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Excellent Score: 21+
Good Score: 15+
Need to improve if the score is below 15.
Check online, “How to improve solving RCs for CAT/GMAT?” and you will get some amazing tips and
tricks to be applied in your preparation.
Current Affairs
Excellent Score: 25+
Good Score: 20+
Need to improve if the score is below 15.
Keep limited sources for current affairs. List down the major news/topics from each month and prepare
your own comprehensive notes on those topics. It will be very helpful in revision at the end.
Legal Reasoning
Excellent Score: 25+
Good Score: 20+
Need to improve if the score is below 15.
The difficulty level of the section is moderate to difficult. To improve your scores, do the following:
Read news about the legal issues and debates. This will increase your knowledge and will enhance your
understanding of different legal terms and phrases. Understanding of legal terminologies will help in
comprehending the information provided to you in a better manner.
Other than this, practice of the right material is the key to increase your score in the legal section. Also, you
need to be careful while referring to different sources for legal aptitude because very less material is relevant
and reliable.
Logical Reasoning
Excellent Score: 23+
Good Score: 18+
Need to improve if the score is below 15. The level of passages is quite difficult. Therefore, do not get
demoralised if you score less marks too. Keep practicing and prepare for tough and difficult questions as
For questions of Analytical and Critical Reasoning, you can refer to books such as MK Pandey. For
comprehension based questions, the most important thing to carry out initially is to read and improve your
speed and understanding of the given text. Once you are good with reading and comprehension, the next
step will be to identify and differentiate different arguments, assumptions, inferences, ideas, conclusions, etc
from the passage. You can practice difficult comprehension from CAT, GMAT or GRE exams to practice
questions for Comprehension based Logical reasoning questions.
Quantitative Techniques
Excellent Score: 11+
Good Score: 8+
Need to improve if the score is below 5.
The level of questions is easy to moderate. To improve your scores; solve concepts which are asked in this
exam such as percentage, simple interest, compound interest, average, time and work, pipes and cistern,
boats and streams, area and volume etc. Solve RS Agarwal Book for the same or else understand the concept
from youtube and by referring to online websites and then practice a lot of DI based and caselets DI

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questions set online. This will suffice your preparation. If you still feel complications, you can anytime
discuss this with your mentor :)

1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (D) 4. (A) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (B) 9. (B) 10. (B) 11. (D)
12. (A) 13. (D) 14. (B) 15. (B) 16. (A) 17. (A) 18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (C) 21. (C) 22. (A)
23. (C) 24. (A) 25. (C) 26. (C) 27. (B) 28. (D) 29. (A) 30. (D)
1. Throughout the passage, the author reiterates the fact that studying history widens our
vision and the penultimate sentence of the passage states that by studying the accidental
chain of events that led us here, we realize how our thoughts and dreams took shape and we
begin to think and dream differently. Therefore, only option (B) would be the most
appropriate for citizens to learn history.
2. Refer to lines 7 and 8 of the passage and the last four lines of the passage. Hence it can be
said that option (D) is closest in to the main idea which the author intends to convey.
3. Statements 1 and 4 are contradicted by lines 4 to 6 of the passage. Hence, option (D) is the
correct choice.
4. Option (A) is the correct choice.
5. Refer to lines 5 and 6 of para 2, from this it can be inferred that a doubt may lead to belief.
Hence, option (D).
6. It is stated in the passage that once we achieve a belief, we can take the necessary action to
reach our destination. From this it is explicit that a candidate believes that he/she has faith
in the application process and that is the reason why he/she has applied for CLAT. Hence,
option (A) is the correct choice.
7. The word “dilettantism” means amateurism or inexpertness. Hence, from the given
options the word “guess” is closest in meaning to the word dilettante.
8. It is stated in the second para of the passage that Pierce acknowledges that some people like
to think about things or argue about them without caring to find a true belief, but he
asserts that such dilettantism does not constitute thought. Hence, option (B) is the
appropriate answer to this question.
9. Individualist anarchism, according to the last paragraph, involves “protecting our own
autonomy and associating with others for common advantages”. The last line of the passage
states that these thinkers “differed from free-market liberals in their absolute mistrust of
American capitalism, and in their emphasis on mutualism.” In other words, while both
individualist anarchists and free-market thinkers agreed on the importance of individual
autonomy, individualist anarchists distrusted capitalism and put emphasis on mutualism
while free-market thinkers did not. All other options mention ideas like state intervention
in markets, morally upright capitalism and altrusim which are not discussed in the passage.
10. The passage makes no mention of the mainstream mistrust of collectivism. In the last
paragraph, the passage states that “there are, unsurprisingly, several traditions of

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individualist anarchism.” So, option A is true. Option C is true, based on paragraphs 3 and
4: “For anarchists the state itself is the enemy because every state keeps a watchful and
sometimes punitive eye on its dissidents.” Paragraph 3 talks about the “violence and terror”
applied by centralised state power. Option D is also true, based on paragraphs 2 and 3:
French Revolution “had ended not only with a reign of terror and the emergence of a
newly rich ruling caste” and “workers and peasants, grasping the chance that arose to bring
an end to centuries of exploitation and tyranny, were inevitably betrayed by the new class of
11. The passage clearly states that “for anarchists the state itself is the enemy and they have
applied the same interpretation to the outcome of every revolution of the 19th and 20th
centuries.” Note that option B is incorrect because it talks of the ‘primacy’ of the individual
while anarchism puts emphasis on mutualism.
12. The passage discusses the French Revolution and goes on to state in paragraph 3 that “after
every revolutionary uprising, usually won at a heavy cost for ordinary populations, the new
rulers had no hesitation in applying violence and terror, a secret police, and a professional
army to maintain their control.” So, option A is the correct choice.
13. Only options A and D mention anarchism, which is the main idea of the passage. Option
A does not mention ‘freedom’ and individual’, which are discussed in the last two
paragraphs. So, D is the best choice.
14. Note the context in which the word is used: "the scholar of visual culture seeks to regard
images as evidence for explanation, not as epiphenomena". Substituting each of the answer
options instead of 'epiphenomena' in this sentence, we see that only option B makes sense.
Epiphenomena are phenomena supplemental to the evidence.
15. The passage does not mention 'institutional structures' or talk about these being essential
to the study of visual culture.
From the line, "...task is to understand how artifacts contribute to the construction of a
world", we understand A is true. C is true, based on the line. " Scholars may learn a great
deal when they scrutinize the constituents of vision, that is, the structures of perception as
a physiological process as well as the epistemological frameworks informing a system of
visual representation". D is also true, based on the first paragraph.
16. Note the line that follows the given line in the passage: "They were unique creators of
images that changed the way their contemporaries thought and felt and have continued to
shape the history of art, artists, museums, feeling, and aesthetic value." In other words,
social analysis cannot fully account for the existence of Michelangelo or Leonardo as it
cannot explain their genius.
17. The given sentence implies sight works on the basis of covenants with images we see. These
help establish a meaningful visual experience. Option A captures the meaning of the line
18. All words in option C relate to key ideas in the passage.
Option A mentions 'lay audience' which is not a key idea. In the same way, options B and
D mention 'Michelangelo and Leonardo' and 'work of genius' respectively. The passage
mentions Michelangelo and Leonardo but that is to make a point about meaning-making.

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19. The author discusses the negative effects of screen time and mentions the fact that it causes
depression in adults, that it has adverse effects on children's learing and that it is designed to
be addictive. The author is unlikely to endorse the view that screen time increases human
contact, as it fills a void.
20. The given statement implies that the class you belong to decides how much time you spend
off-screen. Screen time, according to the passage is "déclassé". Option C states the same
21. While discussing the increase in screen-time, author states that "in our culture of increasing
isolation", screens are filling a "crucial void". According to the passage, "for now a worker
can be punished for going offline" . The passage also states that public schools have been
convinced that it is good to "prepare children for their screen- based future". So, the author
is likely to agree with the reasons stated in options A, B and D. The author does not discuss
falling costs of streaming as a reason for increase in screen-time.
22. In paragraph 4, the author states that people who actually build a screen-based future do
not raise their own children that way: "In Silicon Valley, time on screens is increasingly seen
as unhealthy. Here, the popular elementary school is the local Waldorf School, which
promises a back-to-nature, nearly screen-free education."
23. Trickily worded question. The option that, if false, supports the author's claims is the one
that, if true, does not support the author's claims. From the first line of the passage, we
know that the author has been following the economic crisis for more than two years. The
author clearly states that he is "not sure the idea of a huge gap between science and the arts
is as true as it was half a century ago". Also, according to the author, "many bright, literate
people have no idea about all sorts of economic basics". So, options A, B and D, if true,
support the author's claims. On the other hand, the author states that the crisis was due to
"the sluggishness of the world’s governments" not preparing for the great unravelling of
autumn 2008. The statement that the economic crisis was not a failure of collective action
to rectify economic problems goes against the author's view. So, option C, if true, does not
support the author's claims.
24. From the first line of the passage, we understand that the author has been following the
economic crisis for more than two years, i.e not less than two years.
25. The main idea of the last paragraph is stated in the line, "after decades in which the ideology
of the Western world was personally and economically individualistic, we’ve suddenly been
hit by a crisis which shows in the starkest terms that whether we like it or not—and there
are large parts of it that you would have to be crazy to like—we’re all in this together".
Option C captures this idea well.
26. The author calls the crisis "absolutely amazing story, full of human interest and drama, one
whose byways of mathematics, economics, and psychology are both central to the story".
So, Option A is in line with the arguments in the passage. While beginning to work on the
crisis the author wrote that was extending the laws to control risky investment vehicles was
essential to avoid a global financial disaster. Option B, too, is in line with the arguments in
the passage.
The author also states that "there is a need to narrow that gap, if the financial industry is
not to be a kind of priesthood, administering to its own mysteries and feared and resented

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by the rest of us". In other words, financial matters have become very arcane and difficult to
understand. So, option D supports the arguments in the passage.
However, in the last paragraph, the author states that the economic crisis shows the failure
of the personally and economically individualistic ideology of the Western world. So,
option C, if true, does not support the arguments in the passage.
27. The author laments the fact that many bright, literate people have no idea about all sorts of
economic basics. So, he is likely to be supportive of an educational curriculum that
promotes developing financial literacy in the masses. Note that option A is incorrect as it
talks of economic "research". There is no basis for options C and D in the passage.
28. The question asks us to choose the option which does not serve as evidence for the character
of Aladdin being based on Hanna Diyab. Just because Diyab narrated the original story to
Galland, it cannot be said that the central character of the story—Aladdin—is based on
Diyab himself. The passage does not base its arguments on this point.
29. In the last paragraph, the passage argues that the reason why storytellers are still fascinated
by the story of Aladdin is not just because of the story’s narrative drama or the way it
reflects the history of the French and the Middle East, but because it is a story about
‘Middle Easterners coming to Paris and that speaks to our world today’. In other words, the
tale of Aladdin resonates even today.
30. In paragraph 3, the passage states that though scholars thought for many years that the
story line of Aladdin was inspired by plots of French fairy tales of the time, the evidence
suggesting that Diyab based the story on his own life flips the script. This was a story of a
young Arab in France, not the other way around. The passage supports its claim about the
authorship of Aladdin citing the narrative sensibility of Diyab's travelogue, the depiction of
the affluence of Versailles in Diyab's travelogue and Galland's acknowledgement of Diyab
in his diary.


31. (C) 32. (C) 33. (B) 34. (C) 35. (C) 36. (A) 37. (D) 38. (C) 39. (A) 40. (C) 41. (C) 42. (D)
43. (A) 44. (C) 45. (B) 46. (A) 47. (B) 48. (C) 49. (A) 50. (C) 51. (A) 52. (C) 53. (D) 54. (D)
55. (C) 56. (D) 57. (A) 58. (C) 59. (C) 60. (A) 61. (A) 62. (C) 63. (B) 64. (B) 65. (A) 66. (D)
31. (C); Speaker of the House of Representatives is Nancy Pelosi
32. (C); All other presidents have faced such proceedings.
33. (B); The U.S. Constitution's 25th amendment allows the removal of a president unable to fulfil
the duties of the office.
34. (C) is the correct choice; 2/3rd majority is required.
35. (C) Both charges i.e., Abuse of power and Obstruction of Congress were levied on Donald
36. (A) University of Oxford and AstraZeneca

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37. (D) Hyderabad is the headquarter of Bharat Biotech.
38. (C) VG Somani, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
39. (A) Edward Jenner is the ‘Father of Immunology’.
40. (C) CoWIN
41. (C); Elon Musk became the richest person surpassing Jeff Bezos
42. (D); Amazon is owned by Jeff Bezos
43. (A) Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken became the first American astronauts to be sent into space
by the newly crowned richest person’s company- SpaceX
44. (C); Jack Ma is the founder of Alibaba
45. (B); It’s a daily ranking and was launched in March 2012.
46. (A) 31 January, 2020
47. (B) Rishi Sunak is the current Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom.
48. (C) After Brexit, 27 countries remain members of the European Union.
49. (A) Article 50
50. (C) When the referendum was held on June 23, 2016, David Cameron was the then Prime
Minister of UK
51. (A) Chandrikapersad Santokhi
52. (C) Suriname is a former Dutch colony where people of Indian descent make up the largest
ethnic group comprising 27.4 per cent of the population of 587,000.
53. (D); also known as NRI day.
54. (D) All (1), (2) and (3)
55. (C) Sukarno (Indonesia) was the guest of honour at India’s first Republic day held in 1950
56. (D) Kuwait
57. (A) Mohammed bin Salman
58. (C) Jared Kushner, son-in-law of Donald Trump.
59. (C); all options are correct
60. (A) On 4 January 2021, Qatar and Saudi Arabia agreed to resolution of the crisis brokered
by Kuwait and the United States. 
61. (A) Sir Garfield Sobers Award; The Sir Garfield Sobers Trophy is a cricket trophy awarded
annually by the International Cricket Council to its chosen world player of the year.

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62. (C) Steve Smith; ICC men's Test Player of the Decade award winner.

63. (B) Dubai, United Arab Emirates; ICC was found in 1909.

64. (B) Ellyse Perry; ICC Women's Player of the Decade, ODI Player of the Decade and T20I
Player of the Decade award.

65. (A) Greg Barclay; New Zealand administrator Greg Barclay was elected Chairman on 24
November 2020.

66. (D); Rahul Dravid was also the Test Player of the Year.

67. (C) 68. (A) 69. (B) 70. (C) 71. (D) 72. (A) 73. (C) 74. (B) 75. (A) 76. (C) 77. (A)
78. (A) 79. (B) 80. (C) 81. (A) 82. (B) 83. (C) 84. (D) 85. (C) 86. (A) 87. (C) 88. (A) 89. (B)
90. (B) 91. (A) 92. (D) 93. (A) 94. (B) 95. (A) 96. (D) 97. (D) 98. (C) 99. (D) 100. (C) 101. (A)
102. (B) 103. (A) 104. (D) 105. (A)

67. (C) No, though she had submitted a declaration to the DM, the required time period of 60
days had not passed and her conversion became illegal.

68. (A) No, the marriage is void as it was done for the sole purpose of religious conversion.

69. (B) Yes, he’s the aggrieved person own sibling.

70. (C) No, she has violated an important procedure and therefore her conversion is illegal and

71. (D) No, offences committed under the said Act are non-bailable.

72. (A) Yes, they have caused harm to him and he has an imminent danger to his life.

73. (C) No, only a police officer, not below the rank of an Inspector can investigate any case under
the Act.

74. (B) Central government

75. (A) Yes, she has committed an act of violence.

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76. (C) Yes, Criminal contempt

77. (A) No, the politician is vilifying the judge as an individual and not as a judge and therefore, he
cannot be held liable.

78. (A) Yes, she can be held liable.

79. (B) Articles 129 and 215 of the Constitution respectively ​​

80. (C) Yes, the bill assures free treatment for such persons if they are homeless or belong to Below
Poverty Line, even if they do not possess a BPL card and the government is responsible to help
81. (A) Yes, A person with mental illness shall have the right to confidentiality in respect of his
mental health and treatment and therefore Sangam has the right to sue Shahi TV.
82. (B) No, they have to get registered.
83. (C) Yes, it’s clearly mentioned that the persons suffering from mental illness shall not be
chained in any manner or form whatsoever under any circumstances.
84. (D) Sec 309

85. (C) No, he is a member of a political party and cannot receive money under FCRA.

86. (A) No, funds other than the foreign contribution should not be received or deposited in the
FCRA account. 
87. (C) No, the holder must renew the certificate within six months of expiration.

88. (A) Yes, she has been found guilty of misutilisation of funds.

89. (B) Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010

90. (B) No, A bank cannot supply gamete of a single donor to more than one commissioning

91. (A) Yes, A child born through ART will be deemed to be a biological child of the
commissioning couple and will be entitled to the rights and privileges available to a natural child of
the commissioning couple. 

92. (D) Yes, abandoning children born through ART is an offence under the Act.

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93. (A) Any clinic or bank advertising or offering sex-selective ART will be punishable with
imprisonment between five and ten years, or fine between Rs 10 lakh and Rs 25 lakh, or both and
therefore, the doctor is liable.

94. (B) No

95. (A) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

96. (D) Violence cannot be a tool to implement the will of the majority and such actions are failure
of the state.

97. (d) All of the above.

98. (c) The villagers should be punished as no individual in the country is entitled to take law in his
own hand and punish the wrongdoer.

99. (d) None of the above.

100. (c) Both (A) and (R) are incorrect

101. (A) Banking Regulation Act, 1949

102. (B) No, the act doesn’t apply to primary agricultural credit societies

103. (A) No, because it has used the term ‘banking’ in its name therefore not exempted.

104. (D) RBI may exempt a cooperative bank or a class of cooperative banks from certain
provisions of the Act through notification.

105. (A) No, it may issue unsecured debentures or bonds or similar securities with maturity of ten
or more years to such persons and not less.  

106. (D) 107. (B) 108. (A) 109. (C) 110. (B) 111. (C) 112. (D) 113. (C) 114. (D) 115. (C)
116. (B) 117. (D) 118. (D) 119. (C) 120. (B) 121. (C) 122. (C) 123. (D) 124. (C) 125. (C)
126. (D) 127. (B) 128. (B) 129. (C) 130. (C) 131. (A) 132. (D) 133. (A) 134. (B) 135. (D)
106. D; D is the strongest argument since there is a high degree of similarity between the two
statements. Although all options deal with possibly dangerous situations, none of the options
other than ‘D’ deal with a minor, or the consequences of selling to a minor.

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107. B; B sums up the irony of the situation in the most accurate manner. Options A and C deal
with some parts of the statement that are not related to the actual meaning of it. Although option
D seems tempting, the word ‘always’ is never mentioned in the statement, so it is incorrect.
108. A; A can be directly inferred from the statement ‘unusual alliance between suicide-prevention
advocates and gun-rights proponents.’ All the other statements refer to one or the other portion of
the paragraph, but cannot be inferred from it.
109. C; Option A is not feasible as relaxing lockdown measures will increase coronavirus cases and
lead to more deaths. Option B is far-fetched as there is no evidence to show that people commit
suicide since they are influenced. Option D is related to only one portion of the solution, but
financial stress is not the main reason for suicides. Option C would be correct as anxiety and social
isolation is the major cause for rise in suicides.
110. B; Only option B is the weak argument. There is no similarity between the statement in
question and this option.
111. C; In the last sentence of the passage, the author states that the heroic perception of the
dacoits as appealing soldiers fighting against injustice needs to be challenged and the activity of the
police in establishing the museum tries to do that even though the police’s perception does not
portray the true and entire picture. (b) is not the answer because the police got the museum
constructed. (c) and (d) are out of context.
112. D; The author writes that even though their acts of violence had victims, people considered
them appealing as they though that these dacoits were fighting injustice, poverty, caste
considerations etc. They were held in high regard not because of their violence but the ends they
sought to achieve.
113. C; This answer is directly given in the line where Phoolan Devi had won Lok Sabha election
of 1999. This signified that the dacoits enjoyed popular support.
114. D; The author has drawn an analogy between the dacoits and the story of Robin Hood where
he was a criminal, rather a thief with a good cause in his mind which was to alleviate the plight of
the poor. However, his means were evil. Similarly, Here the dacoits are violent but are perceived to
correct injustices done to them.

115. C. The passage discusses the ideology of female benevolence as initially restricting women to
domestic work (consistent with option B), and later as an ingenious way to raise money (consistent
with options A and D). Hence option C is the least consistent.

116. B. Option A is a direct contradiction to the passage. Option C is not mentioned anywhere in
the passage. Option D also cannot be inferred from the passage. Option B is the essence of the

117. D. Option A is incorrect as there is no reference to when it was founded. Option B is

contradictory to the first line of the second paragraph. Option C is contradictory to the second
paragraph. The last option is true due to the statement ‘…enabling them to escape the confines of
their traditional domestic spheres and to enter prisons, hospitals…’.

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118. D. The first paragraph discusses the idea of female benevolence and its impact on women
working outside of the domestic sphere, and the second paragraph discusses its impact on women
involved in politics. Hence, the answer is option D.

119. C. Both options depict women who have strong ambitions, but cling to the idea of female
benevolence in order to fit society.

120. (B). Even though the government asked twitter to block several accounts, twitter only blocked
those inconsistent with its policies and not necessarily those the government wanted to. (c) is not
the answer as it was a mere allegation made by the government and not all accounts were provoking
121. (C) cut the mic in this context means to prevent people from voicing their opinions on twitter
by blocking their accounts. It does not mean banning the person from the twitter platform as the
person may enter with a different account notwithstanding the blockage of one account.
122. (C) is the correct answer as directly stated in the passage that after the incident of January 26,
the people on twitter were spreading violence provoking information that the government alleged
and wanted to curb.

123. (D); as nowhere in the passage has the author mentioned the exact policies of twitter with
respect to grounds on which it blocks accounts. Additionally, the author mentions that twitter has
no definite rules with respect to that.
124. (C); as the crux of the passage is that even though china hints at disengagement, India should
not let down its guard as at previous occasions as well, China has backstabbed India under the garb
of pretending to disengage.
125. (C) ; because the first statement of the 2nd paragraph says so. [b] has not mention of it in the
passage. [c] and [d] are not true as non has disengaged with another in the border crisis.
126. (D) as China act of disengagement was strikingly opposed to its usual strident posturing with
neighbours with whom it has boundary issues. The first and third sentence state the exact opposite
and the second one cannot be inferred.
127. (B); This can be solved through elimination. The first is eliminated because we need to back
down at some point and not ‘never’. [c] may be correct but cannot be inferred. [d] is the exact
opposite of what the author has to say.
128. (B) The references of Galwan valley and Doklam has been given to forewarn the Indian troops
about the usual Chinese attitude of being unreliable.
129. (C) ; is the correct answer as can be inferred from The French president’s words. [a] is the
exact opposite of what the French think and feel. [c] is not mentioned in the passage about
president’s opposition to exchange of culture’s per se but he is opposed to import of dark social
science theories from America. [d] is out of context.
130. (C) ; the first statement finds a mention nowhere. The second is an all French and American
university encompassing statement and hence incorrect. [d] is true but not the main point of the
131. (A) The French are troubled, annoyed and upset at the import of American social science
theories and its implication on France and French Culture. They are not sad but have rather angry
undertones. [c] and [d] are not the meaning in the context.

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132. (D) H is the nurse
133. (A) I is the husband of H.
134. (B) M, K and I, H are married couples.
135. (D) As gender of J is not known, so the data is insufficient.

136. (C) 137. (B) 138. (C) 139. (D) 140. (A) 141. (C) 142. (D) 143. (D) 144. (A) 145. (B)
146. (B) 147. (C) 148. (A) 149. (D) 150. (A)
136. (C); 30% = 30000
Hence, Binder charges = 12/30 x 30000 = 12000
137. (B); 360° = 100%
Hence, 4/100 x 360 = 14.4°
138. (C); 18% = 18000
Therefore, 100/18 x 18000 = 100000
139. (D) Misc. = 2000
Therefore, total = 100000
Cost per book = 100000/ 12500 = Rs. 8
Cost per book after realizing profit of 5% = 8 x 1.05 = Rs. 8.40
140. (A); 12% = 6000
Hence, expense on cost of paper = 10/12 x 6000 = 5000
141. (C); Ratio = 11:16
142. (D); 394 (None of these)
143. (D); Ratio of females participating in lawn tennis: table tennis = 72:16 = 9:2
144. (A); Difference= 99-72 = 27
145. (B); Total= 48+24 = 72
146. (B); 6421/49342 x 100 = 13.01%
147. (C); 4068/20858 x 100 = 19.50%
148. (A); 16.1/100 x 60314 = 9710
149. (D); Illiterates in A= 49342 – 6421 = 42921

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Illiterates in C = 60314 – 9710 = 50604
Hence, difference = 50604 – 42921 = 7683
150. (A) 6421- 4068 = 2353

End of Analysis

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