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The ace of clovers

Line one

FRAME 1 – The two main characters (dressed in their costumes) being interviewed in a
news studio, Clover and Ace are sitting next to each other while the interviewer sits away
from them. The three are sat around a news table.

The news reporter: So, Clover, the victory the other day was simply a great feat! How
does it feel the achieve it all alone?

FOR RADIO: The news reporter’s voice

FRAME 2 – It’s a shot of the TV showing the interview, Clover pulls Ace towards her and
wraps her arm around her friends’ shoulders.

Clover: Well, I wouldn’t say I was all alone, my best friend is with me!

FOR RADIO: The rustling of clothes can be heard as well as chair wheels moving but the
audio fades out to sound more like a tv and the voices of the people in the café fade in.

FRAME 3 – The two are now in normal clothing. Clover has her head on the table while
Ace looks at her. They both have drinks ready to go.

Clover: Why is it playing so loud…?

Ace: You’re going to have to get used to your own voice if you want to go out more. We
are blowing up after all.

FOR RADIO: There can be a coffee machine heard in the background.

FRAME 4 – Clover sits up, she looks angry.

Clover: I don’t want to deal with this. I shouldn’t have to deal with this!

Ace: Then quit your job

Line two

FRAME 1 – Clover crosses her arms.

Clover: No way! The world needs me too much, it simply wouldn’t survive without
Ace: Oh no, what will the world ever do without a teenager with resistance? Maybe do
their jobs for once?

FRAME 2 – Clover gets up from her seat. Ace looks kind of shocked at her sudden reaction.

Clover: Let’s just go, we need to get back on patrol.

FOR RADIO: A chair can be heard moving back.

FRAME 3 – Ace stands up as well. He picks up his drink.

Clover: I’m tired of everyone staring at us anyway

Ace: I thought you liked attention

FOR RADIO: A chair can be heard moving, whispers can be heard around them.

FRAME 4 – The shot pans out, the two are isolated and a spotlight is lighting up their table.

Clover: Not this kind of attention

FOR RADIO: The whispers get louder.

Line three

FRAME 1 – It’s a shot of them walking in the street with their drinks in hand. They’re
walking in silence.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps on concrete can be heard as well as the sounds of the city.

FRAME 2 – Clover turns around.

FOR RADIO: Shoes moving on the concrete.

FRAME 3 – Clover walks backwards as she talks.

Clover: Hearing my own voice is so weird like, why do I sound like that?

Ace: Don’t walk backwards, you’ll hurt yourself.

FRAME 4 – They continue to walk.

Clover: Also, why did you say it was my voice on tv?

Ace: Why were you reacting so strongly? If you really cared, you would have kept your
reaction in.

Clover: I was trying but then it just dragged on and on and then…

Line four

FRAME 1 – It cuts back to the café, it shows Clover with her head on the table and eyes
behind her, staring at her.

Clover: …everyone started staring at us.

FOR RADIO: Whispers can be heard in the background.

FRAME 2 - Clover stops walking and Ace stops too.

Clover: They were staring before I did anything.

FOR RADIO: The footsteps stop.

FRAME 3 – There is a medium shot of Ace, and he begins to think.

Ace: Clover I had no idea…damn, maybe we should get some face masks and investigate
less populated areas to hangout in.

Clover: Maybe a bodyguard?

Ace: No bodyguards, I don’t want to be treated like a celebrity.

FRAME 4 – There is a shot of the sky.

FOR RADIO: Screaming from the distance can be heard.

Line five

FRAME 1 – Clover and Ace look around and towards the screaming.
FRAME 2 – Clover looks back at Ace and they both start running.

Clover: Let’s go!

FOR RADIO: Footsteps and screaming.

FRAME 3 – A wide shot of the destruction can be seen.

FOR RADIO: Wires being soldered, and flames can be heard.

FRAME 4 – Nancy can be seen with a face shield, working on a strange machine.

FOR RADIO: same as frame 3

Line six

FRAME 1 – Nancy has her back to the camera while Clover and Ace can be seen sneaking
around behind her.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps on gravel can be heard.

FRAME 2 – Clover and Ace sneak behind a large bit of debris

Clover: What do we do?

Ace: You distract her, bring Nancy close and I’ll shut the machine down before she can
finish it.

FOR RADIO: same as frame 3 line 5

FRAME 3 – Clover stands up and Ace sneaks around.

Clover: Hey! Nancy! Over here!

FOR RADIO: someone moving on gravel quietly, it fades away (and fire can be heard but
it’s quiet)

FRAME 4 – Nancy looks over, she’s annoyed at a disturbance. Clover moves to the side of
the rubble, but she doesn’t step forward.
Nancy: Hello there. It appears you made it just in time to stop me.

Line seven

FRAME 1 – It’s a long shot of Nancy and Clover standing opposite from each other, there is
a huge gap between them.

Clover: Why did you destroy this entire area?

Nancy: To get the space unicorn from the land of dreams! What? I’m not telling
you why I’m here.

FOR RADIO: Fire can be heard burning as well as the distant sound of sirens.

FRAME 2 – Nancy smiles at the camera as she steps forward.

Nancy: But I’m willing to give you a hint. What was here before I destroyed it all?

FOR RADIO: same as frame 1

FRAME 3 – Ace has reached the machine and he goes (slides?) around to the open wires.

FOR RADIO: same as frame 1 but with gravel being moved around.

FRAME 4 – Ace reaches into the machine

FOR RADIO: same as frame 1 but with sparks from wires.

Line eight

FRAME 1 – The camera shows Clover as she stares at Nancy.

Nancy: The police station.

FOR RADIO: Fire and sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 2 – Nancy turns around.

FOR RADIO: Gravel can be heard moving around has Nancy moves.
FRAME 3 – Nancy smiles

Nancy: But did you really think I would tell you the right answer? I would’ve lied
either way.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps on gravel can be heard as well as a beginning of an explosion.

FRAME 4 – A wide shot of an explosion is shown.

FOR RADIO: A sound of an explosion

Line nine

FRAME 1 – A shot of a rooftop near the explosion with Clover and Ace lying on the ground.

FOR RADIO: Louder flames

FRAME 2 – Clover looks over at Ace as he gets up.

Ace: Clover! Are you ok?

FOR RADIO: Flames and coughing

FRAME 3 – Ace helps Clover stand up. Both of them only have a few scratches.

Clover: This is why I can’t quit, remember?


FRAME 4 – They both go to the edge of the building and look over at all the damage

Clover: So, what’s the plan?

Ace: What?

FOR RADIO: Footsteps can be heard.

Line ten

FRAME 1 – They both look over the edge.

Ace: I think I’m going to step out for this one.

Clover: Excuse me?

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard.

FRAME 1 – Clover looks over at Ace.

Clover: Why?

Ace: This is my fault, isn’t it?

Clover: No. It’s not.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 2 – Clover grabs Ace by the shoulders

Clover: Listen to me. I’m not letting you quit just because of something that neither
of us could predict. There is no way we could have known it would explode.

Ace: That doesn’t change the damage it’s caused. I can’t do this. I’ve hurt too
many people.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 3 – Ace pushes Clovers hands off his shoulders

Ace: I’m not smart enough to help you.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 4 – Ace walks away

Ace: I’m not sure if I was even “helping” in the first place.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background, footsteps.

Line eleven

FRAME 1 – Clover faces Ace as he walks away.

Ace: Your best shot is a surprise attack and knock her out in one shot. You should
be able to locate her from here but there is a telescope in the shop nearby if
you need it, but I doubt that will work.

FOR RADIO: Footsteps can be heard going further away. Flames and sirens can be heard in
the background. Another set of footsteps can be heard after Ace says his

FRAME 2 – Clover catches up to Ace and grabs him by the arm.

Clover: Ace wait! If this plan works, then you have to stay working with me!

FOR RADIO: Both footsteps stop. Sirens and fire can be heard in the background. Clothes
rustle sound

FRAME 3 - Ace looks back at Clover.

Ace: What

Clover: You said you weren’t smart enough and that you weren’t helpful.

Ace: Yeah, so let me go.

Clover: But if this plan works then that means you are smart and helpful because it
was your plan! Not anyone else’s.

FOR RADIO: Flames and Sirens can be heard in the background.

FRAME 4 – Clover lets go of Ace, but he doesn’t move.

Ace: So, a bet?

Clover: Why not? Now go downstairs and get me that telescope.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background.

Line twelve

FRAME 1 – Clover is looking through the telescope.

FOR RADIO: Flames and sirens can be heard in the background, but the sirens are closer.
FRAME 2 – Clover closes the telescope.

Clover: She’s over there. Nancy is about to go under the cover of a building.

Ace: Give me the telescope and go!

FOR RADIO: The sound of a telescope closing, flames and sirens.

FRAME 3 – Clover stands up on the building and pushes off.

FOR RADIO: The sound of cement breaking and someone flying off.

FRAME 4 – Clover stands over Nancy, Nancy is on the floor passed out. They are in the first
floor of a building. Police are outside.

Clover: Well, that was easy.

FOR RADIO: Glass shattering can be heard before Clover speaks.

Line thirteen

FRAME 1 – A shot of the ground completely smashed in a line, it leads towards Clover and

Clover: Now Ace owes me for saving his career, I guess. Maybe milkshakes would be

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