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Opening statement: Introduce the topic of divorce and separation, stating the importance of the
issue and why it should be discussed.

Here is an example of an opening statement on the topic of divorce and separation:

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Today, we will be discussing the controversial topic of
divorce and separation. As we all know, marriage is a big commitment and not always a perfect
one. Divorce and separation can be a difficult and emotional process for those involved, but it
can also be a necessary step towards a healthier and happier life. In this debate, we will explore
the social and economic benefits of divorce and separation, the impact of domestic violence and
abuse, and the psychological effects of staying in a bad marriage. We will also address any
counterarguments presented by the opposing team. Thank you for your attention."

2. First argument: Discuss the social and economic benefits of divorce and separation. Provide
statistics and studies showing that divorce can improve the overall well-being of individuals and

First argument: what is Divorced and BENEFITs

Second argument: Divorce and separation can also have a positive impact on the mental
health of individuals

Third argument: Divorce and separation can have a positive impact on the economic well-
being of individuals and families

Fourth argument: Divorce and separation can be difficult for children, but it can also
provide them with a healthier and safer environment


3. Second argument: Address the issue of domestic violence and abuse, arguing that divorce and
separation can provide a way for individuals to escape dangerous and unhealthy relationships.

First argument: Domestic violence against women and children,

Second argument: Cheating or infidelity and addiction (Bisyo)

Third argument: Sexual abuse


4. Rebuttal: Address any counterarguments that the opposing team may have presented, refuting
them with evidence and logical reasoning. Discuss the negative effects of staying in a bad
marriage and the psychological benefits of divorce and separation.


5. Conclusion: Summarize the main points of the debate and restate the importance of divorce and
separation as an option for individuals and families in difficult situations.

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