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VISION “MABINI COLLEGES provides quality instruction,

“MABINI COLLEGES shall research and extension service programs at all educational
cultivate a CULTURE of levels as its monumental contribution to national and
EXCELLENCE in Education.” MABINI COLLEGES, INC. global growth and development.
Specifically, it transforms students into:
Governor Panotes Avenue, 

God – fearing
Nation – loving
Daet, Camarines Norte 

Law abiding
Earth caring
 Productive, and
 Locally and Globally competitive persons
National Service Training Program
Literacy Training Service


Title: The Core Values of NSTP

Name of Student:
Course/ Year:
Class Schedule:

Module Overview:

This lesson discusses the Core Values of NSTP to promote and integrate values education
derive from the preamble of 1987 constitution. It also discusses the core and related values, that
are conceived and enunciated, by the 8th core and related values that everybody -not only the
youth -should have and nurture. This module emphasizes the Filipino values presented in the
preamble which simplified and categorized into; Maka-Diyos (Pagkamaka-Diyos), Maka-Tao
(Pagkamaka-Tao), Maka-Bayan (Pagkamaka-Bansa), and Maka- Kalikasan (Pagkamaka-
Kalikasan). This module also discusses why are these core values of NSTP is important among

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this module you can:
 Identify and describe the Core values of NSTP
 Reflect on your personal core values in relation to the values derived from 1987 preamble
 Compose or Make a song that shows the importance of core values as LTS student

Read this…

 Values are caught not taught as the saying goes; it means you learn values or behaviors
from the people who practice them, especially at home, which is considered your first
school. You "catch" such values by seeing them lived on the other hand, if you see
someone consistently living out what they believe, you might "catch" it. If their modeling
of those values is powerful enough, their values can be caught. 

 Values come from the latin word "valere." Value has been defined as any object,
activity, or frame of mind that a person considers to be very important to his or her life.
Unlike attitudes, values come in, as a conscious list of priorities. All of our values taken
together are called “value system”. A corporate culture, is a system of values shared in
any given place or organization. Values education is founded on a sound philosophy of
the human person with all its philosophical ramifications and implications. The system
and overarching value that characterizes education is “HUMAN DIGNITY”

The Meaning of Man as a Person 
The term “person” is applied to men, women and children, who are called natural
persons or a member of the human race. To speak of man as a being with others is to speak
of man as a person. Ample consideration has been rendered in an inquiry on personalism. 
Personalism is a study of man as a person - unique, a who, a subject, and a self… never
alone in his existence. 
Personhood (pagkatao) – individual unique personhood, inasmuch as the individual is the
person, and the person in the individual. Being with others is very important as the saying
“No man is an island” goes; no man lives alone. People need people. 
ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH YOUR ENTIRE MIND (greatest commandment). Love
your neighbor as you lose yourself (39) (2nd most important commandment). Selfhood is
to conceive it as a personal role that one plays in the general drama in life. Individual
differences, responsibilities, decisions, relationships, and involvements are to be and work
to be performed. 
*Where values come from? 

Values come early childhood (values of our parents, environment, the school, the
church, and the government) To understand where your values come from, begin with your
beliefs. The quality of your values will ultimately be determined by the source of your
beliefs. For example, when your beliefs are tied to an expert or authority—whether it’s a
religious leader, ancestor, or your parents—your beliefs are only as solid as that authority.
 Conceived and enunciated, the 8th core and related values that everybody -not
only the youth -should have and nurture. 
1. Physical - Health -physical fitness cleanliness, how many with material universe,
art and beauty. 
2. Intellectual - truth knowledge, Creative and critical thinking. 
3. Moral -love -integrity, honesty, self-worth, self-esteem, personal discipline. 
4. Social, Family, Society – Social responsibility-mutual love, Respect, Fidelity
responsible Parenthood, concern for others/common good, freedom/equality social
justice/respect, human rights -peace/active, nonviolence popular participation. 
5. Economic -economic Efficiency =thriftiness, conservation of resources, work
ethics, self-reliance, productivity, scientific and technological knowledge. 
6.Political -nationalism =common identity, national unity, self-esteem, commitment,
civic consciousness/pride bayanihan/solidarity, loyalty to country.  

 Good Citizen values 

What is a good Filipino citizen? 
 The good values, must start among ourselves as Filipino people... Good Filipino
citizen is one who plays an active and intelligent role as a member of the community. he is one
who fulfills his duties and obligations to the government and society. He possesses the traits and
respectfulness courtesy and consideration for parents' elders and for others. He observes
punctuality, promptness and good moral conduct.  
As a student, how can you become a good citizen?  
  You can become a good citizen by living in accordance with good citizenship values
derive from the preamble of 1987 constitution. 
We the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of almighty God in order to build
adjust Humane Society and establish a government that shall embody ideas and aspirations,
promote common good, conserve and develop patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our
posterity the blessing of independence and democracy under the role of law and regime of truth,
justice freedom, love, equity, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this constitution. 
The Filipino values presented in the preamble have been simplified and categorized
into the following: 
I. MAKA-DIYOS (Pagkamaka-Diyos) - Maka-Diyos/Godly - this trait shows the love of
someone for their Lord. It shows religious commitment, dedication, and passion in
serving the Lord.
In whatever religion you belong or in whatever way you call God, what is important is  your faith
in almighty God and follow all his commandments to the fullest of their ability, and offer your
lives for the Love of God.  God becomes our refuge when we experience problems. We draw our
strengths from our faith.

A. Faith in the Almighty God imploring the aid of almighty God - This is
the basic value: put God in the centre of your lives communicate with him by
means of prayers. we should look to him as your as your ultimate source, one
with infinite powers to help you in your work, enable you to meet your needs
and to get you out of trouble and crisis. with this experience you become fully
aware of things you can accomplish when you live a life of faith. 
B. Respect for Life The most precious gift that you can have received from
God is “life”. Therefore, you need to treasure it, keep away from
destroying yourself, do not take prohibited drugs, do not get drunk with liquors
nor indulge in any other vices that might harm are destroy your life. 
C. Order - the value of order is to have priorities “first thing first”. It is
simply doing the right thing right at the right time in the right place without any
doubt. Order entails the discipline of mind emotion and action. You need this
for a peaceful successful and productive life. 
D. Work - work is a gift, and it has become part of your nature and destiny.
God has given you talents to use wisely in your work and in return, you are
expected to settle for nothing less than excellent results. Hard work, quality
work and honest word are what make a citizen good productive and self-reliant
member of the society. 
Remember this: “give fish to a man, and he will have food for a
day; teach him how to fish, and he shall have to do it throughout his
E. Concerned for the family and future generations - be kind and
generous starting with your family. This value emphasizes that your family is a
gift from God and that utmost attention must be focused on the family, a
sanctuary of life and a corner unit of society. You draw inspiration and strength
from your family, so you are expected to do your responsibilities as a member
of the family to keep it intact and strong against the forces that tend to destroy
its values and sense of unity.  
II. MAKA-TAO (Pagkamaka-tao) – Humane – It shows compassion and benevolence
towards other people. Kindness and respect are the best words to describe this trait.
This values simply means respecting each other's opinion and rights regardless of the
existing differences between you and other people. Bob Ong says Love means so much to
us, and simply love is the answer to our many questions and during these trying times. It
is by love that we care, respect, accept, forgive and trust.  
A. Democracy, Freedom and Independence – It is best to live your life
doing what you want, to live where you want, to eat freely and to learn what
your heart desires. Every person has the right and freedom of thought, belief,
possessing a political opinion. You should practice freedom with a clear
understanding of its limits, with a sense of discipline which leads you to love
your fellowmen, understand their plight, and do what is good and right while
avoiding bad and wrong thinking. 

B. Peace –Is a God-Given gift that you must nurture by prayer and practice.
This can be attained and sustained the when you developed a sense of
commitment of your faith in God, concern and respect of fellow men, loyalty
their country and care for environment. 
C. Truth - Francis Bacon said: it is not what we eat, but what we digest that
makes us strong; not what we gain, but what we save that makes us rich, not
what we read, but what we remember that makes us learned; and not what we
profess, but what we practiced that gives us integrity... Integrity is
telling oneself of the truth. Mark Twain said: when you tell the truth, you
don't have to remember anything. 

D. Justice - We value justice by means of promoting ethical equality that

enhanced the essence of fairness and social justice. It means the promotion of
healthy and humane Society, respect for the poor and the unfortunate ones,
correct use of power, moving carefully away from graft, corruption and other
wrong doings.

E. Love - love conquers all as all the saying goes; it is a four-letter word that
entails sacrifice, responsibility, and service. Love binds us together as a nation
as our heroes died for our freedom. love is the key to our national progress.
Let love be the beginning, the middle, and the end of our history. 
 Why is that, some people say that our nation has never moved
 Does the “LOVE” within us, can help our nation to move
Answer may vary... 
III. MAKA-BAYAN (Pagkamaka-bansa) - Patriotic- This trait shows the love for the country
and its countrymen. It is protecting the country by following rules and regulation, and
being a role model to other citizens.
A. Unity –If we are holding each other and be united, we can stand; but if we
are divided, we will fall in times of challenges and trials. We should bind
ourselves as one nation, like a broomstick, that if you just used a piece of it
you cannot sweep a mess easily, but when you bind the pieces together you
can sweep and clean the entire surroundings. Unity was also the key when our
heroes united against the colonisers just to get our freedom and secured the
country's independence.    
B. Equality - Mahatma Gandhi said; there will never be real equality so long
as one feels inferior or superior to one another. this value means treating one
another with equality and utmost dignity, respect for fellow human beings
regardless of religion or , sex, race, and social status. All men are created
equal and they have every right to be treated fairly in the interests of love and
C. Respect for law and government rule of law - the new respect the law
you also respect the government. It shows patriotism and love of country.
You can criticize the government against bad leaders, but you better keep
mum if you cannot offer any alternatives to the problems.  
D. Patriotism conserve and develop our patrimony - patriotism is every
person’s sense of duty and responsibility to contribute to the development of
our country protecting our integrity and upholding the rights and dignity of
our people, being proud of our personal national identity, and being
responsible voters, are some of the concrete example of how we cultivate the
value of patriotism. 
E. Common Good - promote the common good is an obligation of every
member the society to help one another in attaining social justice and welfare
of the future generation. It is to share, what do you have with other members
of society who need your help most, so that their human dignity will be
upheld. In doing this, you should be sincere and willing to be counted in the
work of promoting the common good since the government needs all citizens
to join in this mission. 
IV. MAKA- KALIKASAN (Pagkamaka-kalikasan) -
 Stewardship - Did You Know That We Are the Stewards of Nature?
Loving and caring for the environment is the first task that God ever gave to man.
We are stewards of nature and we need to maintain balance between caring for the
environment and caring for people.

God calls us to respectfully care for our planet, and these tips will help you
live that!
a profound way to honor and remember the day of Christ’s death, but it’s good
for the planet, good for your body, and cuts down on your grocery budget too!
2. GROW A PLANT (OR EVEN A GARDEN!) -Growing your own produce is a
great way to literally care for God’s creation as you nurture young plants.
Whether it’s a small pot of chives on the kitchen windowsill, a tomato plant
growing on the patio, an apple tree in the yard, or a whole garden of raised beds,
finding a way to grow plants to eat is a good way to steward the earth.
HANDY -You probably know it saves money and is better for the planet to use
reusable grocery bags, but it’s so easy to forget to bring them along on a
shopping run! Solve this problem by storing reusable bags wherever it’s most
convenient for errands—in the trunk of your car, or in your briefcase, backpack,
purse or even diaper bag (these bags that fold up tiny are perfect!). That way you
can access a reusable bag whenever you need it.
what’s good for your energy bill is also good for the earth. Something as simple
as always turning off the lights when you leave a room will really add up. You
can even make a game of it, sending your kids on a “light hunt” to check that all
your lights are off before you leave the house for the day.
little healthier in 2020? Biking and walking are great for your body and the
planet. Try to bike or walk anytime you need to travel somewhere that’s only a
mile or two from home.
AND SNACK BAGS-Whether you bring a sack lunch to work or pack one for
your kids at school, invest in some great reusable products instead of plastic
sandwich and snack bags.
bottled water can be a tough habit to break. But the truth is that bottled water
companies aren’t selling water; they’re selling disposable plastic bottles, which
are doing no favors for the planet or your wallet.

 Bayanihan - We are one family that joyfully supports each other especially in
times of tree planting activities and also in times of natural disaster. As we
strive to work together, we strengthen each other and the bonds that link the
Human Nature bayanihan chain. With this values we can help our mother
nature to have clean air to breathe, clean water to drink, clean river to swim, clean ocean to
experience adventures, abundant agricultural farm and healthy life that is worth living.

Nature is God Grace to you, so you should take care of all his creations, using all environment resources properly
and prudently, and you should develop a sense of urgency in way you treat your environment to bring back all
praises and glory to GOD. Participate and get involved in government by launching an effective and efficient
sustainable “Clean-and-Green” Program nationwide.

Why are these core values of NSTP is important?

Having or acquiring these values is important because these will help an individual to
become a better person. It will not only benefit the person acquiring the trait or values, but also
the people surrounding that individual. Every individual and every organization is involved in
making hundreds of decisions every day. The decisions we make are a reflection of our values
and beliefs, and they are always directed towards a specific purpose.
Remember that our values affect our thoughts, that becomes our emotion, and results to
our words and actions. Our values are important because they guide our beliefs, attitudes and
behavior, which help us to grow and develop. Values are important because they can help us to
predict each other’s choices, and can help us avoid misunderstandings, frustration and distrust.
So always keep in your heart and mind these core values, because learning that people have
different values from yours, your knowledge about these values will help you to better
understand them the way they behave and decide on a particular situation.


Direction: Answer the following questions in the

table below. After this activity you will have to present your answer with a great personal
Please choose What behavior do you exhibit at Reflect to the What are the positive
your personal core home that describe this personal core values derived benefits of your personal
values from the values? Write your specific behavior from the 1987 core values?
list below. Choose or experience. preamble. Write
only one (1) word the values that you
for each box. think you can
relate to your
personal core
Example: Compassionate: Example: Example: Compassion
Feels or shows sympathy or Compassion I feel warmth, caring, desire
to help other person, and in
concern for others. -At home, I relate this
some way it reduces my
Example: every night we pray every night values to stress.
Compassion to give thanks to God. -I show MAKA-DIYOS
my concern and sympathy -Concerned for
every time I guide my sister the family
while answering her modules.





1 2 3 4

Put down the negativity

As the professor poured the water into a glass, I expected him to ask the typical “glass half
empty or glass half full” question. Instead, the professor asked, “How heavy is this glass of
water?” Students shouted out answers ranging from 8 eight ounces to 16 sixteen ounces.
The professor replied, “The absolute weight of this glass doesn’t matter.
It all depends on how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute or two, it’s fairly light.
If I hold it for an hour straight, its weight might make my arm ache a little.
If I hold it for a day straight, my arm will likely cramp up and feel completely numb and
paralyzed, forcing me to drop the glass to the floor.
Class! In each case, the weight of the glass doesn’t change, but the longer I hold it, the heavier it
feels to me.”
As the class shook their heads in agreement, he continued, “Your stresses and worries in life
are very much like this glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing happens.
Think about them a bit longer and you begin to ache a little. Think about them all day
long, and you will feel completely numb and paralyzed — incapable of doing anything else
until you drop them.”

This is a true analogy for many millennials including myself. I want to remind ourselves to take a
chill pill. I know dozens of people in their mid-20’s who are literally working away the best
decade of life because they want to be a hustler and achieve financial freedom. While there’s
nothing wrong with working hard, you shouldn’t sacrifice your quality of life for a big paycheck.

Moral: It’s important to remember, to let go of your stresses and worries specially in this
trying time. Just Live life! when we are faced with a stressful situation our values may
change. Values affect the way individuals approach a subject and tackle problems because
values influence individual behavior, and negative behaviour result to negative values that
causes stress. Remember to let go of your stresses and pray because you are still blessed.

Answer questions below. Write your answer in the space provide.
1. Does your personal values, helps you to fight stress? Explain your answer.

2.What is the most valuable thing you have learned from this lesson? Why?

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