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Section – English

This section contains 15 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks:

I remembered _________fun I had with them.
A. The B. No article C. An D. A
2. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks:
Mozart _________play the piano at the age of three.
A. Could B. Would C. Will D. Must
3. Identify the adjective in the sentence below.
The cricketer was applauded by everyone for his mindboggling performance.
A. Performance B. applauded C. cricketer D. mindboggling
4. Complete the sentence with the correct conjunctions from the choices given
______you can keep time for regular exercise; your quality of life will improve with
leaps and bounds.
A. Besides B. In case of C. Whenever possible D. if
5. Choose the Countable Noun from the sentence “Please serve me some water, rice,
sugar, milk, and eggs.
A. Water B. Sugar C. Eggs D. Rice
6. First person pronouns include:
A. My, mine, me, we, our B. You, your, yours
C. He, she, they, them D. Ours, yours, theirs
7. The cat jumped _____ the chair and tried to catch the ball. Choose the appropriate
A. In B. At C. Off D. With
8. ______ I have got a bad headache. Identify the interjection which is not appropriate
for use.
A. Ouch! B. Oh! C. Bingo! D. Alas!
9. Choose the correct verb to complete the following sentence:
Not only the students but also their instructor ________ been called to the
principal's office.
A. Have B. Has C. Were D. Are
10. Find the correct form of the word to use in the sentence –
Your roommate drives quite fast, doesn't she? __________ is an adverb.
A. Fast B. Quite C. Drives D. room mate
11. Fill in the blanks.
Peggy’s family ____ pedigree dogs for three generations and they regularly ____
their dogs in shows.
A. Are breeding/ are entering B. Were breeding/ are entering
C. Have been breeding/ enter D. Breed/ have entered
12. Fill in the blanks.
I ________ TV when dad arrived.
A. Watched B. was watching C. had watched D. have watched
13. Choose the correct option:
My cousin’s baby is not showing much of physical growth but the doctor says that
her baby _______ walking next year.
A. Will be starting B. Will start
C. Will have been walking D. Is going to start
14. Find out the synonyms of ‘Accord’?
A. Discard B. Discuss C. Agreement D. Compel
15. Which of the following options is an antonym for ‘Cohesive’?
A. Crumbling B. United C. Close-knit D. Adhesive

Section – Aptitude
This section contains 15 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. Which one of the following is not a prime number?

A. 31 B. 61 C. 71 D. 91
2. A man spends 35% of his income on food, 25% on children's education and 80%
of the remaining on house rent. What percent of his income he is left with?
A. 6% B. 8% C. 10% D. 12%
3. In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but
the selling price remains constant, approximately what percentage of the selling
price is the profit?
A. 65% B. 70% C. 45% D. 35%
4. A is twice as good as workman as B and together they finish a piece of work in 18
days. In how many days will B alone finish the work.
A. 23days B. 54days C. 43days D. 63days
5. What was the day on 15th august 1947?
A. Friday B. Sunday C. Monday D. Wednesday
6. The angle between the minute hand and the hour hand of a clock when the time
is 4:20, is:
A. 20º B. 5º C. 10º D. 0º
7. If COURSE is coded as FRXUVH, how is RACE coded as?
8. Gaurav walks 20 metres towards North. He then turns left and walks 40 metres.
He again turns left and walks 20 metres. Further, he moves 20 metres after turning
to the right. How far is he from his original position?
A. 40m B. 50m C. 60m D. 70m
9. A cyclist covers a distance of 750 metres in 2 minutes 30 seconds. What is the
speed in km/h of cyclist?
A. 12km/h B. 18km/h C. 17km/h D. 15km/h
10. Statements: Some papers are pens. All the pencils are pens.
1. Some pens are pencils
2. Some pens are papers.
A. Only (1) conclusion follows B. Only (2) conclusion follows
C. Neither (1) nor (2) follows D. Both (1) and (2) follow

Section – Physics
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
Two block of masses m and 2m are kept on a smooth inclined plane and the
system is pushed using force 3mg as shown. Contact force between those two
blocks will be __________ mg.

2. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
A freely falling body takes 4s to reach the ground. One second after release, the
percentage of its initial potential energy, that is still retained is _________ .
3. A uniform rod of length l is held vertically on a horizontal floor fixing its lower end,
the rod is allowed to fall onto the ground. Find (i) its angular velocity at that instant
of reaching the ground (ii) The linear velocity with which the tip of rod falls to floor
3g 2g 7g
A. , 3 gl B. , 2 gl C. , gl D. None
l l l
4. A body of mass ‘m’ and radius ‘r’ rolling on a horizontal floor with velocity ‘v’, rolls
3v 2
up an inclined plane up to vertical height . Find the moment of inertia of body
and comment on its shape.
A. Disc B. Ring C. Solid sphere D. Hollow sphere
5. Expressions for time in terms of G (universal gravitational constant), h (Planck
constant) and c (speed of light) is proportional to
Gh hc5 c3 Gh
A. 3
B. C. D.
c G Gh c5
6. In a car race, two cars start with velocities u1 and u2 and travel along a straight line
with acceleration  and  respectively. If both reach the finish line at the same
time, then range of the race is
2 ( u1 − u 2 ) ( u1 − u 2 ) u  − u 
A. ( u1 − u 2 ) B. ( 1 2 )
( −  ) 2
(  −  )2
2 ( u1 − u 2 ) 2 ( u1 − u 2 )
C. ( u 2 − u1 ) D. ( u  − u 2 )
(  −  )2 ( −  ) 1
7. In the cube of side ‘a’ shown in the figure, the vector from the central point of the
face ABOD to the central point of the face BEFO will be:

1 ˆ ˆ 1 1 1
A. a k- i ( B. a iˆ - kˆ
) C. a ( ˆj - iˆ)
( ) D. a ˆj - kˆ ( )
2 2 2 2
8. Three masses m, 2m and 3m are arranged in two triangle configurations as shown
in figure 1 and figure 2. Work done by an external agent in hanging the
configuration from figure 1 to figure 2 is
3m 2m

a a a
m a 2m m a
figure 1 figure 2
6Gm 2  6  Gm 2  6  Gm 2  6 
A.  2 −  B. 0 C. −  6 +  D. −  6−
a  2 a  2 a  2 
9. Two harmonic travelling waves are described by the equations y1 = a sin ( kx − t )
and y2 = a sin ( −kx + t +  ) . The amplitude of the superposed wave is
 
A. 2a cos B. 2asin C. 2acos D. 2a sin
2 2
10. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
A source of sound whose frequency is 1000 Hz is moving with a speed 33 m/s.
The waves reflected by a fixed obstacle are registered by a receiver that moves
together with the source. (the speed of the sound waves is 330 m/s). The frequency
registered by the receiver (in kHz) is ___________ .
11. When operating, the ride has a maximum angular speed of 19 / 5 rad/s. How
much is the rod stretched (in µm) then?

A. 3.8 cm B. 4.2 cm C. 0.38 mm D. 0.19 mm

12. Ice at –20° C is added to 50 g of water at 40°C. When the temperature of the
mixture reaches 0°C, it is found that 20 g of ice is still unmelted. The amount of ice
added to the water was close to (Specific heat of water = 4.2 J/g/°C, Specific heat
of Ice = 2.1 J/g/°C, Heat of fusion of water at 0°C = 334 J/g)
A. 50 g B. 40 g C. 60 g D. 100 g
13. A reversible carnot heat engine converts th of its input heat into work. When
the temperature of the sink is reduced by 50K, its efficiency becomes 33 % . The
initial temperatures of the source and the sink respectively are
A. 600 K, 550 K B. 600 K, 450 K C. 300 K, 150 K D. 450 K, 350 K
14. The ratio of the speed of sound in a monoatomic gas at 270 C and rms speed of
the molecules of the same gas at a temperature of 1270 C is ____
A. 1: 2 B. 5 : 12 C. 3 : 4 D. 13 : 17
15. A system has two charges 2.5 10−7 C and −2.5 10−7 C located at points A(0, 0, -
15) cm and B(0, 0, 15) cm respectively. Then the total charge and the dipole
moment of the system respectively are _____ (in C, Cm)
A. 0, 7.5 10−8 B. 7.5 10−8 , 5 10−7 C. 0, 75 10−8 D. 5 10−7 , 7.5 10−8
16. Two identical condensers are joined as shown in the figure. when the switch S is
closed, the total energy of the system is U1 . If the switch is opened and both the
condensers are filled with a dielectric of dielectric constant 3, then the energy of
the system becomes U 2 . The value of ____


A. 3:1 B. 5:1 C. 3:5 D. 5:3

17. A fuse wire of radius 0.2 mm blows off with a current of 5 A. The fuse wire of same
material but of radius 0.3 mm will blow off with a current of______
15 5 3 27
A. A B. A C. 5 A D. 5A
2 2 8
18. A galvanometer of resistance of 5ohm gives a deflection of 50 divisions when
joined in series with a resistance of 20k and a 2 volt accumulator. What is the
current sensitivity of the galvanometer (in div /  A )?
1 div 1 div 1 div 1 div
A. B. C. D.
4 A 5 A 2 A 6 A
19. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
A bar magnet is suspended in a uniform magnetic field in a position such that it
experiences maximum torque. The angle through which it must be rotated from
this position such that it experiences half of the maximum torque is __________ o.
20. Let f1 be the frequency of maximum lyman series, f2 the frequency of first line of
lyman series and f3 the frequency of series limit of balmer series. Then which of
following is correct?
A. f1 – f2 = f3 B. f2 – f1 = f3 C. f1 + f2 = f3 D. 2f3 = f1 + f2
21. A radioactive element ‘X’ converts into another stable element ‘Y’. half-life X is 2
hours. Initially only X is present. After a time ‘t’, if the ratio of atoms of X to Y is 1:
4 then the value of ‘t’ is
A. 2 hours B. 4 hours C. Between 4 hours and 6 hours D. 6 hours
22. Photons of frequencies equal to the frequencies of H  and H lines of hydrogen
incident on a photosensitive plate whose threshold frequency is equal to the
frequency of line of hydrogen. The ratio of the maximum kinetic energies of the
emitted electrons is
A. 7: 16 B. 3: 4 C. 8: 27 D. 5: 36
23. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
A small angled prism of angle 30 made of a material  = 1.5 . A ray of light is made
incident as shown in the figure ‘M’ is a plane mirror. The angle of deviation for the
ray reflected from the mirror ‘M’ with respect to incident ray is ________ o.

24. Two polaroids are placed in the path of unpolarised light beam of intensity I0 such
that no light is emitted from the second polaroid. If a third polaroid whose
polarization axis makes an angle  with that of the first polaroid is placed between
the polaroids, then intensity of light emerging from the last polaroid is
I  I  I 
A.  0  sin 2 2 B.  0  sin 2 C.  0  cos 2  D. I0 cos2 
8 8 2
25. In the circuit shown, the switch S1 is closed at time t = 0 and the switch S2 is kept
open. At some later time (t0), the switch S1 is opened and S2 is closed. The
behaviors of the current I as a function of time ‘t’ is given by”
A. B. C. D.

Section – Chemistry
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
Add 18.11, 12.0 and 2.021.
The number of significant figures contained in reported resulting value are
2. 3.2 g of Sulphur is heated to occupy a volume of 780 ml at 450°C and 723 mm
pressure. Formula of sulphur is
A. S2 B. S C. S4 D. S8
3. The de Broglie wavelength (λ) associated with a photoelectron varies with the
frequency (v) of the incident radiation as, [v0 is threshold frequency]:
1 1 1 1
A. 𝜆 ∝ 3 B. 𝜆 ∝ 1 C. 𝜆 ∝ 1 D. 𝜆 ∝ (𝑣−𝑣0 )
(𝑣−𝑣0 )2 (𝑣−𝑣0 )2 (𝑣−𝑣0 )4
4. Which of the following compounds are with intramolecular hydrogen bonding?

A. All B. I, II only C. II, III, IV D. I, IV only

5. For diatomic ideal gas in a closed system, which of the following plots does not
correctly describe the relation between various thermodynamic quantities?

A. B.

C. D.

6. Liquids A and B form an ideal solution in the entire composition range. At 350 K,
the vapour pressures of pure A and pure B are 7 x 10 3 Pa and 12 x 103 Pa,
respectively. The composition of the vapour in equilibrium with a solution
containing 40 mole percent of A at this temperature is
A. XA = 0.37 ; XB = 0.63 B. XA = 0.28 ; XB = 0.72
C. XA = 0.76 ; XB = 0.24 D. XA = 0.4 ; XB = 0.6
7. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
20 mL of 0.1M H2SO4 solution is added to 39 mL of 0.2M NH4OH solution. The pH
of the resultant mixture is ________ [pkb of NH4OH = 4.7]
8. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
A cell is constituted as follows Pt,H2(1atm)|HA1||HA2|H2(1atm),Pt. The pH of two acids
solutions HA1 and HA2 are 3 and 5 respectively. The emf of the cell is _______ V.
9. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
The time for half-life period of a certain reaction, A → Products is 1 hour. When
the initial concentration of the reactant A is 2.0 mol/L, The time (in H) it takes for
its concentration to come from 0.50 to 0.25 mol/L, if it is a zero order reaction, is
10. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
The volume strength of 1M H2O2 is_________.
(molar mass of H2O2 = 34 gm/mole)
11. The correct statements from the following are:
i) Ca(OH)2 is used in Clark’s method or removal of temporary hardness of water
ii) 100 mL of 10 vol H2O2 on complete decomposition liberates 1L of oxygen at
iii) urea can be added to the solution of H2O2 as stabilizer
A. i, ii B. ii, iii C. i, iii D. i, ii, iii
12. The chemical composition of ‘slag’ formed during the smelting process in the
extraction of copper is
A. Cu2O + FeS B. FeSiO3 C. CuFeS2 D. Cu2S + FeO
13. When the first electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is – 141 kJ/mol. Its second electron
gain enthalpy is
A. a positive value B. a more negative than the first
C. almost the same as that of first D. negative, but less negative than the first
14. Which is not correctly matched
I) Basic strength of oxides
K2O < Na2O < Li2O
II) Mobility of hydrated ions
Be2+ < Li+ < Na+ < K+
III) Thermal stability of bicarbonates
IV) Melting point
NaF < NaCl < NaBr < NaI
A. I and IV B. I and III C. I and II D. II and III
15. 𝐵(𝑂𝐻)3 + 𝑁𝑎𝑂𝐻 𝑁𝑎[𝐵(𝑂𝐻)4 ](aq) Which of the following is the best catalyst to
take this reaction in forward direction.
A. cis-1,2 diol B. trans-1,2 diol C. borax D. Na2HBO4
16. Identify the correct sequence of increasing number of π bonds in structure of the
following molecules:
a) H2S2O6; b) H2SO3; c) H2S2O5
A. a,b,c B. b,c,a C. b,a,c D. a,c,b
17. Identify the statement which are not correct.
i) CrO3 and Mn2O7 are basic oxides
ii) V2O3 and V2O4 are acidic oxides
iii) Cr(VI) is more stable than W(VI)
A. i, ii B. ii, iii C. i, iii D. i, ii, iii
18. Which of the following molecules/ ions can exhibit isomerism?

A. A, B, C, D B. B, C, E C. B, C, D D. A, B, C, E
19. Pure water would have a BOD value of
A. About 1 ppm B. 5-10 ppm C. 10-15 ppm D. 15-20 ppm
20. Match the following

A. A-iv; B-iii; C-ii; D-i B. A-i; B-ii; C-iii; D-iv

C. A-iii; B-i; C-iv; D-ii D. A-ii; B-iv; C-i; D-iii
21. The hyper conjugative stabilities of tert-butyl cation and 2-butene, respectively
are due to:
A. σ → σ * and σ → π electron delocalisations
B. σ → P (empty) and σ → π* electron delocalisations
C. σ → P (filled) and σ → π electron delocalisations
D. P (filled) → σ* and σ → π* electron delocalisations
22. Arrange the reactivity of the given alcohols in decreasing order for elimination

A. c,b,d,a B. b,c,d,a C. a,c,b,d D. a,c,d,b

23. Among the following compounds which can be dehydrated very easily?

A. B. C. D.


A.Glycolic acid B. α - hydroxy propanoic acid

C. Succinic acid D. Malonic acid


A. I > II > III B. I > III > II C. III > II > I D. II > I > III
Section – Mathematics
This section contains 25 Questions (20 MCQs and 5 FIBs). Each MCQ has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct. For FIB type question, answer the
question with a numeric value upto two decimal places.

1. If sets A and B are defined as

A = ( x, y ) : y = e x , x  R
B = ( x, y ) : y = x, x  R ,then
A. B  A B. A  B C. A  B =  D. A  B = A
2. Let W denote the words in the English dictionary. Define the relation R by
R = {( x, y ) W W / the words x and y have at least one letter in common} , then
R is
A. not reflexive, symmetric and transitive
B. reflexive, symmetric and not transitive
C. reflexive, symmetric and transitive
D. reflexive, not symmetric and transitive
3. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(For example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
2 f ( n) +1
If f ( n + 1) = , n = 1, 2,... and f (1) = 2 then f (101) is equal to _________
4. P is a point denoting z in the Argand diagram and if is always purely imaginary
z −1
then the locus of P is
1 1 1
A. The circle with centre  ,  and radius
2 2 2
 1 1 1
B. The circle with centre  − ,  and radius
 2 2 2
1 1 1
C. The points on the circle with centre  ,  and radius , excluding the points
2 2 2
(1,0) and (0,1)
 1 1 1
D. The points on the circle with centre  − ,  and radius , excluding the
 2 2 2
5. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as
In a group of 60 people, 40 speak Hindi, 20 speak both Hindi and English and all
people speak at least one of the language. The number of people who speak only
English and not Hindi are __________
1 1 1
6. Let a1, a2, a3….a4001 are in A.P. such that + + ... + = 10 and a2 +
a1a2 a2 a3 a4000 a4001
a4000 = 50 then a1 − a4001 is equal to
A. 20 B. 30 C. 40 D. None of these
1 2 2 
 
7. If A = 2 1 2 then A−1 =
 
 2 2 1 
1 1
A. 4I − A B. A − 4 I C. ( A − 4I ) D. ( 4 I − A)
5 5
8. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as

Number of solutions of the given equation tan x + sec x = 2 cos x lying in the
interval [0, 2π] is __________.
9. Let a = i + j , b = j + k and c = i + k . If d is a unit vector such that a .d = 0 and
b . ( c  d ) = 0, then d =

(i + j ) (i − j )
1 1
A.  B. 
2 2
1 1 1  1 1 
C. i + j+ k D.   j+ k
2 2 3  2 2 
10. The following circuit when expressed in symbolic form of logic is


A. p  (q ' r ') B. p  (q  r ) C. p  (q  r ) D. p ' (q ' r ')

11. If “x” is the number of ways in which six women and six men can be arranged to
sit in a row such that no two women are together and if “y” is the number of ways
they are seated around a table in the same manner, then x : y =
A. 12 : 1 B. 42 : 1 C. 16 : 1 D. 6 : 1
12. In an admission test, there are 15 multiple choice questions. Each question is
followed by 4 alternatives to choose. Out of these there may be one or more than
one correct answers. If a student attempts all the 15 questions and marks the
answers randomly, then number of different ways he can answer the question
paper is
A. c4 B. 1515 C. 415 D. 4! . 15!
1 1 1
13. For all n  N , 1 + + + .... + is
2 3 n
A.  n B.  n C.  n D.  n
14. The coefficient of x in the expansion of
(1 + x ) + 2 x (1 + x ) + 3x2 (1 + x ) + ... + 101x100 , is
100 99 98

100 101 102 103

A. C50 B. C50 C. C50 D. C50
15. If x = sec  − cos  , y = sec n  − cos n  then =
y2 + 4 y2 + 4 𝑥 2 +4 x2 + 4
A. B. n 2 C. 𝑛√𝑦 2+4 D.
x2 + 4 x +4 y2 + 4

16. The perimeter of a sector is a constant. If its area is to be maximum, then the
sectorial angle is
c c
A. B. C. 4c D. 2c
6 4
−1 x
cot (e )
17.  dx =
1 (e x ) 1 (e x )
A. log(e x + 1) − cot −1 x + x + c B. log(e2 x + 1) + cot −1 x + x + c
2 e 2 e
1 (e x ) 1 (e x )
C. log(e2 x + 1) − cot −1 x − x + c D. log(e2 x + 1) + cot −1 x − x + c
2 e 2 e
x −1 1
18.  x +1 x ( x 2 + x + 1)
dx =

1 1
A. tan −1 x + +1 + C B. 2 tan −1 x + +1 + C
x x
1 1 1
C. 2 tan −1 x + +1 + C D. tan −1 x + + 1 + C
x 2 x
19. If f ( x) =  dt, then
2 + t4
1 1 1
A.  f (2)  B. f (2)  (or ) f (2)  2
18 3 2
1 1
C. f (2)  D. f (2) 
3 3
20. Let y = y (x)be the solution of the differential equation,
x + y = x log e x,(x > 1) . If 2 y (2)= loge 4 - 1, then y(e) is equal to
e2 e e e2
A. B. C. - D. -
4 4 2 2
21. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as

The number of ways can Rs 16 be divided into 4 persons when none of them get
less than Rs 3 is ________
22. For the following question, enter the correct numerical value upto TWO decimal
places. If the numerical value has more than two decimal places, round-off the
value to TWO decimal places.

(for example: Numeric value 5 will be written as 5.00 and 2.346 will be written as

The region bounded by the curves x2 = y, y = x + 2 and x-axis has the area enclosed
by them is in its simplest form then p + q is __________
23. If the circles x + y − 16x − 20y + 164 = r and ( x − 4 ) + ( y − 7 ) = 36 intersect at
2 2 2 2 2

two distinct points, then:

A. r = 11 B. r  11 C. 0  r  1 D. 1  r  11
24. If the tangent at the point  4 cos 2 , 16 sin 2  on the ellipse 16 x 2 + 11y 2 = 256
 11 
touches the circle x 2 + y 2 − 2 x = 15 , then  =
   
A.  B.  C.  D. 
3 6 4 8
25. For a  0,if the sum of the distances of a point from (a,0,0) and (-a,0,0) is a
constant 2k, then the locus of that point is
x2 y 2 + z 2
A. x + k
2 2
(y 2
+z 2
)=k 2
B. 2 + 2
k k − a2

x2 y2 + z2 1
C. 2 + =1 D. x 2 + y 2 + z 2 =
k − a2 k2 k +1

Section – Biology
This section contains 25 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices
(a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
1. Neuroglial cells support and provide nutrition for the _______.
A. Neurons B. Muscles cells C. Glands D. Nephrons
2. Acromegaly is the result of
A. Hypersecretion of GH in children B. Hypersecretion of GH in adults
C. Hypersecretion of GH D. Deficiency of vitamin D
3. The first step in photosynthesis is
A. ionization of water
B. joining of three carbon atoms to form glucose
C. formation of ATP
D. excitement of an electron of chlorophyll by a photon of light
4. What influences the process of flowering in plants?
A. Photoperiod B. Water in the soil
C. The acidity of the soil D. Amount of green pigment
5. Which of these is used in commercial production of acetic acid?
A. Aspergillus niger B. Acetobacter aceti
C. Clostridium butylicum D. Lactobacillus
6. A cell without a cell wall is termed as
A. Tonoplast B. Protoplast C. Symplast D. Apoplast
7. When all the monosaccharides in a polysaccharide are same type, such type of a
polysaccharide is called a
A. Glycogen B. Homoglycan C. Heteroglycan D. Oligosaccharide
8. Non protein amino acids are
A. Beta alanine B. Ornithine
C. Gamma amino butyric acid D. All of these
9. When there is an increase in the condensation of chromatin during the process of
cell division –
A. Heretochromain increases
B. Euchromatin increases
C. Differentiation of euchromatin & heterochromatin decreases
D. Differentiation of euchromatin & heterochromatin increases
10. Interferon is a glycoprotein which is:
A. Antibacterial B. Antifungal C. Antiviral D. All of these
11. A dental condition that is characterized by hyper mineralization of teeth enamel
due to excessive intake of _____________. The teeth often appear mottled.
A. Sodium B. Calcium C. Fluoride D. Mercury
12. The alveoli of the lungs do not contain "air" because
A. We normally do not ventilate our lungs at a high enough rate.
B. The lungs have too many alveoli to ventilate.
C. There is "dead space" in the trachea and bronchi.
D. The trachea and bronchi are too small in volume.
13. Bacterial artificial chromosomes are the __________________ of bacterial cells.
A. Polymerase enzyme B. Proteases
C. F-factors D. Exonucleases
14. Root hairs occur in the zone of
A. cell maturation B. mature cells
C. cell elongation D. cell division
15. Blackman's law is related to
A. Respiration B. Transpiration
C. Photosynthesis D. Root pressure
16. Actin filaments and titin molecules are cross-linked in the:
A. A band via the M-line protein
B. Z disc via the Z-line protein alpha-actinin
C. M line via the myomesin protein
D. I band via the M-line protein
17. In which of the following animals is urea retained for hypertonicity?
A. Elasmobranchs B. Teleosts
C. Xenopus D. Sphenedon
18. Number of births per thousand people in the population is expressed as
A. Crude birth rate B. Growth rate
C. Conception rate D. Reproduction rate
19. Primary succession occurs on
A. harvested crop field B. newly formed river delta
C. area destroyed due to forest fire D. all of these
20. Inbreeding is carried out in animal husbandry because it
A. Increases vigor B. Improves the breed
C. Increases heterozygosity D. Increases homozygosity
21. Cancer is related to
A. Uncontrolled growth of tissue B. Non-malignant tumor
C. Controlled division of tissues D. None of these
22. ___________ is defined as the number of species represented in a specific
region, landscape or an ecological community.
A. Coevolution B. Commensalism
C. Species richness D. Population density
23. What is the cause of discoloration in fresh water?
A. Fungal bloom B. Viral bloom
C. An algae bloom D. Bacterial bloom
24. The term taxonomy was coined by
A. De Candolle B. Theophrastus
C. Pliny D. Linnaeus
25. Static concept of species was proposed by _______.
A. Darwin B. Theophrastus
C. Linnaeus D. De Candolle

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