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Name: Cha

Course: Engineering

Andromeda and Milky way

Spiral galaxy Andromeda, also known as Messier 31, can be found 2.5 million light-years away from the
Milky Way. It is one of the galaxies that is closest to our galaxy, and over time, it has been gradually
getting closer to it. In point of fact, a collision between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy is
anticipated to occur in the not-too-distant future, which could have devastating effects. The possible
outcomes of the Andromeda Galaxy and Milky Way collision, as well as the potential consequences for
our galaxy and the universe as a whole, will be the subject of this essay. The Milky Way and Andromeda
Galaxy Collision The idea of the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy colliding is not new. The two galaxies'
motions have been studied by astronomers for decades, and their eventual collision has been predicted.
The two galaxies are expected to collide in about 4.5 billion years, which may seem like a long time but
is actually quite close in astronomical terms. Over hundreds of millions of years, the collision will happen
slowly. The gravitational interaction between the two galaxies, in which they gradually begin to pull
closer together, will be the starting point. The gravitational pull between the two galaxies will become
stronger as they get closer, and their shapes will start to change.

The galaxies will eventually combine to form a new galaxy. It is anticipated that the new galaxy will be
an elliptical in shape, which will take billions of years to form. This is due to the fact that, in contrast to
spiral galaxies, which are formed by the collapse of a single cloud of gas and dust, elliptical galaxies are
formed by the collision and merger of two or more galaxies. Possible Results The Milky Way and
Andromeda Galaxy collision will have significant effects on both galaxies. The disruption of the stars'
orbits within both galaxies will be one of the most immediate effects. New stars will be created and
some old ones will be destroyed as a result of this. Star formation will also accelerate as a result of the
collision. This is due to the fact that as the two galaxies merge, the gas and dust within them will be
compressed, resulting in the conditions necessary for the formation of new stars. Shockwaves caused by
the collision will also result in the formation of new stars. The disruption of the supermassive black holes
at the centers of both galaxies will be another result of the collision. The two black holes are thought to
eventually combine to form an even larger black hole. The new galaxy's structure and behavior will be
determined by this black hole's gravitational pull, which will be so strong that it will dominate the
galaxy.Impact on Our Galaxy and the Universe The collision between the Milky Way and the Andromeda
Galaxy will have a major impact on our galaxy and the universe as a whole. Astronomers will have a one-
of-a-kind chance to learn more about the formation and evolution of galaxies as well as the processes
that take place during a galaxy merger. Life on Earth may also be affected by the collision. Even though
the collision won't directly affect our planet, it will change the way stars in our galaxy live. Changes in
the conditions required for life to exist and changes in the distribution of planets that are habitable may
result from this.
In conclusion, a remarkable event that will take place in the not too distant future is the collision of the
Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. Astronomers and scientists alike find this topic fascinating,
despite the fact that it will not occur in our lifetimes. Both galaxies and our understanding of the
universe will be greatly affected by the collision. It will present us with a one-of-a-kind chance.

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