Concept Paper PDF

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How is Concept Paper Defined?
Task 1: Concept Mapping of
What shall we accomplish?

Input 1: How is Concept Paper

Written Work 4: Understanding

Concept Paper
Task 1: Concept Mapping of Dream

Make a concept map
on a yellow paper.
Think of the biggest
dream you would like
to be in your career.
Draw the same
figures and answer
the question in each
Concept Map = Concept Paper

What you did in the previous activity is an

example of a concept map that contains the
elements or parts of a concept paper. Thus,
completing the concept map is like making
a simplified concept paper of you own dream.

building a house
Let's compare!

Concept planting

is like
and others
Input 1: How is Concept Paper Defined?

Concept Paper

something thought or imagined, a academic article or talk, a

broad principle affecting the document or a student essay or
perception and behavior, the most thesis, especially one read at an
basic understanding of something, academic lecture or seminar or
and way of doing or perceiving published in an academic journal
something (Encarta Dictionaries)
originated in Middle English from
came from the Latin “conceptum” Anglo-Norman French “papir” and
meaning something conceived Latin “papyrus” meaning paper-
reed during the 16th century
Concept Paper

defines an idea or a concept and

explains its essence in order clarify
the “whatness” of that idea or
Concept Paper answers the questions

What is it?
What about it?
It answers these questions through

Definition of the concept

Expanded definition
Analytic description
It stipulates the meaning of a term through:

redirecting in a facilitated learning
Let's have an

Example 1: Ketchup
The idea of a concept paper has evolved over the years

a document which summarizes what a

project is about, why it is important, and how
it is intended to be carried out

It is consists of the topic under research, the

hypothesis that you seek to approve or
disprove, research questions, data required,
and methods of obtaining it
It is sometimes known as a proposal or an
abstract which are usually more detailed
than a concept paper but often serve the
same purpose.

Depending on the research being carried out,

it is a paper ranging from 2-3 pages for
small research project to 20 pages for
massive research projects.
Let's have an
Example 2:
Leveraging on Mobile Payment Methods to gain
Competitive Advantage by Local-Based Businesses
by Dr. Lango
All researches and projects need a
concept paper that act as a short
summary telling the reader what the
project is, why it is important, and
how it will be carried out.
A concept paper could also mean
summaries of projects or issues that
reflect the interests, experience and
expertise of the writer or organization.

Concept papers generally serve the purpose

of providing in-depth discussion of a topic
that the writer has a strong position on,
usually with the intent of obtaining funding
for that project from donors.
A concept paper aims to capture thoughts
and ideas and enables putting thoughts and
ideas into paper for consideration for

It is from the concept paper that one

develops the research proposal which
can either be business or academic
oriented. This makes concept paper a
stepping stone for developing research
writing competency.
Written Work
Thank You
See you next time!

Elucidating on a Concept

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