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Please read and complete this form carefully.
PURPOSE OF THE X-FGD: Universiti Teknologi MARA is undertaking this X-FGD to generate valuable
information of the graduate program. The X-FGD is an opportunity for the school to learn about student
experiences in our program and to receive feedback on our program and the department as a whole.
The directions and scope of the conversation depends on the student’s interests and experiences. The
X-FGD is scheduled at the end of semester for all final semester students including both full time and
part time students. The school will take the information and feedback from the X-FGD into account to
guide future improvements of the graduate program.

PROCEDURES: The X-FGD will take approximately 60 to 90 minutes. You will be asked to answer the
questions verbally.

POTENTIAL RISK AND DISCOMFORTS: There are no anticipated risks to your participation.

PAYMENT/TOKEN FOR PARTICIPATION: The X-FGD does not offer any monetary reward to the

POTENTIAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: Universiti Teknologi MARA does not have any financial
interest in the subject being studied.

CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The information gathered will be treated with care and kept
confidential. All information (audio, transcript & photograph) will be used exclusively for the purpose of
this study. The data will be anonymized for the study and thus will contain no personal identifiable
information. If the results of the research are published or discussed in conferences, no information will
be included that would reveal your identity.

Thus, I give my consent to participate in this X-FGD and have had the purpose and procedure
satisfactorily explained to me in verbal and / or written form by the moderator.

*Acknowledgment of participation: Signature in the following page.

Student ID and signature:




1. Please answer all the questions in 150 words or more

2. We are interested in all your ideas and experiences, so please feel free to say what is on your
mind. If you do not agree with something or anyone in this group, it is all right. Remember, there are
no right or wrong answers. We just want to hear your opinions.

3. It is very important that you do not discuss anything that takes place during the discussion with
anyone once you leave here. This means that you should not tell anyone outside of this group who
was here or what they said. This will protect everyone’s right to confidentiality.

1. Please introduce yourself. You do not have to write your name’ just indicate your gender. Tell us about your
background, academic and work (if any) 

2. Can you share with us what made you decide to finish your study at UiTM? 

3. What was your expectation when you enrolled in this program (KBA243)? 

4. Now that you are in the final semester and about to complete your study, does your experience with KBA243
and achievement meet your expectation/target?
If Yes, why? If No, why not?

5. What is the key skill(s) that you have acquired throughout your study in KBA243?
How did you acquire them?
What skill(s) you expected to acquire but did not?
Why were you not able to acquire them?

6. What do you like most about KBA243? Why?

What do you like most about your program? Why?

7. What do you dislike about KBA243? Why?
What do you dislike most about your program? Why?

8. Would you recommend others to take KBA243?

If Yes, why? 
If No, why?

9. What are your suggestions for improvement would you give to the faculty with regards to KBA243? 
(e.g. brand, program, facilities, management, administration, and etc.) 

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