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A Research Paper

Presented To

The Faculty of the Research Department

Antipolo City National Science and Technology High School

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Subject Requirement in Research Capstone









February 2022


The Problem and Its Background


In December 2019, the discovery of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 or COVID-

19 in Wuhan, China, led the World Health Organization (WHO) to declare the outbreak

a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on January 20, 2020. Due to this,

almost every nation in the world enforced a lockdown throughout their country to

minimize human physical interaction in hopes of reducing the positive cases and

transmission of the virus.

Holding classes through online platforms was then declared due to the global

pandemic. Last 2020, the Department of Education (DepEd) responded to the sudden

change by issuing DepEd Order No. 012, s. 2020 tackling the development of the Basic

Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP), which is “a package of education

interventions that will respond to basic education challenges brought about by COVID-

19.” Even though limited face-to-face classes are now in talks within different regions in

the Philippines (Magsambol, 2022), the current online learning setup under distance

learning is still implemented.

However, according to numerous sources, online learning was a lot more difficult

than face-to-face classes. According to The Dispatch, online learning has been a rough

adjustment for the students and is harder than face-to-face classes due to a lot of

reasons, such as missing crucial parts of student learning. Furthermore, according to an

article by Rappler, the pandemic made schooling arduous for families who are

struggling with financial matters since it is quite essential to have an internet connection

for students to catch up in classes, activities, and performance tasks. Device

unavailability is also a problem for teachers and students (Agence France-Presse,

2021). It is no denial that most of the students in the Philippines are challenged in terms

of the financial aspect and cannot afford the means to cope with the current learning

setups available (Rotas & Cahapay, 2020). Yet even though some have limited access

to the internet, students still incorporate a study habit or schedule that suits them best in

alignment with accomplishing academic requirements.

Every student has their preferred study habit and schedule. Study habits have

been proved to bring a great impact on the students’ performance in class and are

supported by several empirical pieces of evidence made by researchers. The study of

Okpala, Okpala, and Ellis (2000) concluded that students who adapted good study

strategies influenced their academic performance in Economics courses in a positive

manner. Also, according to Hudson & Nonis (2010), people who have better study

habits also have better academic performance; compared to those who do not practice

good study habits. In line with this, we can imply that study habits can significantly

influence a student’s performance in school.

Since most classes are now held online, students have different preferences on

when they will start working on their tasks or studying their lessons. The differences in

preferred study habits are caused by numerous factors in a student’s life. Some

students may only be able to access the internet during the day, so they study during

the daytime. On the contrary, some may be able to focus more when it is evening, so

they work at nighttime. Online classes enable the students the freedom to work at their

own pace and create better study schedules that will suit them well and will result in

better academic performance. In line with this, the researchers would want to see if

there is a significant difference in academic performance between the two study

schedules for Grade 10 students of Antipolo City National Science and Technology High


The subjects or participants for this research will be the students of Antipolo City

National Science and Technology High School. Specifically, thirty (30) Grade 10

students from the aforementioned school are expected to participate in this study. The

setting of the study, in terms of the sample size, will be in ACNSTHS as well. However,

since the Covid-19 Pandemic is still ongoing in the Philippines, the researchers will

conduct the research inside their respective homes. The accomplishment of the

research will be possible through the use of the internet.

The aim of this study is to determine if there is a significant difference between

working in daytime and working in nighttime based on the academic performance of the

students. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions: (1) Which

working schedule (Daytime or Nighttime) is more preferred by Grade 10 ACNSTHS

Students?; (2) What working schedule (Daytime or Nighttime) conveyed better results

based on the students’ academic performance?; (3) What leads the students to choose

their ideal working schedule (Daytime or Nighttime)?; and (4) Is there a significant

difference in the academic performances of grade 10 students based on the two

working schedules?

Background of the Study

Due to the pandemic, traditional learning cannot be incorporated within education

means, making online learning the preferred mode of teaching for almost 6.3 million

students in public and private schools nowadays (Arcilla, J. 2020). While the instructor

and students are geographically separated during teaching, online learning, also known

as distant learning, is a method in which the teacher connects with students through

active participation utilizing various technologies and platforms available over the

internet. (Llego, 2020; Caga Belgica et al., 2020). This type of learning helps to create

collective spaces for learners, enabling them to communicate with each other from a

distance, exchange information, and solve problems within their own time and pace.

(Alkubaisi, 2021)

Going back to 2020 when the pandemic started to greatly affect and push the

shift within the education sector of the Philippines, the Department of Education

(DepEd) offered numerous learning modalities such as modular learning, online

learning, or a combination of the two learning methods which is blended learning. With

the fact that blended learning framework has been increasingly used due to its versatile

platform for learning and teaching processes (Salloum & Shaalan, 2018; Gopal et al.,

2021), Antipolo City National Science and Technology High School (ACNSTHS), upon

DepEd Order No. 032 s. 2020, settled with the said modality, where students shall

continue to learn while protecting the health and safety of both its personnel and

learners (DepEd 2020).

However, several studies (Atchley et al., 2013; Dubey & Piroska, 2019; Baticulon

et al., 2020) have presented the challenges of using this modality, especially in this time

of the pandemic. Students struggle to keep up with this method of learning due to

multiple reasons such as technological, physical, mental, emotional, and even learning

difficulties (Mahyoob, 2020). Students also experience time constraints due to physical

responsibilities within the household, or due to the number of tasks needed to be

accomplished in a given subject (Ahmad, 2019). According to Friedman (2020), online

learning is a modality in which learners and teachers are challenged not only by their

performance but also by time management and learning processes.

Students can stay on track and prevent homework meltdowns by sticking to a

study routine (Oxford Learning, 2017). Based on PSB Academy’s article (2020), science

has indicated learning is most effective between 10 AM to 2 PM and from 4 PM to 10

PM, when the brain is in an acquisition mode, while on the other hand, the least

effective learning time is between 4 AM and 7 AM. For students who have more energy

earlier in the day, studying may work best since they benefit from a refreshed and

energized mind after a good night’s sleep—making it easier for them to focus on what is

being learned; and work and absorb information more effectively. On the other hand, for

students who have more energy later in the day, evening or nighttime can be a more

effective time to study. With fewer distractions, studying at night can help improve a

student’s concentration and focus (Oxford Learning, 2017).

Since online learning has been a great challenge for both teachers and students,

having good time management skills is necessary for ACNSTHS students to maintain a

good performance in class. The goal of keeping a good academic performance gave

rise to the different preferences of ACNSTHS Grade 10 students regarding their work

schedule. With the concern of finding the ideal working schedule of the students, the

researchers are prompted to compare the academic performance of Grade 10

ACNSTHS students based on two working schedules: daytime and nighttime.

Conceptual Framework

This study was conducted to know if there is a significant difference between

working in the daytime and working at nighttime based on the academic performance of

Grade 10 ACNSTHS students. The following figure presents the conceptual framework

of the research.

Input Process Output

Creating a Facilitating a survey The summary of the
questionnaire that wherein the analyzed results
will satisfy the questionnaire created after applying the
study’s presented is answered by the statistical treatment
problems, with also respondents, along deemed vital in
the purpose of with acquiring the understanding the
procuring the core needed core grades data.
grades to be from the respondents
compared. to be compared.
Account for the
gathered data and
apply the needed
statistical treatment to
see the implication of
the results

Figure 1: The Conceptual Framework

First, the researchers will create a questionnaire that can answer all the

presented questions in the study, the said questionnaire will also have to be able to gain

the required core grades mentioned in the latter. Then after finishing the form, the

researchers will launch the form in an online survey using Google Forms with the

respondents picked by convenience sampling. After the survey timeframe is concluded,

the validated statistical treatment will be applied, specifically Measures of Central

Tendency, Variance, and T-Test. Lastly, the results after applying the statistical

treatment will then be analyzed and compared and thus answer the supplied questions,

problems, and inquiries in the study.


Review of Related Literature and Related Studies

Filipino Students’ Perspective in Distance Learning and Online Classes

The COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on the Philippines’ educational

system, and given that schools and colleges must be resilient in the face of disasters

and crises and discover innovative methods to continue activities (Chang-Richards et.

al., 2013), schools have resorted from traditional face-to-face classroom teaching-

learning to flexible learning and virtual classrooms, where learners and educators must

overcome several challenges.

People can consider the positives in distance learning which enables the ability

of educators to communicate with students both online and offline at the same time

included in the study of Sokolova, et. al. (2018) such as education for a diverse group of

individuals; the motivation to adapt from home; and the chance for students to save

money on transportation, lodging, and textbooks. Yet from Rotas & Cahapay (2020),

through utilizing qualitative research design, impart that instability of the internet,

insufficient learning resources power outages, ambiguous learning contents,

overburdened lesson activities, limited educator scaffolds, poor peer interaction, dispute

with household obligations, poor educational environment, financial problems, physical

health compromises, and mental health struggles are the common difficulties in remote


Generally, online learning and classes are increasingly becoming part of the

education system worldwide, especially during this time of the pandemic. Provided that

there’s a solid internet connection, students can learn from wherever they happen to be

(Beekman, 2021). There are several advantages and disadvantages of distance and/or

online learning to the students that affect their academic performance and way of

learning. Some of the advantages are, students: can stay safe inside our home, don’t

need to commute or travel, get to enjoy more time with our family, have the freedom to

learn wherever you want, can study at our own pace, and can utilize the power of

technology. On the other hand, some of the disadvantages are: there can be a lot of

technical difficulties, not everyone can afford resources for online learning, there can be

a lot of distractions, some educators are not tech-savvy, and classroom interaction is

only online (Isla, 2020; Manuel, 2022).

Even though negative effects are present, online learning allows the students to

be safe at home without having to skip a whole school year. In line with this, the

Department of Education is rolling out TV and radio lectures for students who don’t have

access to the internet or cannot afford to buy electronic gadgets (UNESCO, 2020). Still,

an e-learning type has stirred up varying opinions if it’s worth the effort of the

instructors, and the time of their learners. Moreover, in the descriptive study of Avila, et.

al. (2021) it was found that educational strategies for distance learning are seen as

beneficial and necessary by the students. Their access to the computer and other

gadgets, however, is restricted. With the right working schedule and time management,

students can basically continue learning by not having to continue their education as a

daunting task.

Time Management

Almost every human in the world is busy. Whether it be working, studying, or

resting, everybody would want to use their time as efficiently and effectively as possible.

According to the Mind Tools Organization, Time Management is the process of dividing

one’s time in doing different activities. It is also viewed as “clusters of behavioral skills

that are important in the organization of the study and course load,” (Sansgiry, et al.).

According to Macan, et al. (2010), the same time management strategies may not be

applicable to other people and therefore people tend to have different time management

strategies as a particular strategy of a certain person may not work on other people.

Furthermore, time management refers to the time available in each individual for doing

activities that varies according to the individual’s skills, abilities, and capabilities in

managing time (Nandhakumar and Jones, 2001).

Every people has their own way of managing their own time and recognizing our

preferred time management style will help us drastically (Martin, 2020). Adults, college

students, and high school students have different ways of managing their time. In this

way, they are able to achieve great things since efficient and effective working can lead

us to a successful social life. This will only be possible with good time management

(Khan and Nasrullah, 2015). Focusing on students, different studies have shown that

students in different fields were found to apply different strategies to manage their time.

The study of Mirzaei, et al. (2012) examined how nursing students managed their time.

The researchers were able to identify a time management strategy called ‘unidirectional

time management.’ This strategy includes different self-assessment activities for the

nursing students such as accepting the nursing field, assessing conditions, overcoming

uncertainty, and others (Mirzaei, et al., 2012). Engineering students, on the other hand,

are able to set goals and priorities to manage their time (Adams & Blair, 2019). With

this, we can say that engineering students prefer to be organized when it comes to their

time. Lastly, middle school students in the USA prefer ‘Planning and Using Aids’ to

manage their time (Liu, et al., 2009). Through these studies, one can conclude that

students apply different strategies to manage their own time. Furthermore, the great

importance of time management to students can be observed within these studies.

Time management plays a vital role in improving students’ academic

performance and achievements. Each and every student should have time

management ability which includes setting goals & priorities, using time management

mechanisms and being organized in using time. (Khan & Nasrullah, 2015). Furthermore,

at the cross-correlational study of Gallardo-Lolandes, et. al. (2020), they found out that

not only academic achievements are positively affected by time management, but also

the academic stress level of the students; it was determined that the result obtained

showed the inverse relationships between the factors investigated. With this, according

to Marcén and Martnez (2012), it is necessary to show that university students are

willing to fulfill their obligations and, as a result, the demands of their respective

academic programs; however, they also present the inconvenience of poor time

management that limits their academic achievements.

Work schedule is the days per week and the hours per day that someone is

expected to be at their tasks. (Doyle, 2014). Different work schedules may be to the

extent that. The article also contained the different types of work schedules, like a full-

time work schedule that requires over 37- 40 hours of, a part-time schedule, wherein a

person works hours that are lower than a full-time schedule, and may vary from week to

week. Another work schedule included in the article by Doyle is a flexible work

schedule. This schedule is lax when it comes to shifting the work-time to different hours

to better fit a person’s busy schedule. In a student’s perspective, their time is inflexible

hours, though a schedule for them is posted, the only strict requirement is to attend the

online classes, while asynchronous classes can be flexible time. Thus arises the

different work schedules that they can develop. Those who follow their circadian rhythm,

often get more work done during daylight hours, and those who work long hours,

wherein they also work late into the night. (Totterdell, 2005), these alternative schedules

is related to different factors such as work-family balance (Facer & Wadsworth, 2008)

As to why people prefer working from day to night, the pros of working during day

time includes being able to sleep easy, due to a person’s body clock and sleep

hormones, having access to most services during the day, better health overall, and

less chances of missing any important reminders/happenings. For nighttime, it is easier

to manage family life/chores when working during night time, quiet time, and being a

night-owl is easier when working during night hours (Smith, 2019). Working into the

night may cause consequences of sleep deprivation and can lead to a decrease in

cognitive functions, such as attention, reaction time, and memory, and can affect vision,

judgment, and verbal performance in the long run (Rad et al., 2020). The boost of

productivity throughout the day can also be linked, wherein the human body has two

productivity peaks in the day. The first takes place mid-late morning: after waking up,

the brain activates gradually and becomes very active before noon (up to 1 p.m. on

average). There follows a period when the brain is not very productive (until 3-4 p.m.),

but some studies suggest that the body also has a peak of creativity in the evening

around 9 pm. These may vary depending on the people, their sleeping hours, or their

eating rhythm. But it is generally the normal functioning of the human body (Fournier,


Study Habits of Students and its Impact

Study habits are the behaviors used when preparing for tests or learning

academic material. These are tactics and techniques that the students do to gain more

learning and earn higher grades. Study habits include factors such as place, time,

behaviors, and even student preference. According to North Mac Schools (2021), The

purpose of study skills is to help students maximize the learning process. This will

require an ample amount of time and dedication to enable the student to experience

school success.

A study conducted by Ebele and Olofu (2017) showed that there is a substantial

relationship between study habits and academic performance. Study habits contribute

significantly to the development of knowledge and perceptual capacities (Rabia, M.

2017). It plays a pivotal role in the learning process and attitude of a student. An

effective study habit can greatly increase a student’s performance both skill-wise and

academic-wise, while bad study habits can lead to inefficient learning skills. According

to Becton Loveless (2012), the key to becoming an effective student is learning how to

study smarter, not harder. Effective students always have effective study habits that

they can use when it comes to academic learning. Effective students don’t study with

just their hard work; students also use their brains to make their studying more useful

and efficient.

However, study habits are also dependent on a students’ learning environment.

Learning styles in the traditional class setup are far more different than the learning

style of the blended learning setup. According to Fleming (2001) learning style is an

individual’s preferred way of gathering, organizing, and thinking about information. It is

considered as the behaviors related to the psychological, cognitive, and affective

domains of interaction with learning environments. Due to the abrupt change of learning

style brought by the pandemic, students changed their learning style and study habits to

adapt to the current situation (Aristeidou, 2021). From the synchronous way of teaching

where teachers are the primary source of information, students are now receiving and

learning information through technologies. An article on PHD essay (2017) indicates

that technology is a differentiating factor for a student's study habits in the traditional

learning setup and online class setup. A study conducted by Sharpe and Benfield

(2005) showed that there are connections between the study habits of students and the

environment, particularly focusing on their strategies of learning, the input of

information, and technology immersion.

Students learning through a variety of study habits can have a different impact on

their studies. It is important that students themselves should have at least a few study

techniques while learning different topics or subjects in school. According to the student

wellness center (2017), learning study skills will not only help you in university, but they

will also help you succeed in life. Good study skills can increase your confidence,

competence, and self-esteem. They can also reduce anxiety about tests and deadlines.

It is important for students to enhance a learning style or suitable studying habits that

will help them keep focused on their ultimate goal which is academics. Educators

maintain that while studying habits may be overlooked, there are numerous benefits that

come along with them (Atieno, 2019).

Students should always think of a good study habit they could use when it comes

to learning. Loveless (2012) does not attempt to cram all your studying into one session;

successful students typically space their work out over shorter periods and rarely try to

cram all their studying into just one or two sessions. Plan when you are going to study;

successful students schedule specific times throughout the week when they are going

to study and then they stick with their schedule. Study at the same time; when you study

at the same time each day and each week, studying will become a regular part of your

life. Each study time should have a specific goal; you need to know exactly what you

need to accomplish during each study session. Never procrastinate your planned study

session; never procrastinate your planned study session. Start with the most difficult

subject first; once you have completed the most difficult work, it will be much easier to

complete the rest of your work. Always review your notes before starting an assignment;

before you start each study session, and before you start a particular assignment,

review your notes thoroughly to make sure you know how to complete the assignment

correctly. Make sure you are not distracted while you are studying; before you start

studying, find a place where you will not be disturbed or distracted. Use study groups

effectively; working in groups enables you to get help from others when you are

struggling to understand a concept, and complete assignments more quickly. And finally

review your notes, schoolwork, and other class materials over the weekend; Successful

students review what they have learned during the week over the weekend.

With all the good study habits students need to do and work on, there are also

many bad study habits students need to avoid. Cramming during an all-nighter; during

the term, student responsibilities, tasks, and social activities often take priority, which

leaves some students with just a few hours to study before an exam (M.F. & N.H.,

2017). Skipping classes, if you do not go to class, you’ll spend many hours copying

notes and asking friends about the lessons that you’ve missed (CFI, 2015). Studying at

the wrong place; some people need things to happen around them to concentrate – you

need to test different atmospheres and choose the right place for you to learn

(University of the People, 2021).

Synthesis of Related Literature and Studies

A summary of ideas and concepts presented in the various Literature and

Studies discussed above was summarized in this section. This was done for the

readers’ convenience in finding the data, information, or definition that they will need for

their own research. The gists of concepts were written by topic. The synthesis of the

whole Review of Related Literature and Studies is discussed below.

Schools and universities switched to distance learning and online classes ever

since the COVID-19 pandemic occurred. With this, students can learn anywhere,

provided that there’s an internet connection (Beekman, 2021). Several challenges were

encountered by both the educators and the learners during online learning and classes.

Some of the pros of online learning are the following: education for a diverse group of

individuals; the motivation to adapt from home; and the chance for students to save

money on transportation, lodging, and textbooks (Sokolova, et. al., 2018). While some

of the cons are the following: instability of the internet, insufficient learning resources,

overburdened lesson activities, dispute with household obligations, poor educational

environment, financial problems, and mental health struggles (Rotas & Cahapay, 2020).

Furthermore, when it comes to students, advantages and disadvantages during

online learning are experienced that affect their academic performances. Some of the

advantages are, students: can stay safe inside our home, don’t need to commute or

travel, get to enjoy more time with our family, have the freedom to learn wherever you

want, can study at our own pace, and can utilize the power of technology. On the other

hand, some of the disadvantages are: a lot of technical difficulties, financial problems,

distractions, some educators are not tech-savvy, and classroom interaction is only

online (Isla, 2020; Manuel, 2022). Educational strategies are found to be necessary for

students. Despite all the disadvantages and negativities that students are facing, with

the right working schedule and time management, students can basically continue

learning by not having to continue their education as a daunting task.

Time Management was defined differently by different studies. Time

management is defined as: (1) clusters of behavioral skills that are important in the

organization of the study and course load (Sansgiry, et al.); and (2) the time available in

each individual for doing activities according to different factors (Nandhakumar and

Jones, 2001). Every people has their own way of managing their own time and

recognizing our preferred time management style will help us drastically (Martin, 2020).

Being able to achieve great things in different fields is only possible through efficient

time management (Khan and Nasrullah, 2015). Different studies proved the existence of

different time management ways of students in different fields as well. The studies were

able to investigate Nursing Students (Mirzaei, et al., 2012), Engineering Students

(Adams & Blair, 2019), and Middle School Students (Liu, et al., 2009).

On the other hand, time management was deemed significant and important by

different studies, especially in a student’s life (Khan & Nasrullah, 2015; Gallardo-

Lolandes, et. al., 2020; Marcén and Martnez, 2012). Where they found that academic

achievement is affected by time management but also the stress level of the students.

The latter also found that university students are willing to fulfill their obligations and, as

a result, the demands of their respective academic programs; however, they also

present the inconvenience of poor time management limits their academic

achievements. People have different preferences when it comes to working. Some

wants to work at daytime and some wants to work at nighttime. Those who follow their

circadian rhythm, often get more work done during daylight hours, and those who work

long hours, wherein they also work late into the night (Totterdell, 2005). A lot of factors

are considered when people pick their own preference in their working time. For

nighttime, it is easier to manage family life/chores when working during night time, quiet

time, and being a night-owl is easier when working during night hours (Smith, 2019).

The boost of productivity throughout the day can also be linked, wherein the human

body has two productivity peaks in the day. These may vary depending on the people,

their sleeping hours, or their eating rhythm. But it is generally the normal functioning of

the human body (Fournier, 2017).

Study habits are the style of learning that students use to gain more learning and

earn higher grades. A learning style is an individual's preferred way of gathering,

organizing, and thinking about information. It is considered as the behaviors related to

the psychological, cognitive, and affective domains of interaction with learning

environments (Fleming, 2001). Study habits does not only pertain to the way of learning

of a student, but also their preference when it comes to time, places, and behavior.

There is a fundamental connection between study habits and academic performance

(Elebe & Olofu, 2017). An effective study habit can greatly increase a student's

performance both skill-wise and academic-wise. Effective students also often make

ways to make their study time efficient. Bad study habits, on the other hand, can lead to

inefficient learning skills (Becton Loveless, 2012).

Students learning different study habits can also have varying levels of success

in their academics. Therefore, it is critical for students to develop a learning style or

study habits that are appropriate for them. Study habits can boost self-esteem,

competence, and confidence. They can also help with test and deadline anxiety.

According to Atieno (2019) study habits not only enhance learning capabilities but also

their mental capabilities.


Research Methodology

Research Design

This study applied the Quantitative style of research since it uses numerical data.

This style establishes accurate data for researchers to analyze and also enables them

to create conclusions with little to no errors.

Furthermore, the Descriptive Comparative design was administered in this

research paper that seeks to describe the status of an identified variable and is applied

to research studies that aim to provide systematic information about a phenomenon.

The comparative affiliation to the descriptive design lets the researchers compare two

identified variables in a situation. For this study, the researchers aim to compare two

working schedules, daytime and nighttime, by identifying if there is a significant

difference between them based on the academic performance of Grade 10 ACNSTHS

students. Further discussion of the research design, such as the setting and the subject

of the study, is shown below.

A. Setting of the Study

The respondents for this study were taken from Antipolo City National Science

and Technology High School (ACNSTHS) located at Sitio Cabading, Brgy. San Jose,

Antipolo City. Given that face-to-face classes are not yet executed in ACNSTHS at this

date of writing, the study was accomplished at each of the researcher's houses, which

was thought to be the most appropriate location for the study's management given the

current pandemic. Communication between researchers were guaranteed to continue

with the use of Messenger (internet-based messaging application), Google Meet for

video conferences, and Google Docs for finishing the paper.

The survey made possible with Google Forms was disseminated at the

researchers' residences using their Messenger accounts to reach the currently-enrolled

Grade 10 students of ACNSTHS. The whole study took place under the Antipolo City

National Science and Technology High School’s second semester of the school year

2021-2022, beginning in February of that year.

B. Subject of the Study

The population of the study that took part in this research was the students of

Antipolo City National Science and Technology High School (ACNSTHS). Specifically,

the population was focused on the Grade 10 students of the said school. To make the

study more manageable for the researchers, there would only be a total of thirty (30)

respondents from Grade 10 ACNSTHS students.

Furthermore, since we are now experiencing the new normal educational setup,

it would be difficult to gather responses from the students. Thus, to be convenient for

everyone, the respondents were chosen through convenience sampling techniques.

According to Alison G. (2005), the convenience sampling technique involves using

respondents who are “convenient” to the researcher; there is no pattern whatsoever in

acquiring these respondents. Through this, the researchers were able to finish the study

even during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Procedure of the Study

The study was conducted through an online survey using Google Forms as the

main platform. First, the researchers sent the google form links through class

representatives of the participating sections. Before handing out the questions, the

researchers informed the students that the data collected from the research will solely

be of research use.

Next, the questionnaire used simple tools such as the Richter scale, dichotomous

questions, open-ended questions, and close-ended questions for the researchers to

attain research data. Lastly, the data was evaluated by the researchers through the help

of Google form statistics. In addition, the researchers also verified the statistics through

manual processes such as manual counting and excel computation to avoid mistakes.

In analyzing open-ended questions, the categorization of summary and findings was

used to determine whether the answer or the opinion of the respondents is included.

Sources of Data

The target of the study implies that the study dominantly uses a primary source

of data since this research aims to gather data through the survey method, however the

paper also incorporates secondary sources of data in multiple parts of the paper

wherein secondary sources serve as a measure of the credibility of the paper in the

second chapter. The survey method or questionnaire method of collecting primary data

will be held in an online platform called Google forms and thus become one if not the

main source of data to be compared and analyzed.

The primary source of data, classified as the survey method, consists of thirty

(30) respondents in the survey proper. The secondary sources of data found throughout

the paper solidify the ideas that are presented in the research. Most of the secondary

sources used are published sources, which are a variety of journals, articles, and

reports that are aligned with the topic on hand. The types of sources used are

interchangeably used in the study to provide support for the ideas raised.

Validation of Research

The very aim of this paper was to discover if there is a significant difference

between working in the daytime and working in the nighttime based on the sample

students’ academic performance. To ensure that the main goal of this research will be

acquired, proper validation was done.

Different parts of the whole study were ensured to have stability in data,

correctness in grammar, and proper organization of information. First, the methods and

statistical treatment were validated by Mr. Mark Anthony Aro, a statistics teacher in

ACNSTHS. The survey questionnaire was also examined by Mr. Aro to ensure that the

questions asked will give the data suitable for reaching the study’s objectives. After

finishing the paper, the grammar and organization of the text were checked by Mr.

Herbert De Ocampo, a renowned English teacher of ACNSTHS. Mister De Ocampo

thoroughly inspected the paper to make sure that no grammatical errors are made and

the organization of data was not confusing. Finally, the whole research paper was

validated by Mrs. Corazon Adrales, the teacher of Research Capstone for ACNSTHS

Senior High School. Mrs. Adrales checked every part of the research paper to finalize

and approve its validity and reliability of data. In line with this, the researchers confirm

that this research study is properly validated.

Data Gathering and Process

In accordance with the study's research problem and objectives, the researchers

prepared a survey questionnaire in a methodical manner. Mrs. Corazon Andrales, the

research adviser, evaluated the questionnaire before it was distributed. Furthermore,

after the research was approved, the researchers submitted a formal letter to the Junior

High School Coordinator, Mr. Edwin Abejero, and the Grade 10 advisers, Mr. Rianne

Cabilleda, Ms. Allana Albano, and Mr. Ariel Zarate, requesting their permission to

conduct the study and acquire their students’ first-quarter average.

Due to the present health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the

researchers were not permitted to visit the school, therefore the researchers will send

this formal letter via the school's official email address. Following the approval of the

request, data was collected via an online survey made feasible by the use of Google

Forms. The survey was administered to the respondents through online means.

Through this, the researchers were able to obtain important data such as the students’

Quarterly Average (QA) and students’ working hours. The data acquired will be used for

different statistical treatments for further analysis.

Statistical Treatment

For the analysis of data, the researchers used the mean, mode, and variance to

quantify the answers of the students via google forms. The Central Tendency of a

distribution is an estimate of the “center” of a distribution of values. All three types,

Mean, Mode, and Median, are estimates of central tendency which can help determine

the spread of data to analyze and interpret for the qualitative findings.

As for the main problem of the study, the identification of the significant

difference in the academic performances of grade 10 students based on the two

working schedules was tested through the use of the T-test. T-test is a statistical test

used to determine whether two population means are different when the variances are

known and the sample size is large. The T-test is best used for samples with thirty (30)

respondents because as the number of respondents becomes larger, more respondents

are considered to be approximately normally distributed.

Lastly, a percentage was also used for this undertaking. The percentage is used

to represent the partitions and interpretations of the data. The percentage was used to

represent the division between data which can help in drawing conclusions and

quantifiable results for the findings of the research.


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

In this chapter, the data gathered by the researchers through the methods of the

research are discussed. The research itself aims to know if there is a significant

difference between working at daytime and working at nighttime in line with the

students’ academic performance. Furthermore, the research would like to answer the

questions in the Statement of the Problem (see Chapter 1).

The researchers gathered data by conducting an online survey to the Grade 10

Students of Antipolo City National Science and Technology High School. The survey

included questions that asked the students about their: (1) preferred working schedule

(daytime or nighttime); (2) the reason behind their decision in choosing their preferred

working schedule; and (3) their First Quarterly Average. The data regarding these fields

are analyzed through manual observation and statistical treatment.

Figure 1 shows the data about the Preferred Working Schedule of Thirty (30)

Grade 10 Students of Antipolo City National Science and Technology High School.

Figure 2

Preferred Working Schedule of Thirty (30) Grade 10 Students of Antipolo City

National Science and Technology High School

According to the survey results, twenty (20) out of thirty (30) students preferred

working at nighttime. This comprises Sixty-Seven Percent (67%) of the respondents for

this research. The remaining ten (10) students, which comprises Thirty-Three Percent

(33%) of the respondents, chose Daytime as their preferred schedule for working. The

data presented supports the idea of Smith (2019) which states that it is easier and more

efficient to work at night (see Chapter 2).

Researchers assumed that each student had a certain reason why they picked

their respective working schedules. Table 1 shows the Reasons of the Grade 10

ACNSTHS Students for Working During Daytime or Nighttime.

Table 1

Reasons of the Grade 10 ACNSTHS Students for Working During Daytime or


Reasons for working during daytime/ nighttime

Reasons No. of responses
Internet is only available that time. 0
Internet is faster that time. 2
I could focus more in that time. 21
My body is more active in that time. 6
Others 1
Total Number of Responses: 30

The survey of the researchers offered four choices of reasons that the students

may choose to identify the closest reason in deciding their working schedule. Twenty-

one (21) students chose “I could focus more in that time.” This option has the most

number of responses among the four. On the other hand, the least option with the last

number of responses is “Internet is only available that time,” having a total of zero (0)

responses. Finally, the option “Internet is faster that time” got a total of two (2)

responses, and the last option “My body is more active in that time” got a total of six (6)

responses. All in all, thirty (30) responses from the students were acquired. Through this

data, it can be inferred that most of the students can focus more on their desired

working schedule, and thus they are able to become more productive during that time.

Different statistical treatments were applied to the First Quarterly Averages of the

students that were acquired by the researchers through the survey. To assess the

precision of the data gathered, the mean, variance, and standard deviation were

calculated. Table 2 shows the Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the First

Quarterly Averages of Grade 10 ACNSTHS Students according to their Preferred

Working Schedules.

Table 2

Mean, Variance, and Standard Deviation of the First Quarterly Averages of Grade
10 ACNSTHS Students according to their Preferred Working Schedules

Statistical Treatment Daytime Nighttime

Mean 94.82 95.46

Variance 1.76 0.71

Standard Deviation 1.33 0.84

For the students who preferred Daytime as their working schedule, the mean of

their First Quarterly Averages is 94.82. In addition, the computed variance is equal to

1.76 while the Standard Deviation is equal to 1.33. On the other hand, students who

preferred Nighttime working schedule were found to have a mean of 95.46 for their First

Quarterly Averages. Furthermore, the variance of the data is 0.71 and its standard

deviation is 0.84. Through the data presented, it can be inferred that students who

prefer working Nighttime have averages closer to the mean. Since the averages of the

students who work at Nighttime have a lower Variance, this means that the averages of

these students are more precise compared to the averages of those who work at

Daytime. Moreover, the spread of data points from the center (mean) is less, in

accordance with the standard deviation of the students who work at Nighttime. In

summary, the data about the First Quarterly Average of the students who work at

Nighttime is directly proportional to each other and is closer to the value of its mean.

The median was also computed using the data acquired. This will be used to

answer the second problem of this study (see Chapter 1). Table 3 presents the Median

Values of the First Quarterly Averages of Grade 10 ACNSTHS Students according to

their Preferred Working Schedule.

Table 3

Median Values of the First Quarterly Averages of Grade 10 ACNSTHS Students

according to their Preferred Working Schedule

Statistical Score
Daytime Nighttime
Treatment Difference

Median 95.24 95.64 ±0.40

In table 3, it is shown that the median for the First Quarterly Averages of Grade

10 students who preferred daytime has a value of 95.24, while the median for the

students who preferred nighttime has a value of 95.64. Moreover, by the comparison of

the two values, the median for the students who prefer working at nighttime was higher

with a score difference of ±0.40. However, the difference in values were deemed as too

small to compare which of the work schedules are better. In summary, the values of the

medians of the two working schedules are too close to each other and, therefore, no

working schedule is better by observation.

The median was computed to descriptively compare which working schedule

provides a higher academic performance for the students. The median was chosen

instead of the mean to eliminate the possible outliers that can affect the value of the

means. The value of the median is solely used to descriptively compare the two working

schedules, but not necessarily prove that one is better than the other. Therefore, T-test

was applied to the data to tell whether there is or isn’t a significant difference between

the academic performances of grade 10 students based on the two working schedules.

Table 4 shows the Application of T-test over the First Quarterly Averages of Grade 10

ACNSTHS Students based on the Two Working Schedules.

Table 4

Application of T-test over the First Quarterly Averages of Grade 10 ACNSTHS

Students based on the Two Working Schedules

Mean Variance df t-score CV p H0

Daytime 94.82 1.76

Fail to
13 -1.39 2.16 0.18
Nighttime 95.46 0.71

An independent T-test of Two Sample Means assuming Unequal Variances were

applied to the data to achieve the main goal of this research. Specifically, a two-tailed

test with a 5% (0.05) level of significance was used in this undertaking. The mean,

variance, degrees of freedom, critical value, and p-value were analyzed and computed

to get the t-score of their academic performance based on the two working schedules.

The mean and the variance of during the daytime schedule were 94.82 and 1.76,

respectively. On the other hand, a mean value of 95.46 and a variance of 0.71 were

quantified during the nighttime schedule. In addition, the degrees of freedom and critical

value were solved and were found to be equal to 13 and 2.16, respectively. Using all the

values at hand, the t-score was calculated by using the formula for T-test. The acquired

t-score was equal to -1.39, which is comparatively lower in value than that of the critical

value. Furthermore, the obtained p-value using t-test was equal to 0.18, which is

comparatively higher than the value of the level of significance. In conclusion, the

researchers failed to reject the null hypothesis in accordance with the acquired values

during the application of T-test.


Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

Summary of Findings




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