oriented products. 2. Provide equity capital orloans to indusrial concerns and financial assistance to research and development institutions. To know more about the event cl here LST CL Giosat IE NNOVATION & TECHNOLOGY ALwANCE LST Eaton December 2020 aéCL ele eon Ce gee read) See ee International organization founded in 1963, Pe eee ey Cee ee ees See een es eee ee eae) “safeguard and protect the interests of the Pee ee ecard ee ee ‘The OIC has permanent delegations to the Pe eee So reget ee eee aes eer eae Se eet ea Eee ee) Pee ee ee ea POO eee eee ts India’s Response In response, the Ministry of External Affair strongly advised the (01C to retrain trom making such referencesin future. Na 0 ‘ pai : i it hel Without naming Pakistan, the foreign ministry said the ‘organisation of Muslim-majority nations was being used by the country fora campaign against India India said that OIC has no locus standi in matters strictly internal to Indi, including that of union territory of Jammu and Kashmir, whichis an integral and inalienable par of India India alco said that itis regrettable that OIC continuesto allow itself to be used by a certain country, which has an abominable record on religous tolerance, radicalism and persecution of minerites, to indulge in ant-india propaganda. To know more about the event click here mW LST ‘CL vont tztion, December 2020 WE Cee nua ‘+ Currently under the scheme UBA, 12072 villages have been adepted by eee eee) saya inetitutes, ee eee oes te eee een Toe er eae eet CE Len Le nso ‘+ The technology interventions under the scheme Unnet Bharat Abhiyan has ‘been able to transform the Iving conditions in villages. ‘© With the interventions inthe abovemen technologies have been developed which have transformed the living Concitiors in villages and has been beneficial for rural India ped aveas, various new and old Sees De ees See eh eee er Ce ‘+ Some technological Interventions done under scheme UBA ar ‘+ Mushroom Cultivation done in Gendikata cluster by IT Delhi, + Environment Controlled Automated Green House For High Valued eet) eee eee eee eee ‘+ Agro Produce by HVPM College of Engineering ond Technology (Amraveti); ‘Safe Dsinking Water by NIT Manipur and IT Joshpur 4+ Paper bag making by BITS Mesra; 4+ Pattal crockery making by NIT Kamirpur; ‘+ Coth Bag making by Fatima College, Madura + Revamping of Govt. schoo's in Vrindavan Cluster by IIT Delhi; ‘+ Improved Pottery Kiln in frrukhnagar cluster by IT Delhi; Sarai anim vie trai + Thread winding machine for weavers by Or. 8.R. Ambeckar ee Peete arses University, Etcherta ‘+ Asricuture drone system by Santhiram Engineering College, Nandyal (AP) ete Le ne ee ere ta) entry Peer cr eee eee a Cen ee tens Delhi has been designated to be the Coordinating Institute (for the Unrat Bharat Abhiyan (UBA). In ths capacity, IIT Delhi has been taking intitive to convene various ithas established the UBA Cell consisting ofan Advisory Committee, an L Executive Committee and a Core Working Group consisting of about forty facuty members drawn fromvarious departments and centres of the \ institute AZ \ ‘The Centre for Rural Development & Technology (CROT) as well as the UNNAT BHARAT ABHIYAN -RUTAG group of IIT Delhi are fully participating in the UBA activities. Gm i ee Ithas also idertified a few rural clusters for direct intervention and isin the process of networking with varicus participating institutions and voluntary organizations. The main task ofthe cocrdinating institute will be to facilitate mutual interaction, consukation, responsibilty allocation and an active liaison ‘among the mentoring institutions, the subject expert groups as well asthe Ministry of Ecucation (MoE). It wil also closely interact with the NSCin connection with the allocation of furds and other facilitating measures for effectve and smooth running as wel as the nation-wide prolferation of the UBA program, ‘To know more about the event click here " tztion, December 2020 occ oC eT eee ed Re Cpe te eC eee ets Court, only 80 are women (roughly 7.250) eee eee ge Ed Peete eco ee eter 34 judges and the figure is consistently low across the higher rey Tea ee ae eR Telangana, and Uttarakhand had ne sitting woman judge. Pere eee ee ed eras eo Se ote eee the maximum number of female judges (11 out of 85), followed by Madras High Court with nine out of 75 judges. Pe en ee eee a eee eee) eee eee Et eons rend is mirrored in the proportion of presidential oer courts, 28 per cent in eee et ar as Senior Designation is concerneé, there are only 17 ee reece conned ‘opposed to 403:men, the Delhi High Court has 228 men and Re eee ae et ee eer Ete ners Referring to the Madhya Pradesh HC order, Attorney General eet a eet) Se een eet ee ee eee | dal cs] " - Se eee eee ‘To know more about the event click here N LST ‘CL cts! " tztion, December 2020 a Key Points reer eed Pen ee ai rr es CS tees ue eu ECCur LY ‘laims” and come within the definition of ‘goods’ under Section 2(52) of the Ceo eae Loos Cee een etna ener tare CEOs f Article 14, 19(1)(g), 301 and 3 Constitution of India. Te ee et eae sac) the GST. Relevant Provisions 4, Section 2{52) of the CGST Act: “(52) “goods” means every kind of ‘movable property other than moneyand securities but includes actionable daim, growing crops, grass ane things attached to or forming part ofthe land which are agreed to be severed before supply or under 2 contract of supply” 2. Article 366(12] ofthe Constitution of In all materials, commodities, andarticles” (32) goods includes 3.Artide 246A of the Constitution of India: “246A ~(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in articles 246 and 254, Parliament, and, subject to clause (2), the Legislature of every State, Fave power to make laws with respect to goods and services, tac imposed by the Urion or by such State (2|Pariament has exclusive power to make laws with respect to {goods and services tax where the supply of goods, or of services, or both take: place in the course of inter-State trade or commerce. rolanation.—The provisions ofthis article, shall, in espect of goods and services tax efersed to in clause (5) of article 279A, take effect from the date recommended by the Goods and Services Tax Council To know more about the event cli ‘ {ation December 2020 CL LST Daa Pere] Previously, in 2014 the EC received several eer ene Seo eC Ld Cee ence Secs ad Se eee ee ee Ly eee eee ncag peepee ans aCe coca’ Dea eee ay such an activity, which may be dfficut in non Pees After the EC did nat receive positive feedback Cree eee cee tenary cee uo ad Re ec sO eet rtd eect Re ecco etad Perreeete Se ee Toy See eee ene Cared ery ‘© The Constitution of india recognises right of every citizen to vote. ‘© The statutory provisions are contained under the Representation of the People Act, 1950 and the Representation of the People Act, 951 and cules include the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 and Registration of Electors Rules, 1960. ‘Voting rights for NRls were introduced only n 2011, through an amendment to the Representation of the People Act 1950 ‘= Anon-resdent indian, who holds an indian passport, can vote In his/her hometown after registering as an Overseas Voter. ‘© The NRI must filthe Form 6A, which can be downloaded online or taken from the nearest Indian Mission. ‘The duly filled forms with supporting documents must be submitted to the Electoral Regstration Officer in the constituency in person or via post. ‘© After vertication, the ECi willadd the NR! to the electoral rolls as an ‘Overseas Voter. Once the person returns to India, he or she will have to re-register himself or herself asa general voter and obtain an EPIC card The option of proxy voting ic available only far armed forces, police, and government officals ported outside India, ‘© The person can authorise ancther residing in the same polling booth areato cast a vote on his/her behalf. Ths option currently available for wives ofthe above mentioned personne), But not for the husbands. tation, Decne 2029 a CL|2 MR ee Sens cot Se ee ee eee) Dee eee cna Ce eee eae) Cee et) the forest department. SE] eet eed oon TP RU eee ed Peet as areas Penne ered Poteet Se ned See es PCR ear ead government drew out plans tocreate a protected area for tigers and other critically endangered Re eee are ced his arealed ee ere Meee ae Sea eet es they would be offcaly recognised by the state and be eligble for government serv Three villages were left out: Surma and Golbo) poe ae eee ey ee ere es Dee ence ee eat eee nue ey CanvassEdu SOc ec td Sete Pe ere net ee eS een nd eee eee ee eed Pees USCIRF uses international standards to monitor religous freedom violationsglobally, and makes Pee ee ces Seeeettlen eet eto designated a courtry of particular concern every eee eee ea made the designation forthe fist time in 2018, and een ood ee cee ety eee cee LUSCIRF also said in its 2020 report that religious ee eee eres ere eee oats See ee eee detained in more than 1,300 concentration camps eee eee) suffering torture, rape, sterlisation and other esd See eee ay pee eed Semen ees eet rea een ees Dee es eee es) eee etree cect De or ae OR Se ee Cen tg Deen ee ce et Sess affliated Catholic association, ena n eee Poereeien SOs eee ES SR ecg ed Cees Te acc y had issued a strong-worded response to USCIRF’s claims on relgious freedom in the country Pe een eee nee) We reject the observations on India in the USCIRF Annual Report. Its biased ard tendentious eee ee eee eres Cee ec eee tae ee ee eres ee ees Beer tztion, December 2020 Key Points: - Importont Details ‘The governments in Sudan and Uzbekistan had taken significant and concrete steps over the past year. Thus, the countries have been removed from the Special Watch List. ‘Their courageous reforms of thelr laws and practices stand a¢ models for other nations tofollow. CChina, Pakistan, Myanmar and Saudi Arabia have figured inthe lis of countries of particular concern in recent years, though the state department has granted waivers to these countries from any meaningtul action related to the designation because of US security interests. In2019 alone, the state department issued three such waivers for Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Tajikistan Nigeria has been added for the first time. The US Commission on international Religious Freedom (USCIRF) has praised the State Department's announcement for adding ten nations tothe ist Countries of Particular Concern tztion, December 2020 eT eu ae aC ed eee lution ofthe diverse courtries Se eee ee oe Uri) er ec Ce ec 2, Renewable Energy (20% of overall score) Coe ee et) free ge eRe RO eee ee eee er ee ener One eed Organization (FAO), ard the national GHG eee et cece] 2021 is calculated using data recorded in PSC ete ens See ee aac) ee eee ene eee aa eet eens Sakae eeeeen eter 2030 Target. perc eee ee ee eee + India is ranked at the 10th postion onthe Climate Charge Performance index section. With this categ 2021. nda slid down by one position, as it was ranked Sth in ast year’s Index. eee Se aero ees + Hower, India’s journey towards climate protection has been consistent with eens itimprovingits ranking from 31st in2014, CUE Cd oe em ere eee eg eee + Only two G20 nations: the UK and India -are among the high rankers in CCP! 2021, which covers the year 203 Seen pee eee + Sic other 620 nations including he US, Canada, South Korea, Russia, Australia Sees aut ‘and Saudi Arabia are ranked at the bottom of the index. Por eee eos 4 White the US is ranked 61s, Saudl Arablals ranked 6th, Iran Ssth, Canada Seth, Australia Sath and Russia 52nd, ‘+ This isthe second time in arow that the US, which is the largest historical polluter, i ranked at the bottom. + China, which is the biggest current emitter of greenhouse gases, is ranked at the 331d position on the CCP! 2023 report. know mars CanvassEdu LST tztion, December 2020 Scere Cee eee pe eee significance for India ee Tee et cad eee eee eee Ce eee pense eee eee pee Cees ese es ed Cees cn Caer Pets Peete) Seog ee ec) Se ee eed servicesand achieving the vision of Digital ry Key Points + The Project envisages the provision ofa direct communication Ink through a dedeated submarine Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) between Koch and 22 islands of Lakst weep + They are Kavaratti, Kalpeni, Agati, Amini, Androth, Minicoy, Bangaram, Bitra, Chetlat,Kltan, and Kamat + The estimated cost of implementation is about Rs 1.072 crore including operational expenses for 5 years. The Project would be funded by the Universal Service Obligation Fund. + As per an offical release, the submarine connectivity project will have a vial role in the delivery of e-govemance services at the doorstep of citizens, potential development of fisheries, coconut-based industries and high-value tourism, educational development in terms of the education and inheath care interms of telemedicine faites. + State-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Lid (BSNL) will execute the project and Telecommunications Consultant india Lté (TCL) has been appointed as tne technical consultant that wil asist USOF. + The project is targeted to be completed by May 2023 the event |@LsT Eztion, December 2020 Segue eco ena Oe eee eee a a ee ee on Oar ncn cee ccd ee eee eee el Cre Ser eee) the moderate, reasonable target. Perera Cer he eer ua) Ce oe ee ae een cis eee eee eects ‘obscured as it was by jargon, but signato oe ence Breer sd ‘© The financing lancscape has shifted decisively in een Ce euro ay eee ee ee ee eee ns Sec eS eed etd eee ce ee eee eee ere eae eee eee] Ne eed poorest Pees CR eon eee ay Pere Ce eee eee te Pee Ee Se eee ad Pea eet But the move did not, as some feared it would, lead to ‘an exodus of like-minded nationalists from the pact. SE ee eee s Pee ere eee eee cee ee LST tation, Decne 2029 aé CL Reimagining India's Health System rented ce Peet eee ers eee ‘The Lancet Citizens’ Commission was launched on 11 December to developa roadmap to achieve universal CCIE CEO EL aS health coverage and to submit it to the government of Poe ee ea eee India by 15 August 2022. Ste The initiative i the result ofa collaboration with the ‘world’s leading international medical journal, The Lancet, ‘and Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University in India's health system, ranging from inadequate Ttaims to bring together voices of Indian citizens and pee et eee ee prominent stakeholders from across diverse sectors of India’s health system to guarantee universal access to quality and affordable health care services to every indian, The pandomic has highlighted structural weakne eee een errata ‘treatments and profiteering by private hospital This isa firstof its kind consultative and garticpatery en Initiative that aims to chart socio-economic party through eee eee teres a Ee eee eee Cee ae ete eon fragmented health system. eer ne ee ee een ee rd cee cee eet ed The pandemic could worsen health disparities si eee eee eee ce see tg Pe Dee een eee Re eee et ed Se ee eee coo ee ee eee ey pred To know mor abeut the event click here LST mt tation, Decne 2029 CL Climate Change Knowledge Portal Mojor Initiatives Of The Government Towards Combating Climate Change: 4 National Action Plon on Climate Change (APC): The Action plan covers eight major ‘missions on Solar, Enhanced Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Habitat, Water, Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem, Green India, Sustainable ‘Agriculture and Strategic Knowledge on Climate Change. Launched in 2008 Intemational Solar Aliance (ISA):1SA was Jointy launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and thethen President of France, Francols Hallande in Paris on the side lines of CoP 21 in 2015. The vision and mission of the allanceis to provide a dedicated platform for cooperation among solar resource rich countries that Ee completely or partial between the Tropics of Capricorn & Cancer. State Action Plan on Climate Change (SPCC): State governments have drafted climate svategies aligned withthe eight National Missions under the NAPCC. The strategies focus on issues ranging from climate mitigation, energy efficiency, and resource conservation to climate adaptation FAME Scheme for E-mobility: Union Government in April 2035 launched Faster ‘Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric vehicles (FAME) ~ India Scheme with {an aim to boos sales of eco-triencly vehicles in the county. itis apart of the National Mission % Atal mission for Rejuvenation & Urban Transformation (AMRUT) for Smart Cities. % Pradhan Mantri Ujwale Yojana: The scheme 4 Swachh Bharat Mission: Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Movement) isa campaign that was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 2, 2014. The campaign seeks to clean the streets, roads and infrastructure ofthe country's 4041 statutory cities, and towns. LST tation, Decne 2029 aéCL pela ccs See eae ee AO eer cea es eee cet aa law See rec Pee eee eet) Cee eae ene te] DO ee ee) See ee ed ‘exploitative private players to set the terms of purchase eta ee a ee ecu Cee ee eet) procurement at MSP set by the government, farmers argue, eee Lee Ed ee ered eee mee Cee etree ee ean ced ee ee eee rod Sea Pee ec eee eae ete See eee ee ce ee ee ee ry DO ue era Ere ‘The three laws are aimed at enabling barrler-frea trade in agriculture and empowering farmars to trade with buyers oftheir choice, said Narendra Singh Tomar, the Union agriculture minister. ‘They are: the Farmers! Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Faclitation) Act, 2020, The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection ‘Agreement of Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020 and The Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act, 2020, The new laws affect the farmers of Punjab and Haryara more because over 65% of wheat (2019) I procured from these states at MSP by the Food Corporation of india (FCI, the nodal government agency, along with other state agencies. ‘These states and their farmers benefit the most from the cutrert system, ‘The government declares MSP for 23 crops, and government agencies procure wheat and paddy at MSP. The prices of ather crops are determined bydomesticand international

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